What are your stats? Prior and now



  • LilyJoyData
    LilyJoyData Posts: 6 Member
    62 year old Female,
    Height 5'4.5"
    Gastric Bypass RXY - October 2010
    HW: 225
    Goal: 135
    LW: 126 (Dr. advised too low)
    Stable Weight for 3 years: 134-136
    Current Weight: 154 - weight gain of 9-10 lbs last two winters.

    I am working toward losing the 20 lbs I've put back on, and finding out what my new calorie intake needs to be to maintain. I was doing well with 1800 - 2000 calories for about 3 years, then I moved from Chicago to a very small rural town in Iowa 2 years ago. Spring Summer and Fall seem ok, but the winters have proven a huge challenge. No gym membership any longer and I am not into winter sports, soooo, that apparently equals a 9-10 lb gain over the winter months. Need to find new focus and get a plan in place for next winter.

    Hoping to find inspiration here, anyone else been down the regain trail and have tips for way back?
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am making it through my first post-maintenance winter and seeing a similar issue. I am hoping that my return to spring sports and walking the golf course will revers the trend, but am concerned!

  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    5'1", Heaviest Weight: 250; Surgery Weight: 236 lbs.; Surgery Date: 2/17/15
    GOAL: 130 lbs

    Pre-op diet: 14 lbs
    Month 1: 14.4 lbs
    Month 2: 9.8 lbs
    Month 3: 10.4 lbs
    Month 4: 7.6 lbs
    Month 5: 12.4 lbs
    Month 6: 8.2 lbs
    Month 7: 7.0 lbs
    Month 8: 3.8 lbs (Stall month)
    Month 9: 5.4 lbs
    Month 10: 4.4 lbs.
    Month 11: 4.6 lbs.
    Month 12: 4.8 lbs. (Total loss of 108.2 lbs. on my surgiversary date)
    Month 13: 1.9 lbs. (Another big stall)
    Month 14: 5.8 lbs.

    Current weight: 134.1
    Total weight loss so far: 115.9 lbs

    Size-wise, I'm down from a size 22/XXL to an 8/M. Still trying to knock down from "overweight" to "healthy weight," per BMI standards.

    The honeymoon is over. I'm fighting for every single pound now and my body is starting to even back out. I started getting cravings again over the last month, but I'm still trying to make healthy choices. I am considering dropping my goal further (maybe another 15 lbs or so) but I want to see what I look like when I reach goal first.
  • anubile1967
    anubile1967 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I'm Anne, I'm 48 and live on Long Island, NY. I had a VSG on 10-26-15. My goal weight is around 160.

    HW - 280
    SW - 264
    pants: 24
    tops: 2x
    shoe: 9.5
    ring: 9
    BMI: 45.2

    6 months post op:
    CW: 217
    pants: 16 or 18, depending on brand/cut/etc.
    tops: XL
    shoe: 9
    ring: 8 (I had to get a ring guard on my wedding band so I wouldn't lose it!)
    BMI: 35.0
  • LilyJoyData
    LilyJoyData Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks all. I just got my results back from a study to determine my resting metabolic rate/calorie intake required to Maintain my current 154 lbs. Yikes, I've been eating 1400-1800 calories a day, consistently, since about 8 weeks out from my surgery 5.5 years ago. My newe count needed to maintain - 1200-1225. Seems getting older has not bode me well in the calorie needs area. The doctor does not want me to drop below 1200 calories a day - so in order to lose I need to up my exercise. I personally hate all forms of "formal" exercise. I work 3 days a week at a job that requires I am on my feet for 8 hours, lifting 20-40 lbs, lots of upper body movement as well. ( I work in a meat market) I just reworked my daily food goals down to 1200 and wow what a difference 300-400 calories a day makes. I am a little bummed right now.

    At least it is summer and I have my gardens to tend and I can take longer walks with the dogs. It's the winter that is scary to say the least.
  • lorisisler
    lorisisler Posts: 67 Member
    Pre sleeve. Surgery date 9-26-16
    5 4
    On 3-3-16. 317
    4-11-16. 301
    Today 291.6
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    edited May 2016
    A little late this month...
    I've been lax. Not logging, measuring, or exercising. Just doing maintenance by feel. Today's weigh in is the first time I've been on a scale since last month.

