Senior Golden Sneakers



  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends,
    I have posted that my #2 son is losing weight and he has lost 51 lbs so far. He is doing everything right, eating fruits and veggies, no sugar and he works out every day even when he works 12hrs. We talked last night and he and I are going to help each other. I haven't been doing exercise as much as I use to but after talking to him after breakfast I did 30 minutes. Glad I did it.

    Patsy, every day gets better, I find if I talk about my dog Poquito it helps. We had him 13 1/2 yrs.
    We were so lucky to have these little guys.

    Sandy, becareful driving .

    Thank you to everyone for just being you. So nice to have friends.
    Smile and have happy feet today.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello CHRIS, just a quick word to say I'm sorry you lost your little Poquito. I lost my cat Tabitha Daisy just before you started posting again. I had her for 12 years but she was actually 17 years old being a "shelter" cat. I've missed her terribly, very demanding and vocal though she was, but you are quite right in your advice to Patsy, talking and writing about her is tremendously helpful. That's a wonderful achievement by your son. Congratulations to him.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2016

    Patsy & Chris - I just read of your loss and my heart goes out to you and your families. It's always
    sad losing a pet who is a family member. Sorry for your loss.... <3

    Sandy - I love that poem you post when someone loses a pet. It makes me cry.
    Especially the rainbow bridge. I would pack a bag, its 2 hours and anything could happen with the
    weather. Be safe on your travels to Indiana. It's good that Robby's sniffles are gone. Do you ever
    catch his colds?

    Anne - If Isaac lived next door to you, you would see him more than I do. Ha! He is standing now,
    and Kathy says he watches the kids get off the bus in front of their house. He is so proud of himself.
    Our cauliflower went down in price finally, 2.99 and 3.99 at some places. Of course, this is after I
    bought frozen. I plan on making some cauliflower soup next so I can use the frozen. :)

    Chris - Great to hear your son is supporting you on weight loss. That is a fabulous amount he lost.
    He must be very disciplined. My latest thing is eating after dinner snacks. I have to stop that
    I am sabatoging my weight loss lately because of doing that. I better start making tea again and
    drink that instead.

    Dave made three meditation benches, one for a lady at Yoga class and an extra that I will take
    to the studio to sell. He is only charging $25.00 each. My daughter Kristina, said he should
    start a web site and sell them. He finished painting in the entrance way and it looks really nice.
    We have very high ceilings so I worry when he is on the ladder. On Sunday he will take down the wallpaper on the other wall and paint that wall another color. I guess you would say I am keeping him busy this
    winter. ;)

    I finished making some hearty vegetable barley soup yesterday and today I am making chicken chili in the crock pot just to have at some time. I better go and get that going.

  • Sunny day, managed to see 50 degrees! No comments today. Except stay safe and warm.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. I got caught up in paperwork clean out and shredding again today. I think most of my insurance papers are now in order. Also was on the phone with friends a couple of times for extended periods of time.

    Time to move along as I am going to the library this evening to try to make several Valentines.

    Wishing everyone well.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just a quick hello after 2 days of frustration on the phone trying to get Pharmacy bills straightened out, get an Rx for the "therapy" to learn to drive my motorized wheel chair ( a necessity for the certificate needed to use it), and I agree with SANDY,...for all the advances in technology, not one of these brilliant techs seem to know what they are doing. I'm about to take 2 Aleve and go to bed!
    CHRIS, I'm sorry , too, about your little Poquito. Sad to lose our little pets!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Thank you all, dear sneakers, for your sensitive and comforting words regarding our dear Mazzy. We are trying to love our old MoMo extra hard. When our pets are such an important part of our life, having them leave us, can be amazingly difficult. Everything is different now. Wow! I sure miss that big old dog.

    We actually saw a brief period of time with sunshine. Not long but still, we did see the sun and blue skies. Well, as Lin reminded us, Valentine day is fast approaching. And John's super bowl. Trying to come up with Super Bowl food that isn't super salty, super fat, and super sweet is a challenge. I guess it is part of the unhealthy while drinking too much beer (yuck) and eating brownies for dessert. I may turn out to be the worst super bowl hostess ever. Cucumber slices instead of chips and yoghurt dip. Etc. etc.
    I have do this...I have no will power. If it is here in this house, I will eat it.

    Listening to the Eagles while I scrub the kitchen sink and mop the kitchen floor. Great music!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Will be leaving for Indiana soon, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My car has been cleaned out of dog dirt, dog mud, dog markings and dog hairs, the engine oil checked and windscreen wash topped up so I'm ready to leave for Snowdonia via Tewkesbury first thing tomorrow. For once I had some perfect timing in cleaning out the hen house just before the rain came in so all I need to do now is a little bit of housework and packing.

    Hopefully that big old snow storm will bypass you all before heading into the Atlantic and tracking across the waters to our island.... promised for the end of next week! By then we should have left the mountains of Wales and I'll be well on my way home.

    Wishing you all a safe, warm and healthy week. PATSY no words are going to help fill that huge gap in your life right now so I won't even try. Just hug MoMo as much as she'll allow because she'll be missing Mazzy too and blast out those fabulous Eagles. <3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Safe travels to you Jackie and to Sandy.

    It is overcast here today but relatively warm and expected to stay that way today and tomorrow. I enjoyed making Valentines last night and then got engrossed in finishing a mystery I was reading when I got home so to bed quite late.

    Now I'll be playing catch up all day I would imagine. I am doing laundry now and then plan to cook a bit later on. I think it may be another day on vacation from sorting through the paper mountain.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cloudy here but relatively mild. Rain is just minutes away. I think I need to keep cleaning & straightening up. John has a huge list of things to get at Costco and Home Depot. As I have whined before, I hate shopping. Then there is putting everything away...but it must be done.

