

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thats ok, others have given to me and if I can give it back it's all my pleasure:bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker:

    Can I keep you? :laugh:
    Ill just keep you in my pocket to whisper to me through out the day LOL
    Thanks for the support ! Really.... Thank you
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    eek..I am so afraid of my choices this weekend!!!! I have to go to a friends bday dinner tonight then out dancing..I am going to order just chicken and veges, but I am afraid of the alcohol...and tomorrow I have to attend a going away party..they asked me to make cake...but I WONT! I am still scared I will go crazy and eat whatever....oy.....
  • smendek910
    Well I just completed Day 2 of 30-Day Shred and once again - it kicked my butt:sad:
    Gonna take the weekend off from "Shredding" but will resume on Monday, but that doesn't mean I won't exercise over the weekend. I figured I'll do the Shred Monday-Friday and see how that goes. Also, I have a Bowflex that hasn't been used in 2 years, so I'm gonna dust it off and start training 3x a week with my honey.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend and a great SuperBowl Sunday. Remember, it's ok to indulge once in a while. I try to give myself 1 cheat day a week that way I don't overeat when I'm craving something.......:drinker: :drinker:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY GREEN BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So honey and I have a meeting with one of my closest friends who happens to be my old boss, a current client and closer to my dad then anyone, so we tell him I am dieting so when we meet today we need to pick something other then McDonalds if possible......wouldn't ya know he chooses a Salad Buffet! Argh, thats the worst....why you say? Because for $8.50 I eat a a buffet.........sounds crazy right? IT IS....why? cause you could eat 1500 cals at a buffet......argh....think I am gonna recommend a regular old restaurant.

    So anyway, we are all gonna have a GREAT weekend of getting healthy, stay true to your body at those super bowl parties..........

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Good Friday afternoon, everyone. Today I did much better but still have an earache. I'm going to the gym after work for an hour on the elliptical. Tomorrow morning, I'm going on a 2 mile walk with some friends then I have a bunch of paperwork to do at home. Hopefully, I do well tomorrow so I can cheat a little on Sunday:happy:

    Here's to a successful weekend for one and all:drinker:
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208

    Well, today has been really OFF for me. I ran errands, which is a drive of about 25 miles to where we shop. I did take one snack, and water. Have a lot of calories to eat yet....Do any of you have calorie counters of heart rate monitors that you wear? please share any info/likes/dislikes. i am considering getting one. the JM 30 - day shredd sounds like a good investment also! something that is starting to make sense to me, is that we honestly need to eat all day long....sounds crazy, but it really does make a difference in stablilizing our sugar levels.

    n2dfire ~ i did that check too on the home page. if i continue to follow the current plan MFP has, i will lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks. this will be interesting to see the results. again, thanks for the fine job on the chart.....'green team froggers'!

    violet1 ~ 'roll over calories', I LOVE IT!

    sassiebritches ~ mmmm, salad bars are my favorite! i could easily eat 2 platefuls of salad. i get strange looks from my family when i eat more salad then all the other yummy foods!

    porka29 ~ hey, thanks for the 'sunshine'...we will be having warmer temps Sat, and hopefully out of the single digits/teens for a while. mmmm, delish SUBWAY!

    velvetwig ~ that is one thing i want to do more....bake/roast turkey, and freeze a lot of it.

    kels0724 ~ willpower/MINDPOWER! i am learning when i am hungry (not physically), that really i am 'searching'....could be boredom, sad, lonely, anxious. really look at what it is you truly want.....i know you can do it!

    jaque509 ~ yeah, good control over the fries, and even better the choice w/Subway! kudos to you!

    yeahbuddy ~ take care and get better soon!

    WELCOME to all the newbies! so glad to have you along on this journey!

    well, time to get some supper here and a good nites rest later for my all-day wrestling (bus trip) meet 2morrow. have a good weekend GT! can't wait to check back!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Hey everyone! i hope your fridays went well

    thanks you loser4real and kelly~ I did well tonight- even though i am still fighting that urge to eat- i know i can do it now! thank you so much for the kind words!!! there was a time i didn't think i could do it, got on here and read what you guys wrote and it worked!! thanks!!

    Astarte- i would advise just to not go crazy this weekend- i know it is hard but do yourself a favor and take it light~ it will feel great to know that you did something for yourself amongst all of that fun too!

    yeahbuddy- sounds like you are doing well with your workouts! way to go! but i hope you get to 100% again really soon!!!

    have a great night everyone and i'll check in again in the morning!! off to do more studying ugg...:tongue:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    You all have a great night!! I will wake up in the morning and hit the gym!!!!! Everybody workout some tomorrow before Super bowl sunday!! I am taking Sunday off.

