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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2016
    I won't be lingering here today because it's glorious outside and I have plans!! A wonderful walk across the moors after a beautiful sunrise, all pink and fluffy and because we now meet up a half hour later are bumping into dog walkers we haven't seen since last winter so that was a treat. The yoga seems to have stretched the right muscles and although a few aches, my back is feeling ever so slightly less painful.

    Marie ~ I'm sure you're saying you've been back in ER and do hope you've not had another fall. Let us know when you can. <3

    Anne ~ Yesterday, on our way back from our moorland walk we came upon a lady with 3 large dogs and only one on its lead. The other 2 bounded over to George and Scruff and terrified both so George growled and Scruff pee'd herself. My friend let her off her lead so she could run if necessary at which point the owner of these rowdy dogs sighed and tutted saying now she wouldn't be able to get her dogs back before promptly slipping onto her backside in the mud.... I did manage to hide my smile!! We came to the conclusion she had no idea how to control her dogs as she seemed to blame us for allowing our dogs some freedom to escape so I think some owners think their pooches can do no wrong. George on the other hand managed to slip through a closed door yesterday and attack the postie who's an unhappy man at the best of times and I had to run down the path in my slippers as I tried to catch my grumbling dog who was obviously thinking it's taken me two and a half years to get you so I'm now going to make the most of it!! No harm done except my embarrassment!

    Buzz ~ Having seen about 2 minutes of that debate on our morning news I'd have to comment that if you didn't laugh you'd have to cry all the way to the polling station so just as well you've had a postal vote. It's going to be an interesting 4 years although not in a good way what with everything that's going on around the world. Loved Barbra and have most of her albums tucked away in a cupboard... will really have to dust them off and play again soon.

    Hi Phoebe,trust your numb mouth is no more!

    Sandy ~ Loved the video even though I wasn't sure what Robby was singing and agree, if he was feeling so rough he did exceptionally well.

    Lin ~ I love that retro pumpkin with its peace, love and ban the bomb symbols.... what ever happened to that movement? I get the impression younger generations generally aren't concerned what goes on around them!

    Patsy ~ It took me a while to grasp the You Tube phenomenon but I have a programme on my laptop called Moviemaker that I load videos on to and it then allows me to choose where I want to send it so if I click the you tube symbol the movie gets filed correctly and uploaded. As I say, it took me a while but you're creative so I'm sure can get your head around it!!

    The sun is calling me but then so is my lunch and thank goodness I remembered to shut the kitchen door so when the postman just arrived George couldn't get close.

    Enjoy your day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,539 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I been in ER all afteroon some pf the night tell morie

    Oh no!!!!! Marie, What has happened?


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    MARIE, waiting to hear from you!
    JACKIE I had to smile at George and the mailman/postie. After all what good are postmen if you can't growl at them (dog point of view). We no longer have letter boxes since the dear post office decided to use us as an experimental town to eliminate them in favour of communal street boxes. Big outcry and the "powers that be" decided to abandon the idea. However, they also decided not to go back in just our town to home delivery. This is a great loss to all us old dears slipping and sliding in the winter, but also to the towns dogs! In Reilly's favour I think he is a nice dog normally if on the big dopey side, but since Jillys arrival he seems to have gone into "protection" mode. He was on a leash, but that was half the problem. He tangled up Jillys and Molly's leashes with his so we couldn't rescue the two little dogs. The good news, he lives close by so I know when his owner is on the loose with him on a leash but not exactly controlled.

    One thing about this group we never have a dull moment! Always something going on, sometimes good, sometimes bad and if there's a lull we, at the moment, have Hilary and Donad to keep us tutting or amused, and the guarantee that when their day is done, there'll be more Hilary's and Donald's, and Tony's and Pierre's etc to keep us on our toes.

    We are having a dull, grey, pouring with rain, no long walks day. So dark, the lights are switched on and The Bean is snoozing on the sofa on a throw I was given for my birthday.

    A day to get down to the housework. I wonder when Hilary does hers? Or Donald puts the garbage out, the actual empty pizza box variety.
    Must go and stop misbehaving!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    PS. Put make up on this morning. Why did I bother, Jillys just licked it all off. Do other dog owners get frequent face washes?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,445 Member
    CUBS WIN!! Happy Thursday! :) After my meeting today I am going to go see my little buddy, Robby. We are going to watch Frozen together. <3 My friend came last night because she needed a friend and watching the Cubs win helped cheer her up. She sure is loud though, hope the neighbors didn't get upset. lol

    Anne, Daisy is a "big" kisser but have to admit I love doggie kisses.

    Marie, please let us know what happened to bring you to the ER.

    Jackie, I guess only his parents and grandparents understood what he was singing but it is a popular song here in the US.

