100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Amanda and Roger and folks that just read and not post,
    Wow! You 2 are my heroes! Your posts inspire me to keep going. I'm not finding posts from folks with 100 to lose much less 200 to lose. I'm 105 down with 100 more to lose. Everyday is a struggle for me. I'm pushing myself to stay under 1500 but as you know it is an up hill battle. Reading your posts is a boost to my motivation.
    I was really disappointed with my orthopedic doctor last week. I still need to lose 40 more pounds before he will do a knee replacement. He also suggested (this is my second opinion dr) that I do bariatric surgery. I'm not against bariatric surgery, I just don't want it for me. I'm being stubborn and want to do this without surgery and prove that it can be done. I only lost 5 pounds in January and have not weighed this week so the pressure is on. I'm not able to walk or exercise so this next 100 is fighting me with each pound.

    Amanda......I'm so proud of you. NS works for me but each person has their own path to follow. As long as you are losing and feel good I think that is great. I'm glad you are here and posting. I need you in my weight loss journey. As someone who has had their gallbladder out many years ago that pain could be from your surgery on the 26th. But just look at you.....using your walker and getting the steps done.

    Roger.... I always run out of breakfast, so I order additional breakfasts al la cart. I usually delay my order by 2 weeks. I have way too many lunch things because I don't care for the lunch menus and will flex with a salad. Not crazy about the dinner menu but really like the frozen foods. Usually I just put on my big girl bib and microwave a NS shelf dinner. The food really does fill me up and I do like the results.
    It is cold here in NC today. Feeling blessed to be retired and have gas logs in the fireplace. Stay warm and safe!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did not go walking yet, Cold and breezy today. Temperature in the 20s as of 7AM. Forecast is for colder this weekend too. The local News12 Cable only channel just showed a overnight low for Saturday night into Sunday of 0 degrees, Last night the NYC stations were saying possible record low, The old record was I believe 2 degrees almost 100 years ago.

    That will probably have an impact on my walking, especially if it is also breezy. Out the door later to the Have Taxes done for My Brother and I, Then Home, Noon Snack and go for a walk.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Amanda and Roger and folks that just read and not post,
    Wow! You 2 are my heroes! Your posts inspire me to keep going. I'm not finding posts from folks with 100 to lose much less 200 to lose. I'm 105 down with 100 more to lose. Everyday is a struggle for me. I'm pushing myself to stay under 1500 but as you know it is an up hill battle. Reading your posts is a boost to my motivation.

    Hi Nene
    I was there where You are last year with 100 pounds to lose, As of this morning I am down 216 pounds, You can do it too. I can see in the mirror that I need to lose a bit more, the doctor visit last month he said I was good where I am when I asked what should be my goal weight.

    I do feel so much better and have decent mobility now so that goal is met :)
    I was really disappointed with my orthopedic doctor last week. I still need to lose 40 more pounds before he will do a knee replacement. He also suggested (this is my second opinion dr) that I do bariatric surgery. I'm not against bariatric surgery, I just don't want it for me. I'm being stubborn and want to do this without surgery and prove that it can be done. I only lost 5 pounds in January and have not weighed this week so the pressure is on. I'm not able to walk or exercise so this next 100 is fighting me with each pound.

    Amanda......I'm so proud of you. NS works for me but each person has their own path to follow. As long as you are losing and feel good I think that is great. I'm glad you are here and posting. I need you in my weight loss journey. As someone who has had their gallbladder out many years ago that pain could be from your surgery on the 26th. But just look at you.....using your walker and getting the steps done.

    Roger.... I always run out of breakfast, so I order additional breakfasts al la cart. I usually delay my order by 2 weeks. I have way too many lunch things because I don't care for the lunch menus and will flex with a salad. Not crazy about the dinner menu but really like the frozen foods. Usually I just put on my big girl bib and microwave a NS shelf dinner. The food really does fill me up and I do like the results.
    It is cold here in NC today. Feeling blessed to be retired and have gas logs in the fireplace. Stay warm and safe!

    Have You looked at the Quaker Oats Instant Oatmeal for breakfasts, it isn't bad.
    FWIW The Breakfasts and Lunches are both replaceable with a SC + PF, Dinner takes two of one and one of the other and Desserts are a SC.

