Daily check in



  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Up and at em everyone. I had a long weekend and have been sleeping in later then usual. I did not want to get up when the alarm went off this morning. Got up and got Dirty 30 done. I get up and get it done early so I don't be making excuses later. Have a terrific day everyone!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    That's the the way todo it @Northern37 . .this week has been off for me ...can't seemto get a good handle on nothing ...I am trying to figgure out if it's due to my new medication or because I ended up not getting around to get my food prepped on sunday. Hope to get back in the eight state of mind this weekend to have a great new week next week !
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Here is to a new week @germany03!! I need to meal plan for the upcoming week but nothing is coming to mind. What meals do you usually plan/prep?
    I was up early this morning and did Upper fix. Started round 2 yesterday. I didn't take my measurements in round 1 but was down 4.4 pounds. I will take it. Hope you are all having a great weekend!!
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Lower fix is done and meals are planned for this week. It feels great to know what we are eating and it is so much easier then stressing out over what we are going to have. Hope you all have a super day!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Today I took the reigns back into my hands. I walked with my dog for close to an hour and burned more calories then I thought I would * according to my fitbit* My dog loved it and I feel great . .tired but great!
    Plan on getting the excersise dvds back out on tomorrow. Ate well today..not according to plan but well.
    @Northern37 I agree..it's so much easier to have meals prepped and not having to guess. This work week's lunch will consist of salads ( making it easy), breakfasts overnight oatmeal with alternating dates -cut really fine- and Chia seeds. I do add ground flex seed to both though. Snack 1 will be an apple or orange and snack 2 not sure yet ..maybe almonds? Or hummus and carrot/celery sticks/cucumber/tomato. For dinner I planned for have:
    1.tilapia and sweet potatoe,
    2.taco salad
    3. Ham steak with green beans & mashed potatoes ( for the men in my life :) )
    4. Shrimp scampi (for me on salad)
    5. Ground turkey mini meatloaf with brown rice or quinoa
    Need to get some more veggies in as sides but that's the easy part. Hope everyone has a great week
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    @germany03 way to go on the walk today. Your meal plan sounds yummy!! Here is to a new week!!
  • ilovetoeatsweets
    ilovetoeatsweets Posts: 36 Member
    I have my containers..Is it too late to join in on this group?
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Not at all @ilovetoeatsweets! Welcome aboard!

    I did my workout early this morning and just finished inputting my food for the day. Made some chili tonight for lunches this week, that will keep me on track. Hope you all had a great day!!
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! It's been quiet around here, I hope everyone is doing great and is keeping up with their workouts! I just finished Total Cardio Fix. I need to meal plan again, seems like the week goes by so fast. Have a fantastic day everyone!!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome @ilovetoeatsweets

    @Northern37 so glad to see you are staying on track. I have been doing well with food choices even though I have not followed the plan but I am having a hard time to get back in the game. But hey ...every day I try and I will not stop Until I am back on the wagon :)
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    @germany03, that is all we can do is to keep trying! You will get there!!
    I have been staying on track. I am into week 2 of round 2, wow time is flying. Hope you all had a great day!!
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. My workout is done. I upped one of my weights this morning and what a workout it was. Meals are planned for today and this week and I just have some veggies to prep. Weighed in this morning and was down 1.5lbs. That makes it 5.9lbs gone since I started again January 28th. it's slow going but at least I am losing. I hope you all have an awesome day!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Wow @Northern37 that is an impressive loss!. Happy to see the hard work is paying off for you.
    I'm eating well and it shoes on the scale. With my new meds I was finally able to break that plateau I was on by just eating well again. ( ir does make me wonder what I could do if I could just get myself back up and going ) ...today is a new day..weather is warmer outside...if it wouldn't be for that dang 4 letter word (w o r k) I could get out and about..haha. no seriously ..today is one of those first springish days...really would like to be able to take the dog out instead of going into an office ..haha.
    Hope everyone is having a fantastic and fit day !
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone, been slacking on posting here this week. I am still on track with eating and exercising. I just did Upper Fix. No sleeping in for me, get up and get it done. I need to meal plan again for the upcoming week, seems like it comes by quickly. Hope you are all doing great!!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Yup another week another goal. Food is planned for the week...not prepped but planned and shopped for so it will be easy. Lunch will be easy this week. I planned for soup (had some veggies I needed to use before they go bad so I made soup out them) and salads with add ins.
    I found some bagle thins (yummy) and they are a great start as open faced breakfast sandwich - one side with ham and avocado and the other side with poached egg. Perfect breakfast and really filling.
    The weather has been awesome so I took a nice long walk with my dog today..I will count tjat as my excersise for today ;)
    Have a fab and fit week everyone.
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Pilates Fix done. Meals are planned for this week. I have the morning off of work so I am cooking supper for this evening and doing laundry. Getting it done so I can have a relaxing evening after work. Hope you all have a great day!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Meant well and took the dog for walks...one day it was quite windy and bang...I got myself a nice head cold ...awesome. Glad I made soup :) ..and I have tangerines..hopefully the added vitamin c will kick it right back out
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Hope you are feeling better soon @germany03!!
    This morning I did Dirty 30, round 2 will soon be over for me.
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    Well I am back on track - started Monday. Down 1.9 lbs so far. Yeah
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Great loss @rainey4 and welcome back!!
    I did Yoga Fix this morning and that was the last workout in round 2 for me. Will do weight and measurements tomorrow. Have a terrific day everyone!!