Daily check in



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Gotta Brag on Rob

    As most of you know, he's doing P90 but he's doing it in his own way. He sometimes has to work LOOOOONG hours with short nights in between. (For instance, he'll be home sometime between 8 & 9 on Saturday, working about 13 hours, and has to be up at 4am on Sunday.) Plus, his work has him on his feet and moving, a lot, sometimes setting up gear, climbing up and down ladders and such. So he did four weeks of P90 A but he hadn't really done the ab workout at all. The fourth week, he increased his weights from 5 lbs to 7.5 lbs.

    Instead of moving onto B, he has decided to stick with A for another 4 weeks. On days when he's working, he is not going to do the 30 minute workout but he did say he wanted to try to do the ab workout because something is better than nothing.

    This morning I woke up and I could tell he had done the ab workout. And this after a very long, physical day at work yesterday. I am sure he'll not do anything today (another long one) but he'll do at least abs on Saturday and Monday he'll be back to doing a full workout.

    Yay Rob!

    Morning Workout

    Yes, my quads, hamstrings, and glutes are sore! Calves are sore too. What was I thinking? Ugh!

    21DFX: W1/D5: Cardio Fix Extreme
    I had a hard time modifying the moves. Chariesse (yes, that's how her name is spelled) doesn't keep things low impact like Kat. And when Autumn has us doing fast feet, I struggled to figure out what to do to protect my joints. I honestly thought I had it figured out. I'd do a boxer's shuffle and could still do the little hop thing. But no. I could tell that my form was off and was twisting my leg inappropriately. You really need to be able to do the hop/jump to get a good turn and low impact means one foot is on the floor at all times. I tried just stepping out and back with one foot but that was turning my knee in a weird way. So I may just stick with a boxer's shuffle and no hop and back thing at all. I also struggled with the skaters at the end because my balance was off.

    It wasn't pretty but I got through it!

    Slim in 6: Start It Up
    Last day of my doing Start It Up. I actually took a break between workouts to take the dogs out (a second time) and get Rob's lunch made before sending him off to work. I was dripping sweat by the time I got to the push-ups. Managed to get through everything even after pushing myself through 21 Day Fix.

    @deltayork Mine are crossed too because I really want to see lower numbers before seeing my family in July.

    @germany03 You and my husband kick *kitten*!

    @haleymiller0707 I have done Pilates before and it is tough. No doubt about it. I honestly think the Pilates Fix is tougher than Pilates Fix Extreme but I have only done the latter one time and may change my opinion about it after another round.
  • TheFo1dOut
    TheFo1dOut Posts: 49 Member
    Does anyone else think it's cruel to have the Cardio fix on a Friday???? phew! That was tough, I modified pretty much all of it, BUT I got through it! Thank goodness! The biggest challenge on this plan is going to be my weekends. My weekends are normally reserved for date nights with my fiance and often that includes beer and a dinner date. :neutral: on the bright side, the string bean I'm marrying has become "self conscious" about a little weight in his midsection so he's sworn off beer until our family vacation in July. haha! Lets hope with all the activity that's going to occur at my house this weekend (gobs of family in town for my nephew's baptism) I will be able to stick to the plan and not destroy all of the results I've already gotten in just these 5 days!
    Have a super Friday everybody!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @TheFo1dOut I was thinking the same thing this morning, nothing left in the tank and you want me to do the toughest cardio of the week???? But I guess it's good, we work so hard that it makes us want to keep it up over the weekend. At least that's what I told myself. Good luck keeping on track this weekend...if you start to falter, come here and we will all kick your butt back into gear! :)
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Good for you to get your work out in early @haleymiller0707. I'd rather get mine in b4 work as well but I dont have enough time ( have to leave the house early in the mornings )
    Workout update:
    Cardio fix - check. I now know why everyone dislikes BURPEES. They are tough!!! But I'm glad I made it through the modifier with only one extra break. :)
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi ladies, going out of town this week has gotten the better of me. I went totally of track and am nearing the end of r1. Not good at all. I am going to continue on with workouts for the next couple of days, meal plan and drink my water and cross my fingers that the scale/measuring tape moves a little to salvage some of the hard work I have been doing over the past 3 weeks.
    Have a great day, I am off to get a workout in.
  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!!! Be better today than you were yesterday :). My workouts for today are les mills grit cardio and strength coming up at 8:00 am. I'm sooo looking forward to a 900 calorie burn in an hour! Pre-workout breakfast is a cookie dough quest bar and fresh cherries. Not sure if the quest bar is "approved" but it's my favorite way to get protein before a killer workout.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @TheFo1dOut I think Cardio Fix is cruel any day of the week. If you do doubles, you do Cardio Fix on Tuesday too. Trust me. Whatever day of the week it falls on, it's just cruel!

