Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all.
    Marcella, I'm all for your plan. Will we see posts from you? I understand if we won't. Enjoy!
    Patsy, I'm glad there is technology to help protect our eyes, but it doesn't sound like an ice cream treat afterwards will make it better. <3
    Nope, Jim says if we don't go there in the winter months (bad weather) then it isn't fair to go in the summer. Well,Pooh! I say. I love Oregon and Washington. Guess I'll have to go without a truck!
    Hugs everyone, we have a layover in California, I'm glad. Still not feeling too well. Chills, headache, no appetite. Night
    P.S. Sandy, my nephew's twins are funny to watch too. The boy likes to vacuum. But not the girl, lol. Times are changing!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sorry. It was a busy day with errands and cooking but then I got a text. My credit card account had apparent fraudulent charges. I called and it was true. Account immediately cancelled. Have been making phone calls and visiting web sites since then. They are expediting a new card to me but with the storm etc. it might take a while. Looks like I will have quite a bit of work in the next week or so. One merchant contacted me and has been denied through PayPal and no one seems to know how to straighten this out.

    Back to my supper a bit late.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2016
    Well, mostly good news tonight except for PHOEBE. So sorry you aren't feeling better, love, especially while on the road! I will be thinking of you and sending "white light" your way!
    MARIE, how incredible. MacDougall's eating plans are supposed to be excellent for diabetics and I stayed with someone while he was his patient, and he swears the good doctor cured his cancer through his diet. I forget what it was called, but since he lived in Hawaii, he was allowed to eat only what he grew in his incredible acre of land; no animal, prepared, salty food and no sugar. I became enamored of the special cereal he ground and cooked for me every morning, and it was made only of grains he grew right there on his little mountain! Fitting into your jeans and blouse is nothing short pf amazing, li'l Sis! Stick with this one and you'll add years to your happiness!
    BARBIE, love your sleep mates and really understand as my 2 chocolate poodles commandeered my bed every night of their adorable lives! And they understood me as no one else did; my best friends!
    SANDY, it wouldn't be the same if you didn't drop in to let us know you were here! So thank YOU for everything you are and do!
    MARCELLA, what a wonderful concept you employ to change your outlook! Perhaps some of us may give it a try!
    LIN, love, have you still got those cathode ray tube TV sets? The flat screens have come way down in price, and are technically so superior you would love looking at one, and perhaps you could discuss ways to drop your monthly bill instead of having your server tack on more charges! You have done so much for so many others, you should look at what you deserve to do for yourself with all your accomplishments! But then, I may have the wrong idea about your TV sets! I just would like for you to be good to yourself!
    SHIRLEY, I'm sure your MIL enjoys the trips you include her in when you visit Isaac and other family! You are so thoughtful!
    JACKIE, was your vacation wonderful? You must tell us what you did while away! And now that you are back and giving George his wild and windy jaunts, A Really Special Birthday Wish to a Really Special Lady! 1118914ejlbnc9ygd.gif

    CHRIS, also wishing you a wonderful birthday! 493050kczfcfb9rk.gif
    ANNE, bully for you, braving the elements to take care of your beautiful garden!
    And PATSY, I admire you getting your exercises in before the eye injection! Now, do you give yourself a reward?
    Well, my coughing is subsiding enough so the ribs are getting better. My doctor put me on an antibiotic (I usually refuse them for a cold, but this one seemed to be headed for my chest)
    so I had it filled. He's sending me to another orthopedist to find out about the newer options for worn out knees, as he also would not like to see me in surgery. Mike's son visited us today for 1/2 an hour between landing in Palm Beach airport and driving down to Miami, where his boss winters. It was brief but welcome, and he reiterated how much he likes where we live. His Aunt, Mike's late sister, lived in a place in Brooklyn that was chosen with great care, and she hated every minute of it. Including the odors. DS says this place always looks and smell like fresh air! Well, we spent 8 years investigating these types of Continuing Care Living Communities, so it was no accident.
    I really need my sleep now, so I'll wish you all a magnificent evening
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    happy Birthday

    0ne of the sweetest Sneakers we have How long have you been with us a long time and I enjoy every moment
    Love Sweetie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    happy Birthday

    Another wonderful Sneaker
    Love you too Sweetie

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday to the birthday girls! I must tell one and would be so great to add another ecard to wish you a wonderful day. Alas! I just can not seem to do it. I have fiddled around trying for what seems like hours to no avail. So words must tell you what is in my heart!

    Having returned from DR I am so happy to report that the macro degeneration has been halted! In fact there is dramatic improvement. A special research effort is now beginning concerning the eye vitamins I take along with the injections. The Dr. was aware of the vitamins but because my good eye has improved so much also, it was of particular interest. They are called Preservision, over the counter vitamins by Bosh and Loem. I would do a google search and read about them if it something that that could be of use to you.

    The camellia bushes aire starting to bloom! Okay, that's the first real harbinger of spring. No matter how cold or nasty the weather, have no fear! Spring is knocking at our door.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Chris ~ ~ ~

    <3 Jackie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hope you both have the very best of years,
    Anne. ❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I am sorry, I have the same graphic as Sandy posted-


    And to dear Chris


    Celebrate Jackie and Chris


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    And for all of us


    I will watch the old movie again today. Tradition.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited February 2016
    Happy Birthday, Jackie and Chris!!!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited February 2016
    Phoebe - I will certainly be showing up here during my re-charge month. Love being a part of this group. I did begin my February month by actually deleting a couple of groups where very few people show up any more.

