Fearless October 2016: Week 1 (10/1-10/7)



  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    results for Oct 5:

    Water -> 128 - >:) (>120)
    Net Carbs -> 31 - :/ (<30)
    Calories -> 1261 - >:) (<1700) haven't gotten close to this the last 2 days...
    Workouts -> 3/5 - >:) (5 weekly) get to make up this morning's on Saturday
    Weight -> 221 - >:) - same as yesterday but still down from the 1st

    results - 4/5 for yesterday, 12/14 total.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    10/5 - only one point for me
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    edited October 2016
    1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid a day :mrgreen:
    2. Stick to your Calories :mrgreen:
    3. Keep carbs in check :mrgreen:
    4. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60min :mrgreen:
    5. Log honestly :mrgreen:
    6. Sleep 8 hours :mrgreen:
    7. Keep up that salt intake! :mrgreen:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    1. complete all workouts - no
    2. carbs within goal - YES
    3. no chocolate - YES
    4. no alcohol - YES
    5. sleep 8 hours - no

    Total: 14 pumpkins
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    1. Carbs were moderate, not keto.
    I experimented with adding some protein/pita bread. Insane gas reaction last night and very puffed out eye bags this am. Just saying no to that. I do better even with ice cream than the grains. Lesson learned!
    So no bread in maintenance for me.

    2. Feelings check in: Yes. Adjusting expectations, and wearing the big girl panties.
    Coping strategies: painting,visiting, cleaning. Lightly active in the home.

    3. Weigh in on Wednesday. Postponed yesterday's weighing due to trying to preserve emotional stability after a so so food week. May just wait til next week, may jump on sooner.

    4. Lightly active, housework.

    Just hanging in for now. Waiting on a job response, trying to stick to establishing good routines for feeling happy, according to me. Working on maintenance eating, but still hoping to shed about 15 pounds as i go. Room for improvement, for sure in that area, but getting more consistant.
  • beachchica08
    beachchica08 Posts: 1 Member
    October 6th
    Late to the party but I brought doughnuts.....I mean....beef jerky!!
    Oct GOALS
    1. Log food everyday
    2. Maintain 20 net carbs or less
    3. 30 mins of physical activity everyday.
    4. Listen to book to keep motivated
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Little bit of a late start but my goals:
    • Log my food every day
    • Keep Carbs under 20
    • Keep Cals below goal
    • Walk at least 4 times a day and at least 7000 steps each walk.
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Thursday Oct 6

    1. Practice mindfulness around food and eat slowly. o:)
    2. Journal nightly to the questions: "Did I eat and move in a way that supported my health?" "What could I do better tomorrow?" o:)
    3. Keep carbs <50 gm. by logging. o:)
    4. 4. Move 30 min. daily, minimum. Nope :(
    5. Stay off the scale. o:)
    6. Check in with this thread daily! o:)
    7. Drink tea first before deciding to eat after 8pm. o:)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'm still shaking this cold but 2 weeks, it is leaving me.
    10/4 Lazy.
    10/5 Lazy again
    10/6 30 minutes of low impact (adapted) aerobics. Can't swing this left arm too much.

    Started some bodyweight exercises and did 5 different squats 10X. Planned on more but let's just say I have a lot of room for improvement. Eye opener.

    Most important: 13 exercises for rotator cuff/bicep: DONE!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    1. Keep cals under 1350 (plus exercise calories). :)
    2. Keep carbs in the 20-35 net range. :)
    3. Exercise and/or hit step goal. (Strength 2-3x/wk and run/swim 2-3x/wk.) Hit step goal.
    4. Log at least 5 days/week. :)
    5. Go to bed at least 8 hrs before I need to get up the next morning! Yep!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    October 6th
    Late to the party but I brought doughnuts.....I mean....beef jerky!!
    Oct GOALS
    1. Log food everyday
    2. Maintain 20 net carbs or less
    3. 30 mins of physical activity everyday.
    4. Listen to book to keep motivated
    RowdysLady wrote: »
    Little bit of a late start but my goals:
    • Log my food every day
    • Keep Carbs under 20
    • Keep Cals below goal
    • Walk at least 4 times a day and at least 7000 steps each walk.



  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Oct 6 results:

    Water -> 112oz (>120) - :/
    Net Carbs -> 25 (<30) - >:)
    Calories -> 1657 (<1700) - >:) (whew! that was close!)
    Workouts -> 4/5 (5/week) - >:)
    Weight -> 220 (sw - 223, going the right direction!)

    For the day - 4/5 devils, for the week 12/15 devils!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 6:
    Out of my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Deskcycle: 30mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 51g :|
  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    I did start this challenge, just didn't post all week. I did post in mfp each day. Met my goals for sept challenge. Hope to lose 3-5 lbs this month. I ate a brownie last night, Real ooey, gooey, chocolate goodness. Enjoyed it until this am....headache, stomach ache, bleh! Back on track today.....low low carb. Enjoying a cup of coffee this am. I like to put almond milk and I use Atkins vanilla shake as a creamer. Keeps my carbs low and makes my coffee creamy.
  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    Hmmmmm....did someone mention donuts??????????
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Goals for October:

    Exercise at least 3 days a week (recovering from a foot injury) :/
    Carbs under 50 net wu0zpq0mxhla.png

    Get outside more and enjoy my favorite season wu0zpq0mxhla.png

    Fall clean-up of the home :/

    Carbs were good. I had a full day outdoors Sunday which was great. I didn't exercise at all. ugh. Other than the basics there was no extra house cleaning effort.

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @anglyn1 == I like your bats!!

    Carbs/Proteins/Fats - OK
    Alcohol- 2 drinks last night
    Water - Good
    Calories - OK

    Finishing the week out strong! It is a glorious autumn day here in the Northeast US. Great day for another walk! Enjoy the weekend. Go PATS! Brady is back!
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    Oct 5
    1. Stay within calorie limit NO
    2. Stay within carb limit NO
    3. Physically active 30min+ NO

    Oct 6
    1. Calorie limit NO
    2. Carb limit NO
    3. Active 30min+ YES

    Oct 7
    1. Calorie limit YES
    2. Carb limit YES
    3. Active 30min+ YES

    to date I earned 8/15 pumpkins. Better control of stress today.

  • weightlossdriven
    weightlossdriven Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to this challenge thing so.....
    1. Log every day.
    2. Stay within calorie, carb & fat goals
    3. Drink 64+oz of water
    4. Get back to water exercise
    5. Journal to overcome "emotional eating" urge.