


  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie that's good to hear what you are doing. I think I will hold off on the ovulation tests for several months and stick my low-stress plan. I didn't actually want 50 tests and may still buy the box of 25, but the 50 tests are really cheap per unit, and many of the reviews showed women taking 4 or more during the cycle they tested positive. Based on that, it could be easy to go through them pretty quickly. I will try to be patient and wait for a late period before testing to not drive myself crazy, but I may not always stick to that :) I don't have any of the expensive grocery store tests left, so I need to buy some anyway.

    I used to have a great thermometer, which of course broke several years ago. Then I got one that didn't work at all because it tried to do the reading too fast and couldn't actually get to temp before it stopped reading. After a couple more, the one I have now works ok, but I just don't really trust them anymore.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    What happened to our group members who became pregnant? @teegan84 there were a few others I thought, too. @VeryKatie @puffbrat I hope you two wont leave us when you get pregnant :frowning:
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @Kirstie155 I have no intention of leaving this group when I'm pregnant. Since I want more than one kid! I will have to lose for my next TTC as well. I might take a few weeks off after potential baby is born.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I was wondering that too @Kirstie155

    I have no intention of leaving this group when it happens! You ladies have been great support and just fun to chat with. I don't doubt that will continue to be important, especially since I still anticipate logging to attempt to rein in the pregnancy weight gain to a reasonably healthy level. I might get flaky around the due date and little while after, but don't intent to disappear.

    I don't know at this point if we want more than one kid. We have decided to go with a one at a time approach and see how we feel. But there will still be weight to lose after, and I will always be happy to offer support :) .
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm here haha I dropped off the radar soon after getting pregnant as I stopped logging....was gorging on carbs and crap to try stop my queasiness but have entered my second trimester and feeling good again, have tarted tracking again the last few days so thinking I will jump on the September spreadsheet again!! Thanks for reaching out :)
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi @teegan84 glad to hear you are feeling better! When are you due? Have you picked out a nursery yet? Give us the details so we can live vicariously through you! :smiley:
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'll still be around probably for as long as the group exist. haha.

    I think myself and @NatashaLP2014 will be the last ones to TTC.

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Hi @teegan84 It's so nice to hear from again and I'm glad you're feeling better! Beware we will probably hound you with questions to live vicariously through you as @Kirstie155 said :D
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @teegan84 yes we are glad you're back! The spreadsheet can be used to help maintain or gain weight too, I'm sure. I don't know if the little progress meters will work but I honestly don't remember the last time I looked at those LOL.

    It's good to hear you're feeling better in terms of nausea :) Congrats on your soon to be baby boy :blush:
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Went to the doctor today to see if my motion sickness pills were safe to take while TTC or pregnancy should it happen. Turns out they're safe for humans but human doses in animals show it causing cleft palate so definitely going to be careful with it once I know I'm pregnant. I was wondering how much I needed to worry about all this stuff while TTC and it turns out... I don't! So I'm very glad I asked my doctor that, I can relax a little. While I was there, I took a PT (urine) which of course was negative. But it's 1) 5 days until my next cycle and 2) not my first time going today LOL.

    Thinking I miiiiight use my home PT on the 5th, two days before my cycle. I'm heading up north for a week starting the next day and it would be nice to know if I'm going to get my period or not... and if I don't get it up there and didn't do the test, I don't know if I'd be able to contain myself... and would have no husband with me to celebrate :( Still a little undecided what I should do.

    I have been getting heartburn lately which I don't normally get so I keep hoping it's related, but Google says that's more a late pregnancy sign, not early. And I've been eating super badly lately so I am not really surprised if my body is reacting.

    Anyway... just a little updated on my TTC adventures.
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    So a little frustrated with the TTC. What can I say, I'm an impatient person (33 years old here, going on 34 in December). I thought I was preggos back in June because I felt sick, tired and moody. I wasn't preggo at all. Good luck to all you ladies this month. Praying for PPT's for all of you ladies.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Thank you! I hope you get your PPT soon too! I am still hoping my heartburn is due to more progesterone making my gullet? relax and letting stomach gases and juices rise up. Progesterone is higher in pregnancy so even though the internet says it's not a symptom of early pregnancy I choose to believe otherwise LOL.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie I like updates on TTC adventures! haha
    I vote for taking the test before you leave that way you don't have to wonder and if it is positive, you can still celebrate with your husband before you go on your trip and if it's not then you know to prepare for your period.
    I hope you get your BFP! Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Got a negative again but here's to another month of trying!
    On a trip for work now. The eating is not going to go well, neither did this weekend's. Too many parties. Going to try to go to the gym most nights on this trip though!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Hope you have (or had if you're already there haha) a safe trip!
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    Is anyone charting their Basal Temp? Do your readings make sense? Mine are all over the board. Also anyone tried an OPK? Any luck with it? I don't get any positives with mine, but still have symptoms of ovulation.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    At the moment I'm not charting basal temp or cm. I also haven't tried an OPK. I decided to just see what the happens the first few months and then start seriously tracking fertility if I don't get pregnant.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @VeryKatie I enjoy your updates as well. We are pushing our TTC date to at least December (our vacation!) but that depends on whats going on with zika at that time.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited September 2016
    @computerfox82 I was charting my BBT until my thermometer broke.
    Make sure you take your temp at exactly the same time everyday. And make sure it's always at a time when you're still in bed. Check the battery on your thermometer - mine went wonky in the last month because the battery was low. Broke it when I tried replacing it. Also, if your bedroom temperature is all over the place, your temperature might be as well.

    If you're following all the proper BBT procedures, it will either become more normal or you should see a doctor. Now, remember if the swing is less that 0.5°F then it's not really a swing, that's normal fluctuation. It should only swing more than 0.5°F after you ovulate. And then it should stay higher.
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    Okay. Thanks for the clarification.