July 2016 Move Your @ss Challenge



  • rockann16
    rockann16 Posts: 885 Member
    Adding 8 miles to my total. Slow week for miles but I guess it's better than nothing! :)


  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    25.65 miles on the stationary bike and 7.34 miles walking puts me at goal. Gonna work on bonus miles because my arm still hurts. :(

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    07/15 - 21.0 miles cycling (TdF Stage 13)
    07/16 - 18.0 miles cycling (TdF Stage 14)
    07/17 - 19.0 miles cycling (TdF Stage 15)

    Total: 289.0 miles

  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,837 Member


  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    No biking the past week. I was out of town the last 4 days and busy the 3 days before that. Guess I have some catching up to do.


  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,253 Member
    7/16 3 miles
    7/17 10 miles

    As of 7/17 192.5 miles of 250 miles

  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    7/11 - 3 miles
    7/13 - 3 miles
    7/15 - 7 miles
    7/16 - 6 miles
    7/17 - 10 miles


    Hmmmm....either I didn't put enough miles in my goal for the month or I can not worry about having to get in my normal number of miles when I am on vacation at the end of the month. Might be nice to enjoy my long weekend away without having to pack all those workout clothes! LOL!
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Not a bad weekend for me. Added 10 miles in two days. :)

    July total 71 miles


    It's inspiring to see those of you who have increased your goal this month. And Clepant, Twice!!! But that doesn't take anything away from you if you are running behind either. We still have 14 more days to catch up, and even if you don't, you are still moving and still posting and that is success too. Even if that IS hard to remember sometimes.

    Have a great Monday all!
  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    adding 6.1 miles

  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    7/14 to 7/17 - 21.31 miles walking
    Total to date - 86.06 of 140 miles
    Sad news, my daughter lost the baby. Most of my miles were walked on downstairs treadmill while my daughter was resting. I was going to try the exercise bike, but haven't been on that thing for months (since I started overtime hours in January I'd bet) and didn't want to add physical pain to everything else going on at the moment
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,334 Member
    @QUEENEGREENE - I am so sorry to hear that. :cry: I know firsthand how devastating that can be. My heart goes out to all involved.

    Secondly, I wanted to drop a note to apologize to all of you for being so distant and less actively involved in conversations here than usual the last couple of months, but things have been really stressful and chaotic at the homefront here. We're having near daily struggles and battles with my girlfriend's 16-yr old son.

    He is special needs and apparently no consequences nor punishments will deter him from breaking basic rules of the household...really just basic rules of decency. He lies to us, steals from us, and won't follow his punishment long enough to get off of it. He's been grounded to his bedroom for over a month now. We've had to remove every electronic device that accesses the internet and take it to our workplace for storage. The TV is locked so he can't view it. I have to unplug the router daily and take it to work with me. We've had to put chains & locks on closet doors to keep him out. We are about at our wit's end here. We have been searching and begging for help and it's not coming fast enough. The confrontations keep getting uglier and uglier. We have to sleep with our phones, wallets & keys in our pillowcases at night because he comes in our room at night while we sleep to try to take them and play on them or steal from them. We put a keyed doorknob on our bedroom door, but it doesn't stop him from prying it open daily. And we don't want to shut it at night because then we won't get any A/C in our room. After warning him multiple times that were were going to call the cops on him, we finally had to make good on the promise after he stole her credit card that she had just replaced from the last time he took it and used it without permission. He was unsuccessful in charging any money to it this time at least. But even that middle of the night visit from the cops has not changed his behavior one bit in the last week. We woke up to him digging around in his mother's nightstand drawer for her wallet again yesterday morning! He previously took the credit cards to purchase in-game currency for games he's downloaded on his phone or x-box. But with all of those devices and game systems gone out of the apartment, now he just steals cash to buy pop from the vending machine down the hall. It's petty theft at best, but it's very troubling and worrisome that he can't control his impulses!

    He has an in-home therapist coming twice a week for 2 hrs each and also goes to group therapy for 5 hours on 4 days per week. It is not helping in the least. We're prisoners in our own home. We started keeping an "incident log" about 6 weeks ago and it's already up to 9 pages long! We can't straight out legally kick him out until he's 18 (about 13 more months) but what we really want is to get him the RIGHT help or he's definitely going to have problems as an adult and just end up in jail.

    Sorry to dump all that but I really needed to vent some frustration. :unamused:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @queenegreene So sorry for your loss. I know exactly how difficult this is and will be for her. :'(

    @darkrider42 Wow, so much to deal with! I hope you all can get the help you need soon! Don't worry about venting, sometimes it helps to just get it out there!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    @queenegreene I'm so sorry for your loss. I work in a delivery room so I see this firsthand and unfortunately way too often. Make sure to take care of yourself as well as your daughter.

    @darkrider42 Dave, I'm sorry you guys are going through this. I don't know what to say other than feel free to vent here if it helps. Cyber hug sent.

    5.1 miles today, mostly walking and a few laps around the Wellness Center and field during Boot Camp class. IMO, the building is way too big :smiley:


  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,838 Member
    July 18
    24.98 miles
    369.60 miles MTD
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    edited July 2016
    @darkrider42 I am very sorry to hear of all the struggles you are your gf are experiencing. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you through this struggle. Feel free to vent here. Its a safe place and a wonderful and caring environment. We are here for more than support in reaching our fitness goals.

    Still trying to find a balance between walking and strength training...but onward we go.. Goal looks obtainable by the end of the month..

    TTD 64.24
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,394 Member
    7/14 to 7/17 - 21.31 miles walking
    Total to date - 86.06 of 140 miles
    Sad news, my daughter lost the baby. Most of my miles were walked on downstairs treadmill while my daughter was resting. I was going to try the exercise bike, but haven't been on that thing for months (since I started overtime hours in January I'd bet) and didn't want to add physical pain to everything else going on at the moment

    @queenegreene: I am so sorry for your daughter and your families loss. I pray that time will heal the loss.
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,394 Member
    July 18: Summer is flying by and it seems like my to do list is still long.
    Adding 20.5 miles today of which 15.5 are cycling and 5 miles are walking
    TTD: 363 miles


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,390 Member
    edited July 2016
    Dave - This is probably the very best place to vent. I hope things get better.

    @gueengreene - My heart breaks for your daughter. So very sad.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,390 Member
    Walked w/DH then shopped w/DDD. A fun day!

    07/18 - 7.84


    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    5 miles walked
    45 miles total

    30 miles to go...
    towards 75 mile July goal !!
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