
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
  • llmg970
    llmg970 Posts: 257 Member
    So last week was tough for me as my back has been acting up again. I did the challenges and was able wonadd a little time. Hopefully this week will be better.
    I am thankful for many things including this group of people and all my friends on here that are helping to support everyone
    I am thankful that I have an amazing friend Maija that is very supportive and non judgemental, I am thankful for my husband and all that he does for me. I am thankful for my son even if I won't get to see him for the holidays.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    No 5K walk for me! But I converted it and got 3.11 miles so I will try to get that done during the week. I will have to break it up into intervals even though they would prefer you do it all at once, but I'm sure you all will understand.

    As for the Rockettes warm up, it is super hard considering there are no videos. It's hard for me to visualize the moves just going off reading the descriptions. I attempted it today before my little strength training session, but I didn't know whether or not I was doing the right thing. I don't think I was, but oh well. I'm counting it as 1 time through. 2 more to go. I still prefer the Muves as warm up. @lbenson2006, thanks! I'll be looking into Japan's video.

    So much to be thankful for:
    Life, God's blessings, my husband, my children, my parents, my brothers and sister, my good friends, everything that I have, and so on and so forth. Oh and thanks for this challenge and for the people in it. Especially Team 2 Beat :D

  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Did each of the rockette stretches across the basement floor and around the pool table and back again (35 feet one way) two times. Will count this as doing them once. Will repeat next two evenings. I agree that I have no idea if I actually did them exactly as I should have, I did feel the stretch and sweat so did me good.

    What am I thankful for? I thank God every day for his blessings, for a job I love and I am able to help the elderly especially since my grandparents have all passed away, for a supportive husband, for a healthy grandson and my two children who live close and visit often, for my parents, for the opportunities I have to get out and enjoy nature and take pictures.
    Here is my latest picture I took when son offered to have me sit with him while he waited for the big buck to come around.(hunting season here in Wisconsin) I was happy he kept this little guy safe and alive.1t4t2nr5qnvy.jpg
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    @dwood1231 Sorry about your less than perfect day. Hope the rest of the week is better!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @dwood1231 Sorry your day was icky, but glad we were unknowingly able to help you make it through.

    @jenilla1 How awesome. I am glad you have such a fantastic man in your life. :)

    Well I had a rough two days. I did fine with my calories at work, but I was starving when I got home and dinner took 3 hours to make. So while making dinner, I snacked on pretzels covered in almond bark. Then the BF asked me to make him blueberry muffins. He just bought, and set up a brand new dryer for us. How could I say no. I ate one of those too.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    You guys have had some amazing posts. I am hoping I can get my head back in the game but still struggling. Make some decent choices and then go way overboard every evening. 2 days ago got a call from the vet saying one of our little guys was not seeming himself and asking if the doctor could look at him. They have him on anti inflamatories and pain medication and he seems to be doing better. While I was waiting for the doctors call back my dad asked me to call him to get an update on my grandma. She has been suffering from alzheimer's for years now and recently went into the hospital with pneumonia for the 2nd time this year. They had tried all they could and she wasn't getting any better and they felt that they were just prolonging her suffering. She passed away yesterday morning. Yesterday also happened to be my 10 year anniversary. This has been a pretty cruddy year but I hope that it's just getting all the bad stuff done and over with. Did manage to make myself get up and go for a jog/run this morning so I at least got the 5k piece done. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    @lbenson2006 I am sorry for your loss! I hope your fur baby is ok! Take the time you need to grieve...we'll be here for you! Hopefully your run was therapeutic like mine are for me!!

    Thinking of you today!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @lbenson2006 I am sorry to hear about the passing of your Grandma. Grandma's are special. Hugs from afar. Like Joanna said please take time for you, and we will be hear when you need us.

    Yesterday my BF had more steps than me when he came home from work. I am fairly competitive. So while he was resting on the couch (He should have gone to bed) I walked my living room/kitchen to get an additional 5k steps. He was not going to beat me. I think today will be the same. I don't want him to do better than me. This at least helped with the extra consumption of calories. So glad last week's nutrition challenge isn't this weeks.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    @lbenson2006 sorry about your grandma. Hope the rest of your week is better.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    @ibenson2006 so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother they do hold special places in our hearts for sure. And I hope that your fur baby is ok, sometimes they just get lonely without us.

    I got in 2 miles on Monday walking my monster dog, he was really driving me nuts. I am tempted to go enter a turkey trot near me for Turkey day. But i might just climb my little mountain. If I do the turkey trot its 3.1 miles, if I don the mountain its 4.5 miles so its a toss up. I need the extra step so that i can accomplish the goal i set up for myself for the month of November.

    I wanted to take the time and say what i am thankful for.
    I am thankful that I wake up next to a wonderful husband every day, who supports me in anyway that he knows how. He tells me I am beautiful each and everyday.
    I have a wonderful small little family, even though two of them are furry I get the joy and laughter from them every day. They put smiles on my face even on the roughest days.
    My extended family is a great support system, and I love that I have grown closer to them in the past 7 years than i ever was growing up. I am sad that i missed out on a lot too but we make up for that now.
    I am thankful that i have a job that allows me to work from home, and that I don't have to drive 3 hours one way to work everyday, it saves my sanity. However stressful my job is, i am still thankful that i have one and that i am able to provide for my little family.
    And last but definitely not least, I have a great group of friends, both personal and cyber. Sometimes its nice to just have someone to talk to, to reach out to when you need to talk.

    I dont know that I will be able to check in on turkey day, so i wanted to wish you all a Happy Turkey day for those in the US. May you all have a wonderful day with your families and friends.

    Be safe!