jilliancreates a journey of releasing weight and attracting health.



  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow 41 lb loss is great. I'm cheering for you and I hope things get better with you ex, with this big weight loss don't forget to strut your stuff when he's around. Lol

  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Well, I definitely didn't get below 210 by today. I packed on several pounds and haven't lost them yet. I fell off the wagon late last week. It started with not having time during gym hours to make it there, and it was raining so no outdoor walk. Friday was hectic with a festival at school, then early birthday celebration for my youngest daughter. Then mothers day today. I'll be back on track tomorrow, and I'm trying hard to not feel guilty about taking a break for a few days. It wasn't planned, so it feels like a bit of a failure especially since it seems to happen fairly frequently. Feedback it is...maybe this is just how my journey goes...work my *kitten* off for a few weeks, then take a break for 3 or 4 days. Or maybe I just need to look at where and why I'm unintentionally taking the breaks and figure out how I can support myself to keep going during life's chaos. IDK, it is nice to indulge in dinner and movie nights and enjoy a big bowl of pasta salad sometimes. On one hand I feel like I do this too often, and on the other hand I feel like it's just life and I shouldn't feel bad about letting go. I am still losing weight, and I've continually been ready to go back to work after a few days of skipping exercise and healthy food choices. Ugh, I'm just rambling now. Heading to bed early tonight so I can follow through on my plan to walk after I get kiddos to school in the morning.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Maybe planned diet breaks at maintenance calories would be a good option. That way you would be able to indulge a bit while maintaining your weight loss and not gaining. Plus, if you know that after three weeks you are going to be struggling to keep calories at a loss level, then planning a week at a maintenance level will change a stressful "failure" into a completed "success" cycle.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    That's a great idea, @tcunbeliever! Thanks for the tip.

    I only managed a 15 minute leisurely walk yesterday. Even though I'm not ready to give up completely, I am having and unusually difficult time finding the energy and motivation to make healthy food choices and exercise. I did better yesterday with food, but still saw the scale increase again this morning. I'm FAR from my next goal of under 210 now. My guess is the sodium levels and the amount of dairy I've been eating. I usually avoid dairy completely because of how my body not processing it well. I'm set today to leave it alone though. Meals are planned, which always helps. Now if I can just get in one good workout. Just one. It usually helps build even a slight momentum to propel me forward again. Hopefully, today is they day.

    One a side note, I realized that my last post says that I work my kitten off for a few weeks....which sounds so wrong. LMAO...nice autocorrect. Apparently, my phone doesn't like me to say **kitten**. Yes, that's what I've been working off, both figuratively and literally. :smiley:
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, just do what you can and eventually you will get back on track! We all know you can do it! *HUGS*

    The *kitten* thing is from MFP. They started it around April fools day I believe.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    hon life happens it part of the journey. Don't beat yourself up
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Jillian, I'd first like to take a minute and say Thank You for being brave enough to put your life on the line for our freedom. I'm sorry you have to deal with the PTSD. I'm so sorry as I feel the government does not do enough for those who come back from combat to help them re-adjust.

    I'd also like to say how proud I am of your mindset. I love it..... releasing the weight. I am doing the same also. Losing does imply finding it later. I do not want to ever find this weight again. It is so hard, I've lost a substantial amount only to gain that back plus a whole lot more.

    I give you major kudos for sharing your experience here. Thank you for doing so. You are truly an inspiration to me and I am grateful to you for this.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm finding that I clearly need more accountability pals. It's not enough to have friends liking my logs and exercise, so I'm back to this group. I'm hoping to check in at least a few days a week.

    After gaining back about 16 pounds, I'm starting again. Before my last face plant, I decided to start training for an event in The Netherlands called the Four Days Marches. Regardless of whether I can actually make the trip to get there, I'm training to walk 50k(31mi)/day for 4 consecutive days. Since I don't think it's reasonable for me to walk across the U.S. before my kids are grown, this feels like a nice event to train for. I have over a year to train. This year's event is full, so next July it is.

    Since I took some time off, I'm reducing my mileage from where I previously was. I had been up to 10, but today I walked nearly 6.

    Along with lots of walking, I've adjusted my diet to flexitarian. Most days I'm eating vegetarian, but I'll eat meat sometimes, as I just can't imagine giving it up completely.

