OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    edited January 2016
    patti - I just posted the ham and lentil soup recipe (and the pumpkin pancake recipe). one of my favorite ways to have quinoa is to make a salad with black beans, red peppers and tomatoes. I dont really follow a recipe, but I may be able to sketch something out. I usually cook it in chicken stock. Great job talking yourself into a workout!!!

    myra - I am in the same boat with picking up two kids from two schools. Not sure why you are having a guilt trip...i LOVE my ipad while I wait! I SO love thin mints!

    janet - smart thinking on the snow clearing. So great to support the neighborhood kids!

    Karla - I just posted the banana bread recipe, too.

    have you guys imported recipes by cutting and pasting the URL? I cant believe how easy it is!!

    sorry I dont have time to respond to everyone...gotta run to soccer...


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    To correct my listing of my past two weeks of exercise:

    Two weeks ago:
    30 Minute Burn DVD x5

    Last week
    4 Fast Miles 60 minute DVD x3 with 10k steps 6 days

    This week I think I will just stick with my 10k steps, I am logging my food everyday. I do need to focus tomorrow on drinking more water. Just harder for me during winter.

    Some days it just feels like I am spinning circles and getting no where. The worst part is most evenings I go to bed hungry.

    Sorry to cent, be negative and non-supportive, bad night I guess.


    Another thing is I am just feeling too old to have to keep doing all this


  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    It is truly wonderful to come and catch up on everyone's day! The day is quickly drawing to a close and I hope it has been positive for each of you in some way. Getting my strength training in before the cardio seems to be working for us here. While Myron was preparing the delicious mini chicken pot pies this morning, I grabbed a short hike and then returned to pick him up to join me on a hike to the falls nearby. We have found our fitness levels increasing and our consumption of food decreasing since we moved here last year. The shared commitment to good healthy choices makes this journey so pleasant and motivation is easier.

    Cindy: Planning and logging ahead can make all the difference to the choices we make. Sometimes I need to add some items later, but even that helps with personal accountability. How did that work for you today? Knowing my body needs at least an hour of movement (my personal choice is hiking) per day has helped so much with my energy levels and outlook. Each of us is unique and you will find the combination of activities and nutrition that fits you.

    Bert: So pleased that you are getting out and about and seem to be recovering so nicely. Great that you were able to enjoy a meal out with Mike. You know to offset the sodium with plenty of water to flush it away, so the impact is short term at least. Snow can be pretty of course and also pretty slick for getting out and about. Well done on getting in activities!

    Vicki: It seems that you had a very productive "snow day" at your house. Enjoy the results of that cookie baking with your son! They do learn so much from the choices we make and remember these times for life. Play is part of their life and we can learn from that as well. Your commitment to staying active is always a positive in your own life as well as those in your household.

    Karla: Well done to find ways to benefit your body within our busy schedule! The long term impact does eventually appear in numbers on our scale, but our patience can indeed be tested some weeks. You've been really getting it done with the 10K per day and that is awesome!

    Need to go join Myron downstairs for a wee while. Enjoy your evening ladies and sleep well!
    Sleep is a huge factor in our health (weight management)and we often do not get enough.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Yesterday was OK- I did have a little chocolate but it was bite sized and dark. I plan to walk with Rick after work- its cold here but the sun is out and I'm home by 420 so still time.
    everyone is so active on this boards- its wonderful to see
    Karla- i hear what you're saying and I too feel like I'm getting to old to fit this battle- but if I want to grow old with grace and good health it is a must to get things under control.
    Patti- Edd is a sweet man - good for you guys for helping the elderly lady she must have really needed groceries to go out in bad weather.
    Lisa- thanks for the recipes- how many slices of the bread
    Janet- you're refocused on your good health and the thyroid thing will balance out. Patience dear friend.
    Myra- I'm glad you enjoy your hour excursions- it is good for the body and soul
    Jeannette- Ball room dance teacher- now that must be a good calorie burn.
    Need to run but thanks for the miles of smiles this morning.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Myra, how nice that Myron joins you on your hikes and that you both seem to enjoy the activity. I think that is key to keeping up any activity, you need to find joy in what you do to make it a part of your life permanently.

    Cindy, I hope you get your walk with Rick. Just having the time with him with with no other distractions is well worth it. Good for you for just sticking to one small piece of chocolate.

    I am really enjoying getting to know all our new friends here. Hearing about your lives, activities and eating habits. It has renewed my enthusiasm to keep working on myself, to get to the healthiest I can be.