    I find that after eating only frozen dinners and lunches for a while I do like the Shelf Stable entrees mixed in for a change. You could replace a Lunch with a serving of chicken breast and a fruit or cottage cheese & a fruit for example. Example 1/2 cup cottage cheese with a serving of drained diced pineapple mixed in to taste and the rest on the side.

    Bariatric surgery in my opinion is risky and from my research when I decided to start working on my weight a over two years ago can be dangerous and often since its purpose is to force a change in eating behavior quite often fails in the long run with the surgery being done and the initial weight loss ending up being regained. When I saw that I kept looking for a better way. I had tried WW & Atkins in the past with good initial results that ended up being back where I was and then heavier. JC just looked like a pain in the neck and pricey and the reviews were not good. Most negative NS reviews I saw where from not reading or comprehending the terms as related to the Money back guarantee or needing to have two orders or if not two orders being charged for the free shipping from failing to meet the requirements.

    I agree She is doing spectacular getting out with a walker. Way to go!

    Do not say I only lost 5 pounds in January, it should be Yea! I lost 5 more pounds :)

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW I did get out walking at 2:53PM until 4:20PM and am at 8700+ steps currently. I felt it advisable not to go walking and drinking coffee before Going out of the house for a extended time :)

    I paid the price on my walk. It was nearly the same temperature as it was around 7:15AM this morning but windier so The Wind chill was worse :( I am not looking forward to this weekend and may end up doing 1/2 or 1/4 normal distance walks. especially Sunday morning when it is supposed to hit around zero + any windchill factor. I did find 31 cents yesterday, nothing today however.

    Have a Good Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did better today than yesterday, I got out early before 8AM, 8100+ steps currently, Despite the temperature being colder than yesterday at 15 degrees it was more comfortable due to a much lower breeze so the wind chill was warmer. This upcoming weekend the forecast is for a windchill in the -15 to -25 degree range for this area. Since that is getting into a danger range for frostbite I may stay home or do a much shorter than usual walk :)
    I picked up Bananas and a head of lettuce on the way back home. I would have picked up more except that I did it on the spur of the moment and therefore was not wearing my backpack as well as being worried that the lettuce might freeze on the way home.

    I was listening to music from the 50s, 60, and 70s as a change of pace from listening to "The Shadow" radio shows form 1946 for the last week or so.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    based on the weather report on our local News12 Cable only channel I decided to go walking today early before the Temperatures dropped and the wind picked up. +5 cents, then as a I was walking the wind picked up and it started snowing, I was headed into the wind at that portion of my route so I reversed course and headed for home, The streets and sidewalks had enough snow on them to cover them. I was passing the Dollar Store at opening time so I went in a picked up a quart of 1% UHT milk for shelf stock. $1 for the quart size, dated use by January 5, 2017 :) Even with the warmup in the dollar store My fingers were getting cold by the time I got home.

    Given that the forecast for Sunday shows wind chills in the -10 to -25 degree range for my area, Worse to the north FWIW, I have decided to set up the coffee maker tonight for tomorrow mornings coffee. My Brother picked up a can of 1/2 regular and 1/2 decaf coffee for me. Since I drink 24 ounces of coffee that is one way to cut down on caffeine.

    Have a Good Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    It is cold out there this morning in NJ, in a nearby town local cable News12 channel is showing 2 degrees there, with a wind chill of -16 and a temperature at their studios of 1 degree at 8AM. No walking for me today. Tomorrow looks as if I will be going out later than usual too to give the Overnight temperatures a chance to warm up.

    Not too much planned for today except to work on staying warm.

    I have added the latest new foods I just saw available from NutriSystem here, 2 Frozen Dinners and a Shelf Stable Lunch Bar.

    I keep checking to see if the CostCo NutriSystem Gift cards are back on sale, no luck so far this year. I have enough for the upcoming order, if they do not I will have to pick them up at the $79.99 for $100 face value. Still better than paying $100 for $100 of NS.

    Have a Good Sunday, Valentines Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    I walked after I posted early this morning :) It drizzled a couple of times and after I was home home the skies opened up and it poured with high wind gusts. Then it ended this afternoon and I was out walking again as I was a little under on @ 7K+ steps + 1 cent, now I'm over @ 12K steps.

    there was some slush and puddles this morning so I wore the insulated waterproof boots, this afternoon it was fine just a few puddles I could easily avoid.