    Buzz, if you put your mouse on the bottom of the video the control panel will show for you to shut it off.

    Again, short on time but have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2016
    Off to do errands. Marie, if we don't hear from you by this evening, I might try your house. Don't like to do that, make you or Jerry have to get the phone.
    I called 4 hospitals near Marie, none showed her there.
    Jackie, what makes the postman the enemy? Lol! In your case, a grumpy one earns his badge doesn't he, lol. Tell George he would get slapped with a restraining order over here.. JK!!
    Pretty pretty pumpkin, seasonally appropriate and a great decoration too. I didn't see the close up until Jackie mentioned peace signs etc.
    Anne, our Boo cat likes for me to have a clean face, lol. Honey, sweet dog, gives me tiny licks, one at a time.. She must've been discouraged from licking when she was younger. Enjoy your rainy day. I realized I have been fortunate, mostly. When I walk Honey, if we see another dog owner, I turn my back on them, change direction, etc., To let them know we aren't up for visitors. It's worked so far. Honey isn't aggressive, but some of them make her nervous. She likes people, always wants to be petted, sweet girl.
    Glad some of you get some rain, fill your barrels, flip them over, pointing South. We'll take it! Lakes are down about five feet average.
    Have to go but don't want to.. time to vote!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers, we are in our beloved umbrella weather so famous here in PNW. Actually, I am okay with that. I get rather tired of it but in between there is a green lovely fragrance and everything remains green most of the year. But it does get a bit damp and we get rusty and crusty.

    The debates are over and we have all made our choices. It is all over but the shouting now. There will be lots of shouting until the final talley comes out. I used to be an election judge for our precinct and we had to HAND count ballots. We would be there counting until 2 or 3 in the AM. We then called the main courthouse with results and had to stay put until they called back. Then the newspapers and radio people were called or we let them know because they were waiting outside! Dinosaur election procedures.

    We have always had big dogs. We have always had several at once. Now we only have one mid-sized labradoodle. She is about 45 lbs. but it was true we had to watch for situations that could turn ugly if not closely controlled. In fact that is still true with Katie. She loves to jump up on people to say hello. We are working on that! Training is wonderful but it sometimes just disappears. No one loves our dogs as we do. Most of us really do not appreciate too enthusiastic and uncontrolled dogs. Katie gets down on her front legs with rump in the air and tail wagging as she greets small dogs. However.....
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,445 Member
    I messaged Alice on Facebook about Marie.

    Alice, we are worried about your mother, is she okay?

    Sandy, she is home and thankfully the Doppler test revealed no clots. She rested today
    Thank you Alice
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    All - my mom (Marie) is home resting. There was concern about further clots in her legs so she went to the ER. Thankfully none were found. I am sure you will hear from her as soon as she rests. Thank you for your concern she is so fortunate to have such caring friends!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello All,

    I was worried about Marie too. So glad you posted Alice. Thank you.

    Same old here. Busy as can be. I've started getting caught up with my digital scrapbooking and that is taking a lot of my tim. Plus we are off to a time share in Banff Next week. We'll be gone a week. It is absolutely gorgeous there and hopefully we'll have good weather. If not, we'll snuggle in with the fireplace. I know we will have fun.

    I've also taken up writing crossword puzzles. Definitely challenging but fun. I've been doing one with a theme of family matters and sending them to my sister Val. Anything I can do to cheer her up when she feels down.

    This week the weather hasn't been too bad but we've had snow at time (gone now) and colder weather. I'm not ready for all of this.


    Hugs to all,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Computer problems; invaded by malware that locked my computer yesterday! Seems it got into Chrome and I was able to open Explorer to allow Dell in and fix everything but now most of my cookies are missing! Oh well, at least I found us!
    SANDY, for some reason, the bottom of that ROBBY video allows everything but close! No X, No shut-off, weird! I will have Robby forever! Not bad!!! Maybe we can fix him up with adorable MAGGIE, if JERI agrees.
    JACKIE, believe it or not, I fell asleep as the great debate started, thank goodness,...or I would have been ill! I cannot believe a grown person in public life has never learned name calling is an infantile expression. But then I never watched his you're fired program, so I don't know where he's coming from. I just worry the rest of the world sees all of us normal American folk as ill-mannered boors! Really, world, we try to be pleasant, caring, and normally well-mannered!
    MARIE, and ALICE dear daughter, we all are hoping you stay well and no more problems with clots or anything else! This aging process is definitely not for the weak.lol
    I've been up for hours now, trying to straighten out my computer. Yesterday, Comcast gave us no digital service...phone, internet and TV..Service sucks! I will call them and ask for credit.
    Gotta get up fully now and make my coffee. I am using Amazon Pantry deliveries now, which cuts down most grocery trips. WOW!
    Please forgive me for not addressing each of you dear friends, but I'm ready to dop as I wakened at around 4 AM and need my caffeine!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,539 Member
    Good to hear that Marie is home. Hope we'll see you soon dear friend.