    Karla, we all have our moments when it just seems like it is not worth it, the struggle is too great for the amount of return. But in the end, you know it is the right thing to do for yourself and for your family. You need to remember that moment on the steps in DC when you made the commitment to yourself and your body to get healthy. Remember how you felt then and then reconsider if you are truly too old to keep doing this. I am nearly 4 years older than you and I can tell, I don't feel I am too old. I feel I am too young to not get healthier. My family lives into their 80s, so I still have a lot of years to go. Just looking at your lovely Izzy should let you know how young you are, you have lots of years to spend with her and the healthier you are the more you will enjoy them.

    Need to go warm the van so I can go to the gym. The saddest thing is it takes longer to warm it than it does to drive there. I have a turkey breast ready to cook, so that will be on the menu for dinner with some baked sweet potatoes and corn or green beans.
    Later my friends
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    myra waves good morning to all OMG ladies! I don't know how you northerner's do it. I was outside for 15 min this morning and my husband just chuckled at me, still being bundled up although i'm back in the house. i told him i hadn't defrosted yet! He grew up in Indiana ;)

    Janet - I've made it my mission for 2016 to go through all the closets/cabinets in the house. My dear sweet husband asked me to start in our bedroom closet. Perhaps I'll tackle the kitchen next. my, how i despise this chore, but it's got to be done. congrats on finding a couple kids with young backs who enjoy extra pocket money :) win-win!

    Lisa- i have an oversized guilt complex.... maybe i can clean that out with my closets full of junk. LOL if only it were that easy!

    MaryLynn - i wholeheartedly agree with you on the sleep thing. I'm an eight hour a night girl, myself. if i get less than or more than, and i'm just not feeling right.

    Cindy - i had a bite sized piece of dark chocolate yesterday too! but i did NOT get into the thin mint cookies, so YAY! (we won't discuss pizza, SHHHHH)

    All- i am looking forward to trying your recipes! I'm not much of a cook, but i do have a salmon dip i learned last year that might be useful. I'm anticipating a "weather day" for my kids tomorrow.... if i'm right, i'll have more time for posting. my two little girls are SO ready for some snow (just in case, i located the saucer sleds in the shed out back)

    I "owe" myself some pilates and a small weight work-out, and i'm volunteering at a school at noon, so i'd better "get crackin", as my dad used to say ;)


  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    (((Karla))) hang in there, girlfriend! Patti is right, and i'm sure you know it. and it's OK to vent here when you are feeling discouraged. it's just a feeling.... feelings are neither good nor bad, they are just there. the actions we take are what really matter.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good is sunny but cold. I'll take the sun anytime. Breakfast is tracked. I've almost completed my 500 piece puzzle......It was SO difficult. Have a great day everyone.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    edited January 2016
    good morning everyone! Happy Thursday! I am so pleased that my weight is down again this morning. Thanks everyone for your support and enthusiasm!! today, I am doing yoga at lunchtime and then soccer tonight.

    MaryLynn - so happy for your lifestyle changes. You live in a fabulous place, but you are actually taking advantage of it every day!! good for you and Myron!

    Bert - kudos to you for getting out and around. It seems like you are gently pushing yourself more every day. great job!

    Karla - hang in there! You sound frustrated and it really is not good to go to bed hungry most nights! What deficit are you targeting?

    Patti - what a sweet story about Edd!! I eat back about 75%-100% of my exercise calories every day. You are so active, your ability to not do that is impressive.

    Question to group: do you add to your calories on the days that you workout?

    Man - as I am typing, I see that a number of you are posting too! so hard to keep up with you ladies!! Have a wonderful day!!

    - lisa

  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    edited January 2016
    I always wondered how I missed posts and now I know. FOUR of you posted while I was typing and I now know to scroll up after I post!

    Bert - good morning! good luck on the final pieces!

    Myra - you are so right...we are here to listen: ups and downs, good and bad, successes and failures! hope you make good on that pilates debt. what do you do at the school? I have such a hard time keeping up with the daily junk...I keep telling myself I need to start on the closets, etc!

    Patti/Karla - on the "too old" question...I always remind myself that if I don't take action now, in 1 year I will be older and will wish I had done something today!

    - lisa
  • BlessedBeyondMsr
    BlessedBeyondMsr Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hey there ladies!

