March-ing in to Spring!



  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    @canadianlbs I haven't stopped eating for the past 24 hours!

    I also had to back off on weights at the gym tonight as my quads and hamstrings are a tad weary...

    front squats: 3x10 @ 25kg
    lunges: 3x10 @ 30kg
    leg curl: 3x15 @ 10? I can't remember - less than before!
    leg extension 3x15 @ again, about 5kg last than last week
    calf stuff - working up on these as I have a dodgy calf
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »
    @canadianlbs I haven't stopped eating for the past 24 hours!

    I also had to back off on weights at the gym tonight as my quads and hamstrings are a tad weary...

    I can only imagine why you're a 'tad' might take me a week to recover from your trek LOL...and I'm not in the worst shape, really!
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Glad to have you joining us here @VeryKatie !

    This mornings workout was smashed out between getting a kids ready for school because we are in the middle of an extended heat wave of 40C days and it's much too hot in my shed to workout in the evening. So I'd do a set, head inside to help with the next thing and make sure they were all on track.

    SQ: 3x5 at 20kg. Just going to stick with the bar to warm up a bit while chiro is working on my back over the next few weeks.
    BP: 5x5 at 31kg. This was the weight I stalled on and had to deload, so glad I made it today!
    BR: 4,4,5,5,5 at 38kg. Think I'll be deloading on this exercise soon, it's getting hard!
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    SL5x5 - B
    Squat: 5x5 115lb
    OHP: 3/5/5/3/4 55lb (fail)
    DL: 1x5 135lb

    I was supposed to do squats at 120lb and deadlift at 140lb, but my body was not having it.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Frustrating workout at the gym last night as it was so busy, so just ended up doing a mishmash of pulldowns, seated rows, Bulgarian split squats and some front squat push presses. Called it a day before too long. Ah well, something was better than nothing.

    I did do my 2 miles on the treadmill yesterday. . My fastest time so far.

    Also went and ran my 2 miles this morning at 5.45am! Very cold and a bit icy so took it carefully but still ended up being quicker than I was a couple of weeks ago so I'm definitely improving!
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member

    @kimiuzzel Congrats on your fastest time & for running at 5.45AM! Makes up for the not so great gym time :)

    Second day of SL for me - I am away from my home gym for the month so am using dumbbells, but today was able to use barbells, preloaded, but BB's none the less! Also having to switch from my normal lbs to kgs while I am away, so I have my little conversion chart with me at all times haha!

    Squat 25k/55lbs 5x5
    OH Press 20k/44lbs 5x5
    Deadlift 40k/88lbs 1x5
    (I have never done any of the above with that kind of weight, so I am pretty happy with these numbers)!
    DB Curls 10k/22lbs 2x5
    Shrugs 10k/22lbs 2x15
    Calf Raises 3x15 (sometimes I think these are the hardest of all)!!

  • sarah___mac
    sarah___mac Posts: 13 Member
    OK, I've done a poor job posting already. Here is my update:

    Thursday 3/3:
    Squat 5x5 @ 65 lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 52.5 lbs
    Row 5x5 @ 50 lbs

    + one hour zumba class for cardio

    Friday 3/4:
    SL Rest, hiked 4 miles into a canyon, easy to moderate

    Saturday 3/5:
    Still SL Rest, one hour hatha yoga class. lots of backbends and chest opening! I find this to be good to counter the chest tightness from bench and planks etc.

    Sunday 3/6:
    Squat 5x5 @ 67.5 lbs - very conscious effort to focus on hip drive, flexing my glutes at top and spending "more time under the bar" as per suggestions from sidesteel on form critique thread. Also tried different breathing rhythm - inhale at top and hold throughout lift. I;m curious how you all breath in this lift - comments welcome!
    OHP 5x5 @ 45lbs - focusing on straightening wrists, and also locking my ribs in pace and getting the lean from my hips as per feedback from canadianlbs- tricky correction but I think I made some improvements! Was able to complete all sets without shoulder pain :smile:
    Dead 1x5 @ 140lbs - kept gaze forward not up, and tried to focus on keeping hips low and hinging from them.

