The New Water Cooler



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    ANG - You are one busy chicky! I thought I was a busy woman. Remember to breathe!
    Thanks for the tip on the chocolate milk, I too sing soprano. Two more rehearsals left before
    our Christmas concert.

    JENNY - Did I miss something about stitches? When and where?

    MARLA - I see by the tgif you are hanging in there. :)

    AMY - Don't feel bad about feeling happy and laughing. You are HUMAN, that is what we are
    supposed to do. That is guilt talking, when you are ready to move on, I agree with the ladies
    you will know.

    Kathy and Isaac, my sister and her boyfriend left about an hour ago. Kathy and Isaac did
    the candle light walk in the town where we keep our boat last night and the weather was great.
    We had hot chocolate and picked up some baked goods to have with our tea at home.
    Some of the shops were open and they were packed with people. Isaac got to touch Santa's
    beard for the first time.

    We had a nice chinese take out tonight and everyone enjoyed the food.

    I have caught Dave's cold and feeling up and down this week. I want to go to Yoga class tomorrow
    if I feel good.

    The downstairs is painted and carpeting looks great! I have decorated the inside of the house I just
    need to get the tree up. Still need to bake cookies.



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Shirley- Isaac has changed so much! You're going to have a fun Christmas with a little one. Maybe I forgot to mention on here that the dermatologist did two biopsies on my calf because my rash is so bad and won't go away. He was checking to see if it was eczema or something else. One spot was nothing and the other is possible a combo of psoiriasis and eczema. Great, blah! Scars and more scars!

    Ang- Nice to hear from you! Sounds like you and Joseph are still seeing one another. Glad it's going well. You also sound very busy! Good luck with your programs at church.

    Marla- How is the holiday season treating you? Busy I bet.

    Hi Amy!

    Mild temps here, in the 40's. Warmer than normal and snow is almost gone. We may not have a white Christmas according to meteorologist. Warmer temps are suppose to continue. Yay! As long as roads stay dry I'm happy.

    Hope to get decorations on tree tomorrow. I've been lazy.

    Tired so going to relax. Have a nice Sunday!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Feeling lousy with this cold, Dave is getting better. I bought some Hydrasense nose spray and kleenex.

    Trying to save my voice for choir. :(

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I'm here - this week will be exhausting - including next weekend - long nights and then the big "Family Christmas Celebration" at both services Sunday - plus Zach's first high school Christmas Concert.

    Work is insane too, meh

    tea with honey and lemon ladies - cough drops - vocalizing in the shower - we can do this!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    oh Shirley - fyi - any milk or dairy is 'contraindicated' for singing - they coat and gum up the vocal cords :>)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla- Thanks for the tip, I practiced today and don't sound too bad but some notes you can tell
    I have a cold. Good thing I will blend in. Feeling better today.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Feel better Shirley!
    Marla- Is Zach singing at church and at school? Busy! Has work laid off any more people close to the holidays? I hope it bypasses you as the months go by.
    Warm temps here, wow! 40's, no snow, dry pavement, light coats...Love it!
    We decorated our desk areas at work in my cubby. I have a small tree with lights, garland, a small elf sitting on my shelf, and a snowman. Holiday treats are also appearing in our office too.

    I need to make a list and get crackin' on shopping. We picked names again this year and I have my middle son, Jeff. No idea what to get him. The $ limit is 30.00. I'm thinking of a one year subscription to the magazine This Old House. His house was built in the early 1900's and is a fixer upper. He also wants to flip houses since he is in real estate investment as his career. What do you think? I looked in to Craft Beer beer of the month clubs but they are expensive to join. I may look into the Minneapolis Craft Beer Brewery Tour and get him tickets to participate in that.

    Most of my shopping is stocking stuffers for the kids and pets. I also need to get Jeff's girlfriend a birthday gift.

    Well have a relaxing evening after running here and there.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Jenny - I think the magazine subscription sounds like a fun idea - so does the craft beer too -

    Zach is singing at church and at school - this weekend is the big church concert (Family Christmas Celebration) and also his CHS Winter Concert. So excited! I missed the fall concert because Caleb had soccer so we had to split (that's a different saga) but I am so excited. As frosh both guys and gals only can go to either the Classmen (a men only group) or Treble choir (ladies only) - then after they complete one year they can audition for Concert Choir which is a mixed chorus and also audition for the super select New World Singers which is a small jazz ensemble who are widely known and super cool. I am anxious to see if he will continue singing. I hope so. He is gifted and honestly I think he can make New World if he wants to. Caleb is singing away too - his church group and at school their program isn't until the 21st - this week and weekend is the beasty.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I wish we would draw names for the adults in the family - it's not even that I can't afford to buy gifts (like in years past) it's just getting so hard since everyone pretty buys what they want as they want it -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Drawing names has an up side and down side. The boys want to save their money and also don't want to spend much time shopping. They claim they don't know what to get anybody. Lazy!
    On the other hand we all save money and focus on spending time together instead of receiving gifts. I feel funny not shopping for the boys but they tell me they don't need anything. I put more thought into stocking stuffers so I can get them something.

