Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Finally home. It was a long drive - 2 days. Through snow, fog, slush and a few dry roads. Most of our trip was through the mountains so we picked the best days we could. Ed does the driving and I am glad.

    My sister is doing reasonably well. I took my IP and cooked her good nutritious meals that we all enjoyed very much. I am getting caught up with chores so I will make a beef stew in my IP tonight. It's cold and snowy so that sounds great.

    It rained and rained while we were in Washington but we've come home to snow. Not sure which I one is best.

    Sandra - sorry about your loss. Glad you made it home.

    I hear the dryer beeping - time to run.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    I see autocorrect has been at it. I meant sorry Sandy
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening , today my day went like this,
    Breakfast, egg
    Went to church, today was our annual meeting and pot luck after. I ate too much.
    Layed out fabric and batting and the quilt top. I pinned it together and will take my time sewing it together. After that I will put on the binding.

    Dinner was steel cut oatmeal.
    That's all.
    My son that suffers with seizures and memory loss went to church for the first time in a while. Pray for him. Thanks
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening

    Busy Sunday and as usual I was behind all day. A friend called and we ended up talking for more than an hour and a half. Nice discussion about many things but I have given up for the day. I am watching Downton now.

    Chris, I pray your son's health improves.

    Buzz, I hope you are making progress getting whatever approval you need regarding your wheelchair. I hope you are doing well this weekend.

    Sandy, glad your trip to the funeral was safe.

    Phoebe, glad you are home and I hope you find the crisper trays useful.

    Marie, best wishes on using your Instant Pot. I started quite slowly with mine.

    Patsy, thinking of you.

    Jeri, glad you are home and it was good of you to make good healthy meals for your sister. You are a treasure.

    Anne, I hope you had a lovely day.

    Wishing everyone well. You are wonderful friends. Hugs.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'(Patsy, I am so sorry to hear about Mazzy. I know how many things you did to make her life more comfortable.

    :'(Chris,I am sorry to hear about Poquito. Our fur babies are such and important part of our families.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello gang! I have a problem. I have had this plant for over 25 years. It is touching the ceiling. I don't know what it is but I do think it is a common plant. I see them everywhere really. But what can I do about this guy? It is pushing up on the ceiling. I think I need to repot it as well. I have a weird affection for it. There was a couple of years I even put Christmas lights on it. Any ideas? I know there are knowledgeable plant people among the sneakers.

    Football game is blasting out the action. I am trying to get busy and make some chili and cornbread for after the game. It is odd how John must have the game on really loud! Is this a guy thing? This only happens with ball games!

    Looked at the dogs in the animal shelter. Realizing now it is way way too soon.