    Monday 3/7: SL rest, stretching and physical therapy shoulder exercises on my own.

    Tonight I've got a yoga workshop on my schedule - been looking forward to the start of this 4-week series on backbends! Planning to lift Wednesday morning and Friday morning this week due to schedule.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Got up at a decent time today, it's been 3 days since my last workout and it seriously felt like 3 weeks! How weird.

    10 min warm-up - 20 movements (still amazes me how sweaty I get in 10 minutes!)

    Squat: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x105 (still holding at this weight for now, maybe a couple more sessions and I'll increase)
    Bench: 2x5x45, 5x5x85 (this was a third or fourth round at this weight and annoyingly it felt almost impossible today. I don't really get that...and I don't like it! Maybe its just because it's been a week since the last bench press)
    Rows: 5x5x85 (also hard, same weights)

    For the last week or so I've been feeling really weak in my workouts. I'm not exercising like a crazy person, so I don't think I'm overdoing it...but something is just not jiving. I wish I knew what was going on...maybe it's just the Spring change. Seasons seem to screw with me some...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,139 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 95/100/105/110, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X 100
    BP-1X5X 55/60/65, 5X5X 70
    BR-5X5X 75

    Swimming freestyle-45 minutes

    I was able to get part of my routine done today early. I am taking a short break then I will be doing the kettle bell swing challenge. I'm still on a 10 pound deload on my strong lift workout because of the kettle bell swing challenge. One thing that I did notice is that I feel extremely strong with the lifts and plan on adding weight next time.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Week 11
    My workout from yesterday. Have to remember to post in both places.
    Routine: Workout B

    Set 1: 100 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 100 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 100 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 100 lbs × 6
    Notes: OMG, I deadlift 100 lbs. I was so, so, excited to do that. It just felt amazing.

    Lat Pulldown

    Set 1: 62.5 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 62.5 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 62.5 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 62.5 lbs × 6

    Shoulder Press
    Set 1: 45 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 45 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 45 lbs × 5
    Set 4: 45 lbs × 5
    Notes: And a new high for my overhead shoulder press. A solid 45 lbs. I know it's not much to many, but it's a heck of a lot to me. I am so getting stronger. Even though I could not do all of the reps for the last 2 sets, I felt strong and proud knowing how I've struggled with this exercise.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,139 Member
    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    Goblet Squat-3X7X 30
    Russian Kettlebell Swing-25X 10 X 30 = 250

    Day 8 Challenge Total- 2825

    I am so excited that I got this done. I was feeling a little wore out prior so I only did sets of 10 swings. I also went for a 2 1/2 mile walk before this exercise because my puppy doesn't know the word no! After I eat my breakfast I will have to take him out for another 2 1/2 mile walk.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Kettlebells this morning, restarting the M&F 5 week program.

    Goblet Squat 5x5 at 16kg
    KB Swing 10x15 at 16kg
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    today's workout: peanut-pinned situps for my t-spine and rib. i'm better enough that i have to tell myself not to go lift because i'll just re-screw it up. as opposed to the more acute phase where i don't need to tell myself anything because it's already screwed up. right now i may be halfway back to re-aligned but everything that was involved is still sore as some very sore stuff.

    fingers crossed for tomorrow, and lots of yogurt.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted weights today in the afternoon as didn't have work. Yay days off. Wasn't into running and it was rainy so didn't do long run but instead did a short one on the treadmill after lifting. Also, since it was early afternoon that meant other people at the gym, well a few. Did have a couple different ones talk to me briefly, which is different. Had a lady comment about pull-ups cause I was going my attempts where I still just get 1 and she thought that was neat cause she hasn't done any before. Talked a brief moment about some lifts I did as I don't really use the assisted machine, she asked about it. Then later had a guy comment on a thing, so we chatted brief on incline press and lifting. He mentioned deadlift but I corrected him a smidge as I was doing rows. Talked about competition and stuff too cause he's starting over a bit on the lifting but also has obstacle races he's going to do. Fun times.

