You were right, I was wrong



  • wtskinner
    wtskinner Posts: 178 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Bulletproof coffee really IS delicious.

    I figured out the same thing about a month ago. I thought it was going to end up just being something I could simply tolerate and I ended up being pleasantly surprised.
  • wtskinner
    wtskinner Posts: 178 Member
    niecey61 wrote: »
    I agree it is delicious but I can't lose as fast drinking it!!!!

    wow, it seems to be the opposite with me, I've never lost faster since I started mixing a cup up in the mornings about a month and a half ago.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I want to lose a lot in the next 5 weeks. What are views on bpchoc for breakfast and dinner with a proper lunch in between? I will go back to only breakfast after 2 weeks maybe 3 but will this be damaging do you think?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    beccyleigh wrote: »
    I want to lose a lot in the next 5 weeks. What are views on bpchoc for breakfast and dinner with a proper lunch in between? I will go back to only breakfast after 2 weeks maybe 3 but will this be damaging do you think?

    It sounds like you may be interested in bulletproof fasting. You drink BPC all day until you eat one big meal. The goal isn't to only eat the same calories in that one meal like you would any other time though your goal would be to have enough calories through the day. The BPC has calories of course. But, with chocolate, it also has carbs.. So not a true fat fast either.
    Read about bulletproof fasting and see what you think.
    But, don't think that spending 2 weeks at a super low calorie is going to speed things up. It's about being in a fasted state, with only MCT and butter being so Ketogenic that you're just burning fat all day long. I don't know how effective it is with hot chocolate instead of tea or coffee.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I wouldn't actually be any lower calorie as I have around 1500 a day & the BPchoc is 450 cals each with 51g fat, the lunch would be a protein & salad affair.

    It's more the fat burning properties in BPchoc that I am hoping for & as I only use 5g of 85% dark chocolate the carb count is minimal.

    I'll have a look into the fasting. Thanks sunny bunny. (My son is called sonny )
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    That's a good idea too @lithezebra I think if I do that along with the hot top-up and let my butter come up to room temp before blending, my coffee would be closer to the blistering burn I like :smile:

    @PaleoInScotland Aside from pre heating coffee pluger, blender and mug, I also have been known to zap the butter n oil in the microwave for 30 secs before blending. Also wrap plunger then blender in a tea towel on one v cold morning. Bit extreme, but certainly insulates and keeps coffee hot. I have a thick thermos mug too. I dont mind my coffee warm but I want to savour it without risking butter globs forming.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I recently discovered that I've been doing it wrong. Not really wrong, but too much coffee for the amount of butter and coconut oil I was using. Now that I have my French press, I LOVE to have a cup of black coffee first, but then I take a tablespoon each of coconut oil and grass-fed butter and whip it up with the coffee that's left (so, half the amount of coffee I used to use). It tastes so much better now! And I'm still using the same amount of butter and coconut oil as I was, so I'm not increasing my calories at all.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    beccyleigh wrote: »
    I wouldn't actually be any lower calorie as I have around 1500 a day & the BPchoc is 450 cals each with 51g fat, the lunch would be a protein & salad affair.

    It's more the fat burning properties in BPchoc that I am hoping for & as I only use 5g of 85% dark chocolate the carb count is minimal.

    I'll have a look into the fasting. Thanks sunny bunny. (My son is called sonny )

