What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • need2move2
    need2move2 Posts: 130 Member
    I over eat when I think no one is looking.... I need to remember " the calories I eat in private, I wear in public"
  • CountingNSVs
    CountingNSVs Posts: 4 Member
    I overeat when I am stressed, PMSing, angry, scared, bored and tired. I could go on but it is depressing looking at the things that make me overeat.
  • LissBlisspgg
    LissBlisspgg Posts: 22 Member
    I'm learning I am an emotional eater and I look to food for a feel good feeling and it works...but only temporary. In short it is my drug of choice, but like all drugs the high is short and the fall is great. I'm reading a great book about this and it is really helping me understand (and for me if I understand why then I feel more likely to overcome) what emotional eating is and why it happens. It's written by Susan Albers 50 More Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food. Thought I'd share since I am loving it, maybe someone else could benefit from it also :)
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    Boredom and stress, usually. I have also realized recently that I often eat when I want an "excuse" for a break at work (somehow, although I do have breaks allotted to me, I feel like people will think I'm being lazy or goofing off if I'm on my phone/reading without the clear "this is my break" snack on my plate), or a sit-down at home to stop doing chores and read for a few minutes. I'm trying to be more mindful of giving myself that time without feeling the need to eat. Tea helps - still falls in that category of putting something in my mouth.
  • provence9
    provence9 Posts: 119 Member
    anxiety- sometimes I don't even realize I'm eating
    procrastination-avoid doing things I don't want to do - eat instead
  • malovafarms
    malovafarms Posts: 78 Member
    stress and anxiety .. any time IM overwhelmed.. I fund myself scarfing something down before I am even aware that I'm freaking out.. its my go to anesthetic.. weight gain the unfortunate consequence of my coping strategy !
  • birneybirneybirney
    birneybirneybirney Posts: 7 Member
    wifeyy wrote: »
    I tend to overeat when i am stressed!
    Or when i cook something i really enjoy eating as well for my family
    it is so hard to eat just a bit of it.:noway:

    I also overeat the day after my weigh in and once i do that it is always soooo hard to get back on track the next day!

    What makes you overeat?

  • birneybirneybirney
    birneybirneybirney Posts: 7 Member
    Wifeyy, I eat after a weigh in, too...even if I have done well that week. Crazy!
  • Feeling sorry for myself makes me eat. I have gained 30 lbs since December and I'm feeling a lot of shame and discouragement. My mother passed away less than 2 years ago and my father and I became estranged at Christmas. Since our falling out I have relied on eating to feel better. I'm looking for other emotional eaters as I need a better support system. Please add me. I look forward to getting to know you in the group.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I used to eat a lot with my anxiety but that isn't so much the case anymore, but all bets are off during that time of the month. Ill do so well all month and then I wake up and im starving all day long! Ive binged two days in a row now and its not fun. Gotta get a handle on it.
  • sdbySassyGal
    sdbySassyGal Posts: 3 Member
    Now that I'm actually paying attention and trying to understand myself, I realize I eat to relieve boredom, loneliness and of course, stress. My problem is two-fold; I LOVE to cook but I also LOVE to eat and the foods I turn to are "comfort foods". So, thousands of calories in cheese on pizza or in a pasta, chicken wings.. you get the idea. I have to retrain myself to remember that just because it's homemade and includes healthy ingredients, doesn't mean it's healthy eating.
  • angred77
    angred77 Posts: 3 Member
    I overeat when I'm anxious, bored and stressed. At the moment my 7 year old is not sleeping so we're not sleeping which makes me eat more sugary/rubbish food. I also think I have a sugar addiction and have yet to work out how to conquer it :(
  • CLG188
    CLG188 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi what makes me over eat? Stress, losing control over a situation, drama! Plus not going in to detail but, mental abuse form my so call dad for 19 years. Happily married almost 22 years in Oct. of this year! At 51 still have a lot of work to do. Like losing weight. And control portions of what I eat. I love food and I get bore easily too!
    Love chocolate and have a Italian husband who like to cook and eat like I do! :p
  • alc649
    alc649 Posts: 467 Member
    I've moved my weigh day to Monday, and planning on prelogging my weekends from now on! Weekends kill my progress..I'm good all week, then the weekend hits and I've gaine 1-2 lbs back. The struggle is real!
  • alc649
    alc649 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm not good at portion control with the tasty foods yet..I'd almost rather not eat them at all, because I don't just want to eat a little bit!
  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    Hey all... :)
    As I've read it's been said many times... I overeat when it's something that tastes good. Or if I'm at a work event. Or at a family get together. Or if I'm bored. Or if a TV commercial has something in it that triggers a "oh that looks good" thought!

    I had a lapband placed in 2010, my biggest realization was - I just broke up with my best friend - FOOD!
    I couldn't eat my usual loves like pasta, rice and breads and chips but sweets slid down like a dream! It was sad :(
    Fast forward almost 4 years my band slipped forcing me to have it removed. My usual go to foods like the bread, pasta etc didn't really come back but now I find I'm addicted to sweets! Like ice cream, cookies etc.
    I knew once my band was out I'd gain and I did because I felt sad for myself... Here came 20-30-40lbs crashing back!
    But here I am, fighting the fight again... I will win eventually.
  • johnnybrucato823
    johnnybrucato823 Posts: 56 Member
    I overeat when I am tired or stressed. I don't average a lot of sleep, usually 3 - 4 hours a night. While I am working or at school I need to eat so that I do not fall asleep in class or at my desk. When I get crazy stressed out I also over eat. The only positive is that lately Ive been over eating healthier foods. But overeating is overeating...
    The worst part is the lousy feeling I get afterwards though:/
  • FrancineHolland
    FrancineHolland Posts: 19 Member
    Stress. Not wanting to waste perfectly good food the kids didn't eat. In place of a cigarette.
    Sometimes I get a craving and just stuff myself. If I buy a pie or something I try to eat it all before my husband gets home.
  • judis100
    judis100 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm really trying to pay attention to my feelings around food now, and I've noticed a couple of things. Sometimes I overeat because I'm not busy enough, ie bored, and when I catch myself about to eat that way I've been trying to redirect my energy to food prep - cooking down vegetables form my farm share, cooking beans, etc. I've been pretty successful at that since joining MFP.
    The hardest is overeating because I'm anxious or distressed - I'm trying to force myself to sit with the feeling but I'm so new at actually feeling my feelings that its pretty hard to identify - but I'm finding at least taking some time to try is diverting me (sometimes) from overeating.
    And sometimes I overeat because I'm just stupid - I read about, see a photo or commercial of an attractive food and want it, and I can always figure out a way to rationalize eating it, even though in my heart I know it will lead to a binge.
  • mollyannmfp
    mollyannmfp Posts: 7 Member