

  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Sorry team - been a busy week and I haven't had much time to "think" let alone log. I did get my numbers in - they aren't the best but they are there. At least the college visit upped my Tuesday numbers.. .maybe I should just go visit a college a day - don't have to take the kids right? :D

    Going to try to work on the two challenges that are blank - hoping to get those done before the day is out. I did get the color challenge done (of course - it was eating!) :p

    Day 1: dinner stir fry - carrots - orange, broccoli - green/white, onion - white/green, rice - brown, red pepper - red, green pepper - green
    Day 2: dinner: carrots - orange, green beans - green, lima beans - green, potatoes - white
    Day 3: stir fry lunch - carrots - orange, broccoli - green/white, onion - white/green, rice - brown, red pepper - red, green pepper - green
    Day 4: lunch: lettuce - green, tomato - red, strawberries - red, blueberries - blue
    Day 5 dinner: venison chili - red peppers - red, green peppers - green, onion - white, tomato - red

    so that covers orange, green, white, brown, red and blue
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey Team 3,
    I just did my last Arm video challenge! Which means I finished all 3 challenges this week. First time this race. I also went for a nice walk this morning, good thing, as the sun was shining then, but its clouded over now. I hope everyone has a lovely sunday!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Just finished my jump rope challenge. Now back to laundry!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,414 Member
    Also just finished jump rope as well as a 2 mile walk/run, yoga and PT exercises! It's been a good day!
  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member

    My food challenge this week:
    Day 1: (red)redcurrants, (blue)blackberries, raisins, (yellow)pineapple, banana, (green)avocado
    Day 2: (red)redcurrants, (blue)blackberries, raisins, (yellow)pineapple, banana, (green)lettuce, (orange)satsumas, (red)tomatoes, strawberries, orange pepper, (green)celery, kiwi
    Day 3: (red)redcurrants, (blue)blackberries, raisins, (yellow)pineapple, banana,
    Day 4: (red)redcurrants, (blue)blackberries, raisins, (yellow)pineapple, banana, (green)lettuce, (orange)satsumas, (red)tomatoes, strawberries, orange pepper, (green)celery, kiwi
    Day 5: (red)redcurrants, (blue)blackberries, raisins, (yellow)pineapple, banana, (green)avocado

    As you can tell... I'm one for patterns and habits lol. It's part of a yoghurt/granola thing I get at work for breakfast. Others are from salads - yep I use fruits in salad too, makes it more filling I find.

    I spaced the exercise out over the week, as I noticed my body did NOT like jump rope! Partly laziness, partly lower back/hip pain but I'm starting to feel better :) I'll get back to you on how the arms feel on the next leg LOL.
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    Color challenge: 5pts
    Red peppers- RED
    Yellow peppers- YELLOW/ORANGE
    White onions- WHITE

    Red bell pepper-RED
    Green bell pepper-GREEN
    White onions-WHITE

    Lime- GREEN

    Green bell pepper-GREEN
    Red bell pepper-RED
    Purple onion-WHITE

    Corn pudding-WHITE/YELLOW
    Green bean casserole-GREEN

    Blueberries- BLUE/PURPLE

    Im working on completing Jump rope challenge, 10/30 minutes left of Hopping and 2/3 arms videos done, I'll complete 3rd one tonight also. My arms are about to fall off! Will also input rest of my exercise minutes/miles for the rest of the week :)
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    The jump rope killed me. So happy to be done with that. I promise I probably didn't even do 30sec more than necessary. Will be feeling the legs for a few more days (stairs and sumos are nothing compared to this !)

    Hope everyone logs in we got a lot of zeros, (might bump us out of last place (would be nice eh?). Hope everyone had an excellent weekend can't wait to see where we are off to next.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Any numbers to report, @Dictorbutt? I'm going to bed soon.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @Dictorbutt, maybe you can message MissionEnforcer and he wouldn't mind entering your numbers for you. I'm just about done!
  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    Broccoli- GREEN/WHITE

    Tomatoes- RED
    Garlic and onion- WHITE/GREEN

    Spinach- GREEN
    Watermelon- RED

    Carrots- ORANGE
    Watermelon- RED
    Spinach- GREEN
    Tomatoes- RED

    Broccoli- GREEN/WHITE
    Carrots- ORANGE
    Blueberries- BLUE
    Green Pepper- GREEN
    Red Pepper- RED

    Carrots- ORANGE
    Blueberries- BLUE
    Strawberries- RED

    Strawberries- RED
    Blueberries- BLUE
    Cabbage- GREEN/WHITE
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Just finished adding in all my exercise numbers for the week. Got 2/3 challenges done. Did the jump rope this evening, had to keep taking breaks but I got it all done, did a bit of yoga after and going to use the foam roller to roll out any remaining tightness in my legs so hope I don't feel it too much tomorrow.

    Didn't do challenge two, honestly between the 21 day fix and what not I didn't want to overwork the muscles.


    Here is challenge 3
    *Colors (yellow, green, blue, white, red, brown-black, orange)*

    Monday: yellow-pineapple / green-avocado
    Tuesday: blue-blueberries/ white- mushrooms/apple-red
    Wednesday: yellow-bananas/brown-black-black beans/green-lettuce
    Thursday: orange-carrots / green-zucchini / white- mushrooms
    Friday: green-lettuce / orange-carrots / white-onions
    Saturday: green-cucumbers / red-apple
    Sunday: brown - beans / white - potatoes/ green-lettuce
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    edited November 2016
    Unclear if it was service list or battery but here ya go.

    G'day mates, how ya goin?