    Chapter 4: OHP

    warm up was 10 minutes on elliptical and 3x10 band pull aparts

    OHP 2x8 @ 45, 1x6 @ 60, 4x4 @ 75

    pull ups 3x1 - still not yet at 2 reps at all, chin ups 1x3 - woot, one more rep!
    tricep push down 4x10 @ 70

    bicep curl 3x10 @ 25ish - ez curl bar plus 10
    shoulder press 3x8 @ 50 - 25 per side, tried it just for fun

    pendlay rows with straps 3x8 @ 95 - much better form this time with the lower weight though still a few eh reps.

    30 minutes jog on treadmill while watching Food Network
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    First workout in my home gym! Yay! Had to modify ICF due to only having the power rack and barbell. It is depressing, how much strength I have lost :(

    Squat - 3x5 at 95 lbs
    Pull ups - 3,3,2
    BP - 3x5 at 65 lbs
    Row - 3x5 at 65 lbs
    Shrugs - 3x8 at 65
    Skullcrushers - 3x8 with 25 lb plate
    Barbell curl 3x3 at 45 lbs
    Good mornings - 3x10 at 45 lbs
    Hanging leg raises (bent) - 3x10

    Everything was hard. Expecting major DOMS tomorrow.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Treadmill today - still feeling like a lead weight. It's literally like torture to do anything physical at all. My whole body is like, "No." I definitely haven't been overdoing anything, so it's not that I need rest I don't think. My energy/strength is just in the tank. Rob swears it's the season change...I hope it goes away soon. I hate feeling so immobile (or whatever this feeling is)!! Anyways - I walked at a 3.5-5 incline at 3-3.5 mph for 40 min. I didn't' have it in me to run today.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Week 11
    Routine: Workout A

    Set 1: 78 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 78 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 78 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 78 lbs × 6

    Bench Press
    Set 1: 59.1 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 53 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 53 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 53 lbs × 6
    Notes: Had to reduce the weight a little because there was a discomfort in my left shoulder as I descend the weight. Still felt it with the lighter weight but it was much better. My elbows do not flare when I lower the weights to my chest so not sure what's causing it. Several hours after lifting, I tried to move my body in such a way to see I could recreate the discomfort without weight but absolutely nothing, no matter how much moved my arms and shoulders.

    Bent Over Row

    Set 1: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 60 lbs × 6
    Notes: Reduced these as well although only by 1.1 lb to be extra cautious. No discomfort.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,139 Member
    edited March 2016
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    GobletSquats- 3X7X25
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 34X15X25 = 510

    Day 8 Challenge Total- 3525

    After being sick most of the night I wasn't sure if I would be able to get this done during one session. I battled through it and was successful! Now to go for a nice long walk.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Stronglifts this morning
    SQ: 3x5 at 20kg.
    OHP: 5x4 at 24.5kg. That bar was not going anywhere on the fifth rep attempts.
    DL: 1x5 at 65kg.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, I forgot my notebook at home that has what I'm supposed to lift in it. Spent a few hours before lifting getting stuff done while at Starbucks just enjoying coffee and a small snack since I don't like doing squats day fasted. Got to gym and there discovered no notebook. I figured out the main squat number and set but was wrong on the overload and pause squats since their progression isn't the same as the main lift. So, I did less weight than supposed to on both but oh well. Important part was hitting those squats, which were super slow for that weight but definitely hitting depth and tried to imagine the squat cues being given since don't have anyone there to yell at me to squat, lol.

    Chapter 4: Squats

    warm up on elliptical for 10 minuts

    Squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135, 155 1x5
    working sets = 170 4x3

    overload 230 for 15 count (was supposed to do 240)

    pause squats 1x4 @ 110 and 1x4 @ 115 for 8 count each rep (was supposed to do 120 2x3)

    good morning 3x10 @ 95

    sumo deadlift 1x6 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 185

    Decent though had the minor oops on the wrong weights but oh well. Also had a guy comment on how hard I was hitting the squats since that's pretty much all he saw me do during the time there (he left before I did the other things). Yep, it was squat day so that's how it goes.