100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Merry Christmas. I ate too much and didn't wog all week. My friends' deaths really hurt. Finally today I got my steps in!!! But need to get my eating back under control.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I ate OP today, and did 16k steps.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I managed to miss logging into Saturday somehow, There goes my daily log in streak :)
    It is gloomy and misty out today. Friday and Saturday I ended up walking twice, once in the morning and once in the evening. While walking I have been listening to The Mysterious Traveler, The Shadow and Chandu the Magician. Links for free download or streaming sites available if anyone is interested.

    I did a taste test for my Brother Winging it bread, Bland :) OTOH he did wing it with no recipe so congrats for trying.

    Have a great Sunday
    Merry Christmas. I ate too much and didn't wog all week. My friends' deaths really hurt. Finally today I got my steps in!!! But need to get my eating back under control.
    I ate OP today, and did 16k steps.

    Hi Val
    Completely understandable that would throw You.

    I did hit a lot of steps Friday and Saturday between a normal morning walk and another full length walk around 4:30PM to 5:30PM as the 2nd starting time. Despite that I am still up in weight from Christmas mornings weight from the Holiday food :(

    Have a Good upcoming week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It was slightly foggy this morning as I walked over to drop off one of My Brothers Fruit Cake, This is last years recipe that has been sprayed with a Brandy spray for weeks.

    I'll be out the door shortly, We are spending the day at a friends, Then tomorrow is a Brunch (Breakfast) with a friend and then Friday is New Years day. So I'll be having three tough days for a dieter.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2016!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    After the first to friends' deaths just before Christmas, I wobbled...then two additional friends died (all unrelated), and I fell off my healthy horse. I reverted to eating everything and anything even when the empty calories didn't even taste 'good'. I didn't walk or anything. I was hurting and angry and feeling like 'why bother'. The funerals were beautiful and authentic.." I felt and faced my pain. And remembered the only thing I can control are my choices. Can't control the results, only aim for them. With the start of the new year, I resumed my healthy path. Jogged 8 miles yesterday with my 8-lbs weight vest and my extra funeral-weight. Then danced and cleaned house and laughed with my child. Hosting her Star Wars birthday party today. She's the best baker I know, but I politely declined her beautiful cupcakes. I really do choose to get back on my healthy horse! Glad to be back.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I did walk today despite the weather being much colder than yesterday. I passed a frozen puddle during my walk. The first one I have seen in a while. Add in the breeze and it was chilly out there.

    Have a Great New Year
    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2016!
    After the first to friends' deaths just before Christmas, I wobbled...then two additional friends died (all unrelated), and I fell off my healthy horse. I reverted to eating everything and anything even when the empty calories didn't even taste 'good'. I didn't walk or anything. I was hurting and angry and feeling like 'why bother'. The funerals were beautiful and authentic.." I felt and faced my pain. And remembered the only thing I can control are my choices. Can't control the results, only aim for them. With the start of the new year, I resumed my healthy path. Jogged 8 miles yesterday with my 8-lbs weight vest and my extra funeral-weight. Then danced and cleaned house and laughed with my child. Hosting her Star Wars birthday party today. She's the best baker I know, but I politely declined her beautiful cupcakes. I really do choose to get back on my healthy horse! Glad to be back.

    Hi Val
    I think that would derail anyone.

    Congratulations on getting going again. It is amazing how not nearly as tasty as we remembered them to be unhealthy AKA empty calories taste?

    I had a couple of slices of my Brothers Home made Fruit cake, it has 8 different dried fruits normally, He added a extra of a second type of dried cherries and Candied Fruit so they had 10 fruits in the fruit cake, then they get soaked by spraying brandy on them for several weeks. They were so tasty too. I used them as my Afternoon SC and My Evening Dessert.

    Have a Great upcoming week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I overachieved on my days walk today + 11 cents. I hit my days goal of steps before 10AM. Today was in the low 20s, 7 degrees colder than yesterday, No breeze thankfully :) I went long today as tomorrow will be even colder so I banked some steps just in case I need to shorten due to the cold tomorrow. Tomorrow I plan to leave later than usual, go by the 7-Eleven for my coffee, then around to the 1st bank and deposit a check, then on towards the end of the walk to the 2nd bank and deposit a check that arrived Saturday to late to go that day.

