Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Somehow I missed LIN's original story about her compromised credit card; what a pain! We probably all have had that experience at one time or another, and nowadays, it is altogether too common! I have stopped memorizing the account numbers any longer as my cards keep getting replaced because one store or another was not careful about their account holders information! Even though my Wireless has a long password, I don't know how safe anything is anymore! I wish you luck, dear LIN!
    SANDY, Didn't your Dr also tell you you are better off with an extra 5 pounds rather than being underweight by 5 pounds! I believe it holds true for over 55 years of age. Just in case of illness, etc., to help us fight whatever off! what Also, you look stupendous exactly as you are, so why want scrawny?
    My ribs feel so much better, but the nose gets stuffy and I get sleepy, so now dinner is done, I may try early bedtime.MARIE, PATSY, PHOEBE, ANNE, MARCELLA, SHIRLEY and please forgive me if I missed your name (!) , my hugs to ALL our friends, and somehow I just fell asleep so it must be a hint! Oh my, after 10 PM!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thank you so much for the happy birthday wishes. The graphics are all delightful. Being 67 is not a good number but of course inevitable, plus of course the alternative is not an option to contemplate!! My day was quiet and enjoyable with a small get together in the evening with friends. Definitely gone are the days I'd party into the night!

    Buzz ~ My time away was relaxing rather than any sort of adventure but as ever the beautiful countryside of Wales with its green, green hills dotted with wooly white sheep that looked as if they'd just enjoyed a spin in a washing machine they were so CLEAN.... must be all that rain!! The spa hotel had pool, sauna, hot tub and games room as well as treatment rooms for massages etc. Just before we left I managed to squeeze in a session to tidy my eyebrows having discovered how difficult that job is once wearing glasses. They're so tidy now I can hardly see them so might invest in a pair of your artificial stick-ons!! I know you've visited our Cotswolds so may well know Tewkesbury and its glorious Abbey. My last day before heading home was spent in that town with a stroll around the Abbey grounds where the snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses were in full bloom, then lunch in a charming bistro before a brisk walk back to my friend's home.

    Sandy ~ Lin is right, that last 5 lbs won't do you any favours and in fact will probably have an adverse affect on your resolve to stay healthy.... you know what I mean with the extra glass of wine or larger portions. That can be a slippery slide when you look stunning as you are.

    Lin ~ What a nightmare your card compromise is turning out to be. Banks are pretty good these days at recognising changes in patterns of use with credit cards but what we now have in the UK is scammers pretending to be the bank phoning to warn of a problem and then asking for security details so it's got to the point where banks are broadcasting warnings on tv. There's no end to it and unfortunately we all end up suspicious and cynical about any and all messages!!

    Anne ~ That must be a record gardening at the end of January although I know from my own experiences how long Canadian winters can draw on so you won't be safe from snow until early April. I walked with George on my own today and at the end of the stroll got chatting to a local man who had the most gorgeous Westie puppy that raced around with George doing zoomies. The gentleman told me he and his wife wanted to move off the moors because the weather has altered so much in the past few years they feel they're constantly surrounded by fog, rain and wind and although he's lived there all his life it's making him feel depressed.... milder weather taking its toll again!

    Phoebe ~ As ever I feel extremely jealous of your "resting" in California, it sounds so exotic!! Safe journey home when you do set off.

    I'm missing many of you today but must prepare a light lunch before going out to do a bit of grocery shopping so wish you all a happy and healthy Wednesday.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited February 2016
    SANDY, must add my tuppence worth of knowledge based on my own experience of weight loss. I wanted to be my 20 year old weight again. I had just about achieved this when I joined the Sneakers, but do you remember me asking advice about hair loss about 2 years ago? I was quite worried because it was coming out whenever I brushed it in more than normal amounts, and clogging the drains after washing! Then around last September I put back on 5 lbs and I'm not in any great rush to lose it again because my hair is now back to its normal shaggy self. I would rather have the hair than the slim me I had achieved to its detriment. I THINK it was the reduced fat in the diet I was following. You are just a gorgeous looking lady as you are judging by the photos you posted. Anyway I hope you don't mind me joining LIN, JACKIE, and BUZZ. All, super advice.

    LIN I am so sorry about the credit card. This new world is paradise for these parasites. Somehow I've managed without a credit card all these years. Sure, it can be inconvenient, but I get by with debit card or cash. I know, I still live in the dark ages, throwback that I am.

    Well it's going to be an amazing plus 14 deg. C today. It was minus 16 deg. C last year. However we slide down to plus 2 tomorrow with maybe snow overnight. The weather sure ain't boring!

