Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Wow, we've gone from snow in Georgia to absolutely gorgeous weather!
    Buzz - Love the hair and enjoy the Jesse Stone movies.
    It's been a lovely day with my family today and I'm looking forward to going to sleep a little earlier than usual tonight.
    Sweet dreams, everyone. :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Warmer but rainy, another good day to stay indoors. My son asked me to sew two patches on a back pack so I will be dusting off my sewing machine and see if I can handle this small job. I used to sew when I was young but it has been a long time.
    I went to Mass yesterday so other than my little chore and video call with my kids it will be a relaxing day.

    Buzz, I do hope you are better today with no fever. Keep resting and drink lots of fluids.
    Don't hesitate to call the nurse if you feel awful. Thank you.

    I hope everyone else has a wonderful day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes it's the perfect day to stay indoors. I had CraveTV installed over Christmas, and for me, it makes a lot of sense with the extra $20 I pay a month. I'm up to date with Dr Who, and I'm now watching Murder in the First. 10 hour long episodes and I'm half way through.
    Sorry you are feeling sick Buzz, get well soon.
    Hope everyone has an enjoyable day,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I made my goal for January in fact went over I lost 8 pounds this month. hope next month is just as well.
    well wishes to all. off to make lunch. Potatoes salad and Black beans and collard greens. I will used potatoes, onions, dill relish and pimentos. should work OK the starch solution book said you can have fat free salad dressing and Hidden valley has one I really like this plan.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2016

    Buzz Love the new hair do, very lovely. Happy to hear the knee is getting better.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY! She doesn't come here anymore but I see her once in a while.

    The weather here is improving too, I went to the car wash and got my car washed at least the salt is off
    of it. My car is a 2002 Buick Century so the salt will start to eat at what is already getting eaten by salt. Winter's are tough around here. I can't complain about this winter it has been great!

    I wasn't on here yesterday much I was making food. Cauliflower and potatoe soup, egg muffins, and
    venison chili.

    Tomorrow we are heading to see Isaac and see what new things he is doing now. :) We are taking
    my MIL with us and going out for dinner at a new restaurant.

    Have a happy Sunday ladies!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. Nice to see the posts today! Church today, then home to make a salad. I just was starting to eat when a friend called and we talked for a couple of hours (yes, it had been quite a while).

    We'll be looking forward to updates about Isaac.

    Congratulations to you Marie on your progress in January. That is great.

    Buzz, I agree, your hair is beautiful. I have no ability to grow hair these days. Today I had trouble making sure my scalp wasn't showing in the back of my head. I hope you are feeling better today.

    Sandy, best wishes on the five days a week babysitting. I hope all goes well.

    Anne, your added channel sounds perfect! I continue to struggle with balancing content with costs. I got a letter from my cable/Internet provider that they are dropping channels and I have to do some checking and if my TVs don't meet specs I will need to add another device to each of them at a monthly fee of course. Sigh. Prices just went up this month. Higher and higher costs and no additional services or content. Grumble.

    Marcella, snow to gorgeous weather. Now that is the right direction! I am afraid in the Midwest we are going from relatively mild to winter storm. They have already issued winter weather warnings and blizzard warnings. I don't believe snow is to begin until late Monday evening.

    Jeri, I might try your soup recipe tomorrow. Of course you know I always alter everything--ha. I wonder if that means I cannot actually follow a recipe!! I think I will make some bean burgers as well. Leftovers were all cleaned out today. Lots of vegetables to clean and prep. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be cooking days.

    Watching Downton. Wonder what will be wrapped up tonight??


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent most of the day resting on my bed as my ribs are so sore from coughing! We have appointments with our Primary Care Doctor tomorrow for our quarterlies, but I think this is nothing more than an old fashioned cold so I hope after seven days it will disappear! Mike's son is stopping by in the morning to spend an hour with us. Too bad he is returning to NY the same day! DA is on and I missed 1/2 hour so g'night!
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    The children are waiting so it must be bedtime. :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2016
    Lin have the same problems I just look at the recipe and used what I have on hand. But so far everything i cook tasted fantastic. I made 15 beans today. . oh was it ever good. Oh I dearly love my beans. and my IP too. Don/t know why it took me so long to get started on It.
    Glad i just have me to please.Jerry keeps on eating his TV dinners. Maybe next Sunday will cook him a pot roast in the IP I need to used up the meats i have frozen. i did cut the roast in half before freezing them. <3 -M
    PS I got into a smaller size pants today. I have had them in my closet for the longest for they have been to small for me and today the fit just right. I had a blouse on yesterday and It fit came down over my hips Before it was too snugged around the waist. So i am doing great.
  • Such good news from Marie! We are sitting at the very front of along, (by now) traffic jam. A tractor trailer was on fire. Oh, were moving! Night. Phoebe
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    The children are waiting so it must be bedtime. :)

    Love the picture Barbie. Nice family. Meanwhile, where is your bed? The fur babies all look pretty comfortable. My male Siberian used to make a disgusted sound when I wanted more room in my bed. He'd voice his displeasure and often would jump down and leave the room in protest. Ha.

    Hope you're getting some rest.

    Marie, we are so much the same. Thanks for letting me know I am not the only substituting cook.

    Phoebe, hope the roads are clear now and all is well.

