


  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    @VeryKatie I now see that the rise in BBT indicates higher progesterone levels. I found a blog which explains all the hormonal stuff very well with graphs and everything. I found it on my phone, so now I need to find it and post it here.
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    Has anyone tried the Ovia app? I downloaded it yesterday and it's pretty awesome.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I just downloaded it a few weeks ago. I really like it so far. The calendar is easy to use and tracks a lot of information, and they have some helpful easy-to-understand articles. The only thing I don't like is the community section since you have to select a response before you can read what others commented. Sometimes I want to know the answer also but feel bad making it look like I'm answering the question while just trying to get to the info.
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    Has anyone else been guilty of obsessing over "symptoms?" I'm guilty of that.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I thought I might have been pregnant last week, even though we aren't trying...actively preventing to be honest. My period was 5 days late (yes I have been using ovia app for the last 11 months and its quite good at predicting my cycles) I had no symptoms of my period which was weird. I was thinking maybe I should take a test...bam. Period.

    When we start trying though, I guarantee Ill be an obsessive symptom checker!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I'm definitely guilty of that. I posted about it last week in one of the other discussions in this group. Sorry if this is TMI. My nipples have been really sore the last week and a half, which has never happened to me before in my life. I suppose it could be related to my hormones adjusting to being off birth control, but I only stopped taking the pill one month ago. And it seems odd to me that this would start a full 1.5 weeks before my period is expected (tomorrow or Friday). Similarly I have been having cramping/abdominal pain starting a couple days before the nipple soreness. I get terrible cramps during my period but they never start more than one day before my period. Basically, I don't what's going on with my body and it has me obsessing. :(
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @puffbrat ovulation can cause those symptoms as well, especially if you're in tune with your body (which when you're trying... you tend to be)!

    Sorry again for being quiet everyone! I'm so behind on the group goings on now :( I'm also tired of working haha.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @VeryKatie glad that you checked in, Ive been wondering how you have been. Sorry you have been so busy at work! Are you still traveling?

    I posted this somewhere else the other day, but I wanted to post here as well, I want to start trying as soon as we get back from our vacation and get the okay from our doctors regarding zika. Hubby will be 34 already, and by the time I am starting to show I should already have my annual review at my job, which I did want to get through before announcing baby. I know the next few months will fly by, so as long as we dont get zika we can start TTC in December!

    ...but if we get zika, thats a long 6 months to wait :cold_sweat: Im gonna hold off hope that we wont get it, lol! Currently in my fertile window, and have right pelvic pain (ovulation?) Love the Ovia app :)
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    I also downloaded the Glow app. It's nice too but had way too much drama on there. I like the Ovia community more.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    So emailed my doctor and asked about ttc after Bahamas. She recommended that we don't go at all. :frowning: Well the tickets are bought, and at the time we bought them there wasn't much threat there. Now it is a level 2 threat with active transmission. Sigh.

    I should also note that going through a whole pregnancy without getting bitten is unrealistic. I got bit on my hand last night in my house...and its 65 degrees and rainy. There shouldn't even be mosquitoes right now! UGHHH Maybe it's just best to wait until there is a cure? Or a vaccine? I dont want to live my whole pregnancy covered in bug spray and living in fear...because I WILL GET BITTEN. They always get me.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @Kirstie155 oh shoot that is not good to hear what your doctor recommends about the vacation! Do you know what you will do yet?

    I just got back home on September 29, so I will be back home at least until the 11th.. but they won't tell me the schedule yet :angry: I'm hoping I will be home until at least Oct. 20 so that I don't miss a fertile window again.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Oh no @Kirstie155! I'm sorry to hear about your doctor's advice.

    I'm on cycle day 40. No period yet and negative pregnancy test Friday morning. This is driving me nuts! A friend said her first few cycles off birth control were 45-50 days long. I'm wondering if that's what is happening to me.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 I still have no idea what to say to all that. I did read on the CDC site that once you have it, you're immune to it in the future so if it were me I would just go enjoy my vacation, get tested when I get back and go from there.

    @VeryKatie I honestly can't imagine your frustration at this point with work (in general) and missing your fertile window. I really hope that that doesn't happen this month.