    Current fat percentage is 23.1%. Target is 12-20%.

    SEX: M
    HEIGHT: 5'8"
    HW: 350 (10/15/2013)
    SDW: 262 (07/08/2015) -- 88 POUNDS LOST PRE-OP

    1 MO: 239 (08/08/2015) -- 23 POUNDS
    2 MO: 218 (09/08/2015) -- 21 POUNDS
    3 MO: 209 (10/08/2015) -- 09 POUNDS
    4 MO: 196 (11/09/2015) -- 13 POUNDS
    5 MO: 188 (12/08/2015) -- 08 POUNDS
    6 MO: 178 (01/08/2016) -- 10 POUNDS
    7 MO: 172 (02/08/2016) -- 06 POUNDS
    8 MO: 176 (03/09/2016) -- +04 POUNDS
    9 MO: 170 (04/08/2016) -- 06 POUNDS
    10 MO: 174 (05/20/2017/6) -- +04 POUNDS

  • lorisisler
    lorisisler Posts: 67 Member
    lorisisler wrote: »
    Pre sleeve. Surgery date 9-26-16
    5 4
    On 3-3-16. 317
    4-11-16. 301
    Today 291.6

    Today 283.3
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    5'1", Heaviest Weight: 250; Surgery Weight: 236 lbs.; Surgery Date: 2/17/15
    GOAL: 130 lbs

    Pre-op diet: 14 lbs
    Month 1: 14.4 lbs
    Month 2: 9.8 lbs
    Month 3: 10.4 lbs
    Month 4: 7.6 lbs
    Month 5: 12.4 lbs
    Month 6: 8.2 lbs
    Month 7: 7.0 lbs
    Month 8: 3.8 lbs (Stall month)
    Month 9: 5.4 lbs
    Month 10: 4.4 lbs.
    Month 11: 4.6 lbs.
    Month 12: 4.8 lbs. (Total loss of 108.2 lbs. on my surgiversary date)
    Month 13: 1.9 lbs. (Another big stall)
    Month 14: 5.8 lbs.
    Month 15: 3.3 lbs.

    Current weight: 130.8 lbs.
    Total weight loss so far: 119.2 lbs.


    Seriously, y'all. Once your body starts evening off, you fight for every single pound to go. The good news is that I'm still losing mass. I'm down from a size 22 to a size 6 (or 8 on some clothes). Planks are much easier these days. I am also considered a healthy weight per BMI standards for the first time in my entire adult life.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Hi! First update since 3/10!

    HW 8/25/15: 307
    SW 10/15/15: 283
    CW 5/24/16: 174
    (surgeon's NEW) GW: 158 by 10/14/16


    8/15: Shirts: tight 5x
    Pants: 32

    5/24: Shirts: M/L (wearing lots of tanks with sweaters or still way too big shirts because of my arms!)
    Jeans: 14/16 (16s are a bit big, but 14s are still a bit tight, lol)

  • chas4200
    chas4200 Posts: 2 Member
    47 year old male,
    Height 6' 0"
    Gastric Bypass RXY - December 28, 2015
    HW: 501
    Pre-Op: 389
    Total lost:111
    Goal: 240
  • Kms9947
    Kms9947 Posts: 4 Member
    Well here I go. My name is Karen.
    Heaviest wt 350lbs
    Pre-op wt 324lbs
    Sleeved July 2015

    Current wt 266.5lbs
    Wt loss sense surgery 58lbs
    wt loss altogether 84 lbs
    Love my sleeve!!!! I would do it again in a heart beat!!! It definitely been a hard road but so worth it.
    I'm struggling with moving the scale. I seem to be stuck. I recently started more cardio and strength training. Hope that works
  • Sicnic5150
    Sicnic5150 Posts: 27 Member
    Surgery date: 3/14/2016
    Height: 5'7" Age: 40 :#
    HW: 275
    SW: 241
    CW: 198 - 42# current weight loss

    Officially doubled the amount of pants in wardrobe now that I can fit into my old pants when I was much thinner.

