
  • gpergamo
    gpergamo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Gianna, 27 years old, 5 feet tall. I weigh about 150 lbs, I would love to get to 120 but 130 is great for me if I have muscle too. I have always been a little chunky, and I'm also a curvy person, but I feel heavy right now. I've been having trouble losing weight because I was in a car accident a year ago and still have hip pain. I love zumba, and actually got certified to teach, but it aggravates the injury too much. I wish I could exercise more because losing weight by diet restriction is such a bummer (basically means, no beer!)
  • Rikki007s
    Rikki007s Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Rikki and I currently weigh 138 lbs at 5'6". I was diagnosed with type two diabetes at 26 (I was over 215 lbs at the time) and have spent many years learning how to eat healthy and move my body. I would like to weigh less, but I really just want to be accountable for what I eat on here. It's important for my future health that I keep my blood sugars food.

    If there are any other diabetics oh here that want a buddy feel free to add me on here!
  • umpire1505
    umpire1505 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is John and first I want to thank you for this group. I am a big fan of the podcast and this lets me be a part of it.

    I am 6'2" and as of this morning 257 lbs. I would like to get down to 220. I have been on MyFitnessPal for a long time but seem to find ways and excuses not to lose weight. I have kids so I can't work out, I work on the road so I can't make good choices, my back is injured and it frustrates me by limiting my fitness.

    I am tired of coming up with excuses and just want to be healthy and fit enough to play with my kids and golf. Pretty simple.

    Thanks again for reading my story and good luck to everyone reaching their goals.
  • exsangus
    exsangus Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone. I am 6'3" and am currently weighting in at 196, my goal is to get down to 170. I also am hoping to be able to run a marathon by next summer. I have enjoyed chronic insomnia, and have an injury sustained in the Navy, both of which are greatly ameliorated by not packing on a bunch of weight and exercising regularly. Good luck to everyone else here!
  • scottmcmillan555
    scottmcmillan555 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    My name's Scott and I currently weigh 252 lbs. I'd like to weigh 210 short term and then work down from there. At my most "svelte" I was always around the 180- 200 mark. Here's hoping this helps
  • polychromatic
    polychromatic Posts: 1 Member
    Hi SYSK fans! My name is Tracy. I'm hitting a milestone birthday this year (the big 4.0) and am stuck on the same hamster wheel I've been on since I was a pre-teen. I'm 5"2 and 188. I've gained and lost the same 18lbs over the past 6 years since my last child. On the high end again now. Need to lose 40+. I'm someone that nails just about every other goal I've set for myself but this... still don't understand why I can't get my *kitten* together. So, off I go again just as determined as I was the last 100 times. :). Looking forward to being part of this group of very curious and smart people.
  • chrisdepew
    chrisdepew Posts: 2 Member
    Late to the game here. I'm Chris and I'm 5'11 and 302. I was 318 about a month ago. I would like to be about 200. That is what I was when I was playing baseball every day at a high level.
  • jblanscett
    jblanscett Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Joye. I'm 5'5 and weigh around 255. I'd be happy to lose 100lbs. Heck, I'd be happy to lose 60lbs. This was a great idea Chuck.
  • esixed
    esixed Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all. I am Dave. I am about 5'11" and clocking in at 208 right now. Goal is to get down to 180. Been coaching my son's soccer team helped me shed some pounds by running with them. I saw this group shared on Facebook and thought it was the right time to take this serious. Can't wait to share progress with everyone.
    -Dave. (SYSK kiva member too)
  • bykowskia
    bykowskia Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I am Alex and I am 5"4. Due to some health complications last year I put on an extra 15 pounds and I have had a hard time getting it off. I would like to return to my base weight of 125 pounds. My husband and I have decided to sign up for a half marathon to kick start the weight loss. Thanks for the support.
  • jjnelson13
    jjnelson13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm Jeremiah. I'm 6'0 and 260. So I either need to grow another 14 inches or lose some weight. My I'd-be-happy goal would be about 215, ultimately 190ish would be perfect. I used MFP about 5 years ago and found it useful so I'm hoping round 2 will prove as fruitful.
  • mwiggs8031
    mwiggs8031 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm Michelle. I am 5'5" and 192 lbs. I stay really focused and committed until the next treat crosses my path, "squirrel!!". Hoping to lose 20lb before my son's wedding next year not just to look better but so that I can move around without aches and pains the extra weight causes.
  • shajax
    shajax Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Sharon. I weigh 172 at 5' 4". I've had an on off relationship with fitness and need to be paying more attention to my eating habits and exercise lately.
  • mturner2018
    mturner2018 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Mallory, I'm about 5'6 and weigh 125 pounds or so last I checked. I can't say I want to lose weight, I mostly just want to get in shape, which I really need to do. I'm a good size, but let's just say I can't run very far without getting out of breath.
  • 5footerica
    5footerica Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5ft, 175lbs. I'm down from 225 a few years ago when I was at my largest (quite heavy for a shorty. I feel so much better, myfittnesspal helped a lot!
    125 would be cool, but 140-150 would be fine with me :)
  • dawiese
    dawiese Posts: 3 Member
    Dave here. 54 and 187 lbs. I just finished off a sleeve of soda crackers and I'm now staring at a half empty bottle of Miller High Life. My mother always told me I have motivation deprivation. Is that a real condition? :)
  • azalee1289
    azalee1289 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Sonia. 5'5" and 155 lbs. last year I was 174 lbs, but haven't lost any more weight in the past few months and I'm trying to get down to 145lbs. I joined the group to get more motivation to keep eating healthy and exercise. Plus I love the podcast and the community!
  • raenaissance
    raenaissance Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Brittany, 5'6" and 285 lbs. Last year I was on the right track and lost 25 lbs, but they came back, so now I'm trying to lose them for good. My biggest goal right now is 235, the weight I was when I got married 5 years ago. Wish me luck, I think this group will be a great support.
  • MamaJude78
    MamaJude78 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Judy. I am 5'6" and 213 lbs. I am in my own 12 week challenge. I want to lose 25# my Aug 8. That's just the first level. Totally scared and excited all at the same time!