    219.6 pounds
    5.76 miles
    1200+ calorie deficit
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Welcome back Jillian. I have found that I also need this page to keep me going. I slowed up big time on the social media a few months back and it worked for a short period of time. After a while though I just stopped doing everything all together. It was much easier to pass off the responsibilities of being healthy when I didn't check in on here every day.

    That sounds like a great event to be working towards, plus The Netherlands are great to visit, especially in the summer time. I seen the walk you posted last night and it was great! You blew mine out of the water.

    If you are looking for advice, mine would be to make sure that you vary your inclines while walking on that treadmill. It forces your legs to get used to changing elevations. I trained with an ironman a few years back and his treadmill advice to me was always have a minimum of a 2 degree incline just to simulate uneven ground and wind.

    Keep up the good work.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I was doing some solid incline work for a few months. My left knee has been aggrevated for a month or so, and the doc says I need to lay off any serious incline or decline. X-rays showed good spacing, so no arthritis. My knee cap is oh so slightly deviated. She basically just said to use Ibuprofen before and ice after every walk. There's​ nothing really concerning as far as my ability to train, but I need to see a physical therapist to work on one specific muscle that will easily correct the knee cap alignment. That appointment is next Thursday. Other than that, she said my patella is just angry with me right now and that it needs a bit of time to heal. The doctor did also mention that for every pound overweight you are, your knees have to absorb 5-8 pounds of impact. So losing weight again and beyond my most recent low will also be helpful.
    For now, I'm wearing a jumpers knee band and only adding in a 3% incline for 5 minutes at a time spread out over my walk. I think I only did 4 or 5 yesterday. My knee was really hurting at the end of my walk, but I don't notice it until I have to bend it more than 45° or so. Today, it feels great though. Treadmill use was only because it was too hot and humid to be out walking for 2 hours. I'll do a shorter walk today, and tomorrow, I'll do my long outdoor walk if the weather allows for it.

    I'll check back in later with my numbers for the day.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited June 2017
    I did a little outdoor walking today; mostly flat, but some minor incline. I spent about an hour on the treadmill and didn't do any incline, just walked faster than my usual pace has been lately. I had another successful vegetarian day. My carbs are really high because my honey made me a couple of really amazing sandwiches...black bean patties on gluten free bread with avocado, kale, and mushrooms...so, so good! I ate them as two separate meals, but let him know that in the future, I'd like to not eat 4 slices of bread in a day. It was so worth it today though!

    I've been getting back to 16:8 IF. Fudged a little today, but only by about an hour. I'll try to push my first meal out an extra hour tomorrow, and only eat in a 7 hour window.

    While I'm not making yesterday my new start day on the MFP app, I'm going to use that as a starting point here. I want my ticker to show my total, but I find it helpful to focus on the more immediate changes too.

    217.8 pounds (-1.8 lbs)
    4.18 miles
    Vegetarian, 2 days
    500+ calorie deficit
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @jilliancreates Welcome back! =)

    I've never had black bean patties but the sandwich sounds delicious!

    Way to go on another successful day! I look forward to your next update! Keep it up! =)
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I ended up snacking last night around 10:30. I was so hungry. Tried water first, but that didn't help. I ended up eating about 300 calories. Still at a deficit, but definitely not within my fasting schedule. I'll try again today.

    I'm heading out for my long distance outdoor walk this morning. I want to be home before the temp gets above 80°. I'll be gone for 3 hours, so it'll be close. The other benefit is the fasting aspect. While I'm not technically fasting this morning because not enough hours have passed since I last ate, it still feels good to wait until after exercise to have my first food of the day. I always bring a little snack, just in case I actually need to eat, but I haven't ever eaten it until my walk is completed. I haven't been doing fasting cardio for awhile because the timing wasn't working for me, so I'm kind of excited to get out there this morning. Got my pack with 2L hydration reservoir full, a bit of food, sunscreen, and bug spray. Heading out the door in a few minutes. Will check back in later with numbers for the day.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited June 2017
    Just got home from a reunion of sorts. A man that I've know for pretty much my entire life passed away last weekend, and the funeral was this evening. I reconnected with so many people that I haven't seen or spoken to for years. There was a gathering afterwards at one of the son's home, and we celebrated his life by sharing stories and food and drinks. I ate supper before we went to the gathering, so I wouldn't be tempted to eat a plate of food that was filled with things I prefer not to eat while I'm working on releasing weight. I had a few shots of amazing tequila that he brought home from Mexico and shared with us many years ago, but I avoided the food except for a little bit of dessert. Even with the 2 homemade pecan bars I ate, I'm still at a huge deficit because of the walk I did today. I walked for 3 hours and 15 minutes for training.