  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 321 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Amanda and Roger and folks that just read and not post,
    Wow! You 2 are my heroes! Your posts inspire me to keep going. I'm not finding posts from folks with 100 to lose much less 200 to lose. I'm 105 down with 100 more to lose. Everyday is a struggle for me. I'm pushing myself to stay under 1500 but as you know it is an up hill battle. Reading your posts is a boost to my motivation.
    I was really disappointed with my orthopedic doctor last week. I still need to lose 40 more pounds before he will do a knee replacement. He also suggested (this is my second opinion dr) that I do bariatric surgery. I'm not against bariatric surgery, I just don't want it for me. I'm being stubborn and want to do this without surgery and prove that it can be done. I only lost 5 pounds in January and have not weighed this week so the pressure is on. I'm not able to walk or exercise so this next 100 is fighting me with each pound.

    Amanda......I'm so proud of you. NS works for me but each person has their own path to follow. As long as you are losing and feel good I think that is great. I'm glad you are here and posting. I need you in my weight loss journey. As someone who has had their gallbladder out many years ago that pain could be from your surgery on the 26th. But just look at you.....using your walker and getting the steps done.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. All my life my weight has been an issue for me since I was 12 years old. I can't tell you the number of diets I have been on, the pounds I lost and always gained back including NS twice. The first time I lost with NS was back in 2006 lost about 90 pounds in 10 months gained it all back but 12. The second time in Jan 2014 to June 2015 my body being older and more abused only dropped 38 pounds in the 16 months. When I went to the Dr with the Gallbladder and Hernia problems and than we discovered the nodule and he said he had to cut out part of the tummy to get to the nodule I was scared too. However over the course of the 6 months I saw him he explained the surgeries in detail. Half of what he said I didn't understand but that was ok, I knew he knew what he had to do and that is all that mattered to me. I trusted him and knew he had better health for me in store. I had to have several session with a Psych to as this was 3 procedures I was going to have. I never had surgery before of any kind and all sorts of fears popped into my head. However as the time got closer I was positive about the renewed health I would have as was not afraid of the surgeries. I was relieved that the nodule was discovered and that with it gone and part of my tummy gone I will finally be able to lose the weight and regain my health with a lot of hard work on my part too. I had no complications from the surgeries and I credit that to the wonderful Dr I had. He does all kinds of surgery on obese people not just Weight Loss Surgery. Turns out the shoulder pain I had was gas pains. I am on a new journey and looking forward to all it has to offer. In fact I am so convinced I will get healthier I have my eyes set on doing a Bike challenge in Feb 2017.
    Yes I have to learn a new way of eating. Protein first before any other foods and small bites and nothing to drink while I am eating. But these are behaviors I was working on during the 6 months I was seeing the Dr. The best thing about having this smaller tummy is that he took the hunger hormone out. I have no desire to eat, I am eating as I know I need to keep up my strength and must keep my muscles as I lose the fat. By following the food program, and exercising the weight will come off and this time it will not come back as it has numerous times in the past. If you or anyone else has any questions please feel free to email me. I will be happy to answer them.

    Nene You have lost a huge amount and I am so happy for you. 105 pounds off of your body is helping you do some many things you probably couldn't do before. With continuing to follow the food plan and doing even chair exercises the rest will come off. Once the knee is fixed and you can do more physical things and exercise you will have a renewed sense of wanting to get and stay healthier. I still have a long journey ahead, about another 140 pounds. However I all ready know this time I will never get back up to 497 ever again.
    We are friends on the site so let's email and support each other so we can both get the knee surgeries we so badly need. I am here for you and anyone else that needs the support.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    I was walking again this morning + 13 Cents, One dime and three corroded pennies :)
    It was 10 degrees colder outside than yesterday morning, however it was actually more comfortable with no wind chill today.
    I walked over to the Quick Chek near the Auto repair shop we use and then looped a little further out before returning home. I dropped off a can of Caramel Corn my brother bought from a Boy Scouts Fund Raising drive and a Decent size box of Chocolate candy that was left over from Christmas as two Salt and Vinegar Snack-A-Rounds from NutriSystem than neither of us could eat due to the taste. The Candy is left over as we always have a couple of generic wrapped presents under the tree in case a visitor brings a present, that way we also have one. After a brief discussion we concurred that getting both of the temptations out of the house would be better for losing weight :) Why the Auto Repair Shop? They take good care of us and often do little things with no charge.

