
  • iamnal
    iamnal Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm Nissa. I'm 5'4" and 163lbs. I'm most comfortable around 135-140lbs. I lost 20lbs about 2 years ago and slowly gained it all back. Well, I did it once, I can do it again...
  • lilypetitput
    lilypetitput Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm Diana. I am 4'11" and 160lbs., which is way too high for someone as short as me. I've been "trying" to lose weight since I was about 13, when I wasn't really fat, but in the past 21 years my insecurities have completely taken over my life and I went from thinking I was fat to actually being very fat. I use food as a coping mechanism and I've recently realized how much sugar affects my digestion and I am going to avoid eating pastries, which are my biggest cravings when stress takes over. Good luck everyone!
  • MoosieV
    MoosieV Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, all! I am Bethany. I am about 5'7" tall, currently at 205lbs and 14 months postpartum. I was around 180-185 pre pregnancy, so my immediate goal would be to get back to that and then work my way down. It's been incredibly hard to start, though. While I hate the way my body feels and acts right now with the excess weight, it's hard to get to the point of being able to even get started. I'm sure that struggling with PPD isn't help me, either. :smile: I heard about this group while listening to the amazing SYSK podcast, and thought why not look in to it and see what it's all about! Will it give me the boost I finally need? I hope so!
  • clkz
    clkz Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all, I'm Carissa. I love that we have a safe place to talk about difficult stuff! I'm almost 5'9" and weigh 203. I'm down from 217, so something is working! This app has been a great help; simply recording and seeing what's in the food I'm eating has made me more mindful about what and how much I'm eating. The steps counter has motivated me to move more too!
  • bj14klein
    bj14klein Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Barb, I am 5'8" and weigh 173 lbs. I would like to get to 145. I
    When I heard Chucked mention this app, it spoke to me. I decided the minute I heard it, to get the app and get started. And I did. I started last week and am down 2 lbs. Only 28 more to go! Thanks Chuck and love SYSK with that other guy. Just kidding, love Josh also.
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Hi I'm Andrea.. I've been logging food 41 days and I have lost 7 lbs.. I have synced my Fitbit to the app and am using a 500 per day overall calorie deficit. Although I have a hip injury and can't always walk my goal, It's working! 179 lbs and trying to get to 135-140 over next year..
  • samhman
    samhman Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry everyone, I'm pretty metric in Australia. 188cm (6'3"??) and 110kg. I'm a tall guy put would love to sit below 90kg. It's been around 10yrs since I've been there and want to say that again. Just hit 30yrs old so Now is a good time to sort this out!

    For what it's worth, I'm not a huge fan of counting calories. I'm back at taekwondo which is more than enough exercise and decided to cut out as much processed food as possible and just leave in pretty much meat and vegetables and some fruit. I always feel great doing it but always end up falling off the wagon (All good is delicious!!)
  • kevinhparker550
    kevinhparker550 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey I'm Kevin.

    Im 5'9" and 178...the lowest I've been in years! I'm working to get to 165, which I used to think was impossible before calorie counting. Really I just want my body fat to be low enough that I have a defined six pack.
  • k_e_b
    k_e_b Posts: 2 Member
    So I finally bought a scale and faced the numbers: I'm 160cm (5'3") and 62.5 kg. Would ultimately like to lose 10kg. Time to get to work!
  • mjvecchio
    mjvecchio Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Michelle. I am 5 foot 6 and I weighed 225 in March. I now weigh 208 of today's weigh in. I'd love to be between 150 and 160, so about fifty pounds to go. Let's do this, SYSK Fit Club!
  • josiehulgan
    josiehulgan Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'7 and weigh 199lbs. I gained 70lbs while I was pregnant, which I so regret. I've lost almost 50lbs but have been really struggling for two years to get rid of the last 20-30 lbs. I'd love to get to 165 or under and maintain it.
  • arrondo
    arrondo Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Aaron, I am 5' 9" tall, 45 years old, and currently 186 lbs, down from 213 lbs heaviest known weight. My ultimate goal is to get to a "normal" BMI of 165 lbs.

    To everyone just getting started, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Some basic advice that really helped me: eliminate processed sugars, try to not drink your calories, ease into increasing your exercise a little at a time (don't enter any marathons on your first day
  • trevorbirak
    trevorbirak Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Got inspired by chuckers. I'm 6'2" and 255lbs. Hoping to lose 35 lbs. I have a tendency to give up so...
  • kilmartin81
    kilmartin81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm Matt and I'm 5'5" and 151 lbs as of today. Im trying to put on some weight but it's tough for me to do with such a high metabolism. My job also requires me to do a lot physically as well so it is a challenge.
  • Phenomabomb
    Phenomabomb Posts: 1 Member
    Hi people! My name is Mark from Scotland in the UK I'm currently 17st 7lbs and 5"9 or 245lbs for the USA people on here. Since February this year I have lost 29 lbs but haven't lost and in the last month or so and need some more encouragement and motivation to keep going to my ideal weight of around 15 st. Hopefully this group of listeners from my favourite podcast can help! Xxx
  • rjberb
    rjberb Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Bob. I am 67 yo, 5'-10" and 248 lb. I was recently diagnosed with coronary artery disease (basically partial blockage of my coronary arteries with "plaque"). This condition is vey common and cannot be reversed, however it can be controlled through diet and excercise. I have learned through many years of trying to loose weight that I need to set achievable weight loss goals and up my excercise a lot. So, I have starting to walk 1-2 hours every day. I listen to SYSK and the time flies. My goal is to loose 10% of my body weight (25 lbs.)
  • Lovethesnow35
    Lovethesnow35 Posts: 2,070 Member
    Hello. Got inspired by chuckers. I'm 6'2" and 255lbs. Hoping to lose 35 lbs. I have a tendency to give up so...

    Don't give up! Make it as fun as possible. Mfp has helped me a lot by staying motivated by talking to others or at least listening.
  • arrondo
    arrondo Posts: 12 Member
    Hi people! My name is Mark from Scotland in the UK I'm currently 17st 7lbs and 5"9 or 245lbs for the USA people on here. Since February this year I have lost 29 lbs but haven't lost and in the last month or so and need some more encouragement and motivation to keep going to my ideal weight of around 15 st. Hopefully this group of listeners from my favourite podcast can help! Xxx

    Mark – I've been fighting through a month-long plateau myself. It sucks! While goals are important & results are rewarding, try to remember this is about learning new habits with food & fitness for the long term. You can do it!
  • ali5209
    ali5209 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Ali 4'10 I'm currently at 135, at the end of my pregnancy I was 170, I lost quite a bit at first but have been hovering around 135-140 for the last 2 years (daughter is now 2 1/2) my goal is to reach my pre-pregnancy weight of 110.
  • yasminara
    yasminara Posts: 247 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 150! My goal weight is 120-125. Let's do this!