    I lost you all this morning, anyway here we are back in business. This too is like the weather, on or off, never boring!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well i got a problem with my debit card this morning pay pal sent me a email saying my card has expire and on the card it says good till 2/17 i call my bank and they said yes it was still good till next year so I sent the Email to Paypal and they will let me know if it was a fake or not so waiting on an email from Pay pal/ Can't be to careful now days
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends,
    Lin. So sorry about your credit card, I can't imagine what you have to go through now.

    Sandy. I agree with the other gals, as we get older we need to keep an extra 5 lbs incase of illness. I've seen where a person got sick lost 10 lbs and was so thin and sick for a long time.

    Jackie. Happy birthday to you and mr. Hope your day was a good one. I turned 69 and that's not bad.......yet.

    I got lots of phone calls and texts for my birthday. DH took me to dinner. Kids are coming Saturday to celebrate .

    Marie. I went to the library to get the book forks over knives but it was out but they are ordering it for me. I used their computer and got some recipes. I am trying a curry one today. Thanks.

    My day today:
    Visit with friends
    Breakfast boiled egg, apple, rice cake.
    Lunch. Salad
    Snack. fruit or raw veggies with hummus
    Dinner. Curry/rice

    Happy feet today (exercise)

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning everyone! I think we are all extremely weary of the digital world. I am so unfamiliar with computers and Internet problems, I have to get assistance from John or our son for all but the most basic of transactions. My brain simply cannot adjust to all the apps and software. I am about 20 years behind at all times.

    We are watching the new Tom Hanks spy movie. It is historical and based on real facts. "The Bridge of Spies" Takes place in the 50s, the art direction is fabulous. The story is glacially passed. I dozed off and really had not missed anything. Not a good sign! I will finish it with John tomorrow.

    Our weather is dismal! We are all dreaming of sunny warm weather. I fear those little ground hogs were wrong this year. Their prediction of an early spring seems unlikely.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Catching up before taking Mike for his "annual" haircut!!! He's upstairs singing in the chorus but promised to come right down afterwards as tomorrow he turns 92! He loves talking about becoming 92, but never stops complaining about his heart giving out! He's actually amazing as far as cardiac health goes, but refuses to take his diabetes seriously. Oh, dear! I must make his card while he's not here, so have a great day. Oh yes, I,too, will get a haircut. I feel like I'm carrying around a rat's nest on top of my head!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2016

    We spent Monday and Tuesday at Isaac's house to see how he is progressing. He is making faces
    now and thinks he is pretty funny. He interacted with Dave's mom alot, it was so cute to see.
    We went to story telling at the library on Tuesday morning and there were 9 kids and moms there around
    Isaac's age. It was fun to see him interact with the other kids and he went right up front to hear the

    Here's a picture of him in the blue shirt

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Cute as a button, Shirley
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2016
    Chris I read some of fork over knives but I finally settle on Starch Solution by Dr. John Mcdouall i been hoppin around from one plant diet to another. But settle on Starch solution for I love beans and potatoes. and i can eat till I am full and I do.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Blood work done: check Teeth Cleaned: check Cleaning Supplies bought: check Saying hello to my sneaker friends: check Tonight is bingo and I could really use a win.
    I am listening to all of you and thanking you for the compliments. Seeing as I have been trying to lose those last 5 pounds for about 5 years I think I will be fine. I am comfortable with the weight I am, just would like the number to say something different, it is a vanity thing. I have seen women who are too thin and agree they do not look healthy, however I think it is because they don't take care of themselves. We are smarter no matter what our weight says and that is why we all get along so well. Love you sneakers!!!

    Shirley, Issac is so darn cute and look how nice he is sitting listening to the story. Not sure Robby can sit still that long, but I could be wrong. I have ordered him a toy vacuum and a toy kitchen set. I am trying to just keep him busy while he is here. Once his mom and dad get a house they can have all of my toys. LOL

    Buzz, you mean you are cutting off all that beautiful hair?? Wow, how amazing that Mike will be 92 tomorrow, will there be a celebration in the dining room? Had I known sooner I would have put a card in the mail, so you will have to let him read all his birthday wishes on our sneakers page so he knows we are thinking of him.

    Patsy, I am hoping that groundhog was correct, this weather is more than depressing. I want to be able to take Robby outside and get some fresh air. Although our winter has been mild, I am still anxious for summer.

    Chris, sounds like you had a great birthday with more celebrating over the weekend. I do wish my kids lived closer to me, being with family is so much fun.

    Anne, scary stuff in losing your hair, I am glad you found the source and have your beautiful hair back again.

    Marie, it could be that you forgot to update the expiration date on Pay Pal. I have to remember to do that when I get a new card after the old one expires. Check the website and see if that might be the problem.