    Much better weather forecast for the weekend, 50s by day and mid to upper 30s overnight, Yea!

    Have a Great Friday
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Amanda and Roger and folks that just read and not post,
    Wow! You 2 are my heroes! Your posts inspire me to keep going. I'm not finding posts from folks with 100 to lose much less 200 to lose. I'm 105 down with 100 more to lose. Everyday is a struggle for me. I'm pushing myself to stay under 1500 but as you know it is an up hill battle. Reading your posts is a boost to my motivation.
    I was really disappointed with my orthopedic doctor last week. I still need to lose 40 more pounds before he will do a knee replacement. He also suggested (this is my second opinion dr) that I do bariatric surgery. I'm not against bariatric surgery, I just don't want it for me. I'm being stubborn and want to do this without surgery and prove that it can be done. I only lost 5 pounds in January and have not weighed this week so the pressure is on. I'm not able to walk or exercise so this next 100 is fighting me with each pound.

    Amanda......I'm so proud of you. NS works for me but each person has their own path to follow. As long as you are losing and feel good I think that is great. I'm glad you are here and posting. I need you in my weight loss journey. As someone who has had their gallbladder out many years ago that pain could be from your surgery on the 26th. But just look at you.....using your walker and getting the steps done.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. All my life my weight has been an issue for me since I was 12 years old. I can't tell you the number of diets I have been on, the pounds I lost and always gained back including NS twice. The first time I lost with NS was back in 2006 lost about 90 pounds in 10 months gained it all back but 12. The second time in Jan 2014 to June 2015 my body being older and more abused only dropped 38 pounds in the 16 months. When I went to the Dr with the Gallbladder and Hernia problems and than we discovered the nodule and he said he had to cut out part of the tummy to get to the nodule I was scared too. However over the course of the 6 months I saw him he explained the surgeries in detail. Half of what he said I didn't understand but that was ok, I knew he knew what he had to do and that is all that mattered to me. I trusted him and knew he had better health for me in store. I had to have several session with a Psych to as this was 3 procedures I was going to have. I never had surgery before of any kind and all sorts of fears popped into my head. However as the time got closer I was positive about the renewed health I would have as was not afraid of the surgeries. I was relieved that the nodule was discovered and that with it gone and part of my tummy gone I will finally be able to lose the weight and regain my health with a lot of hard work on my part too. I had no complications from the surgeries and I credit that to the wonderful Dr I had. He does all kinds of surgery on obese people not just Weight Loss Surgery. Turns out the shoulder pain I had was gas pains. I am on a new journey and looking forward to all it has to offer. In fact I am so convinced I will get healthier I have my eyes set on doing a Bike challenge in Feb 2017.
    Yes I have to learn a new way of eating. Protein first before any other foods and small bites and nothing to drink while I am eating. But these are behaviors I was working on during the 6 months I was seeing the Dr. The best thing about having this smaller tummy is that he took the hunger hormone out. I have no desire to eat, I am eating as I know I need to keep up my strength and must keep my muscles as I lose the fat. By following the food program, and exercising the weight will come off and this time it will not come back as it has numerous times in the past. If you or anyone else has any questions please feel free to email me. I will be happy to answer them.

    Nene You have lost a huge amount and I am so happy for you. 105 pounds off of your body is helping you do some many things you probably couldn't do before. With continuing to follow the food plan and doing even chair exercises the rest will come off. Once the knee is fixed and you can do more physical things and exercise you will have a renewed sense of wanting to get and stay healthier. I still have a long journey ahead, about another 140 pounds. However I all ready know this time I will never get back up to 497 ever again.
    We are friends on the site so let's email and support each other so we can both get the knee surgeries we so badly need. I am here for you and anyone else that needs the support.