    I do struggle with getting my protein and vitamins, fluids daily but working on that now that I've been given some good advice. Not even 3 months out yet so I still feel nauseous a lot of the time making it difficult to eat. Used to be sugar addict and now I really have a hard time with sweets, even naturally sweet things like fruit can seem too sweet for my tastes. Not complaining about that though; can't even tell you how many different providers I asked to help me with that addiction, or how many shrugs and blank stares I got in response.

    I love my sleeve, just need to make sure I don't I go in the opposite direction with my weight and get too thin. Malnutrition scares the hell out of me!

    Well wishes everyone! Continue to inspire ppl you encounter daily! Keep up the good work.
  • KrystalGayle08
    KrystalGayle08 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi I'm Krystal and I've dealt with obesity since I was in middle school. May 2015 I bought a scale and cried when it read 347 then flashed error. I cried all night. My husband by my side we needed a real plan so I could live my best life and be here for my kids and him. The next day I called a clinic and booked a consult for a lapband.
    I'm 29 years old
    Height 5'9
    HW 347
    Day of surgery 330 June 12th 2015
    CW 207

    1 year post op and im down 140 pounds and am happier than ever to be living a full life and my weight not holding me back. I never wore shorts or dresses EVER and now all I wear are dresses. I just raced in a 5K mountain run in 34 minutes. I workout like a beast, I bike with my kids, I have energy to play all day. Best decision I have ever made for myself and worth every penny. None of my surgery was covered and yes it will take me like 10 years to pay it off but that is peanuts compared to the last ten years where I could not participate in things or have energy for my children. My husband along beside me lost nearly 80 pounds just because we changed our whole household and because he was supporting me. So in love with him!
    Still about 40 pounds to lose but I'm currently smaller than when I got married 8 years ago when I was 21 and my ring size has gone from a 10 to an 8.
    Pants from 28 to 14
    Shirts from 5x to L

  • mmcevoyblackburn
    mmcevoyblackburn Posts: 5 Member
    VSG 12/17/14

    HW: 366
    SW: 335
    CW: 234

    CW now: 187, i teeter around 190 usually. My goal is to get and maintain around 175, I think.
  • Sleeve2fit
    Sleeve2fit Posts: 1 Member
    HI There

    I am in Australia,
    I had VSG on 13th Oct 2015.
    At the start I was 166.4 kg - 366.8 lbs
    Surgery Weight 150.9 kg - 322.67 lbs
    Current weight - 100.5 kg - 221.6 lbs
    Lost 65.9 kg - 145.3 lbs

    clothing here is a bit different but I started at size 26-28 and now a size 18. I want to get to a 14-16 and I'll be happy.

    I'm booking in to have my excess skin on my arms removed end of the year. Very excited.
    IF anyone wants some new friends to keep motivated add me!

    Instagram @Sleeve2fit
    Facebook - www.facebook.com/sleeve2fit
  • Anthrogeeke
    Anthrogeeke Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I recently had VSG on 7/13/16. I'm currently still in the full liquid diet phase and trying to wrap my mind around all the changes.

    HW 355
    SW 301
    CW 292.5
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    5'1", Heaviest Weight: 250; Surgery Weight: 236 lbs.; Surgery Date: 2/17/15
    GOAL: 130 lbs

    Pre-op diet: 14 lbs
    Month 1: 14.4 lbs
    Month 2: 9.8 lbs
    Month 3: 10.4 lbs
    Month 4: 7.6 lbs
    Month 5: 12.4 lbs
    Month 6: 8.2 lbs
    Month 7: 7.0 lbs
    Month 8: 3.8 lbs
    Month 9: 5.4 lbs
    Month 10: 4.4 lbs.
    Month 11: 4.6 lbs.
    Month 12: 4.8 lbs. (Total loss of 108.2 lbs. on my surgiversary date)
    Month 13: 1.9 lbs.
    Month 14: 5.8 lbs.
    Month 15: 3.3 lbs.
    Month 16: 1.6 lbs.
    Month 17: 1.1 lbs.

    Current weight: 128.1 lbs.
    Total weight loss so far: 121.9 lbs.

    I lost down to 126.8 lbs. but don't want to go lower so I have been struggling to find a balance with maintenance. My body may still want me to lose some, but I'm concerned at looking TOO thin since I have a medium-to-large body frame. I've cut way back on cardio but need to find a happy-medium in working out because I feel sluggish without it.