The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Sorry to hear another round is coming Marla. I hope it bypasses you!

    L you and your family need a break from stuff happening. Any chance you can plan a nice get away this year before Colin goes on to his next stage of life?

    Ang- I hope you get a chance to talk to Joseph and have a heart to heart clearing up misunderstandings. Do you still like your job?

    Shirley- Isaac looks so huggable! Lucky you!

    I am roasting pumpkin seeds and then we are off to church and treating ourselves to a nice restaurant. The adult kids are dressing up for Halloween and going out together as couples. We won't see them. Yes, once again we are avoiding Halloween and having a date night!

    Tomorrow I plan to make home made marinara sauce and Autumn Chowder Soup. I also have some paper work to get done. Rainy weekend so good time to accomplish these things.

    We need to get our patio furniture put away and covered, etc. Warm this next week so Fall continues! Gain an hour of sleep tonight too, yay!

    Well need to rescue the seeds before I burn them. Have a Happy Halloween!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    We went to church for a guest pastor speaker and then out to a nice restaurant last night. I had Alaskan Halibut and it was wonderful. Trick or treaters were still out when we got home but no one came to the door since our light was off. I didn't buy candy so it's a good thing they didn't. Wouldn't want a trick such as smashing our pumpkins, since we didn't answer the door.

    This morning, Russ and I went to the farmer's market to see what was still being sold. Only about 10 vendors or so. I bought some tiny pumpkins and gourds to make a sensory bin for work. I put Indian (colored) popcorn kernels, dry beans, in a bin with scoops and cups. I added the pumpkins and gourds and have colored some white rice orange to add in too. I found some little foam shapes of tiny leaves, pumpkins, corn, and squash at the dollar store and added those. Little toddlers and preschoolers love to scoop, fill and dump and search for small items in sensory bins. For some it is very calming and others, opposite effect. I have a teacher evaluation coming up with a little girl that is a handful. This bin will help her remain calm for our session when she starts to get antsy. I'll use this through Thanksgiving and then switch to a Christmas theme.

    I'm making home made marinara. It's cooking on the stove. I will freeze it for spaghetti or some other type of Italian dish. I saw an easy recipe for a chicken parmasan that may be a nice week night meal. Tonight I'm going to make Navy Bean Soup with ham in it using one of those Bear Creek Soup mixes. Have you every heard of them. They make a nice, easy soup with some add-ins.

    We ordered our fresh, farm turkey yesterday for our early Thanksgiving dinner. It's hard to believe November is here and in two weeks we will celebrate the holiday early. David and Chantrelle fly to Australia on 11/16 and Rory is staying up at school to work since he will be home 11/14. Russ and I are going to relax Thanksgiving Day and not fuss about cooking a big meal.

    Well my marinara needs to be stirred. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    I made myself a new soup recipe Saturday night because I was starving for something 'good' - it didn't turn out as awesome as I wanted it to be - but it was ok - called a mushroom barley - it called for whole milk and I only had skim - so that may have been part of it -

    had Zach's family party yesterday - it was nice - but I was more than a bit miffed with all of the boys for not helping - feel like telling them that's the last one - if they can't help not gonna do it all myself - meh
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    What's the saying, Boys will be boys. I guess boys don't want to help but girls are no different.

    Our yoga retreat was more relaxing this time not having to worry about my daughter and her cat wounds like last year.
    We had a great start and did a ALOT of yoga. On Saturday we had two 90 mins sessions and one 2 hour session. I was
    tired that night. We had a sing a long on Saturday night and they handed out chocolates from a large bowl for Halloween.
    The food was delicious and we had workshops on healing yourself through yoga.

    Back to reality and my ZEN mood is slowly dissapating. :/ I am catching up on laundry and will have to clean the
    upstairs some time this week. Tonight we will meet our friend Tom at my friend's grave site to put flowers
    on. Today it has been a year since she passed from cancer. One of her daughter's asked us over for dinner
    which was really nice. I have choir practice tonight so I will leave from there.

    Kristina, my oldest, and I are going to take up TM meditation. (transcendental meditation) I go for an information
    session on Sunday and my daughter is doing the same in Toronto at a center. I cleaned out the upstairs bedroom
    and my DH is going to paint it and I will turn it into a meditation room and decorate it too. So that's my newest
    project. Our carpeting for the downstairs is in and will be laid on Nov 18th. We will probably due some painting
    downstairs too. So we have some Fall/Winter projects coming up.

    Next week Tuesday and Wednesday we are seeing Isaac again. Can't wait. He is rolling over back and forth
    and trying to creep.

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Busy busy times at work. We are ramping up to a release a system upgrade that integrates two systems -- it's been a three year project. Early mornings and very late nights this week and testing all weekend. It's only Tuesday...