    Hi Amanda
    I know what You mean, even in school I was somewhat overweight. I suspect most if not all of us here have tried many different diet plans.
    I tried WW, It worked initially and then even with staying within their guidelines the structure allowed me to eat too many WW Desserts and not enough healthy foods and then the weight cam back Plus extra. I tried Atkins, once again a initial success then Plateau and gain. Same results with a self formulated plan :) Doctor prescribed drugs worked for a while and as soon as I was off, the weight gain was on. NutriSystem has been the most successful, long term streak of losses and I believe I have learned a lot regarding eating better.

    Hmmm, Shoulder pain from Gas pain, Interesting to know.

    I find it interesting that You have no appetite.
    OTOH Congratulations on eating anyway to keep healthy. tmje.gif

    Keep up the Good Work
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 321 Member
    Hmmm, Shoulder pain from Gas pain, Interesting to know.

    Yes Roger when they do laparoscopic surgeries they blow up your belly so they can move the instruments around. The Dr said he would get most of that stuff out but some remains. You just have to take care of the rest naturally by walking and various sounds effects. However some was trapped in me resulting in severe lower back shoulder pain for about 10 days. Once I was able to start eating again even though it was only an egg that food helped to get the gas out.
    Yep when they took out the nodule by cutting the tummy the Dr also took out the Ghrelin cells which cause you to not have an appetite.
  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hello friends- back on the boards after a long hiatus. I am back on track with my program as well- dropped .6 this week and looking to re-lose about 20 lbs gained over the course of the past few months. Lots a reasons and excuses but that doesn't matter as I still have to do the work so time to get moving! And with my new hip!!Have a great weekend - stay true to your plans! Bev
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was around 20 degrees warmer outside when I left the house to walk + 1 Cent. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice too. The Sun is shining and most of the snow has melted.

    One more week to make changes to my upcoming order before it closes to changes at 6PM next Sunday the 28th.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Hmmm, Shoulder pain from Gas pain, Interesting to know.

    Yes Roger when they do laparoscopic surgeries they blow up your belly so they can move the instruments around. The Dr said he would get most of that stuff out but some remains. You just have to take care of the rest naturally by walking and various sounds effects. However some was trapped in me resulting in severe lower back shoulder pain for about 10 days. Once I was able to start eating again even though it was only an egg that food helped to get the gas out.
    Yep when they took out the nodule by cutting the tummy the Dr also took out the Ghrelin cells which cause you to not have an appetite.

    Hi Amanda
    I never heard of those cells, You would think that they would be on the list of "Miracle" surgeries for weight loss. I can also see where no appetite could be dangerous to a persons health so be Careful.

    I gurgle enough from the Sugar substitutes in the NS foods :)

    Have a Nice Saturday
    5mates wrote: »
    Hello friends- back on the boards after a long hiatus. I am back on track with my program as well- dropped .6 this week and looking to re-lose about 20 lbs gained over the course of the past few months. Lots a reasons and excuses but that doesn't matter as I still have to do the work so time to get moving! And with my new hip!!Have a great weekend - stay true to your plans! Bev

    Hi Bev
    Welcome back

    .6 lost is a decent loss. My loss has slowed down as the weight left to lose decreased.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did get out walking and extended my distance somewhat, 8.5K steps, no money :) The Weather is still nice outside, Rain in the forecast to move in by late afternoon or evening into early Monday Morning.

    I'll be heading off to the Acme later for the case water that is on sale and to look at the lean Cuisine that is on sale to see if it works On Plan for NS.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went back out for a short walk yesterday afternoon to pick up something at one of the dollar stores that I had forgotten to get at the Acme. 14.5K total steps.
    Today is slightly cooler but OK + 1corroded penny. 8.5k steps so far including another drive to the Acme. They had water on sale with a limit of two. I also picked up a organic Gummi Worms today and a organic Gummi Bears yesterday as they were free. They will will be dropped off somewhere as the price was right. I also picked up some Michelinas entrees at 4 for $5, and some Lean Cuisine whose statistics looked OK. They were 5 for $10 for some and $2.49 for others of a upscale Lean Cuisine. The Macaroni & Beef I had for dinner last night was tasty too, so I picked up a couple more today as well as other flavors. The carbohydrates are a little high, OTOH looking at some Shelf Stable NS Entrees I see 30g to 37g so I can work them in by dropping one of the two Clementines I add as a SC :)

