Daily Check In Thread



  • cwolfgram
    cwolfgram Posts: 105 Member
    1. What do you do after C25K? Personally, I will not be finishing 5K in 30 minutes. At my current speed, it'll be 50ish minutes.

    I'm not sure if I should focus on running longer to get the distance down or run the same time and work on speed. I was thinking endurance first and then work on speed.

    2. Any tips for W5D3? I'm a week away. I'm not allowing myself to quit, but that 20 minute run does seem intimidating.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    cwolfgram wrote: »
    1. What do you do after C25K? Personally, I will not be finishing 5K in 30 minutes. At my current speed, it'll be 50ish minutes.

    I'm not sure if I should focus on running longer to get the distance down or run the same time and work on speed. I was thinking endurance first and then work on speed.

    2. Any tips for W5D3? I'm a week away. I'm not allowing myself to quit, but that 20 minute run does seem intimidating.

    1. I went right into a Bridge to 10k plan, even though I wasn't close to finishing a 5k in 30 minutes.
    2. Slow down if you need to and keep telling yourself you can do it! Your body is ready for this, you just have to convince your mind of it!
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    edited March 2016
    cwolfgram wrote: »
    1. What do you do after C25K? Personally, I will not be finishing 5K in 30 minutes. At my current speed, it'll be 50ish minutes.

    I'm not sure if I should focus on running longer to get the distance down or run the same time and work on speed. I was thinking endurance first and then work on speed.

    I've been told that if you increase your distance, your speed will increase. Remember: the goal isn't to run a 5K in 30 minutes, its to just run a 5K. PERIOD! If you can do 5K, then you won! Congrats! If you then want to increase your speed, make that your next goal.
    cwolfgram wrote: »
    2. Any tips for W5D3? I'm a week away. I'm not allowing myself to quit, but that 20 minute run does seem intimidating.

    Two things: First, do NOT look ahead! Bad runner! All it will do is freak you out. When I got to W5D3, I had no clue what was in store for me. I looked at my iPad and said, "I'm sorry, do what again?". But then low and behold, I did it! Most of this running thing is mental, not physical. Second: your body will surprise you, but your brain will try to talk you out of it almost every time! Just go as slow as you need to. There is no medal for finishing a certain distance. Just don't stop and you will be successful!

    I repeated W6 because on two of the runs that week I came up just a hair short of running the entire time (like 40 seconds on one and a minute on the other). Best decision I made, because I went through W6 the second time like a champ and then straight through W7 without a hiccup. There were a couple of days I stepped on the treadmill and wasn't feeling it and gave myself permission to bail out if I felt like it. Those were some of my strongest runs! Sometimes you need to give yourself permission to fail in order to succeed at something.

    You will do great! Just trust yourself, trust the program, and keep on keeping on!

  • amber_beaney
    amber_beaney Posts: 54 Member
    Wow, everyone is kicking butt, it's very inspiring to see how well everyone is doing! Just a quick check in from me, W8D1 done yesterday, alot easier without the strong wind in my face, only made an actual running distance of 3.7K though, so next week when doing 30 mins I don't think I'll be quite hitting 5K, but nevermind, I shall plod on for however many weeks necessary until I can run 5K without stopping! W8D2 tomorrow...bring it on!
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Hopping back into this group after several months away. I did C25K last summer, completed it, did a 5K, and started working towards 10K... and then winter hit and I foolishly decided to hibernate. I feel like I've lost all the running endurance and momentum I had last year, so I'm doing C25K all over again to get back into it.
    Did W1D1 tonight, and it all came rushing back - feeling like I'm running at a snail's pace, the tightening in my calves if I don't stretch enough, the feeling of accomplishment when I finish, it's all there like an old friend.
    Glad to be back in this group, you guys were and still are great people!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I repeated a Week 3 run again today, but wasn't able to complete the first long run. I don't know why - there are several possible reasons: lack of sleep; running uphill with a strong headwind; ... - but I don't feel too bad about giving up. When I checked my heart rate after I gave up and started walking it was within 4 BPM of my theoretical Max heart rate (using the 220-age formula). I don't know what my actual MaxHR is, but when it gets that high, I'm struggling. That's my last C25k run until at least Sunday, so I'll start back at Week 3 again when the weather and my schedule allow.

