

  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Great job as a whole everyone!!!!!!! Good luck this weekend!!!! i am just wondering if we chose a challenge yet/?!?!

    Welcome really will love it here! it helps so much to have people to check in with!!
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Good morning Green Team!! I am getting ready to go and do my cardio!! Everyone try to work out today!

    I am nervous about this weekend. Going to Dallas/Ft Worth to visit my cousins. I really have to watch what I eat! We are going to the Ft. Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo.........can anyone say "blooming onions or funnel cake" YIKES!! Wish me luck on staying away from those FATTY Carnival foods.

    Stay strong everyone over the weekend!!! WE can do this! :happy:
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    I am sooo ready for the weekend. Just want to remind those of us that typically struggle on the next 2 days, to really try hard and be mindful when it comes to eating. Remember, WHY we are on this journey and be the 'observer' of yourself. Step out of your body and watch yourself. I don't want to sound obsessive about this whole eating process, but this is REALLY what many of us are trying to learn and eventually maintain as daily habits. And once we get to our goals, what we are currently doing will HAVE to be the norm! Old habits are gone!! Get past and through the old ways. I know we can all accomplish this with hard work and dedication. You all really matter in this world!

    Well, I rec'd a subpoena yesterday. I had to report a woman, that I know, for a stop-arm-viloation (bus). There are 2 adult witnesses, so I really don't know where this is going, and that is confusing me, and yeah a little stress. But what upsets me most is that I will likely lose a friend, she is nice and I have always enjoyed our visits. I will go to court in 5 days. Exercise is a MUST for sure!

    porka ~ that is so great that you added 5" to your workout...and almost 10 miles! YIPPY!! the LC pizza sounds de-LISH!! what a smart and healthy choice with the added veggies and cheese...I'm droolin' here! :tongue:

    purrrr ~ HI and I am so glad you have joined us! visit here often....we are all here for you!!

    lynette ~ try to eat as healthy as you can and just watch portion control if not. mmmm funnel cake/bloomin onion, have a couple bites to satisfy your taste buds, and NO MORE, YOU be in control!!.....and drink drink drink ( of course water!!), but most of all HAVE FUN!! green team will be thinking of YOU!!

    do we have a new challenge for the next week? I must say the chart looks FABULOUS!! I LOVE IT!! you guys did great!

    Well, off to a busy day here at home. Will try to check in later.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    :bigsmile: Good morning team!! Thank you so much for the inspiring wtg on the 4.2 pounds loss. It is great to hear that I am doing something right!!

    Any fun plans for the weekend?
  • lovejoy_nr
    lovejoy_nr Posts: 25 Member
    ALRIGHT HERE ARE THE RESULTS SPEACIAL THANKS TO LOSER4REAL YOU ARE MY HERO BY THE WAY IT LOOKS AWESOME YOU REALLY ARE A SPREADSHEET GURU :heart: GREAT JOB ALL AND THE WINNERS FOR THIS WEEK IT WAS A TIE SO YALL HAVE CHOOSE THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER AND THE WINNERS ARE...........................................................................................................................................................................................................LOVEJOY AND WANNABEFLACA CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH:drinker:


    Woohooo!!! :drinker: Doing the cabbage patch kid dance.

    Thanks for all the support Green Team!! All of you are wonderful! Everyone did fantastic. :flowerforyou:

    PS - Happy Friday!!!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I just wanted to everyone, despite my weigh in # this week! As of today I am actually down from 249ish to 242!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost 7.5 pounds since last friday when I got the new scale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so FRICKIN happy......15 days on MFP and finally I am seeing something on the scale.

    YAY SASSIEBRITCHES Boot Scootin across this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • yeahbuddy
    I'm so confused:frown: Wednesday I had a really hard time eating all my calories but did my normal exercise routine. Yesterday I did really well with my calories but did not workout. Today, I get up and weighed myself, down another pound:huh:

    I'm not sure really what's going on put I won't complain about a one pound loss. I just hope it doesn't find me again:bigsmile:

    Good luck to all this weekend!!
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm so confused:frown: Wednesday I had a really hard time eating all my calories but did my normal exercise routine. Yesterday I did really well with my calories but did not workout. Today, I get up and weighed myself, down another pound:huh:

    I'm not sure really what's going on put I won't complain about a one pound loss. I just hope it doesn't find me again:bigsmile:

    Good luck to all this weekend!!

    The same thing always happens to me
  • Lily31667
    Congratulations Everyone!!

    I've noticed that if I go low sugar and low sodium, I am eating healthier, in some cases saving calories and I'm not losing the taste I like.

    When making mashed potatoes, I've switched to fat free broth, lower in calories than milk and still creamy. But broth has sodium, so get the low sodium and don't add your own salt.

    Also when making pork chops, cook with onions and a cup up granny smith apple on top and you won't need to add salt..

    Okay, I admit it I'm a meat and potatos girl. Learning I can eat it, but just can't fry it all the time. .

  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'm so confused:frown: Wednesday I had a really hard time eating all my calories but did my normal exercise routine. Yesterday I did really well with my calories but did not workout. Today, I get up and weighed myself, down another pound:huh:

    I'm not sure really what's going on put I won't complain about a one pound loss. I just hope it doesn't find me again:bigsmile:

    Good luck to all this weekend!!