    Everyone is doing a great job!! KEEP IT UP!!:love:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    happy weekend to all of you!!! I'll be around on the weekend so maybe see some of you here.

    denise in OR
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Well, I went to the dr. after work tonight and I have an ear infection in my right ear and a bulging ear drum with lots of fluid behind it in my left ear. Plus, I'm still coughing a little. So, I got some medication and hopefully will be back full board by Monday.

    Thanks to all for your well wishes, I really appreciate it:flowerforyou:

    (Where's our fearless leader been today?)

    Forgot to say I didn't work out tonight:frown:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Well, I went to the dr. after work tonight and I have an ear infection in my right ear and a bulging ear drum with lots of fluid behind it in my left ear. Plus, I'm still coughing a little. So, I got some medication and hopefully will be back full board by Monday.

    Thanks to all for your well wishes, I really appreciate it:flowerforyou:

    (Where's our fearless leader been today?)

    Forgot to say I didn't work out tonight:frown:

    I also did not go the gym and work out today, I did buy a food digital scale and go shopping for us, ate out with GUILTLESS at Chili's - wow, it was in the database here, didn't even have to look it up (still did to make sure:laugh: ) so I separated all the meat and stuff to portion sizes so I will not skew from a size, bf was thinking I was so cute for loving my new food scale. BTW - I bought a scale two years ago but it was not digital, once it turned yellow from not using it, I gave it to the I'm happy that I'm doing it right again! for reals! He said my face looks smaller! whoo hoo!
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Friday is def. the hardest! It's ice cream (sherbet) night, so I need to try and just have a chicken salad for dinner. I hate salad. Everyone wish me luck!!! :bigsmile:

    So I went through with my chicken salad at dinner ^.^. At lunch, I asked the lady for 1 onion ring, and she started laughing :grumble:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Friday is def. the hardest! It's ice cream (sherbet) night, so I need to try and just have a chicken salad for dinner. I hate salad. Everyone wish me luck!!! :bigsmile:

    So I went through with my chicken salad at dinner ^.^. At lunch, I asked the lady for 1 onion ring, and she started laughing :grumble:

    Well did ya get it? :flowerforyou:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Good Saturday Morning to all!!! Had a great healthy breakfast this morning! Will go and do my cardio workout in a few.
    Gonna take tomorrow off and enjoy the Super Bowl!! I will try to eat very light. :tongue:

    If you work out today let me and the team know what you did..........that always motivates me...seeing what others have done!!! GO GREEN!!

    Everyone stay strong during the weekend!!! WE can do this!!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Hi everyone!!!! Hope your saturday morning is going well!

    Bonnie- good for you for having that salad! i hope the waitress gave you your onion ring:wink: and i hope you enjoyed your serbert!

    lynette: I worked out this morning~ i ran for 30 minutes then walked on an incline for 20, then i did abs and weight training- mostly arms...i am feeling it in my arms, but it feels oh so good:happy: good luck with your workout~ push yourself! weigh in is in 4 days!! :flowerforyou:

    What is everyone planning to eat today??? and what does everyone elses workouts consist of?!
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Friday is def. the hardest! It's ice cream (sherbet) night, so I need to try and just have a chicken salad for dinner. I hate salad. Everyone wish me luck!!! :bigsmile:

    So I went through with my chicken salad at dinner ^.^. At lunch, I asked the lady for 1 onion ring, and she started laughing :grumble:

    Well did ya get it? :flowerforyou:

    Yeah. But she laughed so hard she almost fell down. :angry:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Got back from working out on elliptical, treadmill and stat. bike! About 55 min. total!! I came home and am eating a homemade salad with deli turkey in it! YUMMY and healthy!!

    Spring cleaning the rest of the will be around 70 today and sunny here in TX! I am thinking warm thoughts to all the cold members.:flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    GREEN BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I measured myself today and I lost 1.5 inch on my waist and 1 inch on my belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel frickin great!

    Have a beautiful day, I am doing some house work and dancin my butt off, OH BY THE WAY.... my tendon is feeling better then it has in 6 months too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • smendek910
    Way to go sassiebritches!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Good morning, greenies! Today I went for a two mile walk with some friends then after we were done, I did another two mile walk/jog. It felt really good after not being able to work out so much these last two weeks.

    Well, I need to go take a nap as I've had to take some cough medicine with codeine and now I'm really sleepy.:yawn:

    I'll check back later. Have a great day everyone!