Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Feeling better, still got the headache.
    Buzz, such a big decision, Mike depends on you, and that can be stressful, but how would you feel if he wasn't with you? Maybe you both can arrange to spend more time in this other place to make it more familiar.
    Lin, that sounds sad and stressful for both of your friends. Parkinson's can cause some strong emotions as well. Sounds like the wife is in denial a bit. Much like my aunt. I get updates from her daughter, and I take everything else with a grain of salt.
    Have a good night
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Evening,

    Have a lot more energy today. And Buzz, I did have a nap.

    Buzz - hard decisions to be made, now or in the future. Big hugs my dear.

    Phoebe - glad you are starting to feel better.

    Shirley - Love your profile picture. So sweet.

    Sandy - Everytime I see you riding your bike for an hour I am so impressed. I have to force myself to do 30 minutes. Sorry your rotor cuff is acting up. Nasty stuff. As my Mom used to say "Getting Old isn't for Sissies" Not that I am going to admit that any of us are getting old.

    We haven't had a chance to go over and see our grandkids since we came back. The flu has been circulating around Melanie's house and Melissa works during the day so the weekend will be the best time to see them. Miss them all.

    Thinking of heading down to Florida for a week in February. We have friends who are renting a house and they want us to come and stay with them for a week. We just might. We'll see. Some of it will be determined as to how my sister is making out. She is in the hospital tonight and tomorrow night. Trying out a new heart medication which has some very serious side effects. Hope all goes well for her. Love that girl. She has been doing quite well actually. Her pleural fluid has not been building up as much and has not had it withdrawn for 3 weeks now and still feels pretty good. Sure hope this is how it will be in the future. That was one of the hopes with the cancer medication that it would stop that fluid building up.

    I'm back at using Weight Watchers again to record my foods. So far so good. Their site though is just awful in my mind. I like the new program. Most fruits and vegetables are free and lean meats count low as well. Really just the way I like to eat. I haven't lost much weight yet as the trip to Washington was a plateau. But, at least I didn't gain any weight while I was there. Usually a trip down there is a cause for me to lose weight as my sister doesn't cook much but this time I did all the cooking. LOL

    Time to head to bed. Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow.

    Hugs to all,


  • Nothing from Anne since 1-25. Hope you're OK!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes, I'm okay and the bruises are fading from when I took the trip over the small electric heater which was on whilst the furnace was off. I've been popping in here though and am sort of in shock from all the bad news that everyone has been posting since the start of the new year. BUZZ has a terrible decision to make. A friend of ours is in the same situation. John finally caved and put his wife Lil into extensive care after coping with Alzheimer's. Then after a few weeks, and against all advice, he's taken her out again. This is in Australia where it is apparently hard to find a place in the first place and then you start at the bottom of the list again.
    The same day I flew over the heater, another friend took a nose dive in the UK coming home from tests at the hospital and probably disoriented. My cousin in Australia tripped head first into a rose bush this week! All this tripping of us over 70s made me decide to remove the rug from under the coffee table. So I now have a safer living room if a less inviting one.
    PATSY lost her precious pet and a member of our family lost Tala the sweetest little pug who developed paralysis in her legs from a back problem. is a new day, PHOEBE is feeling better, BUZZ will make a good decision based on advice and the sensible lady she is. JERI has happy news about her sister, MARIE is doing so well on her plant based diet and everyone else is bouncing along so goodbye to January and hello soon-to-be February.
    My geraniums are still alive! Amazing after the deep freeze when the furnace blew!
    I'm still eating an apple a day from the wonder trees. About 2 weeks left!
    Bye from Anne, hopefully ever the optimist!
  • Thank you, Anne, for checking in. Your absence was Noticed! I'm sorry to hear about your fall, and your friends and family members too. A rose bush sounds like a bad place to land but it could be worse! It could have been a cactus. OK, maybe not. I wonder if the man who pulled his wife from care did it for himself more than anything else. Seeing instances where men are the caregiver, they seem to form habits and don't like changes. I still miss my uncle who neglected his own needs to care for his wife. He passed before her.
    Much better today and much to do.
    Have a great as it can be day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good mornin Sneakers read all the post and glad to hear Anne for posting was beginning to get worried about her.