    And Buzz, your ability to straighten things out is astounding. I wish I could do as well! It is so essential to have our Internet and phone connections. I am sorry Comcast let you down. Glad your slept through the debate, grab your sleep whenever you can and the sound bites of the highlights (or low lights) are replayed endlessly. We have early voting in our state and several libraries are voting sites. Friends, the parking lots are busier than I have ever seen them and while I have been at one library, there is a steady trickle of voters. I will be beyond glad when the election is over, the fighting over the results is over, and he have a new President in place.

    Meanwhile, I will continue coloring and reading.

    Off to Tai Chi/Qigong. It is cold and I am wearing a coat and gloves this morning. Brrrr.



    P.S. JERI, CUTE CUTE CUTE digital scrap booking pictures. And wow, making crossword puzzles. Tomorrow is the all-day scrap booking day at my church. If I am in the neighborhood I might stop by to take a look at all the projects.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just me popping in to say we are having a second dreary, dismal day. I shall try and toddle off to Chapters for cards and a book if the rain eases, oh, and less exciting for groceries, mustn't forget the Beans chicken supply!

    BUZZ, and all our American friends, are you aware that a site is on Facebook, I believe, for Canadians to sign in and let you all know how you folks south of our border are highly regarded and liked by us northerners. Unfortunately I can't use it, but I want you to count me in! You for instance, are an extremely likeable bunch of gals, and I personally whilst working never met an American contractor or engineer spoken to on the phone that I didn't like. For instance two of our contractors sensed I guess that I was short of cash at that time and at month end before returning home, would take me out for lunch with them at some very nice restaurants. I will never forget the kindness of Paul and Rich.

    Most of the world is aware that the "infantile grown person" and often charismatic character to some, is something that pops up from time to time in ALL countries. As we used to say "there's one born every day" unfortunately.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, well my bees are still as feisty as ever so became decidedly cross with me just now as I did my best to extract one super of stored honey but then I suppose if they spent most of the summer collecting supplies they are bound to be just a little pee'd at someone taking it all from under their roof! I'm now going to mix up sugar syrup to compensate.
    A beautiful day, warm and sunny as our seasons become increasingly confused, or is that confusing? George chased a jogger this morning, growling and grumbling all the way so we are having a strict day at home and wow, it seems to be working because when I told him to stay in the cottage when I went back to the hive to collect the still smoking smoker I was somewhat surprised to find on my return he'd done as he was told!! Patsy, this training lark is not as easy as any of us would imagine and I'm the first to admit consistency goes out the window with me at times so of course George is going to test me especially when he does a Katie with bottom and wagging tail in the air!! At least Brady the not so kitten any more, is calming down and no longer giving me heart failure every time he jumps or climbs!
    Buzz, Anne's right about our perception of your elections since it's obvious your choices this time round were limited through no fault of your own. Two people showing themselves up to look bad does not a nation make and the British media spends a lot of time out and about various states asking the American public what they think of what's been happening and most answers are intelligent and articulate so please don't worry on that score.

    Sandy ~ Thank you for making contact with Alice so we know what's happening with Marie.

    I must get on because my day seems to be flying away from me. Hello to everyone I missed. <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,445 Member
    CUBS WIN! Happy Friday! :) Finally a day at home to myself. I am thinking of doing laundry but might just wait until Monday since I have to pack a bag for Babe's house. Went and watched Frozen with Robby and Lisa at their house, cute movie. He has a croupy cough but still is in a good mood and still so cute.
    I was home in time to watch the Cubs win and now my ex husband and my son want me to make no plans for Saturday other than to watch the Cubs. Each time I watched them they won, the two days I didn't they lost. Coincidence? I think not! lol

    I am so grateful we have Alice to keep us informed about Marie. I didn't want to bother her on her birthday but we were all concerned so I felt a message would be okay. Poor Marie has been through so much lately, but happy to hear she had no blood clots and was resting at home.

    I did not watch the debate, the Cubs were just more interesting and since you are all voting for me, I didn't think they stood a chance.

