Before Christmas 2016



  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Today's motivation

    Today's laugh ;)
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    So how's everyone doing? What's new? Everything going good?
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I added and extra rep of 15 to 2 of my pool exercises today
  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    I am done with my trainer lead workout. I hated every minute of it but the feeling of accomplishment is a great reward. I was 1.2lb down from last week. I am tired but I feel great overall. Tomorrow is a rest day. Well deserved if I may say so myself
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    gorilita wrote: »
    I am done with my trainer lead workout. I hated every minute of it but the feeling of accomplishment is a great reward. I was 1.2lb down from last week. I am tired but I feel great overall. Tomorrow is a rest day. Well deserved if I may say so myself

    Congrats on losing the 1.2 lbs. and enjoy your rest day! :)
  • Victoria5639
    Victoria5639 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in. We are have a family wedding the end of December . Trying to loose as much weight as I can and be healthy. Keeping carbs below 25 for now. My mom wants us to take a good picture. LOL
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm in. We are have a family wedding the end of December . Trying to loose as much weight as I can and be healthy. Keeping carbs below 25 for now. My mom wants us to take a good picture. LOL

    Hi Victoria and welcome.
    Just a quick info, we have Wednesday and Saturday as our weigh in days, choose one of them. Weekly mini goals, losing 1-2 lbs per week, you choose your own mini goal ;)
  • VictoriaEllis1984
    Been a week of hospital trips so my eating has gone out the window! My consultant meetings are always a bit emotional so I have drunk way too much wine and eaten way too much chocolate and pringles. I had two takeaways on the trot and haven't been swimming or to the gym. I feel completely rubbish.

    I think this diet is actually keeping the inflammation in my joints at bay as over the last 3 days my body has started to seize, painful joints that are swollen and on fire and I'm generally feeling fatigued and lethargic.

    Today I get back to it. I am recording my food again and staying well away from all the rubbish I have been filling myself up with. I have been put on a 5 week plan to come off the prednisolone so I'm hoping it wont be too much of a bumpy ride both physically and emotionally. If anything, eating properly will probably help. So today is the first day of the rest of my life and I will try to maintain a healthy and positive outlook.

    PS. No weigh in this week, don't want to depress myself any further!!!
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    So I've not been posting for a while. I needed to get my *puppy* together (food-wise). Been binging a lot.

    So some updates.

    I started logging again, because I think it helps with my absent-mindedness when it comes to food, therefore it reduces binging.

    I've upped my calories to maintenance, and I don't eat exercise cals back, for two reasons. First, it's hard to determine how much I actually burn with weight lifting. Second, my instructor said I needed to lose fat, but not necessarily scale weight, so I'm creating the slightest of deficits.

    And then, my weight lifting routine has been updated. Instead of doing 3 sets of 15 for each exercise, I'm now doing drop sets.

    So, first set would be 12 reps.
    Second would be 10 (at a heavier weight)
    Third would be 8 (still heavier)
    And fourth would be 6.
  • VictoriaEllis1984
    I'm now doing drop sets.

    So, first set would be 12 reps.
    Second would be 10 (at a heavier weight)
    Third would be 8 (still heavier)
    And fourth would be 6.

    Let me know how you get on with this as it sounds really good. How much weight do you add on for each set?
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    I'm now doing drop sets.

    So, first set would be 12 reps.
    Second would be 10 (at a heavier weight)
    Third would be 8 (still heavier)
    And fourth would be 6.

    Let me know how you get on with this as it sounds really good. How much weight do you add on for each set?

    It really depends on your own strength. Personally, I want to struggle to lift it for the last 2 reps. So I try to keep it that way for all the sets.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    I'm now doing drop sets.

    So, first set would be 12 reps.
    Second would be 10 (at a heavier weight)
    Third would be 8 (still heavier)
    And fourth would be 6.

    Let me know how you get on with this as it sounds really good. How much weight do you add on for each set?

    It really depends on your own strength. Personally, I want to struggle to lift it for the last 2 reps. So I try to keep it that way for all the sets.

    As a point of reference, today, on some exercises, I increased with 10-15lb on each set, and for the weaker muscles 5lb.
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member

    I think this diet is actually keeping the inflammation in my joints at bay as over the last 3 days my body has started to seize, painful joints that are swollen and on fire and I'm generally feeling fatigued and lethargic.

    Remind me, which diet are you following?

