What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • leahliddell
    leahliddell Posts: 3 Member
    In many ways, food is a distraction. It's a distraction from my money situation, my health, and my mental instability.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    The smell and sight of many foods makes me crave them. My mouth will even water!

    Grocery shopping is like a mine field. :/

    I'm keeping a diary of sorts about the feelings I get associated with food.

    Worry is something I repeatedly find blocks me from being conscious of how much and how fast I eat food. I got in touch with this by having a goal of chewing the food more slowly, swallowing it all, then counting to at least 5, then going for the next bite. This helped to break down the way I distance myself from what is in front of me; the plate of food.
    Slower eating focuses me on eating and it makes me fuller faster for one thing, but the real benefit is that it gives me an opening to identify the mood I'm actually in, the emotions, and eventually I have seen a pattern of how I gain permission from myself for myself to overeat by thinking about stressful events, even ones from the past, and other highly emotional things. Once I saw that, it became a lot easier to stop doing it and has stopped almost automatically just with this new awareness.
  • s3rend1p1ty
    s3rend1p1ty Posts: 65 Member
    I tend to overeat when I am bored or stressed. I also overeat if I don't use small plates. I was taught as a child to finish my plate, and I have a hard time breaking that habit.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Hello all. I'm new to this group. My name is Doug and I live in the Akron, Ohio area. I recognize that I'm an emotional eater. Stress is a trigger for me. When I'm stressed, I go for the comfort foods; pizza, chocolate, chips, etc. or sometimes for the wine or beer.

    I own my emotional eating, and I'm working to do better to manage my stress, to not overeat and to not eat the wrong types of things. In reflecting upon all of this, I grew up in a family where food equaled love and the parents, grandparents, others used food in holiday rituals, to recognize achievements, to comfort, etc. I'm not pointing fingers, but I am trying to unlearn much about food that I learned early on and to reset my relationship with food.

    I also think it's important to have friends and support on this journey. Anyone please feel free to include me as a friend if you would like. I track each day and I have an open diary.
  • Stress, boredom, and anxiety but also felling like I have to eat everything on my plate even after I'm full. (In recovery from Anorexia/Bulimia doesn't help because I just want to die after I binge and I can't purge anymore.)
  • Myjourney2017
    Myjourney2017 Posts: 1 Member
  • bonitasuet37
    bonitasuet37 Posts: 21 Member
    Eating is my distraction from the world I cannot control whats going on around me, but i can control how i react to it Food is Not the answer. Therefore I can control what I eat. Starting tomorrow, its on ;)B)
  • madejs
    madejs Posts: 1 Member
    I have turned to food for comfort ever since I can remember, as does my whole family. We also use food as a way to celebrate as many people do. My dad was from the clean plate club and my mother put too much food on my plate, so I was robbed of tuning into my natural fullness cues from young on. I was not allowed to leave the table until I ate it all and it was always too much. I have lost and gained and lost and gained over the years. I tend to freak out when my weight loss shows and people comment on my looks. It just makes me feel so vulnerable and afraid and something snaps and the weight comes back on. I am too good at rationalizing or denying the amount of food I am eating. So, here I am again with my fitness pal. This time, I am also seeking professional help to work through the emotional issues that are keeping me overweight and unhealthy. I realize I need this extra support to make the loss permanent this time.
  • spuggy40
    spuggy40 Posts: 4 Member
    i overeat whether I'm happy or sad which is very often.
  • _LotusSpark_
    _LotusSpark_ Posts: 8 Member
    -Feeling less empowered in my world
    -Feeling hopeless
    -Dealing with difficult people (mostly family trigger me)

    General frustration in myself but much of it is programming from my childhood. Have a sad thought, reach for empty nutrients and stuff the emotions into an abyss.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hello all. I'm new to this group. My name is Doug and I live in the Akron, Ohio area. I recognize that I'm an emotional eater. Stress is a trigger for me. When I'm stressed, I go for the comfort foods; pizza, chocolate, chips, etc. or sometimes for the wine or beer.

    I own my emotional eating, and I'm working to do better to manage my stress, to not overeat and to not eat the wrong types of things. In reflecting upon all of this, I grew up in a family where food equaled love and the parents, grandparents, others used food in holiday rituals, to recognize achievements, to comfort, etc. I'm not pointing fingers, but I am trying to unlearn much about food that I learned early on and to reset my relationship with food.

    I also think it's important to have friends and support on this journey. Anyone please feel free to include me as a friend if you would like. I track each day and I have an open diary.

    Hello! I am new here also. This really resonated with me.This is exactly how I feel. I have lost and gained so much weight, it is unreal. I have lost the ability to feel full, and while I eat healthy for days, I usually eat too much for portions. I have tried everything. At least I have stopped gaining into new territory, but I have so much to lose. I am stuck in the same 10 lbs. for months now. After a lifetime watching and trying to lose, it is hard to feel motivated. Anxiety and stress is a bad match for loving food in general. But we try a little at a time. I am originally from Ohio too but live in Alabama now, a really unhealthy state. I have embraced Southern foods as much as my family heritage foods. I am thinking of journaling the emotions when I want to overeat. Maybe it will help!
  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    Mostly anixety drives me to overeat
    That is why I am overeating since this election. Anyone else worried?

  • judis100
    judis100 Posts: 63 Member
    Mostly anixety drives me to overeat
    That is why I am overeating since this election. Anyone else worried?

    Totally - have binged the past 2 days; it feels awful. Trying to stay on track today.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Mostly anixety drives me to overeat
    That is why I am overeating since this election. Anyone else worried?

    Everyone is. But it is important to remember that some things can not be done alone. That is why we have the Senate and the House. Years when the same party is in all places, historically tend to go better, no matter which party. There is so much help speech making, that might really off set things said being flip. I am 63, so I remember bad times, and we got thru them also. If you are a person of faith, God has this, and is in control, even for nations. If you don't, use the time to ponder. Do you really think we are an accident?
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Anxiety, and Harry and David Moose munch! :)
  • lilmisscrabby
    lilmisscrabby Posts: 37 Member
    Being sad and depressed , lonely , confined because I just do not feel like going out of my room , lost of my soul and faith and life . I lost my mother in Jan 27th on me and my husband's wedding anaversary and I'm in therapy but I feel dead inside no one understands around me so I eat all my emotions away and I have gained weight , so I know how hard it is when the feeling of the need to just go eat is and it really doesn't have to be b anything yummy , just anything all day and night for me .
  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    Depression plays a huge role in my binge eating. Some days it seems as though I've always got food in my gob. Even though I'm on medication there are days that are just too overwhelming. The more hopeless I feel, the more I eat.....anything sweet will do.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Hi lilmisscrabby and beverlyj, Welcome here, first time I've seen you all. I love the honesty of both your posts. Thanks for sharing the reality of your personal 'now'. That is a good start to conscious eating imo! my problem is that I just want to avoid all of my emotions, it hurts too much to feel them.
  • Nicci039
    Nicci039 Posts: 2 Member
    Pain... Rather than taking pain killers i go to food. Boredom and stress cause major sugar binges
  • Xtine79
    Xtine79 Posts: 2 Member
    I overeat because I only eat once a day. It's bad. Also stress and sadness.

    I need to start convincing, no start believing that the "hangover" isn't worth it. The guilty, the weight, all of it, the vicious cycle hangover needs to stop.