Daily Check In



  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Tomorrow is the last of week 7...can't believe that I'm still on track! Running and dvds!
    Week 8 starts Monday... just have cardio and my morning runs in the morning this weekend.
  • trisbrudt
    trisbrudt Posts: 9 Member
    Hey ladies been super busy but haven't slacked on the workouts. On workouts ¾ for BR did a lot of roller skating this week. My running has taken a back seat to life and it need to be a priority with the glass slipper coming up. So tom I'm running and wo 4. I don't work Soo have no excuses. Every one keep up the great work.
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    edited August 2016
    Workouts still going strong...I ran 5 miles today, Did cardo dvd with the kids...tomorrow might be a total OFF day since I can't run early. . (Husband is going to work way too early in the morning) I might try to run in the evening though, I keep you posted.
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Hey guys! Just wanted to check in!
    I'm on week 3 of my program, and to be honest my nutrition has been awful.... I went on a Chinese, pizza, cookies and ice cream binge.... lol Back to reality!!

    I found this before picture today and it really put into perspective how far I've come. Just want you all to know that I was nowhere near perfect a long the way. Obviously lol. You just gotta keep pushing, and all of your hard work will pay off. Every step in the right direction is a victory.

  • jsmith0724
    jsmith0724 Posts: 50 Member
    Marissa- awesome job!! You look fantastic. I was having a hard time getting the motivation to exercise today but I saw your post and you inspired me!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm so glad to help! ;)

    MFP has really helped make my success possible. I love being able to feel accountable and motivated all in the same place. I haven't been logging as diligently but I can tell my eating habits have dramatically changed from my past. I also haven't been logging my daily exercises but just know I am still doing my workouts 6 days a week! Hope everyone is having a great week! Kick @ss and take names!!!
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that I ran in my 5k!!!!
    And I did better than expected! It was great, I can't wait for the next one!!!

    @1TheQueenB how's your running going?
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Hey everyone! @MarissaBlevins220 my Running is going great! I have ONE MORE DAY till I graduate from my 10k program..I can officially run an hour, which gets me to 5 miles. I'll need to work on my speed to get that extra mile in for it to actually be 10K but I'm excited and pleased with my progress. Next is half Marathon training starting soon. I just can't wait till the weather cools down! Even in the morning it's still so warm!

    Congratulations on your 5K!!!!!! Whoo Hoo! It's such a great feeling of accomplishment isn't it??
    And btw, I LOVE YOUR BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTO! So motivational! Baby steps do really add up, you've reminded me.

    @jsmith0724 great job in continuing your progress and not waiting till Monday...bad habits set in so quickly and then they are hard to break again and again!

    I'm still on track with JMBR, tomorrow is the last day for workout 8..then last cardio 2 on Saturday ...then on to phase 3!!!!!! Kinda nervous but I'll get through. I'll need to work on my eating but I think that's for the rest of my life...I try to follow the 80/20 rule. Can't expect perfection but I do put forth the effort most of the time.

    Have a great Friday and Weekend girls!!!!

  • trisbrudt
    trisbrudt Posts: 9 Member
    Got out and got 3 miles done this morning.
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Today was a rest day....and I RESTED :smiley:
    I stayed active by getting out the house. On to workout 9 in the mornings...Never miss a Monday!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Today was Phase 3 - Day 1 workout 1. It was hard but doable. Some moves I'll just have to work on :blush:
    I did my final run and now I'm done with the 10k app. Yay! I'll keep running though.

    My stomach is still kinda upset from all the grease I ate this weekend... :neutral: I'm working on getting back on track and it being back to normal, less bloating, less crappie in there, minus grease...it tasted good going down but not so much coming back up...
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    You guys are so awesome!!! So ridiculously inspired!

    I recently started a group on Facebook just for us ladies working on our fitness, please add me on Facebook! I'd love for you guys to join me!
    Marissa Blevins

    I'm in week 4 of Country Heat, I've lost another 5 lbs, which puts me at a total loss of 55 ! That just sounds insane to me! But I feel great and I really couldn't have done it without the support I found in accountability groups like this, hence why I felt so compelled to start my own...

    I hope everyone is having an awesome week! I get to spend the weekend at the beach! I'm so excited, and have everything I need to continue my workouts there! Yay!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    so glad I found this group! I am halfway through week 3, doing cardio 1 today and hopefully a run later this evening. Is anyone this early on in the program? I haven't noticed any difference in the way I look, but I'm definitely stronger! yesterday I moved to 8lb weights for most of my workouts cause 5lbs wasn't "heavy" anymore! I also noticed I can eat more and maintain my weight haha. (maintaining is not my goal but at least I'm not gaining??) feel free to add me on MFP, i'm not that active with calorie counting or logging anything but I'm hoping once my kiddo starts school next week I'll have more time! :)
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    @cocolo89 welcome! I don't log food and exercises but my runs crossover from TOM TOM to MFP. I'm on Phase 3 week 1. I haven't checked my scale progress but my sister weighs me. I know I have gotten smaller in size and stronger but I just need to work on controlling my mouth a bit more. But small changes get you big results eventually.
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hey everyone! I worked out this morning but I guess I pulled a neck muscle, I think it's how I slept. I didn't run after work because 1. I didn't really feel like it. 2. I got to see an old friend at work. 3. My neck was still hurting. 4. I stayed at work to catch up on stuff.

    I don't feel guilty but I feel the need to catch up though...
    I'll get it done.
  • trisbrudt
    trisbrudt Posts: 9 Member
    Been getting stronger, slacking on body revolution so gotta step it up. Actuall gonna extend phase one for at least one if not 2 weeks I want to get the basics down and strong. For the first time in not in s hurry to lose weight or get strong, I just wanna improve beconditant anc feel good.
  • trisbrudt
    trisbrudt Posts: 9 Member
    Wow I need to proofread. *be consistent.
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    By the end of the night, I will complete my cardio assignment. I ate too many cookies and pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese frosting, almost like a binge fest...and now I'm paying for it mentally and physically. I'm trying to get my head back in it. I need a good workout a few good runs....something. I want to lose 5 pounds, four times. mind games........
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    CARDIO DONE! I'm all caught up...Tomorrow is a new day, new week...Three more weeks to go! Need to give it my all in the eating category!
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in!
    I've been on vacation but there's really no reason to miss a workout! I've almost completed my 30 days Country Heat but the past 2 days I did yoga because there are people below us in the condo we are staying in, and my husband said I sounded like a herd of elephants when I did my dancing routine lol. So out of respect for the people trying to *enjoy* their vacation, I took it down a notch. Bahaha!
    The program I followed is called 3 Week Yoga Retreat, it was just released from Beachbody and I got to try it out using their Beachbody On Demand website. Which is so awesome!!! I can play any of my workouts from virtually anywhere! So I did yoga on the screened in porch using my phone to stream the program. No yoga mat? No problem! A beach towel did the trick! Loved it!
    Hope everyone has been doing great! Love to hear that everyone is staying committed and kicking *kitten*! Way to go!