    Collin is still able to play football with his broken hand. He's in a soft cast during the day and then adds another brace during practice and games. It looks like a blue Incredible Hulk fist. There are two more weeks to the regular season then playoffs. They should make the first round. Thursday night is senior night. Cannot believe it!!

    I love Bear Creek Soups. Easy and tasty.

    I really want to learn to like yoga. I just can't seem to find the time -- even by dvd or you tube. I think if I kept at it I could learn to "free my mind." Right now I'm running what seems like 50 million directions physically and mentally.

    Back to work. Just needed a change of scenery. I can always count on a good read with you all.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Glad to see you check in with us "L". Maybe one day you will have some Zen moments.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    good thoughts for your upgrade - dicey situations for sure - we had a big one in the spring and it was a mess for awhile - good woo woo!!

    Healing mojo for Collin too! Hope to see pics from senior night - woot
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Just lost a post. Check in with computer this weekend. On tablet.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Lots going on for everyone!
    L- I don't get how Colin plays with a broken hand. What position does he play again? Nice that he doesn't have to miss out his senior year.
    Marla- Frustrating when you feel like you do it all and no one notices or appreciates it. It's ok not to do it all and let all the guys see they need to pitch in or some things won't happen. Hard to do but it may get the message across at some point. Did Zach enjoy his birthday? How is the job situation?
    Shirley-Have fun setting up your meditation room. It sounds like the retreat was great. How are the home improvements coming along?
    Ang- How's your love life? I hope you get some of the unusually warm fall weather that we are having.

    I came home and got in my pajamas right away. Busy week once again and I'm mentally tired. The days are flying by due to being so busy at work and our weather has made it so nice to be outside.

    I second the TGIF!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    Saturday - last night was middle school youth lock in - Zach ('senior' youth) went and helped until 12:30 a.m. and then had to get Caleb by 7 a.m. - I am glad for these events but even not working it I am still tired and spent most of the night worrying all was ok - because I know there are a ton of kids mostly being looked after by kids - learning to let go - tired though - I am NOT a night owl -

    up for a quick work check in - then off to the store - for who knows what - nothing in the house - and nothing sounds good - uh-oh - that's usually trouble - weather is starting to drop - I still love these temps - for me its sweatshirts

    Caleb ended up with strep - he called from school monday claiming sick - his dad took him to urgent care and the rapid strep came back negative - so I put him to bed for the rest of the day and sent him back to school Tuesday and he had seemed fine - Thursday night I get a call that the grow out culture came back positive for strep. Well, heck people I have been sending him to school - oh well - I feel bad for exposing others - but I seriously did not think he was unwell - sick kid care level - fail

    hope you all have great weekends - hope to see some pics from L and senior night I bet that was emotional!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Poor Caleb! Hope he feels better.
    The weekend flew by. Beautiful weather. We've been lucky with these temps.
    On my tablet. Keyboard horrible to use. More tomorrow.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Finally brought my computer home. I have my teacher evaluation tomorrow so my boss is observing me on a home visit. I haven't seen this child in a month due to family cancellation, testing, etc. Should be interesting to see how she responds to me with a stranger there too. The whole session could bomb...

    How is everyone? We are still enjoying wonderful sunny weather with temps in the 50's. This will make the winter seem much shorter. I hope snow holds off until after Thanksgiving.

    We will have our Thanksgiving dinner this Saturday since all the kids will be home. Russ cooks it and has been busy planning his menu. I do the clean up.

    Tomorrow will be a long day. I have 4 home visits and then a class on behavior management from 4:30 to 6:30. I'll be glad to have Thanksgiving week off for vacation.

    Well have a nice evening.
    Talk soon,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    how exciting to have all your chicks home Jenny! Enjoy. Our weather is still quite good. It's supposed to be changing - but how can I complain when it is mid-November and I am still wearing capri's and a sweatshirt. Good luck today.

    we had choir last night instead of the normal Wednesday - and it was good I thought - I don't know if it just because it was a day earlier just didn't feel as worn out for it - Caleb seems better - yesterday I was informed he was going hunting with Bernie this weekend - but I just got a text for a sleepover - we'll see what he chooses. Zach and I have been butting heads and attitudes the last few days. He has let his Bio grade slip dangerously close to a "C" and we went at. I gave him the stink eye and the "you gave me your word you wouldn't have zeros this quarter and keep it at a high B" - he gave me the "you're being unreasonable and why isn't a B good enough" - feh - I hate fighting with him. He's so smart - and I just want him to use his gifts - including his brain - and he is the one who chose the advanced class - grrrrrr - I am NOT going to miss this part of parenting
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    crazy weather yesterday - tornado warnings and snow!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    I wish it was Friday! I'm tired. Long day yesterday and today. My teacher observation went fine. The little girl did much better than I thought she would considering she hadn't seen me in 4-5 weeks. She likes to control situations and does so with her behavior. She will be 3 in February. My whole week is toddlers and preschoolers with interesting personalities. Some days are so fun and others are a challenge. All the kids are usually in the same mood so I can have a day with challenges or a day that is fun. My supervisors parting comment was "you did a good job". I meet with her Monday for a post observation meeting.