    216.5 pounds (-3.1 lbs)
    10 miles
    Vegetarian, 3 days
    2,300+ calorie deficit
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I seen your fitbit screen earlier and just wanted to say great job on that killer walk. How did the legs, feet and knees feel afterwards? How are they feeling now?

    The longest walk that I have taken in recent memory is my 90 minute one the other day and I was starting to get a calf cramp just from that so I don't think that my body would allow me to keep going for twice that long. What I am trying to say is great work.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    its always nice reconnecting with old friends.

    Its also great that you managed to keep your eating on point :smiley:
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    @totaldetermination Thanks, it was a nice evening all around, even considering why we were all there.

    @50extra I took 400mg of ibuprofen before my walk and wore my knee band. Over the course of the walk, my fitbit tracked the equivalent of 20 flights of stairs, which luckily is such a gradual incline that it's only challenging at the end of 10 miles. I had zero pain in my knee, which I was thrilled about. It feels just fine today, as well. Although, the pain I have typically had was during or immediately after activity that diminishes within a day, so I don't expect to have delayed onset of pain.

    My legs were fatigued and a bit sore around the 8 mile mark, but no cramping. I think because I've been walking 3-4 miles most days of the week for so long that I've had that as a huge advantage. When I started the 6-month training guide that I found for this event, I seem to recall that my ability at the time was the equivalent of starting almost a month into the plan.

    My feet, on the other hand, are beat up. I'm not having structural pain, but during the last 2-3 miles I had blisters break out on both heals. My understanding is that this is not uncommon with walking long distances, even with good shoes. I need to look into using tape or other products to prevent blisters, as well as tips on what to do while I'm walking and I notice them starting. I'm open to trying different shoes, but the brand that I currently wear is the only brand I have found that give me comfortable arch support. I actually have 3 pairs of the same brand, all in different styles, and had already planned to invest in another pair. I think I may try another different style, after my current blisters calm down.

    I'm heading out of town for a 4-day weekend, so I won't be able to weigh myself. I'll be camping at a music festival, so food might be tricky, but I'm planning ahead as much as possible. It should be ok though, since the community kitchen that I work with there and all of the vendors are pretty healthy, unlike what most people would consider festival or fair food. There are some deep fried options, but only a few, and it's just as easy to go get a veggie fajita or a bowl of rice and beans with jamaican jerk chicken. Nearly all of the food that the community kitchen serves is vegan due to the challenges of keeping meat and dairy cold enough when you need to have large amounts of it, but there is limited cooler space. I also intend to put in lots of steps, even if it's not formal exercise.

    Sometime tonight, I'll come back to post my numbers for the day.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Good to hear that the knee held up. I wonder if over time the skin on your heels will toughen up and get used to the extended rubbing from your shoes?

    Have fun at the festival.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited June 2017
    I overestimated my food as best as I could, rather than underestimate. I ate vegan community kitchen last night and had a few beers, and ended up with a nice deficit considering that I didn't intentionally exercise. I had to walk from my van to my camp several times to haul my things in with a little wagon, so steps were pretty easy. I woke up to see that I also already have 2,500 steps that were after midnight so they don't get counted as yesterday even though they were my yesterday.

    Yesterday (6/16)
    215.8 (-3.8)
    11,000+ steps (+2,500)
    Vegetarian, 4 days
    800+ calorie deficit
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Great work keeping a deficit while out and about. I know if it were me I'd be eating the crappy food and drinking buckets of beer!
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I thought that I would want more beers than what I've drank this weekend. Mind you, I don't regularly drink anymore, so I'm a total lightweight. I used to though, and occasionally I like to indulge, but I brought a 12pk of 16 ounce cans and currently have 6 left after 2 nights. I still have tonight at the grounds because I'm in cleanup tomorrow, but I'll probably still take at least a couple home.

