
  • rsoronen
    rsoronen Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Renee! I'm 32 years old, 5'3", and right around 180 pounds. This is the heaviest I've ever been. I gained a lot while pregnant (almost 3 years ago!!) and haven't had the willpower to lose it. I use food as a relaxation / reward thing and that's so not good for me. I once went from about 155 to 125, so I know I can lose it. My first goal is to stop eating so much junk food and sweets, especially after my son goes to bed, and to slowly get to 160.

    And I see I'm very close in my weight goals to Caroline above me. Hi Caroline! :smile:
  • obscurus82
    obscurus82 Posts: 2 Member
    Ahoy-hoy! I'm Sam and I stand 5'10", currently weigh in at 252.
  • profsherman
    profsherman Posts: 1 Member
    Jacob from Vancouver, WA. 5'11". 180. Shooting for at least 170 by the time summer starts.
  • mickeymt
    mickeymt Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Marie. I'm 5'8" and 265 lbs, my highest weight ever. Long term goal is 165, so I have a ways to go. One day at a time!
  • KyleMahnke
    KyleMahnke Posts: 2 Member
    Howdy from Texas, still keeping an eye out for Chuck's hat.

    My name is Kyle, I'm 5'10" and currently at 204lbs. At my heaviest about a year ago I was 216. I got down to about 194, plateaued, and shot back up to 210. I have a really hard time not binge eating and hoping that being part of this group will help me stay accountable for that. Ideally I'd like to get back to the low 180's as I have a pretty wide frame.
  • Brandaustin
    Brandaustin Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys Im Brand. I am 5 11 and weighed in last week at 263 lbs. Been overweight most of my life and have decided to try and get into decent shape. My goal is 185 or so but wouldnt mind being heavier if it means putting on some muscles in my arms. Ive got great leg strength from carrying about 90lbs of fat for years and years but floppy stick arms.
  • pdeutman
    pdeutman Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Paulette. I am 5'4" and my weight is 189. At this weight I am starting to feel the struggle to move. Getting out of a chair or bending down is starting to feel difficult. I've always been an active person so this is bothersome. I want to move with ease again and the only way this can happen is if I lose the extra weight. I would like to get down to 135 but would be happy with 145. Thanks for the safe place to share.
  • Mncyguy
    Mncyguy Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'11" and currently around 245, though I've yo-yoed between 235 and 260 for the past few years. I've had spurts of good habits and motivation in the past, but have tended to completely derail when life interferes with my routine. For now my goal is just to get under 200 and find some sustainable habits.
  • NicholasMontgom
    NicholasMontgom Posts: 1 Member
    I be Nick. I also be 160lb. I be training for OCR (obstacle course races) for the past year and have stayed the same weight but proudly dropped my fat %. Am pretty damn happy with where I am but always looking to improve. Wouldn't mind slimming down a bit more so that I can grate cheese on my abs. Perhaps I'm dreaming big…
  • anthonypotts1
    anthonypotts1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Anthony. 37, 5'11" 239.5 pounds. A couple of years ago I was at 263. Now I have run several half marathons, a couple marathons, and a 50k. Problem is, I still weigh a lot and I'm trying to run up Pikes Peak in August, after an unsuccessful attempt last year. I think my goal weight is around 210, but I'm not entirely sure it's doable.
  • elyce_
    elyce_ Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'9 and I way 274 right now. Id like to lose 100lbs. Which seems impossible as I'm typing it out. But I think its definitely worth a shot! :p
  • Tripaway
    Tripaway Posts: 71 Member
    Jared from Kalamazoo, MI here! I'm 5'4" (ridiculously short, in my opinion...) and weigh 175lbs - goal weight 140, I'd settle for 150! I've been working on weight loss for at least the last decade - heaviest on record: 253lbs - imagine that!
  • ryanparsons
    ryanparsons Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Ryan and I am 5' 7" and I weigh 162 lbs. My goal is to get down to 155 lbs. and to stay there.
  • tparkinson393
    tparkinson393 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey All! I'm 5' 10" 230 lbs want to get to 160 but I'll be ok with 180
  • chubbyirishgal
    chubbyirishgal Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All! Just joined because I went to the doctor last week and was shocked! I am 5'4" and I weigh 147. I AM going to lose thirty pounds over the next year and look forward to doing it with you all!
  • maddogjelly
    maddogjelly Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Just joined. I am 43 y.o, 5' 3" and when I went to the doctor the other day I weighed in at 180. She told me that every 10lbs you loose delays the onset of diabetes by 2 years. So my first goal is not a weight, but to loose 10 lbs. And after that, I hope to continue the journey.
  • hatfield66
    hatfield66 Posts: 5 Member
    I was in a very similar place last year, 5' 9" and 230 pounds, today I'm 161. You can totally do this Chuck! Best advice I can give is log everything you eat. Some days you'll win, some days you'll lose, and it's very tempting to give yourself a mulligan and not log the days you don't do well but that's a trap!
  • meking81
    meking81 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all! I'm Mike. 5'7" and probably about 260 (I've avoided scales for a while). I've done the MFP thing on and off for a while, but I think with help, I can stay on it. I'd be happy getting down to 200 and then just maintaining from there. We've got a work challenge coming up and I think this will be a good way to jump back into the fray.
  • jdonnelly404
    jdonnelly404 Posts: 1 Member
    Jonathan, 5'6" at 215 is not an ideal look, I want to get back to 150-160. Gotta cut back on the beers for millions of reasons.
  • jayla513
    jayla513 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Angela. I'll be 41 in a few short weeks. I'm 5'4" and currently 128, and only want to lose about 5 lb, but am finding I'm slowly slipping higher over the months. I feel like I'm so close to the weight I'm most comfortable at but can't seem to shake the last handful of pounds. I work in graphic design, sitting down for at least 9 hours a day, and I admittedly have fallen far off the wagon with tracking food and making healthy choices. Found this group while listening to a podcast on my lunchtime walk (new habit I'm trying to pick up) and hope it will help me stay more accountable for my progress.