    Watched a new Woody Allen movie last night. It was okay but it felt lacking. No emotional impact, the actors were not my favorite. Since I can't remember the title, it really didn't impress me, did it?

    Rereading my post here I see I am being very negative. I do need to count my blessings and be grateful for the good times. Okay! I am working up to lifting my 10 lb weights again. I stopped before Christmas...mistake! I know 10 lbs doesn't sound like much but that's a lot for me. I use the 8 lb weights and they seem really light these days. Those two pounds are heavier than the others, I guess.

  • The ten pound weights are quite a bit. Be careful!
    We made it home, roads were cleared.
    So glad I got the instant pot! Beans are cooking!
    Having popcorn for a late lunch.
    It feels like Sunday to me. I'll be expecting to watch Downton Abbey!
    Have a good Saturday night.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thats what i want some popcorn . will make a nice snack was wondering what I could have. I hope i still have some paper bags to pop them in. Phoebe how long are you cooking your beans now? I wrote the instruction down to cook beans in my ip Because i would forget by the time i got to the kitchen what I was supposed to do.
    Glad to know you are home did you see any Snow coming in?
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello friends, safe travel for travelers.
    Patsy, 10 lb weights are way to heavy for me. You are strong.

    Phoebe, relax today you deserve it.
    So my son is up to 53 lbs lost now. I am so proud of him. He has me back on track. Love his happy attitude.

    Ok, being happy is on the menu.
  • Hi Marie, I cooked them for 40 minutes. Then I left them on keep warm. Had roasted potatoes and cauliflower, broccoli and carrots.
    That's wonderful news, Chris. I think your son is inspiring for all of us.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Darn, I fell asleep at my desk last night and missed Blue Bloods AND Downton Abbey!!! Edgewater sent up our dinners last night as the head nurse saw me struggling with the bad knee and wanted me to stay off of walking with it. But tonight I really preferred getting to the dining room, and I was glad we did as we were sitting with a lively group who really helped my mood. Next week I will get trained for electric wheelchair driving!
    Watching pictures of the heavy snowstorm in the eastern states, I had very mixed feelings! Missed the snow I used to adore walking in and smelling the freshness of freshly fallen snow; and thinking how lucky we are to be missing that nor'easter! I certainly have wonderful memories of sledding down our hills with my kids and sometimes our poodles, too, on the sleds and toboggans! My goodness, how life changes!
    PHOEBE, like MARIE, I'm relieved to know you're home safe ( think that's what she posted!), and I'll add I agree with your assessment of recent Woody Allen. I think he lost his specialness in his last 2 films. That unique something that hit our hearts through the quirkiness of his presentations. I found them ordinary and boring! Except for the crazy unexpected ending of the last one! Today we "You're Not You" with Hilary Swank in her usual talented glory! Strongly recommended if you can afford a box of tissues! A Walk in the Woods is waiting to be seen tomorrow...
    A Hi there to all my MPR family! At 1:25 AM, it's just too late for me to continue rambling on, so I'm off to bed now!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) The funeral mass was beautiful, such wonderful things were said about my uncle, some I didn't even know, like he went back for his GED later in life. It is always sad but it was great being with those who loved him as much as I did. Seeing the "kids" as adults was jarring especially one who I thought was in his 40's was 61. Yikes where does the time go???
    I did not go to my cousins house after the luncheon, I wanted to drive home in the day light and she understood. So I went to two masses yesterday as I a went to 5:00 Mass yesterday so I could just chill out today. I stopped at the slot machine place after Church (I know that sounds terrible) just to unwind from the long drive. Now you will think I am crazy and I probably am but I was back and forth and back and forth and getting hungry so I said in my head uncle Joe if you would let me get four of a kind I can go home. Yep!! The next spin I got four 3's and won over a $100. I also dreamed of him last night as he was without the Alzheimer's so I am convinced he gave me these signs to let me know he is happy and with my aunt once again. And this is not the an episode of the twilight zone. B)

    Have a great day, will try to get back later, still catching up on the computer.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Some one check this over to see If it is correct for cooking beans Let me know I think if I can get this down I will be on my way. Thanks in advance your dumb Sneaker i am.

    Cooking beans in IP
    1......Plug in
    2...... for every cups if beans 2 1/4 cup of water
    4.....timer manual wait a few minutes change to how many minutes you want adjust the - or + Button let pressure drop on its own on its own.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy glad you are back home
    hello Buzz
    has Jeri made it back yet?
    Chris your son is doing great. Tell im to put in a good word for me. I am doing pretty good for January lost 5.8 My goal was 5 # a month. So made that with a week to go.
    patsy you are doing great.
    Lin I guess you are off to church now. be careful out there on the roads
  • Marie, that sounds right. Make sure the vent is on seal. Don't give up on it. Lot of people on Facebook instant pot have good results and bad the first few times.
    Sandy, it's often like a family reunion at family funerals. So glad you made it there and back safely. Glad you experienced a special moment with your uncle's help. Yes, I do believe we are not so far away from the people we have loved.
    I'm watching silly valentines movies on Hallmark channel. 'My boyfriends' Dogs'
    When this one ends, I'll go to post office and get our mail and packages. (Lin, the mesh racks are in!)
    We had lots of snow here, but the roads were in great shape. Very unusual for Georgia. I think they are trying to be more proactive about clearing the roads. We are about 50-60 miles above Atlanta, so we got a few inches but they only got a dusting. That ice is our biggest concern. It's melting in the sunny spots.
    Buzz, I'd keep your nostalgia for 'snow days' right where it is, in your memories. You were smart to settle in the tropical Florida.
    OK, movie over, happy ending, naturally.