    I'm feeling really proud of myself for staying on track with my food though. I had planned on extra calories from beer, so my deficits are great by my normal standard, and even more amazing because I'm essentially at a huge party. I think the key point for me is that I don't feel deprived either. I intended to stay vegetarian over the weekend, but I brought some jerky and a little cold smoked salmon just in case. I haven't touched any of it. I might eat the salmon today, just for the sake of not wanting it to spoil.

    I walked so much yesterday and last night that I hit 20,000 steps... Of course Fitbit divides is because I crossed the midnight threshold, so I woke up to see that I already had over 7,000 steps toward today's goal... And I've already surpassed my goal by almost 1,000 steps. This has never happened without intentional exercise.

    Tomorrow, I'll be walking the park and should easily get my 10,000 steps in. I'm excited to see what kind of progress I've made on my mini vacation.

    I got a massage yesterday, and decided that I need to be stretching more than I have been. My calves and outer thighs don't feel tight or sore, but that massage definitely suggested otherwise. This is my motivation to get back to my daily yoga practice.

    Yesterday (6/17)
    Weight unknown
    13,000+ steps (+7,000)
    Vegetarian, 5 days
    1,000+ calorie deficit
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    @50extra I ended up meeting a woman this weekend who has walked hundreds of miles on the Pacific Coast Trail that runs from Mexico to Canada. I asked her about her experience with blisters, and she initially laughed because it's hard to avoid them completely so it's something that all long distance walkers deal with. She gave my some pointers like carrying dry socks and changing them out during my walk as soon as I notice my socks are getting wet. Calluses will form after the blisters, of course, but don't usually form otherwise. I'm going to try wrapping with athletic tape the next time I do a shorter walk to see how it feels. If it's comfortable, I'll try it for this coming week's training walk.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Weight unknown
    18,000+ steps
    Vegetarian, 6 days
    1,200 calorie deficit
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    lavender essential oil will heal the blisters super fast
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited June 2017
    @tcunbeliever I love that you know this! I use lavender for so many first aid things. It worked for the small blister, but the big one didn't get enough attention since I'm at a festival. I wore sandals all weekend though, so it's still intact and almost healed.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Carbs were pretty high today, but a decent deficit. I did eat a little meat today, but it only totalled about 4 ounces. Just got home and cleaned up from the festival, and ready to get a good night of sleep.

    Weight unknown
    14,000+ steps
    Vegetarian days 6 of 7
    1,100 calorie deficit
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Barely making goals today, but I'm totally ok about needing a recovery type day after getting so many steps in during the festival. I was definitely pleased with the scale this morning.

    213.2 lbs (-6.4 lbs)
    10,000+ steps
    Vegetarian days 7 of 8
    300+ calorie deficit
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Jillian, if 10000+ steps is taking a recovery day i salute you!

    You are killing it! -6.4 pounds in a week is killer.

    I never did ask, how come you are eating mostly veggie? Is it just to help keep the calories in check? Or do you have other reasons?

    Great work
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    @50extra Yes, the mostly vegetarian is for calorie control and weight loss. It also helps save on the grocery bill... Not a necessity, but a nice perk. I'm getting used to it more, and I think that when I am at the end of my losing phase, I'll probably stick with it anyway. I was just telling Jeff that meat seems kind of like treat now. Maybe I can use that to my advantage when I'm craving other rich foods. It would be awesome if I could substitute an ice cream craving with a hamburger or some smoked salmon!

    I'm trying to get my 10,000 steps in every day. It does require some effort if I don't get a full intentional workout in, but when I miss my goal I am more likely to start the downhill spiral.

    I ended up snacking last night and blew my little deficit. I haven't hopped on the scale yet, but I'm not concerned, even if it went up a little. I'm doing another 10 mile training day today, so that'll make up for any potential minor setback from yesterday.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited June 2017
    The scale went up about a pound this morning, but I'm not worried because of my huge deficit today. Food was pretty easy, and I only ate about 200 of my exercise calories.

    I taped my heals today, and it worked beautifully. I seriously can't imagine getting blisters there, as long as I continue to tape for my long walks.

    I added .2 mile today on accident because my GPS must've been messing with me. Anyway, even with the extra distance, I shaved about 10 minutes off my time from last week. I'm pretty surprised and happy about that, even though this walk I'm training for isn't a race.

    214.3 lbs (-5.1 lbs)
    25,000+ steps
    Training day: 10.2 mile walk
    Vegetarian days 8 of 9
    17,000+ calorie deficit