    Not as cruel as Dirty 30 Extreme though. WTH was that? Ugh. And I thought Cardio Fix Extreme was tough.

    BTW, my ankle is not happy today so I'm guessing that either some of my losing my balance yesterday during Cardio Fix Extreme compromised my ankle or in trying to keep everything low impact I wasn't stepping things out as carefully as I should have. I'll take something for the pain and go for a walk with my walking buddy who will be here any minute because, obviously, the discomfort wasn't enough to stop me from doing Dirty 30 Extreme today.

    Seriously. WTH was that???

    Slim in 6 I did the Slim & 6-Pack and Slim & Limber. Today I was supposed to do Thin Thighs Guaranteed. My original plan was T-Th-Sa but now I'm thinking, what with my walking with my friend on Saturdays, I should just move it to Sunday and still do it on Tuesday and Thursday.

    Anyway, I hit the ground running and I don't have a lot of time. Took a post-morning workout shower and I have to take the dogs out before my walking buddy gets here. When I get back home, I'll shower again because I have company coming over later but before that even happens my son and I are going to do a video chat. Oh boy!

    Busy morning. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • TheFo1dOut
    TheFo1dOut Posts: 49 Member
    Got my Dirty 30 in! Phew! That was rouuuuugh! But it's over now and I'm ready to take on the day! Have a super Saturday everybody!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Sigh. Last night I fell off the wagon...hard.

    I've been doing really good. Was sitting down to dinner at 8pm after a long day. All 3 kids were gone. Hubby looks at me and says "would going out for ice cream throw you off your plan?". I thought for a minute, then told him "yes, but let's do it"...so I put my salad away and had salted caramel truffle frozen custard for dinner.

    Today I'm back on track. Finally getting comfortable experimenting with changing my meals up a bit. Instead of my usual eggs, fruit and pb toast for breakfast, I had cottage cheese, fruit and pb toast. The other day I had turkey slices as part of my afternoon snack. Next round I want to experiment with some pasta instead of rice or couscous as my carb.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    @deltayork yeah, quest bars probably are NOT approved. I like Lara bars post workout, and the "flap jacks" (granola bars) from graze.com as an afternoon snack. I just try to get bars with the fewest faux ingredients. I should be able to recognize the ingredients. ...
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @sarahrbraun look at the bright side...Atleast your hubby was considered enough to ASK how it would affect your plan :)... I probably would have put the salad up too. You have to live a little right...important thing is that today is a good day.
    I wish I would have my workout done already today.. but I have been running errands ever since I've got up and just finally got home to eat lunch. I think I'll let that settle down first a bit b4 pushing play. Have a great day everyone!!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    @germany03 very true! I'm proud of him for asking. If I want this plan to be livable, I have to be able to do things like that. I don't want to be the spoilsport who refuses to participate because of her meal plan.

    Yesterday wasn't exactly a stellar day, not because of my food choices, but because of my time constraints. I woke up late, so I ate breakfast at 10, snack at 12, lunch at 3....then nibbled my way through a shift at work and still didn't finish my snack, ate dinner at 915. Today I work a mid shift, so meal/snack timing should be back on track.

    W3D3 and I have lost 2.6 pounds so far. It's currently TOM, so I'm guessing I'll lose another pound or so when it's all over. I'm glad the scale is moving the right direction, and I'm looking forward to seeing if I've lost inches too.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In
    Lost 2 lbs this week. I don't know if it's because I'm doing 8 Hour Abs Diet, Slim in 6, or 21 Day Fix Extreme or a combination of the three but I'll take it. This morning, I tried on a pair of jeans that just a few weeks ago I couldn't pull up over my thighs and I was able to button them up. No, I can't wear them in public. Yet. ;)

    @sarahrbraun A treat here and there is okay. My coach recommends having treat meals once a week. One meal, not a whole day, but I already know I'm going to have a treat day next week so I'm not indulging in a treat meal this week.