    @puffbrat I would say that that is probably what is happening - which is super frustrating. Hope you get your period soon so you stop with the waiting and increased frustration!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @Kirstie155 I hope you still enjoy your vacation. We travel a lot so Zika is definitely a concern when thinking about when we can or want to start trying. In my head I've kinda already accepted that next year I probably won't get to travel if I give in to baby before marriage, at least to an island, so I've tried to enjoy every last vacation I took this year. It sucks! B/c Zika aside...I don't think I would mind traveling pregnant but it just wouldn't be possible with current recommendations from gyno. My BF wants a destination wedding so even if we're to hold off TTC until after a wedding, I wouldn't even be comfortable enjoying our if you catch my drift....I'm not on any birth control. I wished they had a vaccine already!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi all. Not sure myself about how I feel about my vacation. Zika is scary. Hubby says we made a decision and nothing has changed, so stop worrying. We will just wait to TTC.

    In other news, I swapped to a new doc cause I didn't like that other one the first time (only time) I met her early this year for a pre-TTC appointment. Maybe Im being too sensitive, but she kinda laughed at me for tracking my cycles and worrying about not being able to get pregnant like...'you're 32 (now 33!) don't even bother me with "cycle tracking' and blew me off. When I emailed her about ttc after Bahamas, she just said don't go, cancel vacation. bye! Which I realize is good advice, but she could have been warmer about it :neutral:

    I guess I was hoping for something like 'take prenatals, come see me first, lets talk about zika, exciting!' something warmer. So I switched doctors online. Hopefully new doctor will be more welcoming to me.

    In other other news...we used our new contraceptive method (sponge) when i was in my fertile window....and now I have sore boobs a week before my period. Apparently some people use them with condoms in their fertile window... for added protection and placement can be tricky the first time? I was pretty confident that I had it in right and followed all directions. Breast soreness might be because I kept grabbing them yesterday trying to see if they were really sore, or just my imagination, but today they are definitely sore. So now I am symptom spotting and thinking I got pregnant. This guy I was sitting next to yesterday smelled weird but very faintly, every now and then he would turn and Id get a gross whiff of him. Super pregnancy nose??! :blush:
    I'm sure I'll get my period next week and all will be normal, but in the back of my mind...I'm super pumped with crossed fingers! Our original TTC month was October 2016! Obviously if I am, vacation might get cancelled, but... :grin: a bit of me is really hoping.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I'm the same age as you Kirstie, so I definitely have the same concerns about pregnancy (whether my concerns are rational or not lol). Good for you for switching doctors, hopefully the new doc is awesome! You definitely want someone you can talk to about all your concerns and not feel silly for voicing them.

    Crossing my fingers for you!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @Kirstie155 I kind of hope your birth control failed too HAHAH. Because babies be cute. It's so weird how our brains will look for any symptoms though!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @motivatedsister :) thanks. Felt good to kick that meanie old gyno to the curb.
    @VeryKatie Oh! Im hoping it failed now too! <3 babies!! And I could tell my family at Thanksgiving! It would be so special, pregnancy announcement at the holidays!! :grin:

    So today boobs are super sore, and yesterday I had a little pink discharge...implantation bleeding? If I'm not pregnant I am really making up these symptoms! they are so real, especially the boobs. Not used to this soreness, even during my time of month. This is extreme.

    Today I gt a flu shot, but made sure to ask for the one for pregnant ladies. :blush: i had to go to OBGYN to make sure it was okay because I told them I might be pregnant. It was weird to say that. I haven't told hubby or anyone else because I *know* I'm not I? This is agonizing! I keep telling myself to stop imagining things, but damn it's hard.

    Next week I'll probably get my period and cry my eyes out. Serves me right, I shouldn't even be hoping...

    @verykatie @puffbrat any symptoms for you?
    Anyone else currently TTC that I missed?
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    oh, forgot to add that I did take one of those 50 tests last night! Hahahaha, I knew it would be negative this early even if I am pregnant, but took it and hid it in the trash. Wouldn't that have been something though...I buy 50 and only needed one.
    But, its too early ~10DPO and at night.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited October 2016
    How's it going everyone?

    Haha my cheap tests are not great! But fun to take lol.