
  • Paulywauly
    Paulywauly Posts: 1 Member
    Hi SYSK group. My name is Paul from Dunstable in the UK. I currently weigh 15 stone and 4 pounds (214 pounds) and would ideally like to get down to 13 stone (182 pounds). I am a yoyo dieter. I lose weight for a while and then put it back on. I'm hoping by joining this group it will encourage me to keep going and reach my goal.
  • KaliyanaFinney
    KaliyanaFinney Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm excited to join the group. I am 5'5" and weigh about 123-125lbs. I know that number seems light to most but I have led a very inactive and unhealthy life for too long and have in the past year started to exercise a lot more. I still weigh the same, but am a lot healthier on the inside now! I went from never exercising to running a half marathon last year! I still struggle every day to stay active and exercise.
  • ljl5092
    ljl5092 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi gang!! Thanks for putting this together, Chuck! I've been logging with MFP for some 140 days so far, but I'm glad to have some company. I'm 5'2" and currently 127 lbs. I've been working my way down from 136 lbs this January, and a high of around 140 lbs a few years ago (on my frame, there's nowhere for it to go!) I got a Fitbit in January and have found it extremely motivating. Challenging coworkers and friends as long as myself has pushed me to up my weekly workout goal to 4-5x per week. Let's do this thing together!!
  • littleGetAwaysticks
    littleGetAwaysticks Posts: 4 Member
    Hiring, Erin here. I am sad to say I'm currently weighing in at 170 at a cool 5 feet 3 inches. My lowest weight was 107 but a healthy, toned 120lbs to 125lbs is my goal
  • RobMatheson
    RobMatheson Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Rob. I'm six feet tall and 50 years old. I've always carried too much weight but I've never found a way of shifting it permanently. As I get older I'm less worried about how I look and more interested in staying healthy for as long as I can. I've always been shy of sharing personal details, like my weight. But I'm a long-time fan of SYSK and this is a great incentive. So...I'm currently at 92.4 kgs and I want to get into the mid-80s.
  • LeahcimNoj
    LeahcimNoj Posts: 1 Member
    Jon-Michael and I am 5'11" and 223 lbs. you can do it Chuck! I was 250 lbs.!!!!
  • hylanderk
    hylanderk Posts: 3 Member
    Heyyo. My name is Kara and I'm 5ft 6in weighing in at 233 lbs. I started using My Fitness Pal about a year ago and lost around 10 lbs but stopped using it 6 months ago. Heard about this group and decided to start back up. Stay strong everyone!
  • parkej4
    parkej4 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Jen. I'm 5'5" and 231 pounds at this point. Measurements right now are waist of 43.75" and hips of 52.5". I have several goals:
    -- Ultimate goal (besides smaller pants): 150-160
    -- I can start running again according to my PT goal: 180
    -- Onederland goal: 199
    -- Next goal: 230!
  • AKStuutels
    AKStuutels Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm Andrea. I'm 5'8 and 180. I would like to loose about 30 pounds and get off blood pressure medicine. I can stay on track with calories for most of the day but I love late night snackin. I enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking, gardening and pub crawls. Heart disease runs in my family so I figure I should lower my risk in other ways.
  • cshaynejones
    cshaynejones Posts: 1 Member
    6 ft male 45 yrs old 331lbs.
  • JRShields2012
    JRShields2012 Posts: 2 Member
    John here! I'm 6' and am now down to 289 from 305! Been about 4 months. My goal is 200!
  • StephTrammell
    StephTrammell Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Steph. I'm 5"4 and I weigh 176. This is the most I've ever weighed. I've gained over fourty pounds since my boyfriend of six years passed away in December. My ideal weight is 130. I love the idea of this group, and I could not be more excited to be on this journey with you Chuck! So much respect for everyone in this group. We got this, dudes. Cue Joe Esposito's You're the Best.
  • LGStrong13
    LGStrong13 Posts: 11 Member
    Lindsey here. :smile: 5"6 235lbs with a goal of 150 lbs.
  • Lovethesnow35
    Lovethesnow35 Posts: 2,070 Member
    Hello everyone! I read a lot of your opening stories and I will get to the rest of them. I am 5'9 and 165 pounds. This is the most for me. I have never dieted before and don't plan on calling this a diet. I want it to be more of a lifestyle change. I am very thankful for Chuck inspiring me to find this app. I signed up immediately and now it's been 6 days. I immediately stopped drinking coke. My plan is to be 135 pounds. Here goes!
  • kel1yc
    kel1yc Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there! I am Kel-31 y o female. 5'4" ish and 185 pounds. My heaviest was 190. Went thru a tough time in my life after doing great and getting down to 157 at my lowest. My goal is 150!
  • ngroody
    ngroody Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Nicole. I'm 5'8" and 168. For the last 4 years I keep dropping and re-gaining 10 lbs. I need to stop that. My goal weight is 135, but more realistically I'd be happy to be under 150.
  • StlrZombie
    StlrZombie Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Chris. I am 34, 5'8" and weigh 350lbs. Need to lose a lot for my wife and two kids. Aiming for under 300 but don't want to stop until 200. I need the help!
  • beakermx
    beakermx Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Daniel. I'm 6'2" and right at 270lbs. Ideally I could be around 180-200. But my goal is my weight at my wedding 4 years ago, 220. Expecting my first baby in September and I'm wanting to start this new phase of life in a much healthier state, both physically and mentally.
  • sarilou99
    sarilou99 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm Sara. I nearly reached my weight loss goal 3 years ago but then was blindsided by an unfortunate medical diagnosis which lead to depression. So, I gained everything back. My theory is that I lost it once and can do it again.
    6'1". 303# and want to end up at 180.
  • I'm Caroline. 5'3". Started at 186 two weeks ago, now at 184. My long term goal is the nice healthy 135, which I used to weigh before my metabolism slowed but my diet didn't change. Short term is 160 by September.