    Although I did it once before on the treadmill, I still can't really imagine running the full program outside yet. I do find seeing that others are accomplishing it helpful.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    You guys are awesome! Personally, looking ahead motivated me; I really wanted to get to week 7 for the long runs because I felt like at that point I'd succeeded since it was the last of the broken up runs.

    Did W7D1 today! And I really do feel like I've accomplished something. I've also, after 7 weeks, finally figured out what works best to distract me (music that matches my pace). First 10 minutes flew by, but then at around 19 it was pretty bad. Tired, knees felt weird (not pain), stitches, etc. The music really helped there too, because even if I wasn't paying attention to the music itself anymore, pounding away to the beat kept me from giving up. There were several moments in those last minutes where I questioned if I was going to finish, but I just kept up a mantra of "only x minutes left." Almost done!

    When I finish I'm going on to the Bridge program. I run at 3.7, so my 25 minute run today was only 1.5 miles. Not even half a 5k, haha. So I'm going to work on distance and hope speed comes with it. My sister is thinking about redoing C25K but as running intervals; i.e. walk=run and run=run faster. I think that should work pretty well for her.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    cwolfgram wrote: »
    1. What do you do after C25K? Personally, I will not be finishing 5K in 30 minutes. At my current speed, it'll be 50ish minutes.

    I'm not sure if I should focus on running longer to get the distance down or run the same time and work on speed. I was thinking endurance first and then work on speed.

    2. Any tips for W5D3? I'm a week away. I'm not allowing myself to quit, but that 20 minute run does seem intimidating.

    1. Another way to increase your time is to add sprints at the end of your normal run (before the cool down). 4 sets, run as fast as you can manage for one minute, then a recovery walk for 2 minutes. (Adjust your times as need. 30 second sprints followed by 3 minute walks are still good.) I did a 12 minute pace (5 mph) for C25K and 7 mph sprints.

    I started the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) which combines push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2 mile run to give a fitness score. As you increase your endurance, you increase your fitness score. A great way to measure your progress. I feel the sprints I did during C25K allowed me to hit 6.1 mph for the 2 mile portion of the test (19:48 minutes or a 9:50 pace) without distress.

    2. Don't freak-out about W5D3. It looks like a mountain as you approach it, but turns into just a small bump in the road. More of a mental challenge than physical.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    edited March 2016
    @amber_beaney good job! Just keep on pushing, you will get there sooner than later!

    @rebeccatherine welcome back! Hop back in, the water is fine!

    @NancyN795 a lot of us have had to repeat sections here or there. That's the great part of the program; you can do it at your own pace! No medals for doing it faster or harder, right?

    @xLyric good job getting through W7D1! You did accomplish something! That's where the feeling of success comes from: pushing through when you feel like you want to quit!

    I had a bad morning myself. Got a root canal yesterday, and felt okay until about 1:00AM when it started hurting and woke me up. By 4:30AM I was in full-fledged pain. Got up at 5:00AM and gave it a go anyways...

    W8D1. 28 minutes straight 9 or 2.75 miles). Okay, why not? Fired up the treadmill.

    I could feel my tooth with every step. Ugh.

    Just kept running, kept the tunes flowing. "DING! You are halfway!". Really? Damn, that was fast. Keep on going! "DING! One minute left.". Say what? Wow! I'm feeling strong! I'm going to make the 28 minutes easy, but the 2.75 miles is still a bit off. Let's fire it up another 0.5 on the pace! "DING! Start your cool down.". Nah! I want the 2.75 miles and the minutes! Kept going for another 2 minutes at the faster pace and got the mileage in, too! Total of 30 minutes running, total miles including warm-up and cool down was 3.22 miles! BOOM!

    Feeling good! This may actually work! Keep on keeping on, everyone!

  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Wow! Running 30 minutes the day after a root canal?! I can't imagine doing that. Good for you.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    @brian_gunther Way to go! When I had my wisdom teeth out I had to work back up to even walking faster than a crawl over DAYS because my mouth would throb if I went too fast, I think if I'd tried to run I would have died. Congrats!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Week 9 day 2 is done - ran 3 miles in 33 min!
    My 5k race is in two days - wish me luck guys! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Week 9 day 2 is done - ran 3 miles in 33 min!
    My 5k race is in two days and i hope to do it in under 35 min - wish me luck guys! :)

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    @amber_beaney good job! Just keep on pushing, you will get there sooner than later!