    Jackie, your trip sounds wonderful and relaxing. I bet little George missed you and was happy to see you. I know what you mean if I gave myself permission to eat or drink more if I ever lost the 5 pounds. I think what I really mean is that I fluctuate a few pounds and if I lost the last 5 then it wouldn't bother me so much. I am just again being silly, I will listen to all of you.

    Time is marching away and I am hoping to ride my bike before bingo. Have to check on some things on the internet and of course catch up with my games. Will be back tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Buzz- Say happy birthday to your special man tomorrow for me. :)
    Don't get your hair cut too short, I like the way it is now. :)

    Happy Birthday Mike!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited February 2016
    HAPPY 92nd BIRTHDAY MIKE!!! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi Sneakers – another busy day here. I stayed home as everything froze on the roads and sidewalks last night and we got a bit more snow as well. I did finally put on my Yak Trax, got my walking stick with the pointed tip, and dressed up in my winter layers with my panic button, a cell phone and my mailbox key and set off to check for mail. Made it with no misadventures and was rewarded with that 1099 I had been hoping to see.

    I made a few phone calls today and found out the poorly worded letter from my cable TV provider actually means nothing for me. The letter had said without their box or adapter I would not be able to receive their TV service. Poorly worded indeed. As long as I can see digital channels now I don’t need any additional equipment (and of course there were associated fees).

    Later I received a FedEx letter and YES YES YES----I had a new credit card. I spent the rest of the afternoon, getting the card authorized and working through the list of monthly charges I have billed to that card and getting the information updated. Also finally got PayPal updated. Interesting that you can add a new credit card in most of these instances but you cannot delete the old one. Anyway, I think I’m down to the accounts that charge annually and there’s only one I that I need to call proactively. I believe I can wait closer to renewal to take care of the others. The rest will just be the companies from which I regularly order who have my information on file. I’ll work those one by one.

    Phoebe, I had considered Identity Theft and have been checking a number of my accounts each day to make sure no $$ have disappeared. I probably should check my other credit cards, I don’t know if everyone is as vigilant regarding charges. Otherwise, I have my credit frozen with all three Credit Bureaus the last time round and never unfroze it so no new accounts can be opened I don’t think. There are no assets in my dad’s name now and I have no idea how I could guard against someone using his social security number and information. Any hints?

    Buzz, happy birthday to Mike.


    And I hope you both received haircuts that you are pleased with. I usually need a week or so to settle in to the change as each time I get a haircut it's always a bit different.

    Jackie, your trip sounds just perfect to me (perhaps with the exception of the scant eyebrows). I am currently reading “Notes from a Small Island: An Affectionate Portrait of Britain” by Bill Bryson and am finding his tales entertaining although since I have no knowledge of the rail system, roads, hotels, places, monuments, stores, and products I am certainly missing a lot, I still find it enjoyable. I was imaging the blooming flowers you mentioned as I was reading your post. Is that very early for these flowers?

    Anne, I hope you do not receive a full dose of the winter weather tomorrow. I need to get out and do a few errands tomorrow. I will be pleased if the wind is not as strong as today. I am glad you found a cure for the hair loss. You really do have A LOT of hair. As I comb or brush my bits of hair I typically hurt my skull as there is not enough hair to cushion the impact. Ha. Meanwhile, I have been watching old DVDs (1970's) of “The Last of the Summer Wine” from the library. Now is that the way you would speak Anne? I have to work to try to understand what they are saying many times. If I watch an episode several times, I understand much more. I am wondering if it is the way that they speak or if it is that I have hearing loss and cannot distinguish words well now. Or a mix of the two?

    Marie, I hope you have your debit card all straightened out. I am always getting emails from PayPal on my email account that is NOT the address I use with my account. Most of them are threatening that they will suspend my account if I don’t verify account information or something. All of those are phony and someone is just trying to get me to login to their bogus site and they’ll grab my PayPal login information which then gives them my credit card info etc. So far, I’ve been able to sort these out easily but now I hover over the address of the sender and often find in many emails that it is not from the company but some totally strange domain. Keeps us on our toes doesn't it?

    Chris, that sounds like a very nice birthday celebration. And lovely to have another celebration coming up this weekend. A dinner with curry and rice. Sounds very good.

    Patsy, did you ultimately enjoy the movie? I suspect that’s another movie I’ll request from the library unless you say it is toooooo boring to tolerate. Regarding any Groundhog predictions, I never believe anything. I just expect more winter. Always.

    Shirley, oh my goodness, look at that little guy smiling and focusing on what is going on. Love it. He is having such fun. Thanks for sharing the picture.