    Marie, you are right on target with the ip. Be sure the little white arrow is pointed down. I sometimes forget that to check that. It takes a couple of times to get the real hang of it. I think each model is a bit different. Also I am sure your altitude must effect your cooking time. But I have found the ip is pretty safe! Good luck with your beans.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2016
    Wow, I actually stayed awake through the 2 episodes of Downton Abbey tonight, so I think I'm all caught up again. Wasn't the wedding sweet?
    PATSY, I think you need immediate help, but not knowing what kind of plant you have, it's a bit difficult giving advice! I'm sure it needs repotting if it is reaching the ceiling but still in the same pot for several years. It's so important to not injure the roots, and choose the proper potting soil for whatever the plant requires. You might end up getting 2 or 3 plants out of cutting back and re-rooting the cuttings, but I strongly suggest taking a leaf or 2 to the nursery where you will be buying the pot and soil and whatever fertilizer should go in, and ask help in determining what you need. I've grown plants into "trees" in my homes, but changed pots a minimum of every 9 months. I'd look carefully at the proportions to decide where you wish to have it branch out, as wherever you cut (using a very sharp , very clean knife), the plant will divide into at least 2, and possibly 3 branches. Sometimes it is better to cut fairly low on the main trunk so it doesn't become unbalanced too far up. If you also purchase a rooting material, you can pare the remaining cut part at several points (cut 2 or 3 sections) root them in water or loose soil until you are able to discern new roots, and the plant them in potting soil to enjoy more plants! My former homes were filled with many different plants I started in this way, and they were just beautiful. I had one Christmas cactus plant I re-rooted so many times every one in my family had gorgeous plants from it!
    When you keep cutting back, plants become full and luxurious. Generally, when they grow very tall without pruning back, they become somewhat spindly. Let us know how you progress with your tall plant...
    JERI, the news regarding your sister sound positive. How's your snow up there?
    PHOEBE, I think most people think of Georgia as being in the warm south, but I have experienced heavy snow there! It just melts sooner, I think. Folks here were shivering today in the 50s, down to 49 degrees at 11:20 PM now. I rather like it cool for a change. I drove my chair down to brunch today, but stayed away from areas with people and parked it in a corridor near the lobby to the dining room. I then used Mike's walker to get to the table. I practiced a bit with backing into an elevator while no one was around. Found it slightly confusing figuring left and right, but you deal with that with your rig every time you back into an area, right? So I expect it will become second nature for me, too. It drives with a joy stick in my right hand. And has variable speeds. Until I get certified, I'm sticking with slower speeds.
    SANDY, Uncle Joe sent you a very generous message! I suspect you have been very deserving, too, knowing how generous you've always been with your time! Sympathies for your loss, dear one!
    MARIE, what a lovely weight loss you had this month! Sounds like you finally found the right way for you! How is your sugar? And the kidneys? Are your eyes holding up? Hugs, sweetie!
    LIN, you are so considerate of everyone, dear friend. Glad you had a satisfying phone call, and didn't you enjoy Downton Abbey? I did order the DVDs, as I always miss some of the script without the subtitles. I'll watch the series at 2 or 3 sessions.
    Hiya, CHRIS, I understand how fretful it must be worrying about your dear son carrying out ordinary tasks that you want him to be able to enjoy. I wonder how GAYLA is making out, and how her son is progressing. Your son who successfully lost over 50 pounds so far is quite an inspiration to everyone!
    BARBIE, you didn't mention a thing about your condition and how the lower body/legs are coming along. Any improvement?
    I'll leave you all with a warning about computer security. One of my friends was sitting at her desk when her computer suddenly froze and the desktop turned black. Then a large white alert came on warning her she must call Microsoft immediately as she has a virus! The number it gave looked familiar, so she called. She received the number of an "associated" technical firm who would help fix the virus and any other problem she had, naming several nuisances she had been annoyed by the past few weeks. She called the company and was very impressed with the cleanup they performed, and when they offered her a yearly contract was only too happy to have found someone capable of keeping he computer so efficiently in good working order. I asked if she gave them her credit card number and---you guessed it! Yes, she did. I suggested strongly she go right to her phone, call her bank, and cancel her account after explaining the incident. She felt I was being unduly alarming, but did as I suggested.

    I got a call from her early this morning thanking me for my advice, as the bank recognized the scam immediately. So did HP when she called them at my suggestion. They went through her laptop and deleted a number of programs that had been planted! I have also been reading of alerts for viruses planted on smart-phones, iPads, etc, so be certain you update all Apple devices, as well as windows and Android devices. So many scams out there it's hard to keep up! I get calls every day purporting to be from DELL, even on my phone ID! Remember remember remember...they never call you! You have to make the call as they will never call you without your request! Many of these scammers will plant something on your computer and call you a week or so later saying they detect a virus, describe exactly how it's behaving, and offer to fix it! DON'T LET THEM DO IT!
    I'm going to bed now as we have Lab early and the Comcast is coming to check why my phone calls keep dropping in the middle of calls.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Wise advice all round BUZZ from plants to the computer scams. Thank you. You've made us all more aware. Good luck with the motorized chair. Sounds like fun as you get used to it and pick up speed. There is a lady here who is regularly in one of our malls and she whizzes around with her small dog in the basket.
    Enjoy wash day everyone! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Buzz, thanks for the excellent reminder. It seems we need to be extremely careful these days.

    Patsy, best wishes on tackling the room-sized plant. I think Buzz have some very good advice here as well. I would check with some local gardening experts before cutting and/or re-potting the plant.

    Well, after Downton last evening I decided I wanted to watch the new X Files but it didn't start as scheduled due to football so I dived into reading "X" by Sue Grafton. I read, I watched X-Files, and then I read some more. Now I have finished the book but stayed up much too late.

    Time to try to be productive but wait, first a cup of hot tea.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    I have got my pintos cooking in my Ip hope I like them. Weill let you know how they turn out. if Ok I will like the ease of cooking them. I will doctor them up after they are cooked to my liking
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    I don,t like my beans. At all. I like the way my little crock pot cook my,beans. But will make soup,out of themi in my little crock pot. Had way too much water in them.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    That's the glamour of life, isn't it? Each day brings a new possibility for joy and or disaster. As for the big plant, I named him Frank years ago, I took photo just let you see the enormity of my challenge. To make matters even more interesting, I have a sort of Palm thing that has huge leaves also reaching the ceiling.
    I am tending to all my house plants as a therapy. I should be finishing up a series of paintings and sending the cd to the new gallery I want to show with. I have no ambition for that these days.
    Buzz: thank you for your great advice on Frank. This plant has withstood my over watering, neglect, covering it with Christmas lights, plastic Easter eggs hung all over it, red heart garland, dog bones buried in his potting soil and a ladybug infestation one year. It is part of the family. You can understand my reluctance to do anything but I must. It is going to topple over.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Frank, the living room tree with his friend Lulu, the weird Palm. I guess I could just start over but....
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I don,t like my beans. At all. I like the way my little crock pot cook my,beans. But will make soup,out of themi in my little crock pot. Had way too much water in them.