    Just keep up the hardwork and try not to skip your workouts...then you won't have to worry about it coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • smendek910
    I just wanted to everyone, despite my weigh in # this week! As of today I am actually down from 249ish to 242!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost 7.5 pounds since last friday when I got the new scale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so FRICKIN happy......15 days on MFP and finally I am seeing something on the scale.

    YAY SASSIEBRITCHES Boot Scootin across this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATS TO YOU!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Keep up the GREAT work.
    P.S. Tell me what your secret is.....
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I just wanted to everyone, despite my weigh in # this week! As of today I am actually down from 249ish to 242!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost 7.5 pounds since last friday when I got the new scale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so FRICKIN happy......15 days on MFP and finally I am seeing something on the scale.

    YAY SASSIEBRITCHES Boot Scootin across this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATS TO YOU!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Keep up the GREAT work.
    P.S. Tell me what your secret is.....

    Hahahaha, someone asking me for my secret! Hahaha....well I eat breakfast, eat often, choose only good things to put in my body, have not cheated 1 time! (if you don't count those 11 cheddar cheese chips- 120cals) I drink way more water then is required-120 oz (was drinking only about 72oz then upped it) shake my butt 3 times a week for 20 mins...........thats it!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • wannabeflaca

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!
  • yeahbuddy
    Thanks, and congrats to you, too:smokin:
    I'm so confused:frown: Wednesday I had a really hard time eating all my calories but did my normal exercise routine. Yesterday I did really well with my calories but did not workout. Today, I get up and weighed myself, down another pound:huh:

    I'm not sure really what's going on put I won't complain about a one pound loss. I just hope it doesn't find me again:bigsmile:

    Good luck to all this weekend!!

    Just keep up the hardwork and try not to skip your workouts...then you won't have to worry about it coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • loser4real
    Hello greenies! Happy Friday!

    Sounds like everybody is having a good one. Good job on the continued losses, guys. And for getting in your workouts, and making healthy choices!

    Hey wannabe and lovejoy, y'all need to tell us what the challenge is for the week (the biggest losers for the week sets the challenge for the following week). We're all eagerly waiting. :smile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. It's going to be absolutely gorgeous here in the south so I intend to do all my exercising outdoors. Woohoo!
  • smendek910
    Thank you - you're obviously doing something right......Way to Go!!!
  • yeahbuddy
    Hey, team. Just thought I'd let you all know I've got a 5k on Sunday. Does anyone else do any kinds of races? I don't really race, I just do it for fun and to see if I can improve my time each time. I'd like to work up to a 1/2 marathon in October. I've done that route before and it's fairly easy. I just need to condition myself again for it.
  • velvetwing
    Happy weekend everyone!
    I havent posted much in the past few days. Just really busy I suppose with work and life in general. I am trying to face my battles head on and trying to work with the teens to find that happy medium. I went yesterday to pay off my sons debt for his car accident. **ouch there goes Mexico** Sadly now, he needs to go job hunting tomorrow so he can pay me back lol. He will survive this and someday look back and laugh. Hubby flew out today for Texas and will be gone several days. I generally enjoy one day without him but I will miss him this time. I find dieting with him is difficult since he requests yummy dinners like lasagne and stuff like that and I keep trying to sneak in the salads with chicken or seafood. He can usually eat whatever as long as he goes to the gym 'occasionally'. I seem to gain if I think about food! Sooooo this being said Im going to spend the next several days really focusing on being healthy. My daughter and I went shopping tonight... just looking... all of the cute spring clothes are coming out now. I sure would like to buy a 'mini goal' outfit. Im hoping maybe in a month I can buy myself a little gift. I also bought a hoola hoop tonight! hehe... a little childhood nostalgia. I figure this would be a nice little break from work throughout the day ( I work at home) and I think this would help strengthen my back which is a huge issue for me as well as whittle away at the waste!
    In case I forgot..... Im really happy for everyone's losses this week! I love the chart too.... it really shows nicely how well everyone is doing and we are just beginning! Fabulous! Good job everyone and hope you all have a very nice water filled, well excercised weekend :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    Agh!!!!:angry: I been so tired. Trying to get enough sleep. Well I crashed and burn last night. And yes I over ate. I decided after dinner I was still hungry so I made a snack of my fav swiss cheese and pickles with potatoe chips. And to top it off I did not go to the gym last night.. I went to bed at 8:30 and slept till 8:30 this morning so it was obvious I needed sleep. I need to tell some one what I did to help me realize what mistakes I am making. Thanks for the ear Green team.
    yeahbuddy: Good luck Sunday:bigsmile: I used to do all the fun rasier walks at my work last year so I know a little about them. Mind you I did walks not the running races but I am surronded at work by runners and they are totally addicited to it. Have fun out there
    Everyone have a good weekend
  • yeahbuddy
    Thanks, jacque. And don't be too hard on yourself over yesterday. Just chalk it up to needing it and do better today. Obviousy your body was in need of not only sleep but some kind of nutrient (maybe sodium?) Today's a new day:bigsmile:

    Good luck this weekend everyone.