    Bracing ourselves here for Winter Storm Jonas Friday night. Snowed most of the day here yesterday and it was beautiful. We had a nice relaxing day, fireplace going last night and my son and I watched The Chronicles of Narnia and he loved it. The cookie baking was fun and delicious! But now I have about 2 1/2 dozen chocolate chip cookies that there is no way the 3 of us can eat, so thinking of sharing them with a neighbor. I did limit myself to two, but was surprised to find I didn't even really want them...what??? Maybe it's the cold I have. Feeling a lot better BTW.

    Patti: Thank you for sharing about your daughter, that is a beautiful story of reconciliation and love. I pray that your bond will grow stronger and stronger. And what a good man your husband is! I think that is so sweet and speaks of his character, you have reason to be proud of him. I love that you used to have your son cook a meal each week. My husband cannot cook at all either! My son loves to help me in the kitchen. We have been watching a lot of kids cooking competitions lately and he has been asking me to let him cook an entire meal by himself. So I like your idea of maybe letting him do one meal a week. He would love that. He helped me with dinner last night and did really well. He plopped down on the couch afterward and said his legs were tired ;)

    Jeanette: I love all the diversity there is in this little group of ladies. I think it's really cool that you teach ball room dancing! My husband and I were thinking about taking ball room dancing classes last year, but he hurt his back and we had to put it on hold. He is doing better now and was able to avoid surgery thankfully, so maybe we can try it this spring. Our son attends a private Christian academy here and we love it and are so thankful for his school. I love the "Grace and Peace" greeting, reminds me of how it is used throughout the Bible. Grace and peace to you too friend!

    Lisa: I have some overripe banana's I have been using in blueberry banana smoothies for my son. I have a few left and have thought about making banana muffins! Love that smell wafting through the house in the winter and would go perfect with my hot tea in the evening. Love your consistency with your workouts.

    Our office is closed today bc of weather which is not good bc I work part-time and need to work. Hopefully we will be open tomorrow before the big snow comes. I am scheduled to work at a second job on Saturday, which is at a hospital, so hopefully I can make it there to work. Today is my off workout day, will have to be more strict with my diet to come in under my calories. Have met my workout goals for this week, just need to come in under calories one more day to meet my 5 day goal on that.

    Waving "Hi" to each and every one of you and hope you all have a great day!

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope your Thursday is going well so far. Yesterday was not my best day. I just felt like eating; I wasn’t necessarily hungry, didn’t crave anything specific, just wanted to eat. I did pretty well most of the day but then caved last night and had popcorn and beer, which I didn’t have the calories for. If I had eaten a small amount of popcorn it would have been ok, but when my husband and I eat popcorn we eat a lot! I think the munchy thing is hormone related; seems to happen about once a month. I have yet to be able to resist it and the thing is that I woke up pretty hungry this morning….unusual for me. Makes me wonder if on those days for some reason I just need more. I just need to be better about what kind of “more” I eat.

    Lisa- if you are asking if we/I log my exercise calories and then eat them back the answer for me is yes. At this point my health situation demands it. I hope someday to be able to only eat back part of my exercise calories, but for now eat most, if not all, of them.

    Patti- your husband is a sweet sweet man, good for you for snagging him up! There was a time a few years ago when I was having trouble getting enough calories. Bread is a good option and sandwiches are quick and travel well, fruit is good too, and grains. I know you said you don’t like rice, is it a texture thing? I can’t stand the texture of oatmeal or applesauce so I understand that. But if it isn’t texture have you tried wild rice? I go to the health food store and there are so many varieties; I prefer short grain brown myself. Cheese is another calorie hog, as well as nut butters and nuts. I hope you find a good balance, I wish I could help you more.

    Karla- sorry to hear the grandbaby was sick, hope she is feeling much better now. Mostly, though, my heart is aching a little for you. I know that feeling of discouragement. I know that feeling of being overwhelmed by the whole thing and wanting life to just be simpler. Sometimes I dream of years ahead when I am old and maybe sick and will just eat whatever I want. One time I was talking to a woman at church and she was telling me how she was fixing this and that healthy thing for her mom (who is in her early 90’s) and trying to make it like a milkshake because that is what her mom wanted and I thought “dammit (and I don’t swear) I’m NOT ever going to be able to just eat what I want” You are worth the effort, it is worth the effort. It is hard sometimes, but the gain is valuable. (PS I don’t mind at all if you need to share your down times; be negative if you need to, it is part of real life)

    Myra- I have a sweet tooth too, one thing that has helped is my body has decided it can no longer tolerate sugar cane. So, quick, easy and inexpensive treats are no longer available to me. When I want something sweet I usually have to make it and then I only make enough for one serving so I am not tempted by anything left in the house….because I WILL eat it.
    I have had people say I do a lot, but I really don’t. Each thing I do is only a few hours, really most of my time is “free” which is good because I do not have a lot of energy these days.