    Just as you IP owners knew I would, I love my IP cooker. have cook 3 times in it perfect every time.
    I will be cooking me a mess of potato today.. Made rice yesterday to go in my soup. I am doing great of the starch solution plant base diet. For I love potatoes any way you can fix them. This morning I am going to try to make water fried hash browns with onions
    Talk to you all later
    Have a great day.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. It's so nice to be home and getting back into a more normal routine. Today is errand day. So, I'm off to pick up my farm fresh milk, eggs and veggies.

    Anne - Happy to hear that you are on the mend. Bad heater! I hate when they just jump out in front of us like that!
    Buzz - Will be thinking about you and Mike and remembering the two of you in prayer. I just have to think that no matter what decisions are made, he will ultimately know how very much you care about him.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) I have my meeting today and then grocery shopping. I did not win at bingo and because of what I ate I gained a pound from salt. As Anne said today is a new day so hopefully for weigh in I will have lost the pound I gained. Question for all of you, as morbid as it sounds have any of you ever heard of the Neptune Society? After being at my uncle's funeral I am thinking of my own and heard that this society takes care of all of the arrangements making it easier on the family. I have emailed my children for their advice but wondered if anyone here can add anything. I hope to be around for a long time but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

    Buzz, that will be the hardest decision you will probably ever make, so be sure to get informed and do what you think is best for Mike. We are here for support but the final decision is yours and the doctors. Love you sweetie!!

    Jeri, glad your sister is doing a little better, will pray for continued good health.

    Phoebe, sickness doesn't keep you down for long, glad you are able to get things done today.

    Marie, sounds like you got that pot conquered and now can make all those delicious meals.

    Marcella, my errand day as well and today if I remember I think I will try Aldi's.

    Lin, your friends are in an impossible situation. My cousin had to put her father in a nursing home because he was falling and getting hurt in her home. It was for his own safety.

    Anne, it has not been a good month for you or your friends, February will be better and then Spring should be right behind with warmer weather and sunshine which we all need again.

    I was worried about Jackie but just remembered she is on vacation, thank goodness.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello All,

    Anne - my goodness - how scary. Glad you ar on the mend. I am such a klutz I am always tripping over something or almost slipping down the stairs (which I have done).

    Marie - I knew you'd love your IP once you got going with it. I like how fast it cooks things. I have been eating a delicious vegetable soup this week that was so good.

    Weight loss Soup
    ½ head of cabbage, chopped
    1 cup celery, diced
    1 cup white or yellow onion, diced
    1 cup carrots, diced
    1 green bell pepper, diced
    2-3 cloves garlic, minced
    4 cups chicken broth
    14 oz can basil, oregano, garlic diced tomatoes
    1 teaspoon oregano
    1 teaspoon basil
    ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes (I omitted the pepper flakes but added salsa after it was cooked)
    few shakes of black pepper
    ½ teaspoon salt (optional)
    Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in IP.
    Add celery, onions, bell peppers, and carrots.
    Saute until slightly tender.
    Stir in garlic.
    Pour in chicken broth.
    Stir in tomatoes and cabbage.
    Stir in seasonings.
    Put in IP on soup for 15 minutes. Adjust seasoning if desired.

    Serve and enjoy!

    Added package of mushrooms.  Sliced thinly and sautéed for about 10 minutes. After it was done I also added salsa and a little bit of cooked chicken. Yummy.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh here is a picture I took on our drive across the mountains.