    Lin - I love that movie!

    So for the first day of February, I did make a new recipe. It's one of those simple things that I just never got around to making. I made guacamole for the first time! It turned out great. I also made salsa. The salsa could have used a bit more tomato, but was still good. Today I will be serving my family a 16 Bean Stew. (Another simple recipe that I had been meaning to fix, but had not.) Hopefully it will taste as good.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I think I'll join you MARCELLA. A recharge month sounds a super idea. I know some people like to keep some recipes especially for their families and for special occasions, but if you feel you can explain, what exactly is a 16 bean stew? I rarely eat meat, and then only chicken, so any help in the bean department would be much appreciated. I have stomach problems if I eat beans, but maybe I don't really know how to cook them. To be honest I didn't know there are 16 types of beans! Sort of limited to chick peas and green beans, oh and kidney beans.
    Today, I'm cooking a sort of rice dish which involves basmati rice, onions, peas, tomato, etc.
    Well it's Groundhog Day and in this area he/she says 6 weeks more of winter. Hard to believe with yesterday's temperature and 12 deg, 54 F predicted for tomorrow! I shall have to dig out the old gardening shoes again!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Unbelievable, the snowdrops are showing buds! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Whatever you are making sounds interesting Anne! We had a bad bit of snow and wind and slippery roads this morning with most flights out of here cancelled (horrible luck for those who were here covering the caucus activity last night). My large tree out front has shed branches all over the place! We are in a clear zone right now and it is actually warm enough that I see there's some melting. Later, more snow/rain/who knows what is expected. We were fortunate though, the heaviest snow missed us Is it headed your way Sandy?

    Day 2 of trying to sort out all the problems associated with having that credit card shut off yesterday. Oh my, I have so much attached to that card, and a refund that cannot be processed now since the card is closed (I'm without a new number at this point), I have an order in limbo that no one can give me the straight of what to do. Someone at the credit card company flagged the transaction for some reason and PayPal refuses to approve it, the company I ordered from says they've already paid a transaction charge and they are not happy about it, I still want my order so I've got to make more inquiries. Meanwhile I am checking my financial accounts to make sure no other information was taken.

    So spring is on its way? That is fine with me. I will just take what comes.

    Best wishes to everyone. (I did watch Groundhog Day and it made me laugh again!!)


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) We had some really heavy rain with thunder all day. It was a good day for sleeping so when Robby napped so did I. I also managed to ride my bike for an hour while he napped so it was a good day. He is at the age where he has a one track mind. Because of yesterday, all he did all day was ask for the vacuum, I said no so many times I felt bad. I will look to see if I can find him a toy one so I don't have to go through this all the time. Not too spoiled is he??? I also want a little kitchen set for him but would prefer to get it on sale somewhere rather than going through Amazon, but we will see.

    I hope Jackie and Chris are having wonderful birthdays, they both deserve the very best.

    Lin, I feel so bad that you had your card compromised, it is such a hassle to change everything. I only know because I had to change everything when I separated. At least you weren't charged for the bad charges so that is a good thing.

    Marcella and Anne, good luck on the recharge, I have to admit I couldn't do it. I love TV and I like my glass of wine or two in the evening. I work hard on exercising and my food and truthfully when I told my doctor I would like to lose another 5 pounds she told me I am fine the way I am, otherwise I might be too thin. (Really?) She said my BMI is perfect for my age but as I told her but if I could lose the last 5 pounds I could eat without worrying. Make sense??

    Tomorrow I go for my blood work and to the dentist for a cleaning. Friday my mammogram and I should be done for the year at least I hope so. The flu and pneumonia shot kind of tired me out, but that could just be a coincidence with sitting. lol I will check with Walgreen for the shingles shot since I have had shingles once and would not like them again.

    Since Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, I am trusting him for an early Spring.

    Have a great evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sandy, if you lose another 5 lbs you will still have the worry I about what you eat as those pounds would sneak right back on if you felt you had more freedom to eat. At least that's what happened with me. I had to starve to lose the last pounds and it just was not sustainable. I hope that's not true for you. Hope you are done with the rain Sandy. Oh and that there isn't snow coming as well.

    Bit of progress on both the refund and the order in limbo. This is the second time this has happened to me. This time I have so many more accounts hooked to the card though and many automated customer service systems are worse than last time. The other time was a long time ago. Maybe 2003?

    Going to trek to the mailbox now.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin that is are ally bad thing. I have misplace ,mine a couple time and had to get a new card. Pain in the neck., hope you ger it all fix. Marie
  • Happy birthday Jackie and Chris! Hope it's been filled with good things. Jackie, we love hearing from you, and Chris, we are so pleased that you are back more regularly.

    Lin, speaking from experience, never fear, merchants will contact you when the transaction fails. I just got the cats insurance renewed using the replacement card. Next, I debated mentioning this. The timing is a concern because of your father's death. I'm thinking of identity theft. Might want to check his holdings etc.

    Must go, saving my battery for an 11pm alarm.