    Janet- I always say anyone can dance! It doesn’t matter if you are doing what everyone else is doing; if you are moving to the music and enjoying yourself you are dancing and that is what matters most. Sometimes I get self conscious too, and you are right, it is much easier when you are around people who you know and trust.

    Cindy- as an instructor I don’t actually burn a lot of calories. I demonstrate then let them dance and correct as they go. I probably get a lot of steps in, but don’t generally get to dance a lot.

    Vikki- Ballroom dancing is an excellent couple’s activity. It shouldn’t be hard on your husband’s back, either, if it is still bothering him at all. Yes grace and peace to you! When I was in the depth of my illness; the worst I had gotten, I couldn’t really read my bible, but I would try and that phrase stuck out at me. I really liked the meaning and the sentiment and so I started using it. I have it on my phone greeting as well.

    Well I got up late today and have been on my computer for a while this morning, I suppose I should get to the school work. Have a wonderful day ladies

    Grace and peace to you all
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon (already?!) ladies,
    This morning when I was looking up the recipe I added, I discovered some interesting data on "Daily Nutrient Values" in Anne Lindsay's New Light Cookbook. These are from 1990, so perhaps Jeanette will help me out if there should be current adjustments. The values are general guidelines for healthy adults. I'm including just the female #s and here they are:

    Age 19-24:
    Calories 2100; Protein 50g; Carbohydrates 289g; Fiber 25-35g; Fat 58g

    Age 25-49:
    Calories 1900; Protein 51g; Carbohydrates 261g; Fiber 25-35g; Fat 53g

    Age 50-74:
    Calories 1800; Protein 54g; Carbohydrates 248g; Fiber 25-35g; Fat 50g

    Age 75+:
    Calories 1700; Protein 55g; Carbohydrates 234g; Fiber 25-35g; Fat 47g

    Additionally, it noted that Sodium should be 2000 mg or less and Cholesterol 300 mg or less.

    This certainly got me to check over my values and make a few minor nutrient % adjustments.
    I believe it could be interesting to see where this takes us in discussion, with this weeks focus on healthy oils.

    Personally, I find the challenge of staying away from "processed foods" more tough than I thought. Surprising how we have cupboards of convenient canned goods or packaged pasta...hey I will NOT give up my ancient grains tortillas (yet)!

    All that said, the slow cooker in our house is busy this afternoon with a Beef, Bean, Barley, Lentil & Veggie soup. With the rainy weather outside, seems a good choice and when I put it in the Recipe Builder on MFP it comes in pretty reasonable nutrition wise. Plus it smells good!

    Will check back later once more of us have time to be here as well. Hugs and grace to you all!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Checking in from 40,000 feet in the air! Yes I am on my way back home early. When we heard about the impending storm we compressed the meeting agenda, worked through lunch and late the first day and finished around 1030 the second day. So I will be home Thursday night ahead of the massive snow storm coming.

    However we are not sure we are going skiing. Our friends decided she was going with the kids and he was staying home. They have a small farm and though they had a farm minder she couldn't drive the tractor, so could plow out or move hay for th horses. We are afraid to go and get stuck on the road or on the mountain and are also worried about our house. Probability of losing power is high and winds are supposed to be high so worried about a tree coming down or something. But have contacted the condo owner and will get none of our $1200 back. Still debating what to do. Will make a decision tonight. The Shenandoah valley is supposed to get 2-3 FEET of snow and we are to get 18-24 inches at home with blizzard wind conditions for 36 hours or more.

    I did exercise all three days I was traveling. Elliptical at the hotel two days and room workout plus walking the halls the first night. My eating was fair but I haven't tried to track it. I did have a single beer both nights we went out to dinner. But I did stick to my no fries goal and substituted a side salad with my sandwich at dinner last night.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, what a great trip for sticking to your plan! Your area is due to get socked -- would be a shame to lose $1200 and the chance to ski but if it's not safe, ...

    Ran a few errands early today so I have fresh fruits & veggies for the weekend (realized this morning I was out of tomatoes). Been snacky but trying to rein it in this evening and might make my calorie target if I'm very careful with dinner and beyond. Fireplace is turned on and I am trying to *finally* reorganize Christmas giftwrap to put away. I have enough for the next few years -- hit a great sale on the 26th to add to my stockpile, and already have my cards for next Christmas.