    Just an idea. Why not prepare your food and take it with you?
    You can invest in a bodybuilding lunch bag. It fits all your daily meals and have freezable bags to keep the food cold.
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    I only log my food on MFP I don't log the weight training and cardio. Bec:
    1 I'm trying to lose body fat so I should be committed to my meal plan no matter what
    2 seeing the burned cals will trick the brain to allowing the cheating on the meal plan bec I burned this much cals it won't hurt to eat this

    Drop sets can also be done within one set like lifting 20 lbs for 5 reps and you can't do anymore reps with the 20 lbs so immediately without rest you finish the rest of the reps with 15 lbs
    It's good idea to start with the weaker arm and do exactly what you did for the other arm.
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    As for my update. Very sore muscles. Still kind of but much better thanks to carbs. Yesterday was another high carb day. No workout.
    Today back to 50g or less. Not sure about working out still very sore and I have a class tomorrow.

    Have a great Thursday everyone! :)
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    MoonKat7 wrote: »
    I only log my food on MFP I don't log the weight training and cardio. Bec:
    1 I'm trying to lose body fat so I should be committed to my meal plan no matter what
    2 seeing the burned cals will trick the brain to allowing the cheating on the meal plan bec I burned this much cals it won't hurt to eat this

    Drop sets can also be done within one set like lifting 20 lbs for 5 reps and you can't do anymore reps with the 20 lbs so immediately without rest you finish the rest of the reps with 15 lbs
    It's good idea to start with the weaker arm and do exactly what you did for the other arm.

    It's not quite a weaker arm, they are both weak with certain exercises. But I struggle a lot with bench press and bicep curls (bicep curls especially, because I can't straighten my arm and do a full one, beyond a certain point in lowering, I struggle to lift my arm back up at all - same with preacher curls), they are the lower weight ones. The rest are all higher than those two.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    I love the idea of having a common goal date and posting our daily macros.

    I'll be in a wedding in one month from now and I know it's a little late to see any major progress since I just started on keto again. I'm hoping to drop 4 lbs by October 20. All my water weight seems to have shed right now since I've been eating low carb for the past 2-3 weeks which means the next 4 lbs will hopefully be from fat.

    Past that on to Christmas time, I'll be spending 3 weeks in Costa Rica and Panama so I definitely want to get my bikini body ready. I leave for my trip December 10 so that is 15 weeks from now. I would like to shoot for the 0.5-1 lb/week goal. That's between 7-15 lbs down (including the 4 lbs by October 20). Instead of a range I'm going to just pick a number in between and say 10 lbs though I'll be happy if I fall anywhere in the range.

    SD: 9/22/16
    SW: 142.4

    CD: 9/22/16
    CW: 142.4

    GD: 12/10/16
    GW: 132.4 (range 127.4-135.4)

    This plan doesn't account for any caloric deficit caused by fitness, purely a ketogenic diet. I do plan to start doing a little bit of cardio and light strength training but I really want to get the eating habits down first.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Food intake is good. I made some grainless bars that @Shadowmf023 kindly linked, but I think it might be too many carbs for me because I'm feeling hungry first thing in the morning and I wasn't before. I don't know, I'll play with it...because I love them! Maybe I'm too new to the process and can handle them better later. Is that a thing?

    I bought a kettlebell last night. Only 10 pounds, but it's a start. :) I hope to do that a few evenings a week in addition to the hiking we've been doing on the weekend (we live in the mountains so hiking trails abound).
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    Food intake is good. I made some grainless bars that @Shadowmf023 kindly linked, but I think it might be too many carbs for me because I'm feeling hungry first thing in the morning and I wasn't before. I don't know, I'll play with it...because I love them! Maybe I'm too new to the process and can handle them better later. Is that a thing?

    I bought a kettlebell last night. Only 10 pounds, but it's a start. :) I hope to do that a few evenings a week in addition to the hiking we've been doing on the weekend (we live in the mountains so hiking trails abound).

    I heard it might be a thing. But it could just be that they have too many carbs for you to tolerate, as you said. Maybe add more fat alongside it? I usually have my bar with my bulletproof coffee.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    edited September 2016
    Macros for today (if I can stick to my dinner plans, that's where I usually seem to stray). Let me just say my carbs are NEVER this low. I usually get 30-40 g net but working on staying around 20-30 g. It is very difficult for me.