    Marie, have you joined the Facebook Instant Pot@ Community. It is a group, just search for it. It is a wonderful place for support and people post good recipes as well. Try it out. There are a number of groups. I've had good luck asking questions. The moderato Donna Harvey is very good.


    I haven't done beans but I have made a great pot roast, some beef stew and chicken soup.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Patsy, is there any way to move the present pot into a larger weighted pot so it would have a more stable base?? And find some hope of stakes to put in the pot and lash the stem to the stakes???? Those are quite large plant friends!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well alot going on I see, Buzz, is learning how to manuver a new wheelchair. I didn't know you needed a
    certificate for that on how to drive it. I learn something new everyday. Thanks for the advice on scammers, we have them here too. Patsy, you have got one humongous plant and I hope you find a way of keeping it. My daughter Kathy is the green thumb in the family. She had a plant that nearly froze when they moved, because it was January, but it is thriving in her new house and big window. Sandy, lucky at bingo and I see your uncle was looking over your shoulder. Glad you are home safe and sound. Phoebe, you are home safe and sound too and how is Jim's back lately? Jeri, good to hear your trip was good and you enjoyed cooking for your sister. Lin, I see you are busy as ever and making valentines for friends, you are so sweet. Marie, good luck with the pot and learning how to operate it. I know how you love to cook beans. Don't give up on it. Chris, so sorry your son is going through all those health issues. Your other son is quite an inspiration to us on his weight loss.

    Kristina and John arrived late on Saturday so dinner was late. I was a regular Susie Homemaker and
    made baked fish with panko and parmesan with spices, homemade broccoli mac and cheese and salad. I also made some raspberry muffins for breakfast which I got on Pinterest, low sugar, high protein with yogurt 180 calories for one.

    We had a full day at the TM retreat on Sunday with 7 of us attending. Two TM instructors and one was a yoga instructor for 40 years. My daughter who is also an instructor ended up doing the demonstrations
    on the yoga poses. We had 3 meditation sessions and a lovely lunch made by a cook which lives
    in the house where we had the retreat. A long day but very nice and got to meet a lady who was a
    bus mechanic and another lady who was a nurse. Too tired this morning to get up and go to Yoga
    class so I slept in and Dave and I went to the arena for a 30 min walk around the arena.

    Today has been laundry and catching up. Enjoy the evening.

  • Big, big plants/trees. I can't think what its called, other than a landscape service, but they can be hired to maintain the greenery in offices, hotels, etc. Show your picture to them for identification, and also get tips for pruning. Or, hire them.
    Marie, I know the IP has to be used so you get it how you like. I seasoned mine first.
    Buzz, the best tip about reversing is to avoid it! Lol! At least when you can. Drive straight into the elevator, then reverse out. No need for turning around in a small space. Reverse is harder for some than others. I hate it. I try to park where I can drive out.
    Got up tooo early. Now I need a nap to get me through the evening.

    Bye for now
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Here is the latest picture of our little Issac. Look Mom I can stand now!!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Monday!! :) Didn't sleep well last night so I took a nap when Robby took his. He slept for two hours but then I didn't think he was ready to get up so I rocked him and he went back to sleep for another hour. Unfortunately, I had to wake him up because his daddy came early to pick him up since he took off for a doctor's appointment.

    Shirley, Issac is one happy boy and so darn cute. Looks like he will walking soon, time goes so fast.

    Phoebe, are you kidding? Backing out? I would be lucky to even know how to drive a big semi!!

    Jeri, glad you are home safe and sound and were able to spend time with your sister. Adding your link for Marie to make it easier for her to find.

    Patsy, I am of no help when it comes to plants, I have no live plants in my house.

    Lin, I never watched to old X Files, so would I be lost in trying to watch the new?

    Buzz, I am pretty confident with my spyware and antivirus and I never click on any link I do not know. It is so easy to be scammed these days, you have to be extra cautious.

    Lin, are you feeling like yourself again or are you still with a lingering cough?

    Once again, catch up time, at least I have an extra hour today.

    One Day at a Time