    Am actually looking forward to having a few quiet days at home to get some things done, get some rest (hasn't been a great week for sleep) and generally chill as I look out upon the winter wonderland. It's been a week of early up-&-outs so hoping to sleep in at least one day. I tend to be a night owl by nature.

    OK, back to it here. Just wanted to say hi!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon/evening all!
    Still drizzling out here on Vancouver Island, but nothing like what many of you are dealing with or facing in terms of weather with that system of snow blizzard conditions. Stay safe all!

    Cindy: The after-work walk sounds like a wonderful idea, especially if Rick can join you! Love to walk and hike for at least an hour most days and it really does make a huge difference. At one time we had a treadmill and I still miss it on the days when it isn't possible to get out. The nice thing about the NordicTrac treadmill was the information it provided in terms of time/distance/calories spent. What kind and duration of workout seems to fit your schedule? There are now SO many options to choose from. I remember when aerobics was my favorite. Whatever you choose needs to fit right for you. I'm here for ya! Dark chocolate is probably my "go-to indulgence" and I try to keep some in the fridge for when the desire is really there.

    Patti: I whole-heartedly agree with the renewal of enthusiasm. The energy we all share is so inspiring and positive. This is just as much such a safe place to vent as it is to grow fit, lean and healthy at ANY age. Warming up the vehicle is something I am familiar with from years past. No fun! At least the gym is a desirable destination. That turkey and sweet potato menu sounds yummy! Hope your workout gave you a good appetite to enjoy every morsel.

    Myra: We have been doing some sorting and cleaning of closets as well. Amazing what accumulates even when we have moved so often! We donated 4 bags of linens and cushions to the Salvation Army. Still need to cull the garage clutter on the next nice day. I think we have multiples of some things and other items I'm not sure why we hang on to. Clothes too! YEAH for you on those darn thin mint cookies! You are DOING this girl ... and go ahead on the pizza by planning ahead to "burn it off" before you go. Figure out what a slice might be and get moving ahead of time (later generally doesn't work as well) and drink LOTS of water too. That snow sledding sounds like a blast and I hope you get to enjoy it with your girls. We ought to remember how to enjoy playtime like our kids; re-name our workouts just "playtime".

    Bert: That sunshine is such a wonderful mood booster. So nice that it is shining in your neck of the woods. We have enjoyed doing many puzzles over the years and some were so tough, we just gave them to a local charity. Well done on finishing that challenge (almost?) How is your energy level these days? Were you able to get in some more of those miles again today? Wishing you a continued positive recovery period and a great evening of together time.

    Lisa: Congratulations on this weeks weigh-in results. While we all realize that the scale is just an indicator, for most we either love it or hate it week to week. For many months after I previously reached my goal weight, I didn't get on it and boy did that ever catch up with me. Now I realize that although I may not like the number that shows up, it isn't going to lie to me. It may be telling me that something has to change, or that I need to get a grasp on what may be going on health-wise. That said,there are WAY more non scale victories (NSV) every week. The confidence we feel (or lack) can really affect us. It is wonderful to have you on this trip!

    Vikki: Sorry for misspelling your name before. Thankfully you are feeling better once more. That Winter Storm Jonas sounds like trouble indeed. Even Diane is heading home earlier and adjusting her plans accordingly. Hoping and praying that you and your family remain safe from harm. Have you got everything you need to get through it? What are the forecasters saying in terms of winds and snow? I'll be monitoring some U.S. stations to keep updated on you all. Well done on limiting cookies! We have some in the freezer right now, along with an apple pie and there is still chocolate cake in the fridge. The funny thing is, more exercise means lower appetite for me (daytime)... in the morning I can be ravenous though. Do you have your meals pre-planned often? So WELL DONE on meeting your workout goals this week!

    Jeanette: Totally understood about that popcorn! When we do have some, I add insult to injury by making something my Mom used to do as a treat for us kids. Totally High Fat! She would melt butter, add icing sugar and food coloring and mix it in with the popcorn. It was supposed to dry a bit first, but we never waited for that. I remember how much of a HIT that was at the rural 4H club potlucks! Well, I guess it makes it a comfort food for me. Just hope I don't need that much comfort too soon. Your illness has taken you on a challenging journey and not even being able to read your Bible was likely a near last blow. Thankfully you were able to focus on some truth and hold it near you. When I was in Vietnam we were not allowed Bibles, so I would walk and sing "Trust and Obey" and the little kids would walk and sing along. The faith that holds us together through valleys of illness grows greatly and continues to encourage me, too. Health has been at times a struggle for me too. Some time I will share. How did your online course work turn out for you today? Thanks for your positive witness.