    So pretty.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I had a small discussion with the head nurse here, who declared I am in denial about Mike's condition, and he would have to be admitted to the Alzheimer's unit, not assisted living! They worry he would wander or come to harm . I cannot really believe it! I've seen far worse cases where the spouse remains in the home. well, we'll be talking about whatever it is I seem to be missing next week, preferably when his son is here!
    SANDY, indeed I have information about the Neptune Society! We signed up a couple of weeks ago, and it sounds to us like the ideal thing. You must be aware it is cremation, and not everyone is comfortable with that, but we have made arrangements to have our ashes scattered 3 miles over the ocean, and the cost was reasonable by most funeral standards, and it is not necessary to pay for costly caskets, etc, and we have received lovely wood boxes containing things our kids might need, like thank you cards, and so forth. They also contain the small box that will hold our ashes. They will take care of everything involved so our kids don't have to make decisions. I'm relieved we finally made the decision to get it over with!
    ANNE, I'm so sorry we sound so negative, and I guess reading it all it does indeed sound like all bad news, but remember how we all bounce back with support from one another, and---LIFE MARCHES ON :)o:) !!!
    JERI, Oh my gosh, how does it feel to be living in such gorgeous surroundings! Awesome!
    LIN, I guess I am grateful I don't have anything more debilitating than mu stupid knee! I feel sorry for your poor friend and her dilemma !
    PHOEBE dear , how is you ear infection? I hope it is gone today! You are so right about men hating change! That's part of what worries me re: Mike! Also, and I'm sure SANDY dealt with this at he separation...we do not want to hurt the men we love; yet it is impossible to continue dealing with our own depression!
    MARCELLA, thank you for your support and thoughts.
    MARIE, you are Miss Adaptable, without a doubt! And always with such great attitude!
    Spoke to my dear Sister a short time ago, and she said there was a chance they will be able to visit next year for a few days. Her daughter married a delightful man with 5 children, and the weddings take up all their travel time and finances. I have told them we will take a guest suite for their visit, just so we can see them again. They moved from Boston to Fort Collins, CO, and the thought of never seeing her again is more than I care to think about! So it's something nice to look forward to!
    Dinner time. All I seem to do is think about food, even though I haven't eaten much today. I had the annual housecleaning today and everything sparkles. Wish they would do it monthly!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Th Oh my how lovely Jeri q mhat a sight to see. Thanks for showing us how the rest of the world looks like. never seen nothing like that before. I found that the soup I been making taste like they have simmer all day in the ip.So good. I have put my crock pot up for awhile. We went to a new store today. It is call Windows and there veggies are cheaper than Walmart in fact everything seems cheaper.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening friends –

    Jeri, beautiful picture and nice soup recipe. I didn’t know there was a soup button, I’ll have to check that out. (I just did—amazing!!) I use manual most of all and then sauté second most. I do love my IP. I cooked carrots this morning, then cauliflower. Took little time and now I have nice leftover veggies in my refrigerator. I hope you are able to have a week in Florida but I understand having to wait and see how your sister is doing.

    Anne, nice to hear from you and glad your bruises are healing up. Oh, and I found out my library has ordered the Bill Bryson book that you read. I just read the one about growing up in Des Moines. Although I did not grow up here, I was born in 1951, as was he, and I found many things he writes about very familiar. And of course, places and businesses he mentions, for the most-part, are familiar or at least I’d heard of them. So it was a good read for me. I may not find much that I understand in other books---I also checked out “Notes from a Small Island” and so far, I’ve read a few pages and find everything totally foreign to me.

    Marie, I am glad you are enjoying your IP now. You mentioned reading “The Starch Solution.” Did you know that you can sign up for webinars with Dr. McDougall for free? I am on the mailing list and they send me an email about the upcoming webinar and I usually sign up. They are normally on Thursday at 1pm Central Time. He was talking about the starches today. He tends to wander onto all kinds of other things but it is interesting and they are free! And I have never heard of that store you mentioned, it sounds like a place to shop each week.