    The 40's hit today. Evening temps are much cooler, 20's and 30's. I'm wearing my wool coat to work now. It is suppose to get to be close to 60. We will have to finish up outside for sure.

    David and Chantrelle have so much energy! Puts me to shame! They are in the kitchen making pumpkin pies from scratch for Saturday's Thanksgiving meal. I've never made a pumpkin pie from scratch. Chantrelle is using pie pumpkins for the filling.

    I am in a crabby mood so don't have the energy to write too much. Thursdays are tough at work and today was particularly annoying. Russ and I went and picked up our free range turkey tonight and then got a bite to eat. Just got home and I'm ready to fall asleep and it's not even 8pm.

    Marla-hang in there with Zach. I can guarantee you are in the hard years right now but it will get better in a few years. I don't miss the teen years at all! I'm so glad my boys have grown up and are done with public school. They came out the other side just fine and I'm very proud of who they are. They also admit where they screwed up and have regrets. Kids just have to figure it out the hard way sometimes.

    Well have a nice evening. I'm going to read and fall asleep.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    thanks for the encouraging words Jenny - I know he is just being normal - but I get so weary of rowing, rowing, rowing! feeling kind of beat down and weepy - gack! I realllllyyyy want that malt ;>)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    .....and on another interesting self perspective note - the next day Zach apologized for being a 'bech' of course my jaw dropped b/c that's now how I have ever talked to him and he's like, "what? that what I was acting like." So a good night following the bad - and then another unpleasant night last night. "I'm watching this show." No, the tv's going off. Meh
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    I have been MIA for a while. We spent two days at Kathy's to see Isaac. He is mimicking what you do now, so cute and when
    you are not looking he will be staring at you and just looking. We often say "I wonder what he is thinking". Kathy and I did
    some shopping mostly for Christmas but I did buy a painting and a new clock for upstairs.

    I also read a book on tidying your house and started that project yesterday. I had two closets full of clothes and large
    containers under two beds. Well I am down to one closet and 9 garbage bags later. I am taking the bags to my friend
    in London, ON and see if she wants anything and the rest will be donated. Next I started on the bookcase upstairs
    and had two large containers and half of a crate to donate. I ended up getting $6 from the used bookstore which I didn't
    expect. The next thing will be the desk which I will tackle today and so on. My objective is to get everything in one category
    in one place. I thought I was organized until I found out I had the same category all over the house. I have my work cut out
    for me.

    Today I am baking a cake for a party tonight at our sailing club. A wrap up cruising party for anyone who wants to come.

    Have a good evening.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Shirley you are getting very organized. I wish you could help me sort closets, boxes, etc. One of those tasks I can't stand to do. Isaac is so big! Glad you were able to spend some time with him. I hope your last sailing dinner was fun!

    Marla- I use to cry a lot when the boys were middle school and high school teens! Many times I felt like I was the worst mother ever. We all survived those times but it was a challenge during those years. Nice that Zach apologized. Hormones in boys at that age are raging too. He doesn't want to act like he does at times but it's hard to stop. Good sign that he knew he was not acting appropriately :)

    Today is beautiful, sunny, blue skies and high 50's to 60. I sat in the hot tub this morning for a bit and it felt so good. Nice and relaxing to look out on the pond behind our house as I soaked in a warm tub B)

    David and Chantrelle are packing up and finishing laundry. They will go to David's Dad's house today to visit, stay the night, and ride to the airport with him tomorrow morning. He flies to Boston for work and they will use his car during the day until they need to be at airport at 2pm for check in. They start their journey to Australia tomorrow. With all that is going on in the world I'm nervous about their travels. They will be in Brisbane for a month and then on to New Zealand. They return here February 3rd.

    Rory just left to go back to school. We loaded him up with food. I made him manicotti and froze it. We sent him with a roast for his crockpot, the manicotti, leftover Thanksgiving dinner, and a piece of pumpkin pie.

    Our Thanksgiving dinner was yesterday. Russ cooked enough to feed a small army. We divvied up leftovers between the kids, which made them happy. It was a nice afternoon and evening yesterday. We relaxed and chatted about all sorts of topics. It's interesting to see their opinions on things as young men and women. You will love this stage, Marla! L is heading into it with Colin and Shirley you have been in it for awhile with your daughters.

    Well I should offer to help carry stuff out to the van for David and Chantrelle. They have so much stuff! I can't wait to clean my house and get organized (especially clean out fridge), but I will miss having David home. He's been her for over 2 months due to his broken collar bone and surgery. His sling comes off this week and the doctor said he is doing fine. Time will tell what his mobility will be.

    Have a wonderful day!