    Well, that ought to be all. Wow... could I talk today or what? Happy Thursday and stay safe Friday all!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Looks I started the chatty wagon here today. I love it. You ladies warm my heart and soul, I am truly loving getting to know you all better. I am too beat to do personals tonight but wanted you all to know that I have read every last word. It is almost time for date night with Edd. Thursdays usually take it out of me with going to gym in the morning and again in the evening. Both classes are very challenging but I hate missing either one. Part of it is social, I enjoy the ladies in both classes and they really push me when I feel like I can't go any more. Tomorrow is Zumba/Pilates an easy class for the end of the week. I am going to take Sunday off this week since we are going to my son's for football. I am trying a new class on Monday with Tracy. The turkey turned out perfect. I injected one side with Jalapeno butter marinade and the other side with Italian seasoning butter, about 4 hours before I put it in the oven. Then used a cooking bag and it was moist and delish. Baked sweet potato and some fresh/frozen corn made it a lovely meal. I've hit over 1400cal for today, with the exercise it says I need like 2400, sorry but that just isn't gonna happen, lol.

    I have been worrying about Diane all day, so am glad to see she checked in and is on her way home before the storm. Several of the Catholic High Schools had trips planned to DC this week, traveling by bus, and all but 1 have decided to stay home. The other one left yesterday and were planning to stay thru Sunday and if they are unable to leave will just extend their stay.

    Loving the recipes sharing and will need to get to the grocery so I can give some of them a try.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Vikki- you are such a sweet, caring and loving mother and wife!! AND, a good supportive friend to us. I'm sorry I had the meltdown and pity party yesterday. I was tired, achy and hungry and let it fly!!

    Cindy- I thought maybe you and I were in the same pity party boat! But we both snapped back and realize the alternative is not what we want either. We want and work for good health to be with our loving family and friends, and not to suffer with illnesses.

    Lisa- you are so correct about making a change now no matter what age.

    Myra-thanks for the hug, I apologize to everyone for my vent. I know I must plunge forward, not backwards.

    Bert- how is your back today?

    Be safe to all of you in the snowy and stormy weather. It was 61 degrees when I left the house this morning.

    I head up to Birmingham in the morning to see the specialist about my shingle eye. Glenn is going and we are going to go over to my brother's to spend the night and pick up something for my dad.

    Patti- thank you for your words of encouragement too. I was on the ledge .

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Mary Lynn - thanks for the stats. those calories are for someone that wants to maintain their weight, not lose it appears. I see I am in the 1700 calorie section, so keeping it down to 1200 is a slow losing time frame. But best to do it that way. I have a nutritionist that calls me from my insurance plan. She said the 300mg is fine if your cholesterol in good, but if you want to lower it you need to keep it to 200mg. Exercise will make the 20% difference you need between dropping your calories to lose I bet. I got over 12.8k steps today!!

    Diane- So very glad you have gotten out. I am leaving in the morning for Birmingham and am excited to see 2 inches of snow there tomorrow night. LOL. Take care and and I know that John will make the right decision on the 1200.00 room.

    the above post was written earlier this morning and I never sent it!! LOL.

    Patti- Enjoy your date night with your sweet Edd. I look forward to the time in the car tomorrow with my sweetheart Glenn. We listen to the 70's music, sing and have a great bit on conversation. It is 4.5 hours to the hospital. Like I said above I'm excited to see snow, nave not seen any since 2010.

    Jeannette- Thank you dear for your kind words. I was just tired and body aches were getting the best of me. I don't like to take any more meds than I have to. I know we can all vent when we need to, but I always want this board to be warm and friendly too.

    Severe warnings on the tv so I need to hunker down. For those that don't know, I live on the Gulf of Mexico in Grand Bay, Alabama. Between Mobile and Pascagoula. 2 hours from New Orleans and 2 hours to Florida's beautiful white beaches. I'm spoiled on weather.

    I'll be in the car with my iPhone, so I will catch up some more tomorrow.

    Cindy - I hope you are better now that I am over my meltdown. LOL.

    Janet- You stay inside, you surely don't need to fall!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    We are going skiing! Unless I get wifi I won't be back on until Tuesday.