What is going on? Is keto not working for me?



  • karebear5891
    karebear5891 Posts: 141 Member
    To go along with @ladipoet, I was also listening to a Keto talk episode and even with sugar or carb free alcohol, the alcohol content acts the same in kicking you out of ketosis. It's the latest podcast episode, episode 24. It's a good talk show either way, they answer 3 questions per episode and I find them to be quite entertaining along with informational.
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    ladipoet wrote: »
    If you are drinking a glass of wine EVERY evening, guarantee you that it is this habit which is most likely continually kicking you out of nutritional ketosis and stalling your progress. Then you work hard all day again the net day eating right only to shoot yourself in the foot every night. Alcohol is nothing but sugar and carbs - the 2 things we are trying like hell to avoid on LCHF.

    Not quite every night, but pretty close! Ahhhh....I thought if I included the carb count in my totals, it would be okay. So, no more wine for a while
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    To go along with @ladipoet, I was also listening to a Keto talk episode and even with sugar or carb free alcohol, the alcohol content acts the same in kicking you out of ketosis. It's the latest podcast episode, episode 24. It's a good talk show either way, they answer 3 questions per episode and I find them to be quite entertaining along with informational.

    I'll have to listen to the podcasts. I didn't realize alcohol acted that way
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Three weeks is very little time to start showing a weight loss. I know keto is supposed to be different that way, but I suspect that some people lose quickly and others do what I do, which is to plateau immediately, show some loss later, maybe in 6 weeks, and then plateau again.

    I thought at least a couple of pounds in 3 weeks......I didn't even lose water weight, Lol! Okay I will stick with it and I am eliminating wine....at least for the time being
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    I just have wine or other low carb alcohol on one weekend night each week and also make sure to skip at least one weekend a month too. I have been able to make that work for me.
    That's a great idea.....and should help prevent feelings of deprivation.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Since I can't see your diary: do you have a calorie goal, and if so, what is it?

    Some people can eat whatever they want on keto, because they don't eat for emotional reasons or out of boredom, and they don't feel hungry if they eat a lot of fat. I'm not like that. I need a limit.

    P.S. We're about the same height and my weight is close to your GW. 1500 calories a day is a good maintenance level for me, even with daily exercise, regular strength training, and a light activity level. If I were trying to lose weight, I would have to go down to about 1200 calories a day, which is no fun, but not unsafe.

    I am in the same boat as you both, age 59, 5 ft 7 in, female now 70-71 kg -- my weight loss was on about 1200 cals a day, 3 years ago. I am maintaining on 1400-1500 cals a day. @saltysailors, try going low on sugars, alcohol and dairy for a week and see if anything moves. Or try a fat fast or egg fast?
  • Iwosial
    Iwosial Posts: 5 Member
    I didnt read the other answers, so maybe someone have said it before.
    I think it's alcohol fault that you're not losing weight. Out of my experience.
    And you should eat 15-20g of carbs in Phase 1.
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    @saltysailors what worked for me was "low sugar" this steered me away from alcohol, processed foods, breads, sweets, fruit and startchy veg. I have not looked at your diary but wonder what your selection of carbs are and how you are balancing that with proteins and fat. For me protein makes me feel fuller for longer, for most folk fat does that. Lots of variety and plenty of options so check out recipes here to find things that appeal.

    BtW I am 5ft4 and also find at 1500 cal or more a safe bet is I will gain weight. Note there is a great article here somewhere where a woman gained weight for 6 months on a high fat diet until her body healed then it dropped off and she now can ignore calories as she naturally eats till she is full which maintains her weight. Your body may be "under construction" so all that may require a little patience, or a lot. Good luck

    I am eating no processed foods at all and only low carb veges when I eat them. The hard part is gaining the weight while being "under construction" and trusting that it will eventually heal......
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    camtosh wrote: »
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Since I can't see your diary: do you have a calorie goal, and if so, what is it?

    Some people can eat whatever they want on keto, because they don't eat for emotional reasons or out of boredom, and they don't feel hungry if they eat a lot of fat. I'm not like that. I need a limit.