    And Buzz, yes, Dr. MacDougall has a very specific program but it’s not like paleo. It is whole food plant based. He advocates most of your daily calories from starches, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, corn, rice, etc. And some non-starchy vegetables and fruit. He is totally opposed to any type of animal product and definitely NO oil or nuts and seeds etc. He believes the diet should be low fat. He is leading a vacation group next week and they are going to Hawaii. He said this is the last time they will have an expedition there. They will go to other locations in the future. I had heard of the Neptune Society but didn’t really know anything about it so thank you. I was looking for a group where you could just pre-pay a funeral but there isn’t a group here in this state. And I hope you can have a productive conversation next week. In time you will be able to make a decision.

    Sandy, did you stop by Aldi’s today? Often when I go out to do my grocery shopping they are not open so often think about how I’d like to stop but it doesn’t work out. You asked some time ago if my cough had gotten better and yes, it has. I’m back to just my regular chronic sinus issues. Thank you for asking. And yes, Jackie is on vacation, but I don’t remember when we should expect her back? This weekend?

    Marcella, welcome home. I hope you got your shopping out of the way. It always feels good to get the everyday errands out of the way. Any pictures of your trip to post?

    Shirley, your walks sound like fun. I hope you and your DH are enjoying them. If I didn’t say so, I did like your last photo of Isaac. He is TALL! My goodness, he is springing up so quickly.

    Phoebe, I am glad you are feeling better. And I hope Jim is on the mend as well.

    Barbie, how is the one car system working out? Do you drive yourself to teach the dance classes? Or does Jake drop you off and go off to do errands until it’s time to pick you up? I have been thinking about my vehicles. I can see no reason to rid myself of either of them at this point. I’ll wait to see which one fails first. It would be nice to get rid of both of the older ones and buy one new vehicle but that would be very expensive so I’ll just wait and see.

    Well, my printer has stopped working so it’s time to zip upstairs to see if I can figure out what happened. I hope everyone is having an enjoyable evening.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy, I don't know about the Neptune society, but we have pre-paid for cremation and all it will take is a phone call when the time comes.

    :)Lin, Having one car works great for us. I drive myself to where I have to go (mostly line dance classes) and Jake drives himself to where he has to go (mostly lunch with his friends) and we sometimes do errands together and sometimes, the person who is out stops on the way home to do an errand. Today was dog grooming day, so Jake drove me to line dance class and went home. Later he drove the dogs to the groomer and picked me up at line dance. Later we went out together to go to the bank and the library and then picked up the dogs. One thing I like about it is that we talk more about our plans and how we can cooperate to get things done.

    :'(<3Buzz, I am sending hugs to you as you try to figure out the best and safest solution for you and Mike.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited January 2016
    <3 First it wouldn't post and then it posted twice....nobody understands computers
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good evening sneakers, hope all is well with everyone. Had a restless night so we decided to do errands and a quick lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. Eating half of my Thai chicken salad didn't put me over the top, so all is well. Came home to phone message of a Dr. appointment
    on Monday. Oooooops! Glad they called. The notice was in last year's calendar. I would have spaced it out completely. It was for that "lovely eye injection" I like so much. I may have mentioned this before. I started taking special eye vitamins about 6 months ago. When I went in last visit my eye sight in both eyes had improved dramatically. The doctor was dumbfounded.

    Both John and I and our MoMo are having a difficult time getting over Mazzys death. Our vet called and suggested we start thinking about another dog. Just thinking for right now. He thinks it might take a few months for the right time and the right adoption to happen. I never thought this would be so hard.

    The photo of the mountains and snowy road looks like Wyoming or the Alps. Dramatic and beautiful. We lived near Aspen for 15 years and those roads looked like a familiar site...beautiful and deadly scary! Can't tell you how many white knuckle trips we took over the passes. Breathtakingly beautiful!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member

    Hayride and elk while on our trip in Utah.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Thank you Marcella!! Love, love, love the pictures. <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    The photos are a joy Marcelle and so are yours Jeri.
    Hopefully I'm off to view new laptops or iPads today. This one is definitely on the way out.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    Wwonderful pictures Marcella some places are having winter, not us . I think the last count I had 75 today. Calls for a nice