    @rebeccatherine welcome back! Hop back in, the water is fine!

    @NancyN795 a lot of us have had to repeat sections here or there. That's the great part of the program; you can do it at your own pace! No medals for doing it faster or harder, right?

    @xLyric good job getting through W7D1! You did accomplish something! That's where the feeling of success comes from: pushing through when you feel like you want to quit!

    I had a bad morning myself. Got a root canal yesterday, and felt okay until about 1:00AM when it started hurting and woke me up. By 4:30AM I was in full-fledged pain. Got up at 5:00AM and gave it a go anyways...

    W8D1. 28 minutes straight 9 or 2.75 miles). Okay, why not? Fired up the treadmill.

    I could feel my tooth with every step. Ugh.

    Just kept running, kept the tunes flowing. "DING! You are halfway!". Really? Damn, that was fast. Keep on going! "DING! One minute left.". Say what? Wow! I'm feeling strong! I'm going to make the 28 minutes easy, but the 2.75 miles is still a bit off. Let's fire it up another 0.5 on the pace! "DING! Start your cool down.". Nah! I want the 2.75 miles and the minutes! Kept going for another 2 minutes at the faster pace and got the mileage in, too! Total of 30 minutes running, total miles including warm-up and cool down was 3.22 miles! BOOM!

    Feeling good! This may actually work! Keep on keeping on, everyone!

    Awesome! I cannot imagine running after a root canal though....
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks @xLyric! I had my wisdom teeth out before, and that is 50 times worse than a root canal. I was literally down and out for 3 days. This is mildly annoying at best.

    @Aine8046 great job W9D2! That's awesome! Sounds like you are definitely on a sub-35 minute pace if you did 3 miles in 33. Only need that last 0.10! You've got this! Good luck on your race! Make sure you let us know how you do, okay?
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member

    @Aine8046 great job W9D2! That's awesome! Sounds like you are definitely on a sub-35 minute pace if you did 3 miles in 33. Only need that last 0.10! You've got this! Good luck on your race! Make sure you let us know how you do, okay?
    Thanks, I will! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »

    I wish. The treadmill is in the garage, so the temperature is 50ish in the winter, hotter in the summer. No movie capability - I get to stare at the wall. I have thought about getting a Chromebook or tablet and attaching some sort of mount to the wall so I can stream something to watch. Mostly, I listen to podcasts. I am glad I got the treadmill. It enables me to get a good, heart rate raising workout no matter what the weather. And there are good reasons for keeping it where it is. But, there is also an incentive to get outside instead.
    That sucks... I run in the gym, so the climate is better there. I do watch movies on my phone (not as much watch as listen) even though they have big screens there... I just prefer movies to non-stop commercials :)

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    xLyric wrote: »

    Did W7D1 today! And I really do feel like I've accomplished something.
    Congrats! You are getting close! :)
    xLyric wrote: »

    When I finish I'm going on to the Bridge program.
    Great idea! I am also looking at 10k!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Week 9 day 2 is done - ran 3 miles in 33 min!
    My 5k race is in two days and i hope to do it in under 35 min - wish me luck guys! :)

    Good luck! You'll do great!
  • amber_beaney
    amber_beaney Posts: 54 Member
    @brian_gunther Wow! Well done you, I definitely don't think I could have run after something like that, especially not for extra time that I was even planning! haha.

    I did W8D2 yesterday but had a mix-up with timing as my app wasn't working on my phone, so I accidently ended up running for 30mins instead of the intended 28. I did 2.55 miles in those 30 minutes, so I'm not at 5k in 30 mins yet, but hopefully after finishing week 8 and then doing week 9 my speed might be slightly better. Even if it takes me 45 mins to run 5k I don't really care, I couldn't even run for 1.5 mins straight 8 weeks ago! haha
    I have to admit that I felt sick after doing 30 minutes!

    @Aine8046 Good luck with your race! You will kick *kitten* I know it. I can't wait to hear how you get on :)