Before Christmas 2016



  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    daughter is in a lot of pain...we ended up staying over as they kept her on morphine :scream: in 8 weeks she starts pt to bend her knee. I'm so happy we are home!!!

    Wishing her a smooth and fast recovery.
  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    Fell off the horse yesterday and ate my body weight in cheese and drank a bottle of wine! Slept badly and woke up stiff as a board (alcohol makes my body seize!). was a good day food wise. Went swimming for 90 mins and started sprint training. Joints kicked up a bit but thats probably down to drinking last night and my first sprint session since having this crappy disease. Had a bit of a wobble getting dressed, but gave myself a mental slap and pulled myself together!!!

    I like to weigh in on Wednesdays as well as i'm usually focused during the week!

    Body weight in cheese. Been there done that LOL
  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2016
    Roseygirl1 wrote: »
    This is an inspiring thread!

    I was really stoked to discover that my 2 hour post-meal blood sugar was only 98. That's pretty good! (That's after a few days of net carbs up to 20gms.) It means my system is repairable!

    Woke this morning not hungry, despite beginning nighttime fast at 7pm. (Usually need a bedtime snack.) Made coffee with coconut oil in my Ninja, and it was good! I have a long day away from home (won't be home until 9pm or later) and very physical day. I just made a huge salad with avocado, canned red salmon, olives, some roast chicken, and olive oil and apple cider vinegar to bring with me. Also two cups of salty bone broth. I will bring some almonds with me in case I get really hungry. I am intending to eat my first food around 1 or 2pm, making for an 18 or 19 hour overnight fast (except for the coconut milk in the coffee).

    It's been a week of low carb, and I feel great! Does the low carb flu hit after a week? The only symptoms I have had was yesterday, day 5, when I was painfully hungry and headache-y, and that went away with two cups of very salty bone broth and some mineral water, along with an epsom salt bath.

    Could I possibly be through the worst of it?


    It depends. I read that it may take about two weeks for your body to get used to low carb diet. My body loves keto. I did not have any negative effects. I made sure I made my food salty and drank a LOT of water though. Hopefully, it is the same for you, Rosey
  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2016
    Moonkat7, I don't really have an answer to that. I know I should. If it were someone else I would have told them to go see a doctor stat. And yet I am procrastinating on doing that hoping it'll magically go away. It sounds ridiculous. I'll go...soon
    Thanks for serving as a voice of reason
  • Got2lose43
    Got2lose43 Posts: 9 Member
    Gorilita I have had pain a year and went to drs December and still trying to sort it out... go see them it might be just a quick fix and its best to know so you dont damage yourself...I am giving it another month of physio and if no better I am getting a second opinion..I Need to run before I go crazy lol :)
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Got2lose43 wrote: »
    Gorilita I have had pain a year and went to drs December and still trying to sort it out... go see them it might be just a quick fix and its best to know so you dont damage yourself...I am giving it another month of physio and if no better I am getting a second opinion..I Need to run before I go crazy lol :)

    I started getting hip pain when running and that started a couple of years of investigating. I went to a "sports doctor" first and really wish I had just gone to my GP. When I finally got to her, they found all my pain was from arthritis and I need a hip replacement at 42. I hope you find some relief soon, its awful being in pain and doing everything you're told but yet don't get better.

    I've made the switch to weight lifting from tons of cardio and I've fallen in love with it!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    edited September 2016
    so we are home and I'm back at it.....pool got really cold so looking for new workout routine from home today.

    I weighed a day late or two days early but next week I'll get with the program lol

    I expected to be up with tje stress and hospital food but the one meal of mcdonalds didn't kill me I was down 2.2 pounds yay I was so happy.

    my goal today is 10 cups of water as I didn't drink enough last couple days and proper food logging....last few days we sketchy.

    hope everyone has a great day!!

    for those of you in pain I'm so sorry to hear. is water arobics something you could try? I have exercised in tje pool all summer and I didn't have the pressure on my joints it was great....I don't have injuries though...hope you find relief!
  • VictoriaEllis1984
    Got2lose43 wrote: »
    @MoonKat7 yeah its fine to ask..I have had hip pain for a year and they reckon its a bad imflammation of the joint ... so been going to physio now about 3 months and no further on it making it better...Really miss my running!