    Amazing race notes

    3 min video- my notes say Fascinating! :)
    I just love all the information that gets put into this challenge!
    Thank you so much!!

    Challenge 1) Complete! 33 min

    Most of my jump roping was done before SF. The rest was carried over from another challenge, luckily.
    I also did the replacement video. Ok, I watched it. Then used the moves. :)
    I can't make out my note (one downfall of handwriting) but something about the sitting one and lol. I'll have to research it to bring back the memory. Ha!
    Hopscotch! Hah! This one I remember. I was quickly double checking the requirements and saw the hopscotch option. I told my friend we have to play hopscotch while we're out today. She asked why not right now... Which lead to playing in the hotel room right then. Cause why not?! :) So fun! No minutes were counted. Thank you for the fun time!
    This week was so Arms Arms Arms! Waking in San Francisco is a nice change of pace. But I can definitely feel it in my arms today. (Second day doms perhaps? :) ) ..even tho they mostly flailed about it seems. :)

    Challenge 2-
    I have marked ,
    workout w/out weights
    Swim workout
    And alternate workout.
    I think carrying my 6 bags through upper Haight Ashbury for 6 hours should count for something too. Js. ;)

    Normally I try to do everything separately but this week double dipping (between other challenges) was a tad necessary. Not really tho. ;)

    Challenge 3- @MissionEnforcer

    Mon) Red- Strawberry
    Yellow- pineapple
    Orange- cantaloupe
    Green- broccoli
    Tues) Green- lettuce, pepper
    Purple (it's not red)- onion
    Wed) Red-Apple
    Green- spinach
    Purple/Red(?)- Grapes
    Thur) color? - Parsnips
    Orange- Sweet potato
    White- onion
    Day) Grapes
    Green- Apple
    Apple, lemon, ginger, carrot! - juice.

    So I typically get my fruits and veggies in cause I love them both. But I take challenges like this to do new things. The juice was awesome! Having avocado on my grilled chicken is something I never would have done before. It was so good!
    Bonzer! Thanks for the challenge!

    To sum up San Francisco w/ lingo learned this week

    There's no dunny here,
    You reckon you can go in the road?
    Too right!

    ^^based on live events (not me) and recreated for MFP. Haha!

    Here are my minutes for this week.

    Mon- 239
    Tues- 228
    Wed- 180
    Thur- 196
    Fri- 274
    Sat- 608
    Sun- 172 (not totaled yet)

    Sorry for the hassle in posting. :/

    I was messaging @BJerzy from the pier between phone failures and eventually death of battery. For like 4 min it randomly started working and I copied and pasted (for the most part) my minutes from another challenge this week. I screenshot the error code and time .. If that matters? :)
    I'll send a message to MissionEnforcer as well @HASWLRS

    Wether someone can still post or not this was another AMAZING journey this week!!! Beyond Thanks. Catcha later V
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited November 2016




  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member

    It is not up to anyone else to play in the race for them. This includes doctoring a post or adding "@MissionEnforcer" when required.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    The Spreadsheet is up and running! :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,414 Member
    Oh my gosh I just LOVE this weeks challenges. I want to go to Hawaii so bad - maybe one day?? I also love to Hike and I really need the 5 days under calorie challenge. I haven't been so good in that dept. lately. I am never comfortable dancing but I'll get through it. Can't wait to get home and take my first 2 mile walk tonight outside!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Looks like a great week ahead. Snow is expected here by Friday...going to get that hike in before then! Dancing is always a blast, so that's a no brainer! The nutrition challenge is exactly what I need. I haven't been very good with logging or staying under.
    Here's to Kauai!
  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member
    This week is PERFECT!
    I'm going to Hawaii next November ("this time next year...") so I need to get in the mood - and get in the good habits if I want to be comfortable in my swimsuit! Dare I even say... a bikini? *GASP* lol.
    Lordy, there's some serious work to do in the next year :D

    I have to admit, I'm struggling keeping my food intake under my calorie goal, no matter if I'm having fruit and veg on a daily basis. I really hope I can do that part, as I've been failing on staying under and logging lately.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,680 Member
    edited November 2016
    Like the others said, I really like this week's challenges and where we are headed. I've only been to Hawaii once, but it was on a lay over! So....stuck in airport. :s

    My son's baseball practice ended last week, and that's when I would walk outside, twice a week, for 90 minutes each time. With it being over, I don't have that scheduled walking in for the this will be good to make me go outside.

    I also need the under calorie challenge. One of my high calorie items is mixed nuts - I am such a believer in eating them for the healthy fats, and it has helped my good cholesterol go up. I always eat half of the servings, but it is still incredibly high in calories. Does anyone have any other suggestions for incorporating healthy fats that are lower in calories? I also use olive oil over regular oil.

    I hope everyone is doing well - here's to a new week. :)
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Like the others said, I really like this week's challenges and where we are headed. I've only been to Hawaii once, but it was on a lay over! So....stuck in airport. :s

    My son's baseball practice ended last week, and that's when I would walk outside, twice a week, for 90 minutes each time. With it being over, I don't have that scheduled walking in for the this will be good to make me go outside.

    I also need the under calorie challenge. One of my high calorie items is mixed nuts - I am such a believer in eating them for the healthy fats, and it has helped my good cholesterol go up. I always eat half of the servings, but it is still incredibly high in calories. Does anyone have any other suggestions for incorporating healthy fats that are lower in calories? I also use olive oil over regular oil.

    I hope everyone is doing well - here's to a new week. :)

    Well fats will never be too overly low in calories since every gram of fat is usually about 7 calories, but I would recommend avocado/guacamole. Avocado can be quite filling and you can dip veggies in it too.