    Jeri, could your granddaughter get any cuter??? I think Robby and Isaac will be fighting over her in years to come. :)

    Buzz, not sure why the player doesn't work for you, but hope it doesn't play each time you open the sneakers forum.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!! I think it is time for me to start working my program again and lose some weight!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Nice day here, wow big difference from yesterday temperature in the 60s and yesterday almost 90!!! Glad Marie is resting at home.
    Buzz, I Know the world is watching and laughing, but not at us, at the candidates. Maybe we aren't laughing so much because we have to live with the winner!!
    Sandy, if everyone knew that you influenced the Cubs, you'd have a lot of invitations!! Lol. Good to see these two teams going to the World Series. So it's next week when Babe goes back ?
    Lin, not quite coat weather here, but soon. Sounds like fun to go to the scrapbooking event, so many ideas!
    Jeri, how is your hand?? Love the digital page. So sweet.
    Got to get back to laundry, truck laundry. I have some rugs that are spot clean only, so I hang them outside, spray with water hose, follow with scrubbing bubbles. Then air dry. I like to pack it all away in the car to make room for mopping the floors.
    Patsy, what a cute image of Katie wiggling her bottom. <3 .
    Anne, do you take a cart with wheels when you shop? Hug ms. Jilly for me.
    Back to it!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy Robby was adorable singing his Fight song even though he wasn't feeling good. :)

    Marie So happy to hear you are home again from the ER and no blood clots. <3 I hope you stay healthy for a while. Thinking about you buddy. <3

    Jeri A beautiful family picture of the new grandbaby. So sweet! Enjoy Banff its so beautiful there and maybe you will share a picture or two?

    Raining here today just like in Anne's neck of the woods. I took down the bird bells and Niger seed
    feeders down and cleaned them for another year. I have two suet cages ready to go but I will wait for the rain to stop.

    I baked some Pillsbury cookies today and I had some cream cheese frosting left over. I think its a
    cookie day. Maybe it will make Dave feel better since he has a cold. I am still sleeping in the spare
    room so I don't get it. :p If he feels okay by tonight we will go out for dinner.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm not homebut mmy blood sugar and mt y sight is. Not so good. So hard to read what i post i was in er from 3 pm till 10 pm wednesday and fill owfuf. No blood clough but didhave a bladder a high b ovvordings to mmy home nurse will causes a high treading in mynlood sugar runnin atround 350 fo 400 no wonder i cant see.
  • We love you MARIE
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,539 Member
    Oh yes!!!! Marie!!!! <3<3<3 So happy to hear from you.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Great to hear from you MARIE girl. ❤️❤️❤️XXX Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    So sorry for your recent health issues, Marie. I know how awful high Blood sugar can mess with your eyesight. It is an ongoing thing with me as well. So far I have been able to keep things under control. You seem to be a strong determined lady! I think you can beat this problem. You are a Dallas cowgirl, after all. We are all thinking of you.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    lots of hugs ~ Jackie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,539 Member
    Beautiful bear!!

    Wishing everyone a safe and pleasant day. I am in my way out to wander through some of the long list if interesting things going on today because the sun is out, the weather is lovely, and several things sound so good! Best thing, if I change my mind I can just come back home at any point. Gotta love that.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,445 Member
    GO CUBS! Happy Saturday! :) No plans this afternoon until 5:00 Mass. Then coming home to watch the Cubs hopefully cinch their spot in the world series. I am not a die hard sports fan and hardly watch sports, but this is so exciting and if only it could happen in my life time. One Day at a Time.

    Marie, glad to see you post here but if rest is what you need then rest. You are such a fighter and I do hope things are improving and soon you can feel like yourself again. Love you!!

    Have a great day everyone!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Me same as Lin. Checking out some items for sale, safe places, no worries. And a trip to our friends big market. Lots of yummy vegetables today, and I can't wait!!
    Have a happy Saturday everyone
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I give up. Who on earth are the cubs SANDY, I would imagine not a cricket team? Anne.
    I'm spending the afternoon doing pen and ink drawings, in between walkies.....of course!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,445 Member
    Jacean2016 wrote: »
    I give up. Who on earth are the cubs SANDY, I would imagine not a cricket team? Anne.
    I'm spending the afternoon doing pen and ink drawings, in between walkies.....of course!

    Yikes!! American Baseball!! We have two teams in Chicago, the White Sox and the Cubs.

    The Cubs won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League team to play in three consecutive World Series, and the first to win it twice. The team has appeared in a total of ten World Series, most recently in 1945.

    I was three years old the last time they play in the World Series and not even a twinkle in my parents eyes in 1907 and 1908 since they weren't even born yet.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2016

    I hope your Cubs win since our Blue Jays did not get that far but did a fantastic job this year, Go Jays!!
    This all about base ball, Anne.

    A very cold day today only 43F and you guessed it, we have the furnace on. I just finished making some
    beef barley vegetable soup for us to enjoy this week. Dave is getting better from his cold and his cough
    seems to have subsided.

    We have a free movie coupon so we are going to see "Sully" tonight with Tom Hanks.

    Marie Please keep fighting my friend, I hope you are doing better today. <3

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited October 2016
    SANDY.....oh. Thanks, my suspicions were correct. Hope they win and make your day.