    P.S. We're about the same height and my weight is close to your GW. 1500 calories a day is a good maintenance level for me, even with daily exercise, regular strength training, and a light activity level. If I were trying to lose weight, I would have to go down to about 1200 calories a day, which is no fun, but not unsafe.

    I am in the same boat as you both, age 59, 5 ft 7 in, female now 70-71 kg -- my weight loss was on about 1200 cals a day, 3 years ago. I am maintaining on 1400-1500 cals a day. @saltysailors, try going low on sugars, alcohol and dairy for a week and see if anything moves. Or try a fat fast or egg fast?

    Most days I am under 20 carbs. I am not eating any sugars, no processed foods, except mayonnaise....I am dropping the calories to 1300 this week and no alcohol. Right now The only dairy I eat is full fat cheese, sour cream and heavy cream. No cottage cheese, no yogurt, no milk.....
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    IwonaPalko wrote: »
    I didnt read the other answers, so maybe someone have said it before.
    I think it's alcohol fault that you're not losing weight. Out of my experience.
    And you should eat 15-20g of carbs in Phase 1.

    Yes. That's what someone else said....no alcohol
  • cedarsidefarm
    cedarsidefarm Posts: 163 Member
    You have been on this WOE for 21 days. It took me 44 days before I lost a single pound and then I had to gain 3 lbs first. I don't know why. But Just keep tightening up your calories while lowering your carbs and upping your fats. I did that day after day and finally after 44 days, I lost. But I went from 1000 carbs a day to 30 and about 1700 calories to 1200. I took me awhile to figure out what I could and couldn't eat.

    I'm about your age and I think that has something to do with the slowness in losing weight. I use to just think about losing weight and in a few months, I was down. Now I have to fight for every pound lost and exercise does NOT help in the loss at all.

    Last week, I worked in 90 degree (Fahrenheit for you Canadians :) temps planting 200 feet of squash, trimming all around the 15 acre farm (man it looked good) and moved equipment and unhappy sheep. I would say it was my most physically demanding week of the season and....I gained 3 pounds.

    So, I'm back on track and hope to lose another 10 pounds by tightening up my diet. Just keep at it. It will come off.
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    You have been on this WOE for 21 days. It took me 44 days before I lost a single pound and then I had to gain 3 lbs first. I don't know why. But Just keep tightening up your calories while lowering your carbs and upping your fats. I did that day after day and finally after 44 days, I lost. But I went from 1000 carbs a day to 30 and about 1700 calories to 1200. I took me awhile to figure out what I could and couldn't eat.

    I'm about your age and I think that has something to do with the slowness in losing weight. I use to just think about losing weight and in a few months, I was down. Now I have to fight for every pound lost and exercise does NOT help in the loss at all.

    Last week, I worked in 90 degree (Fahrenheit for you Canadians :) temps planting 200 feet of squash, trimming all around the 15 acre farm (man it looked good) and moved equipment and unhappy sheep. I would say it was my most physically demanding week of the season and....I gained 3 pounds.

    So, I'm back on track and hope to lose another 10 pounds by tightening up my diet. Just keep at it. It will come off.

    Thanks for responding! After reading from others, I figured something like that was happening! I was just getting so discourage because I have heard so many successes and I didn't even lose water weight! Yesterday, I examined my diary a lot closer and realized my carbs were closer to 35-40 where I thought they were around 20-25 ( maybe I was thinking net?) But I lowered (tightened) my calories and lowered my carbs. I am really struggling with what I can and cannot eat. I can't seem to increase my fat without going over my calories, and I'm hungry a lot of the times. Ugh!!!
    I stayed within budget today. So we'll see how tomorrow goes. One day at a time
  • Kelley0519
    Kelley0519 Posts: 254 Member
    It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one that's not losing weight. I've been doing the Low Carb for 4 weeks now and I lost 2 lbs in my first week. Nothing else since then. These answers are helpful for sure :smile:
  • icyheart1411
    icyheart1411 Posts: 7 Member
    When will you be weighing in again? I cant wait to hear about your progress.
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    edited June 2016
    I won't be weighing in until next week... My scale is broken and I haven't got a new one yet. But I will take measurements every week on Mondays (I think)
  • icyheart1411
    icyheart1411 Posts: 7 Member
    That is great! I am so glad you are seeing progress!