    Buzz, that is one terrible cold. Do you have cough syrup??? Maybe your doctor will have a suggestion.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2016
    Barbie I hope all four of you had a nice rest last night. looks like it might ave been pretty crowded. Angel and Caliecat used to both sleep with us . We never did let Sammie. sleep with us.

    Hi Lin and Phoebe. Things are going great
    had a couple NSV yesterday got into a pair of jeans that i never could wear for being too tight. and a blouse I made years years ago. it was too tight too. tried on a month ago and could not get it below my waist Yesterday it rested comfortably down to my hips my hips
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. back into the old routine and although I had a lovely week away with friends and lots of pampering, it's so nice to be home, well that is until a morning walk in howling gale and driving rain.... I can do without that but unfortunately George can't!! Just time to congratulate Marie not only on the weight loss but inches too. Clever girl, that's amazing and obviously your current regime is working perfectly.

    I expect I'll catch up properly through the week but at the moment must finish unpacking, sorting washing and then a quick trip to the post office as I'm out of stamps.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Taking a re-charge/re-focus month (with the family's blessing). This isn't something I typically do, but I was just overdue for it. Basically, no TV (except pre-recorded planned stuff), no alcohol, no processed foods and limited outings. I've been so excited for this month to begin! It may sound strange, but every now and then, unplugging (sort of) can be a wonderful feeling. The family benefits from the better meal prep and a more pleasant, focused me. I benefit by actually getting things done that normally keep getting put off because of unnecessary busyness and distractions. It's a time to build new, better habits. Woo hoo February! Will keep you posted on how this goes. :)
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning all,
    Marie. What a great loss of weight and inches. I am not really sure what your meals consist of. Can you post a couple days of breakfast, lunch, and dinners so I can try some of them.

    The last 2 days it's been snowing a little and more to come. Today icy On the driveway.

    I've been telling you about my son's weight loss, he has lost 55 lbs so far. He's on his way to 100. He's been helping me with his be happy attitude About life and weight loss.

    My day today:
    Breakfast. Steel cut oatmeal and black coffee.
    Lunch. Salad with egg, slice ham, tomato,aand cucumber.
    Snack. Apple
    Dinner. Hamburger patty, lettuce, tomato, onion with mustard.
    Snack cup of fruit maybe yogurt.

    That's the plan anyway.

    Leslie sansone exercise tape later.

    Be happy and pay it forward
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello, I bet you gals can't guess what I've been doing! Clue........6 deg right now, I believe that's about 44 deg F. I've been outside for 1 hour GARDENING! On February 1st in Canada! A first for me! I didn't get around to it last fall but the catmint has been running amok. So much so I was afraid the little snowdrops wouldn't show through all the roots and dead foliage. Guess what!! There they where, or at least the little green spears. Usually they don't show before the end of February! So there you are girls, spring is just around the corner! Everything appeared to be showing small buds including the catmint. I've dug what I can up, but I won't be surprised if it fights back and is in bloom come May.

    It's JACKIES birthday tomorrow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow, birthday girl! There was me thinking you are a winter baby, but you're not you're SPRING!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh, it's CHRIS'S birthday as well. Another spring baby! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS. Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am off to the big hospital to get one of my eye injections. It is always rather nerve wracking but it keeps my peepers working! Yea!

    We are having typical Oregon late winter/spring rain-sun-cold-wind days. Not my favorite but comforting, somehow, that it is typical. Change is scary. Hahahaha. The deer and squirrels are brazenly coming around just like they own the place. Our huge elk herd is edging closer and closer. They can just wipe out a garden and flower beds in just a few minutes. They even pull up the roots of the roses. Also that myth about hanging bars of soap on the rose bushes to keep deer away...forget that! Save your soap for your own bathing. The deer pay no attention.

    Feeling sort of creeky again today. I will try to get in a bit of stretches and calisthenics before I head out to get my injection.
    Congratulations to Marie on her weight loss!
    Yea Anne! Gardening in Febuary! I have some spearmint that is vigorous under all conditions. It cannot be removed or killed. Oddly the deer are not interested in a bit of mint with their lunch.
    Happy happy birthday to Jackie and Chris.
    Marcella, your unplugged and recharge month sounds great. Seeking a calm and anxiety free month sounds wonderful. I just have no idea how one goes about achieving that!

    Phoebe, every big truck I see I always look for you, Honey, your kittie, And Jim. Do you ever go through Oregon-Washinton?

    Love you all. You are all the best friends a girl could have!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chris check this link out. it is where I post about My plan

    it is very similar to what Lin is on. i am following the Starch Solution by Dr. John Mcdougall
    i am strictly amazed by it. I have just been on it a month. All these years i have been bouncing back an forth, lose a little gain a bunch. For a month now I have either lost or remain the same. Not one oz of gain. It is a very satisfying plan for me. Vegan is a way to go. for me.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) House is clean, laundry is done and Robby is home. He was funny today in wanting to help my cleaning girl clean, he loved pushing the vacuum. She is young and has a daughter of her own so she was nice enough to let him help.

    Everyone is doing well especially Marie with her new plan and welcome back Jackie.
    Mondays are always the hardest after staying up late over the weekend so just wanted to check in and say hi.

    Hope your day went well.
    One Day at a Time