    I used up the last of the small bananas today, 2 before the walk and one blended into a NS vanilla protein shake. Three of them weigh slightly more than a medium banana, then chuck out the bad parts and I should have been on target for banana weight. Then after the walk the protein shake, a NS Frozen Cinnamon Roll, Both very tasty and my Vitamins.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My hat is off to you Roger...exceeding your steps even when the temps were in the low 20s! Congrats and Brr. It's 36 here now and I was weighing the pros n cons of getting out there. If I wait till it warms up, chances are very high that my workload will prevent an afternoon walk...so, ok..I'm up n getting dressed. Thanks for being such a consistent role model!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Just posting while waiting for time to go do my walk later. I have to wait so that the banks I plan to go to while walking are open.

    Later on today the temperatures are forecast to drop as a cold front moves in, currently it is a chilly 30 degrees, no cold front needed in my opinion :)

    A heads up from dharris1014 AKA Donna, new items with NS.

    Good News regarding new foods with the heads up so I looked and so far I see...
    Snack Items
    Apple Pecan Bites
    Creamy Ranch Snack-A-Rounds
    Salt and Vinegar Snack-A-Rounds
    Smoky BBQ Snack-A-Rounds
    Snickerdoodle Cookie
    Sweet and Salty Snack Mix
    Toffee Crunch Cookies
    Vanilla Shortbread Cookies
    Breakfast Items
    Nothing So Far, I remain Hopeful
    White Cheddar Mac and Cheese
    nutricrush™ Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bar
    Nothing and I saw only Shelf Stable foods too.

    However Since I delayed my order on Saturday I can hope for more Breakfast and Dinner Items before the order closes to changes on the 17th.
    Have a Great Week
    My hat is off to you Roger...exceeding your steps even when the temps were in the low 20s! Congrats and Brr. It's 36 here now and I was weighing the pros n cons of getting out there. If I wait till it warms up, chances are very high that my workload will prevent an afternoon walk...so, ok..I'm up n getting dressed. Thanks for being such a consistent role model!

    Hi Val
    FWIW the Mittens my brother gave me for Christmas have helped with that. Where I felt the cold was in my fingers and the mittens have helped with that. The other thing that helped was I edited out the bumf (technical term) for Advertising and such from the Old Time Radio Serial I am listening too while walking called Chandu the Magician. That means I do not have to keep pulling out the iPod every 11 minutes or so to go to the next episode or skip commercials and that keeps the fingers warmer too.

    36 degrees and I would be happy compared to what is ahead. a High around 30 - 32 degrees today with the temperatures dropping as the cold front moves in and in the teens or single digits overnight today into Tuesday.

    Well Tine to head off and have my Banana and NS Pancakes and get out the door for Coffee and Banks.

    Have a Great Day
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I ate OP today, and did 16k steps.

    That's awesome. I want to be like you when I grow up
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    edited January 2016
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I ate OP today, and did 16k steps.

    That's awesome. I want to be like you when I grow up

    Thanks! When i act like a grown-up i do pretty well. It's just all those other times when my inner child runs rampant that i tend to get myself into trouble.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    FWIW I have not gone out the door today nor do I have any plans to head out for a walk until after noontime. The Nearby towns temperature report at 7:01AM was 9 degrees with a windchill of -2 degrees :) Hence the delay in starting out until after my Noontime eats. The forecast is for it to warm up to a balmy 30 degrees and the winds to die down. Then we head into warming weather all the way into the 40s later this week.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I ate OP today, and did 16k steps.

    That's awesome. I want to be like you when I grow up

    Thanks! When i act like a grown-up i do pretty well. It's just all those other times when my inner child runs rampant that i tend to get myself into trouble.