    Sandy, I hope you’re enjoying Bingo this evening and that you get a WIN! You’ve gotten so many things accomplished. Great checklist. And lucky Robby with lots of new toys on the way. So you’re ready to give up all the toys. Kidding? Meanwhile, are they looking for a house? Or is that further down the line.

    Back to a bit of reading. I have my list of errands for tomorrow ready. I am going to have a nice shower in the morning and hack off all unwanted hair from various areas (sorry, TMI). It takes quite a while though with fuzzy vision, especially for facial hair. Really, it’s a major chore now.

    So nice to hear from everyone. Hugs.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    No LIN, you aren't suffering from hearing loss, that's how they speak "up North" in my old neck of the woods, ee bah gum (oh my word) yes!

    Talking of hair, I once took my then wee boys to a barber, and the barber said "they've got very thick hair, is their father the chap with the very thick hair who comes in?" I said yes, he was, then he looked at me and said "ee you've got a fair bit yourself". I came out of the shop feeling like the gorilla family! Mine isn't as thick now, but the "boys" at 51 and 54 have hair that is so thick that it feels like a thick sponge if you pat them on the head! And their dad at 80 is the same. He was known as "rag mop" in his youth, and my nickname was "bushy" at school.

    I don't think little Isaac will shed any tears when he starts kindergarten SHIRLEY. He looks a very happy gregarious little man.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello all,

    Happy Birthday to Mike!!!

    We've been as busy as can be. Looking forward to an easier day tomorrow as Ed is taking the 4 grandsons ice fishing. What will I do ???? Hmmmm

    Trying so hard to to get in my steps and exercise as well. I actually did about 15 minutes of weights tonight. First time in a long long time.

    We booked a trip to Naples later this month for a week. We'll be staying with friends. Should be lots of fun.

    I've been on weight watchers now for just over a month I think. I am really liking it. It fits with how I like to eat.

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  • Happy birthday to Mike Big 92!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) We haven't had a credit card compromised since we were on a long trip and something happened when we tried to use our card in Gallup, NM at the campground we were staying in. We waited at that campground for an extra day til a new card was sent by FedEx. Our recent adventure was that our bank was sold or something to another bank and although there was a very well organized change over process, I still had to contact all our automatic deposit and withdrawal accounts to give them the new routing number. Every account was different---some were super easy and could be done on the computer, several required that I set up a new log in to a website, one let me delete the old bank account but then would let me add a credit card but not a new bank account, one could be done only by phone, and the worst one gave me a phone number and after I waited on hold for 20 minutes told me she could mail me the form and then I could mail it back or I could find the form on the website and then mail it back. I'm going to like the new bank but the change over was terrible.

    :) Sandy, In 2010, I got down to 110 pounds and was wearing size 4 jeans and was delighted. Then three different health care professionals told me that my weight was too low and was dangerous for me since I was over 65 and had some bone density issues. It broke my heart to have to gain weight. I followed directions and added some weight slowly and each time I went to the doctor, she told me to put on a few more pounds. I sadly gave away my size four jeans and kept my weight where they suggested. Now my weight stays between 123 and 126 and I continue to be vigilant about what I eat allowing myself occasional relaxing when out of town (which is infrequent). I wear size 6 jeans for dress up and line dancing and size 8 for dog walking and hanging around the house. I tell people that weighing 110 was something on my bucket list and I enjoyed it like others might enjoy a trip to Fiji or some other exotic location and now I'm home in my real life with great memories.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2016
    Happy Thursday!! :) Hooray, I won part of a bingo game and a pull tab for a total of $117.
    Today is my meeting and a stop at the dollar store for some cards. I didn't sleep as long as I would have liked but it seems the older I get the less sleep I get. yawn!!!!

    Barbie, I think we are the same height at 5"2" but I am older than you. My weight is between 130 and 132 which is good but like you I would enjoy getting down to 125 even if for a short time. I am not as diligent as you so for example at bingo we eat too much junk food so I don't think I have to worry about getting too thin, it just is a dream. lol

    Even if I got down to 125 I would still have wrinkles and dimples so not sure what I would accomplish. lol. Robby loves to play with the skin on my hands, he pulls it at my knuckles and other parts. The joys of growing old, still better than the alternative.

    Jeri, I hardly get 5000 steps in a day, that is why I ride my bike. I wish my Fitbit recorded bike movement but it doesn't, I have to put it in manually.

    Anne, I wish I had more hair, there are so many cute hairstyles for thick hair.

    Lin, I too, hover over email addresses if I don't know who it is from. I delete more than I open because I don't trust anyone I don't know. I have even got spam from friends that I don't open because of the subject matter. I then email them and tell them to change their password to stop the spam.

    Time for breakfast and to get moving. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time