3. Daily nutrition accountability



  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Still staying on track nutritionally. :)
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    I have been off the wagon for almost a month. I never got back into the habit of tracking after my vacation last month, and spending it without WiFi (even though it was only four days.) I keep tracking breakfast, but then being too lazy to add recipes, or too anxious about having overeaten and not wanting to see the number.

    I have a bit of rekindled energy now that I've seen I've been able to lose/maintain (but not gain!!) weight while not keeping track. So this has me motivated and confident. Hoping to start the week fresh and get my logging habits back on track, for more weight-loss! I'll update this evening with how that went for today!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    @smurphy90 glad you maintained well without but more than happy to have you back
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Struggled to actually get over 1200 today. It was an odd day. Wish I always had this problem. Needless to say I was under today
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    I did well on my first day back, and managed to make myself log everything! Came in a little more than 100 calories under my goal. :smile:
  • lungs59
    lungs59 Posts: 50 Member
    Still eating properly even tho I have not been checking in with you guys but I am a bit bummed out because the scale is not moving at all. I have been stuck for at least a month at the same weight give or take the same 4 or 5 pounds depending on if I am working the night shift or if I am off a few days. I know I need to step up the exercise but there are days that I feel exhausted and its all I can do to get my household chores done.
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    I didn't have the best weekend, but I did what I said I would and logged everything (albeit today not at the time). 600 calories over on Saturday and 1200 over yesterday.

    Hopefully back on track today. Although I could really eat a nice chunky kit kat right now. I need to be allergic to chocolate :/
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Came in just at count even though I succumbed to the temptation of a Snickers bar that was *staring* @ me in the drugstore checkout line! :/
    ...Although I could really eat a nice chunky kit kat right now. I need to be allergic to chocolate :/

    I TOTALLY wish that I had the same reaction to chocolate that I have to cottage cheese & sour cream..which is "ewwww, yuck"! :)
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Went over by 25 yesterday and will come just 4 shy of my goal today. Not bad calorie wise but it was a TON of junk food
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    I ended up going over by 655 yesterday. I'm not feeling great at the moment so I want comfort food. But I am still going to record everything.
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Came in @ calorie goal...though it wasn't a terribly nutritious day. :/
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Came in 9 calories over yesterday. Not real worried about that much
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Under goal by about 100 today
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Came in over by 51 calories yesterday :/ Not bad considering that there were baked goods in the house!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Under today though I did indulge in a cookie..
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    On track
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    On track
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    ...was slightly under until late night snacking sent me over by 80...c'est la guerre!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    YAY!!!! Somebody else posted. It's been like me for the past few days and I've been feeling a little self-conscious about that.

    Went well today I've been in a massive plateau and I've been trying different things and I indulged in breads cheeses and wine. To be honest I am not upset about having a cheat day it's been a long while.
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm here too MM...trying to get back to posting on this thread everyday!

    Once again, the late night snacking did me in...over by 62 :/
    I've plateaued as well. So I lowered my calories just a bit (as suggested by a friend who's an RD--the reasoning being that weighing less than I did when I started this weight loss adventure means that I now have a lower "basal metabolic rate", so calorie reduction is needed to stay @ 300-500 calories below what my body burns). Unfortunately, I'm finding that I am SO friggin hungry at night that I eat those calories back! I think that I really just need to make better, more filling food choices towards the end of the day!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    On track today
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Monday wasnt too bad--I had more control over the cravings & came in right @ goal! :)
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Over by 180 and feeling defeated
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Wednesday was good. Came in under by ~200 & didn't feel hungry in the evening...
    Mad_Medusa wrote: »
    Over by 180 and feeling defeated

    I know how easy it is to feel defeated when I've gone off the rails w/food. But keep reminding yourself that it was only 1 day & over by 180 is SO much better than being over by 500 or 1000 (which I've done!!). You can still reel yourself in & end up having a successful week! :)
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Just under goal
    I know how easy it is to feel defeated when I've gone off the rails w/food. But keep reminding yourself that it was only 1 day & over by 180 is SO much better than being over by 500 or 1000 (which I've done!!). You can still reel yourself in & end up having a successful week! :)

    I'm feeling defeated more or less because that's my biggest cheat and I'm still in a plateau. For about a month now I've stayed the same. I increased exercise, decreased calories, bumped up my calories in case I went too low. I'm eating 1500 a day Wichita has been good for a while and it just stopped
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    MM, I read a couple of "plateau" articles on the MFP blog that were helpful/anxiety-reducing...here's a link to the last 1


  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks Audrey

    Under 140 today
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Came in just under count on Fri., but I am *just* a wee bit doubtful that Rice Krispies for lunch, dinner AND snack would be considered part of a "nutritionally sound" eating plan! :/
    Mad_Medusa wrote: »
    Thanks Audrey

    Under 140 today

  • DenDen88
    DenDen88 Posts: 3 Member
    I enjoy eating fruits but it blows my mind that a large apple has 23g of sugar..Ouch!!
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Ok weekend...came in right @ count both days.