    Classic Macaroni & Beef
    Calories 270
    Fat 5g
    Fiber 3g
    Protein 13g
    Sodium 530mg
    Carbohydrates 43g

    With the Frozen Entrees I picked up I am back in balance on meals as it was dinners I was light on so I think I will delay my order further.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just tried a lean Cuisine Baked Chicken Dinner, further information in the Food Reviews section shortly, here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/105887-ns-food-reviews

    I walked 8.2K Steps and one badly corroded penny. The Penny was found when I walked down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street from the one I usually walk on :)

    Light Rain already, It started less than an hour after my walk, so I got that in before the rain.
    I also swung past the Produce Store and picked up Bananas, a decent size 99 cent Strawberries, three Nectarines and three Pears all to be used as SCs. The Lettuce was small and light in weight so I passed it by as at 89 cents it still was no bargain. I would rather pay more an get a good quality and size head of Lettuce.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided to go walking this morning, when I got up the local Cable news channel showed a break in the weather and it looked OK, Just wet outside so I togged up in a complete head to toe Frogg Toggs and went walking. When I left the house it was just a fine mist, intermittent slightly heavier rain but not to bad actually. I covered my normal distance 7-Eleven Coffee powered :)

    The weather forecast is for heavier rain later on into early Thursday, Since I have two more days of frozen vegetables on hand I have decided to CostCo it on Friday. Friday will be Frozen vegetables and paper goods day from there.

    I will be adding a mini review of The Lean Cuisine Comfort line Pot Roast to the NS food reviews section, link to that section is: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/105887-ns-food-reviews

    Have a Nice Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Interesting article linked here
    Eat in the dark to lose weight, say scientists
    Volunteers ate nearly 10 per cent less ice-cream when blindfolded, and believed they had eaten far more.

    An experiment by the University of Konstanz, in Germany, found that people who were blindfolded consumed nine per cent fewer calories before they felt full, compared to those who could see.

    “This may provide an unobtrusive and naturalistic means to change the experience of eating behaviour."
    Dr Britter Renner, University of Konstanz

    They also vastly overestimated how much they had eaten because they could not see how much was left on the plate. Blindfolded volunteers estimated they had eaten 88 per cent more than they actually had.

    More in the article

    A interesting read. For some people this may be all they need to lose weight :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    The Weather cleared up overnight, No More rain, Lightening or Thunder. Still some gusty wind, but warm in the 50s so I did go walking and Buy more Florida Strawberries @$0.99 for a one pound box and a head of 79 cent Lettuce as I neared the end of my walk by the Produce Store. On the One road i walked on that crosses a small brook it was swollen and spread out all over and the road was closed where it was flooded. Some parts of NJ had up to 3 inches of rain and Wind gusts over 50MPH.

    I'll be updating the Food Reviews with a Mini Review of the Lean Cuisine Comfort Line Chicken Marsala & Risotto @210 calories in the food review section here:

    Have a Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was and still is gusty out this morning. Wind chill in the 20s when I left for my walk, Some calm periods and then a gust of wind that You have to either let push You or lean into.
    I'm home from CostCo and my earlier walk, 8200+ steps, 2 Bags of Normandy Mix, French Green Beans, Stir Fry vegetables to try, Yogurt, and Chicken Breast on Skewers 150 calories for 2 skewers to try out and 2 10 packs of Kleenex. I use a lot of them when walking at this time of the years from the cold air.

    That makes two weeks + of Greek Yogurt, a month or more of Frozen vegetables and some proteins. Plenty of fruit on hand too. No need to shop for a couple of weeks now :)

    More LC reviews coming, Todays is the Chicken Fettuccine and maybe today or tomorrow I will be trying the LC Steak Portobello Dinner for lunch, at 160 calories it should work well and will make a change from the NS lunches.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is not to bad outside despite being cold, Less wind so OK to walk in.

    Dinner with my Brother and a Friend at a Chinese Buffet Friday Evening, Where the selection is large and tasty :(
    The Chicken Broccoli was close enough to OP, However the extra Sesame Chicken, General Tso's Chicken, Pizza, Ham Slice and Carrot Cake puts it way off from On Plan.
    Today I am expecting to be back to 100%

    Have a Nice Saturday