    Hi Ms Diva and Val
    Val, You have to let that inner child out some of the time :)

    Stay Warm
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got my walking done yesterday after Noontime, It was still very cold as the wind had not died down. When I checked the local temperature today it was showing as still cold nearby so I am postponing my walk to later on today too. I did get my steps in Yesterday so it could be worse. The temperature today is supposed to be near 40, however currently it is showing 7 degrees in Nearby Somerville hence the delayed start time for a second day. The Temperatures are supposed to be higher each day for the rest of the week until the upper 40s are reached, somewhere around 48 degrees.

    No Precipitation in the forecast until the weekend when the show showers.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Stay warm Roger! Those temps can really take a lot out of you. Have you condidrred or tried the Leslie Sansone walking dvds? There are also free indoor walking epidodes in YouTube. I have the dvds and it really is helpful if the weather is dreadful. I had a totally insane busy day encountering lots of crabby unreasonable mean jerks. I took care of all that, and hit my dteps in...even though mfp isn't syncing w Fitbit right now. I had a huge overwhelming inpulse to eat the entire kitchen to deal w all the jerks ... But i dont want to do that to my body... I prefer to stay on my healthy path!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking + 26 Cents, again today and removed some temptations from the house. I dropped off at the Car repair shop two sliced sausages, original and Garlic along with pre-sliced cheese and sleeves of ersatz Ritz crackers for their coffee breaks.

    It was cold, however it was warmer than yesterday by about 8 degrees and tomorrow through Sunday each day will be warmer than the day before.

    I'll be heading out to Costco shortly, My Brother will drop me their while he goes across the Mall to the Bed Bath & Beyond, Thus saving me a drive.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Stay warm Roger! Those temps can really take a lot out of you. Have you condidrred or tried the Leslie Sansone walking dvds? There are also free indoor walking epidodes in YouTube. I have the dvds and it really is helpful if the weather is dreadful. I had a totally insane busy day encountering lots of crabby unreasonable mean jerks. I took care of all that, and hit my dteps in...even though mfp isn't syncing w Fitbit right now. I had a huge overwhelming inpulse to eat the entire kitchen to deal w all the jerks ... But i dont want to do that to my body... I prefer to stay on my healthy path!

    Hi Val
    I prefer to get outside, I just waited for the temperatures to warm up to where they were survivable :)

    From what I have seen You are not the only one with Fitbit syncing problems at MFP.

    Congratulations on not letting those people get to You.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have delayed the start time for my daily walk so here I am. The weather is much better looking as far as temperature compared to yesterday. Possible rain / drizzle tomorrow and then a soaker is forecast for Sunday. I am not sure how that will work regarding walking. Possibly later in the day Sunday. Warmer tomorrow and even warmer for Sunday before we head back into the cold weather.

    Have a Good Friday
  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all of my NS buddies and Happy New Year! All I can say is I NEED TO BE HERE :) Been off program and now I'm back. It's no fun that I now have to re-lose the weight I gained after surgery and the holidays but at least I recognize that NOW is the time! Since I had my hip replaced, I am so much better and able to walk again without pain. The FitBit is on and the steps are creeping up daily. Not up to 10K yet but I'll get there. Thanks for being here with me on this journey and congrats to all who are sticking to their plans. Happy Friday! Bev
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    5mates wrote: »
    Hi all of my NS buddies and Happy New Year! All I can say is I NEED TO BE HERE :) Been off program and now I'm back. It's no fun that I now have to re-lose the weight I gained after surgery and the holidays but at least I recognize that NOW is the time! Since I had my hip replaced, I am so much better and able to walk again without pain. The FitBit is on and the steps are creeping up daily. Not up to 10K yet but I'll get there. Thanks for being here with me on this journey and congrats to all who are sticking to their plans. Happy Friday! Bev

    Hi Bev
    Welcome back.

    I am happy to hear that the replacement was so successful too. FWIW I am only at 10,887 steps today myself so You are doing good.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    I've not been on this thread since ? July. Not really sure why I stopped visiting ya'll but I definitely need to be back with this wonderful group. I've stayed on track and have lost a total of 103 in 2015. Now I need to get serious with the next 100 pounds.
    I just started getting some frozen food now that I can add them to the order. Why did I wait so long? That frozen stuff is really tasty! It's only money