    @deltayork I found a video of Autumn talking about Quest bars. I'm pretty sure I shared a link here in this group but I forget where. Regardless, no Quest bars are not Fix-Approved. However, Autumn does say as an occasional treat they are okay. The thing is, she does mean "occasionally" as in not more than once a week. Most people eat them daily. My husband loves Kind bars. They are made with non-GMO ingredients, all natural, with no sweeteners (except natural honey and such). Quest bars have added things like sucralose. If you want a protein bar, why not make some of your own? There are recipes all over that use Shakeology and/or other protein powders and that way you can control the nutritional value. If you look the beachbody website for recipes, you'll see they have a few and they even tell you which containers to count when having a protein bar/ball/whatever.

    Morning Workout

    Slim in 6: Thin Thighs Guaranteed

    One of the bonus workouts from the 80s but it's a good basic and quick routine with squats and such. Since all of the inches I've been gaining these past few weeks have landed in my thighs, I'm hoping to see smaller numbers two weeks from tomorrow when I do my measurements again.

    21DFX: W1/D7: Yoga Fix Extreme
    Ooof! I feel about this workout what I did when I first started PiYo--like I'll never be able to do this all the way through. But at least I tried! That Dog Flip move is the same as the PiYo Flip. And I have a balance disorder so the balance series . . . and Lord of the Dance (I forget what Autumn calls it but she calls it something close to what it is) . . . and Warrior III . . . . I struggled and didn't do everything. My standing split is more like a right-angle split. And don't even get me start on Crow!

    But you know, I was so sure I'd never improve in PiYo, until I did, and, by the end of the 8 weeks, there were a couple of the workouts where I was able to get through from beginning to end. So maybe someday I'll be able to really enjoy this yoga practice.

    Today was not that day.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    @SatiaRenee I agree that treats are ok once in a while. I was just wanting to get all the way through this first round without BIG treats.

    Does anyone else find that they are having a hard time eating during warm weather? It's been in the high 70s in the mornings, and in the high 80s in the afternoon here. Eating my steamed veggies has been a struggle.
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    @sarahrbraun, I know a lot of people who eat salads due to the heat. They make more then just your usual lettuce and veggies one.

    Yoga fix is done this morning. I feel great being home and being back on track.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @sarahrbraun im currently not at that point yet but um sure it wont be long....its supposed to reach triple digits this week here...*ack*...If hot food is not working for you right now you maybe different salads are an option? Maybe steaming your veggies earlier in the day and letting them cool off and making a cold salad out of them? Personally I love green bean salad!

    Today is R2/D7 ...Yoga Fix is on the schedule and I'm exited...always wanted to do yoga but have never gotten around to do it...have a great day everyone!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    I've completed Yoga Fix and I found it alot more difficult than expected...but my body feels sooo good and loose right now. :)
  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks @SatiaRenee! I thought Quest bars might not be approved. I used to eat one daily for breakfast with a bolthouse (before 21 day fix). Now it's only on a Saturday when I do double Grit and get a 900 calorie burn. Been thinking about making my own bars after I prep lunch on Sundays :). And I'm a hugeee kind bar fan! I'll eat the dark chocolate PB or cherry when I crave a late-day sweet.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I've lost track of my rounds and days. I've been doing a 21DFx workout most days for the past 6 weeks. I'm not following Amber's schedule, just doing what I feel like, balancing cardio, upper and lower body.

    I did Cardio Extreme today and much prefer that to the regular Fix Cardio. Fix has more high intensity moves that bother my knees. I've said it a dozen times but I love these workouts. I will probably not do Plyo Fix Extreme or regular Fix Cardio again but I enjoy all of the remaining workouts.

    I'm doing Weight Watchers, just joined a meeting yesterday. In my search for a non-WW app with WW points info. I came across a "container counting" app with the 21DFx container colors and amounts. Just an FYI if you're interested.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I opted to skip yoga yesterday and went for a run. I might have to catch up with the yoga at some point because I know it is good for me - Maybe after Plyo tonight? Who knows.

    I survived the weekend and although I was down more weight during the weekend, I am overall down :) I feel great - a perfect way to move into this week!