    Completely feel your pain. I was knocked down with an automimmue disease in May. It took me clean off my feet! I was swimming, running, walking the dogs, super fit, no problems at all, then BAM there it was! Been out of hospital for 7 weeks now, but my god its left a legacy! It causes inflammation in my joints and skin, so nasty rashes (yes very sexy indeed!! ) and white pain for no apparent reason. My body seizes if i stand for too long or do too much land based activities. Swimming weirdly free's me up!!

    Stress inflames me further and it might be worth looking into mindfulness as this can really reduce the pain and help with sleep when the body starts to misbehave. After swimming I often have a long hot soak in the bath with lavender oil and listen to relaxing music. I know it sounds quite hippy, but I have to say I can feel the difference in my ability to manage my dysfunctional body! I have embraced an anti-inflammatory diet which might be good for anyone who is doing lots of exercise as well as those who are managing active inflammation.
  • VictoriaEllis1984
    So yesterday I was so tired that I succumbed to it and had a quiet evening in. It was lovely and just made me realize how you have to nurture the old 'grey matter' as well as the body! I sat with my two rough collies who dutifully kept my feet warm and with my other half watching terrible movies. Drank low calorie tonic water out of a wine glass to make it feel more adult and ate probably too much cheese but still came in at 67g net carbs so not complaining!!

    Feel much fresher today and more focused for today's gym and swimming session later on!
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    For those in pain, I'm very sorry to hear that. I wish you very fast recovery.

    If you have inflammation, you should not eat nuts, nut butter or anything nuts.

    Nuts are known to be natural inflammation for the body. Better to avoid it till you are healed.
  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    MoonKat7 wrote: »
    For those in pain, I'm very sorry to hear that. I wish you very fast recovery.

    If you have inflammation, you should not eat nuts, nut butter or anything nuts.

    Nuts are known to be natural inflammation for the body. Better to avoid it till you are healed.

    Good tip. I didn't know that. Thanks. Read it just in time as I was ready for my snack in form of walnuts
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Well I didn't work out today. But here's the food -

    Breakfast - Coffee, and a lchf breakfast bar. (Homemade)

    Lunch - lamb leg chop, baby spinach salad (which consists only of baby spinach leaves lol) and a dressing of avocado oil, mixed with a teeny amount of honey mustard dressing.

    Snacks - Pickles, coffee, and homemade lchf gingerbread cookies.

    Dinner - Beef jerky and coffee.

    I don't know if this was asked, but can you share your recipe? @Shadowmf023
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    Well I didn't work out today. But here's the food -

    Breakfast - Coffee, and a lchf breakfast bar. (Homemade)

    Lunch - lamb leg chop, baby spinach salad (which consists only of baby spinach leaves lol) and a dressing of avocado oil, mixed with a teeny amount of honey mustard dressing.

    Snacks - Pickles, coffee, and homemade lchf gingerbread cookies.

    Dinner - Beef jerky and coffee.

    I don't know if this was asked, but can you share your recipe? @Shadowmf023

    Which one? For the cookies or the breakfast bars?
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    Well I didn't work out today. But here's the food -

    Breakfast - Coffee, and a lchf breakfast bar. (Homemade)

    Lunch - lamb leg chop, baby spinach salad (which consists only of baby spinach leaves lol) and a dressing of avocado oil, mixed with a teeny amount of honey mustard dressing.

    Snacks - Pickles, coffee, and homemade lchf gingerbread cookies.

    Dinner - Beef jerky and coffee.

    I don't know if this was asked, but can you share your recipe? @Shadowmf023

    Which one? For the cookies or the breakfast bars?

    Breakfast bars please :)
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member

    I used that one ^^ Left the chocolate out of mine though because I couldn't find unsweetend that day. It was still yummy though :smiley:
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member

    Breakfast - LCHF Breakfast bar (homemade of course). 30g whey protein. Coffee

    Lunch - Salami, cheese, pickles, biltong (south african dried lean meat, venison in this case. Sounds odd, tastes delicious, a traditional South African salty snack), cherry tomatoes and roasted onion cream cheese. Coffee

    Dinner - 120g canned tuna, mayonnaise, pickles, mustard (mixed together), served over baby spinach. 2 Keto ginger cookies.


    60min weight lifting (legs) with increased intensity, and active rests (sprinting, jump rope).
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member

    I used that one ^^ Left the chocolate out of mine though because I couldn't find unsweetend that day. It was still yummy though :smiley:

    Thank you!!
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Today's motivation 79st1wedelgt.jpeg

    Today's laugh hehe
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    Awww, kitty has been in the toiletpaper :lol:
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member