    Well it is time to leave work and get ready for knitting group tonight. I haven't been since September. One of our members was suppose to host but she lost her older sister and Dad within two days of one another. Isn't that awful? Her sister had a massive stroke and her Dad was in his 90's. Someone else is hosting and she probably won't be there tonight.

    Well I'm off. Have a nice evening!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2015
    Just got an email from my sister saying her boyfriend's mom passed away last night. She was 86
    and his Dad is 89. Tough this time of year. o:)

    Jenny - Your suggestions sound great, I wish I had waited now on Dave's gift. A craft beer subscription
    would have been great.

    Here is a picture of Isaac at Grandma's house. That extra picture got in there by mistake.



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    great pics Shirley - he's so big already1
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    last night was exhausting! Didn't get home from church/choir until almost 9:30 p.m.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Feeling a bit better today but still taking Tylenol. I think I have a sinus infection but it is improving.
    Trying to memorize our first song for choir performance, I guess I missed the announcement that
    we were supposed to memorize it. Thank goodness its only two verses of "Here we come a caroling".

    Dave and I had a nice walk today, it feels balmy outside for December. I picked up my baking
    supplies today so I am ready to start baking cookies. The tree is up now we just have decorate.
    We are getting there!

    Looks like little Isaac caught our colds, poor baby, and Kathy is not much better. It is definitely going
    around our area. They have their kitchen all torn up for renovations which doesn't help any.

    Have a good day!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I'm here just a busy week. I'll write more this weekend. Our weather is balmy too and it will make for a short winter. I hope it stays warmer and with less snow and ice.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Ended up at the doctor's today with an antibiotic and nose gel. Blew my nose this morning and it was
    like a bloody nose TMI. :s I definitely have a sinus infection .

    Choir practice tomorrow and then concert on Sunday then I can relax.

    Hope everyone is staying well.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Very quick weekend. I've been busy making my lists, shopping for stocking stuffers, getting Christmas cards printed, and riding my bike in doors. I've been able to get two rides in this weekend and sat in the hot tub 3 times, twice in one day. I love the tub! It feels wonderful with the cool air on my face and the warmth of the water. Any suggestion on stocking stuffers for adult children, male and female? I have a good start but need a few more things for each of them. They always get socks and their favorite childhood candy. Toothbrushes and other odds and ends. Iva is the most fun to get things for since she is female and I get her things I would like. The boys are a little more difficult.

    I may have a sinus infection to Shirley. Not sure but my teeth hurt and sometimes it shoots up into my head. Congestion and hard to clear my sinuses. Isaac is growing so fast! You will have a fun Christmas with him. Hope you all feel better by then.

    Marla- I'm sure you are running here and there and very busy. I hope you get to take some days off around the holiday.

    Hi Ang and Amy!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    program was very nice - I'm whipped - I have been so bothered by the chaotic practices that I had convinced myself that I was done with choir for a year or two - but riding the high from yesterday now I don't know. Darn performance junkie - have a great day lovlies

    I started getting my cards together last night - but tuckered out and am barely conscious today - last full week of school for the boys before their break - Zach needs to rock it out and get some of grades up - we'll see, he told me to back off and he would do it.

    The ILS 'cookiefest' is tonight and for the first time in a dozen years I did not bake anything. This weekend was not conducive to baking and I am not killing myself for another fundraiser.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2015
    Our concert was a success yesterday, we sang 17 songs with no intermission so my back as well as
    the other ladies are sore today that was a lot of standing. We marched in singing and then went
    onto the alter of the church in our line up but someone managed to step on the back of my shoe
    so I had to be cool and raise my leg up there and pull down my shoe and I could feel my leg going
    into a cramp but nothing serious. Dave, my MIL and my sister attended as well as other family
    members and friends. We went out for dinner after that to Swiss Chalet.

    I managed to get to Yoga class even though I was really tired, partly I think from the antibiotics which
    are working and I am feeling alot better. I have made two batches of rocky roads so far and now today I plan on almond crescents. One batch will be going to our choir Christmas party on Tuesday night.

    Kathy's tree is up and they put large cardboard boxes in the front with Christmas wrapping to
    keep Issaac busy and not getting at the ornaments. Smart thinking.

    Marla - Love the new picture of you and the boys. Will we ever see Bernie? Hahaha
    Well I better get baking.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Raining cats and dogs here today with strong wind gusts. Gray and gloomy! Busy day too! My hair looks like I was caught in the rain and I was. My 3rd visit never answered the door as I was being belted by sleet. The sidewalks and roads were icy.
    I spent the afternoon hiding out at Starbucks with my computer and files. I got so much done! Too many interruptions at my desk and this is my last week of work for two weeks.
    I had to accomplish something. Went to chiropractor and my back and neck cracked loudly. Too much time on computer.

    More paperwork tomorrow but relaxing this evening.

    Marla- good for you for giving up the fund raiser. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves a break.
    Shirley- Great idea to put boxes in front of tree to distract Isaac. I'll remember that one. I don't think I could stand for 17 songs. I have a hard time standing for 4 songs at church.

    Well enjoy your evening. I hope you get some relaxation.