    If you're interested in the originator, Dave Asprey's BPC recipe. He only uses 1 or 2 teaspoons each of MCT and butter, so the calories per cup would be a lot less. But, then you drink it as you feel you need to through the day. Lots of people adjust these amounts to suit their preference.
    Here is a photo of the page from The Bulletproof Diet that references it.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I only use 200mls of water to make mine, any more & it loses the creamy texture.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Other information in the book does suggest that inclusion of any carbs or protein at all, prevents the fasted state. So... There could be some reduction of benefit from the chocolate... How much it would hinder any results...??? Who knows. You'd just have to try it. If it didn't impress you then that could be the reason and you could try it with tea maybe.
    Here's another book shot.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2016
    @auntstephie321 "I tried to make avocado chocolate pudding" I just love that spirit of adventure. Sure, sometimes it ends up being a complete disaster, but you never know until you try it.
    Instead of complaining about what we can't eat, explore all the possible combinations of what we can! Creative chefs at work. LOL. You guys ROCK!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    For those who don't want extra calories, I've been finding a teaspoon each of coconut oil and butter in 10 ounces of coffee to be perfectly delicious. It doesn't take a lot, though more is rich and delicious.
  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    LuizH wrote: »
    Does anyone keep their BPC warm in a thermos? I've been drinking one each morning with double cream in place of butter but I'm thinking of making a second cup to bring to work for lunchtime (I have to eat at my desk if I want to squeeze in a gym trip at lunchtime, I'm thinking a liquid lunch might be easier), I'm just not sure how well it will hold together if I keep it warm for 4 hours. I mix it in my blender so it makes a really good emulsion but I don't know how long it lasts because I love the flavour so I've never let it sit around for long!

    I do! I drink my coffee at work but prepare it at home. The only issue I have is that my thermos is a S'Well bottle with a narrow neck so I need to spoon off some of the froth or there isn't enough room in the container for all the coffee (and I want it ALL!).

  • ljocker
    ljocker Posts: 10 Member
    I keto but also fast intermittently. There's nothing like breaking the fast with a bulletproof coffee.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I don't love it, but it's not too bad. I can't put much fat into it because of the calories. I've used coconut oil and Kerrygold grassfed butter.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I had bpchoc for dinner last night and another one this morning. I will do this for the next couple of weeks. Ii haven't eaten since 3pm yesterday afternoon so will eat between 10-4pm today and another bpchoc this evening

    I have totally lost desire for crisps. Sweets and carbs since having bpchoc. This feels like my life had just changed
  • ElysiumB
    ElysiumB Posts: 4 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I wish I liked it!
    (I've mentioned this here before but I liked it the first 2-3 times I tried it and then just totally lost my taste for it. The fourth time I choked it down and the fifth time I took a couple sips and then just dumped it out and poured a new cup of coffee with just HWC.)
    I really would like to start liking coconut oil again.

    Coconut oil made me incredibly nauseous eating the BPC. Now I use the MCT oil at my sister's recommendation. No nausea, no flavor!

  • ElysiumB
    ElysiumB Posts: 4 Member
    KaseyDH83 wrote: »
    It IS delicious. I had tried it about six months ago, but it made me queasy, so I gave up on it. I've had it the last couple of days, but only after I had eaten something, and it didn't make me sick at all. Yesterday morning, I had it for breakfast, along with eggs, bacon and cream cheese pancakes. Then I went on a 7-mile hike and felt energized the whole time. Usually at mile 7, I'm beginning to wear down, but I could've hiked a few more miles. I'm definitely a fan!

    I mentioned this earlier to another lovely LCHF lady. Coconut oil made me terribly nauseous, but MCT (from Now! brand) was just fine!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    @auntstephie321 "I tried to make avocado chocolate pudding" I just love that spirit of adventure. Sure, sometimes it ends up being a complete disaster, but you never know until you try it.
    Instead of complaining about what we can't eat, explore all the possible combinations of what we can! Creative chefs at work. LOL. You guys ROCK!

    Oh it was an adventure for sure. It was my fault for putting to much cocoa powder in lol. Luckily I haven't had to many mishaps like that with my experiments.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    ElysiumB wrote: »
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I wish I liked it!
    (I've mentioned this here before but I liked it the first 2-3 times I tried it and then just totally lost my taste for it. The fourth time I choked it down and the fifth time I took a couple sips and then just dumped it out and poured a new cup of coffee with just HWC.)
    I really would like to start liking coconut oil again.

    Coconut oil made me incredibly nauseous eating the BPC. Now I use the MCT oil at my sister's recommendation. No nausea, no flavor!

    Good to know, thanks!