

  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member

  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    Mrscanmore wrote: »
    I feel like missionenforcer must have a hidden camera in my house and knows what I ate yesterday, thus the food challenge!!

    Same. Cut it really close to my maintenance calories all weekend and even went a little over on Friday. Was already planning on getting it back in check, but it will be nice to have a little extra accountability.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited November 2016
    Ever have that day at the gym where you just breeze through your workout, and you feel like you are kicking butt because nothing is hurting or tiring? Yea, that was NOT my workout I don't know if it's because I started with the stairmaster and did 10 minutes of steps toward the challenge (goal was to get 1/2 done which would have been about 20 minutes, but I only got to 10 minutes before being completely pooped). Or if it was because I'm still sore from that Rockettes workout and trying to catch up on Planks for another challenge over the weekend. Or if it was because I'd not been to the gym since last Monday. Or if it was just one of those days. Wanted to come home and knock out the videos, but man, I'm thinking a nap is in my near future.

    Seems Team 1 is pretty invincible. For the first time, they kicked our butts in minutes this week (had three people with over 1000 minutes). I think we tied them this week in challenge points, which was awesome!! Sorry, but I just couldn't push myself much farther last night to get more minutes because I was so sore from Saturday (darn that Rockettes challenge)!

    But we are keeping them on their toes, so that is good for us and them!

    Though I have to say...this has crossed my mind at this point about Team 1...

    No matter what just remember, we're...

    Though I did get a chuckle from this meme that I found while looking for some "fabulous pictures"...not really sure what it really means, but it had me chuckling...

    I don't know...I think we're still pretty fabulous...we've been working so hard - maybe we should take a bit of a workout break and make a detour to Disneyworld FL on the way to Peru, to hang out with some other Fab Fivers...

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday...and you know what...have a great week! We're Fabulous and we're still rocking this challenge!! Keep up the great work Fab Fivers! <3
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member



    Completed 11/28
    “Vivir mi Vida” (4:07) “Live my Life” - Woah! Did this one twice.
    "Inténtalo" (3:21) “Try It” - Woah & yikes!
    “Darte un Beso” (3:54) “Give You a Kiss” - Woah, yikes & wowsers!
    “Mi Nina Bonita” (3:21) “My Pretty Girl” - Freakin' awesome!
    “Travesuras” (3:21) “Antics!” - I think this one was the easiest to follow but it also had the overlapping music that made me nuts.

    I just want to say that this guy moves better than half the women I know.

    Optional: “Viva Y Baila” (4:44) “Alive and Dancing” - I liked this one, but they were smiling so big while I struggled . . . It was like they were taunting me, LOL! I would like to buy their leggings, too cute.


    28 Nov. 146 minutes (76 minutes walking + 25 minutes MUNDO GUYI dancing + 30 minutes day 24, 30 Day Abs + Legs + Glutes Challenge + 5 minutes high knees + 10 bonus minutes, “El Condor Pasa” videos. Peru is so majestic, another country added to my bucket list!)
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    300 stairs in today
    2 of the dances done -- oh how I hate dancing. I gotta get this one finished so I don't have to get cranky thinking about it.
    Well under calories today.

    Also revisited my friend Jillian Michaels today. I think I hate her too.

    Or, perhaps I am hangry.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,787 Member
    Challenge 1 - 246 steps today

    * under calorie goal

  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I'm up over 300 stairs. I was under in calories yesterday and I've done 4 of the videos. I feel like we've done them before. Did we do them in the last challenge? They seem so familiar! Or maybe I'm just getting more coordinated!!
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Mrscanmore wrote: »
    I'm up over 300 stairs. I was under in calories yesterday and I've done 4 of the videos. I feel like we've done them before. Did we do them in the last challenge? They seem so familiar! Or maybe I'm just getting more coordinated!!

    I haven't done them yet, but yes, I believe we did them on the last race as well... or at least it was the same guy. Great job!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited November 2016
    So, here's my current philosophy. This challenge has pushed me to do more in the past few months, than I've done since I've been on here. I'm sure it's doing that for others as well. It helps to have Team 1 as a target to try to beat. However, I know they've said they didn't have much competition last race, so we're definitely giving them a run for their money... :naughty: But that helps them to do more also. So, this is one of those times when we have a win/win. We're all doing more (and reaping the benefits) and so are they.

    Would it be better if we'd beat them some more weeks? Of course it would, and I totally agree with pushing for these last two weeks (especially since I know my personal minutes were lacking the last two for various reasons) because I know they are getting as tired as we are. :tired_face: But I have to say, I'm rather tickled right now in maintaining our second place status where we're breathing down their necks at every opportunity ;) Maybe I just have creepy stalker tendencies... :worried: But I have to look and notice that our two teams are consistently far ahead of the other teams every week, and we should embrace a bit of that success to help propel us to overtake Team 1. :smirk:

    Honestly, I've noticed they wait until the last minute to log their time and many of their challenge points. It's a tactic, but it could easily backfire should the site have a glitch. I say, we just keep working our butts off, do the best we can, and hopefully it will be enough to overtake them when we finally put it all together (challenge points and minutes). They have found the sweet spot, and I think we're close to getting it too for our team. We are the Fab Five! We can do it!

    On a separate note...I finally got a chance to demo my new SUP 12'6" race board today (under sub-optimal conditions - heavy paddle and a bit of a strong Southerly wind). I put a deposit down on it, and will pay the rest next week when I pick it up. I'm pretty stoked about it, though it's a bit more board than I can honestly handle right now (feels like I'm maneuvering the Titanic compared to my 10'6" surf board). I posted a picture on my news feed. It's pretty cool, a board designed and shaped by a guy in Australia. I got a great deal on it when you convert Australian dollars to US. Now, I have to purchase a new paddle and some other accessories. This is my late birthday present (Oct) and an early Christmas present to myself. The competition with the 50+ women in the raceboard category is brutal, so I'll have to get my act together for next season's races which start in April. But I'm stoked. Already texted my biggest competitor about the I doubt she's shaking in her boots...she's a pretty amazing racer. I think I'm going to have be getting out on the water more this winter to figure out what I'm's pretty stable, for a narrow board, but I have a feeling I might be taking a few dives into the water. Maybe it's time to invest in a wet suit... :open_mouth:
  • jackiep248
    jackiep248 Posts: 37 Member
    My legs are a little bit sore right now BUT I am almost 2/3 done the stair challenge. I've been aiming for 500 stairs a day so I'm already up to 1000. I've just finished the 4 videos. I liked the first one best so I'm going to do it a second time tomorrow. I really enjoyed reading everyone's thankful posts.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I'm trying hard to make the 1000 minutes this week. I've got a good start with today and yesterday. The tricky days are the ones that I don't run!
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Monday: 270 minutes
    Tuesday: 240 minutes
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    b3achy wrote: »
    Seems Team 1 is pretty invincible. For the first time, they kicked our butts in minutes this week (had three people with over 1000 minutes). I think we tied them this week in challenge points, which was awesome!! Sorry, but I just couldn't push myself much farther last night to get more minutes because I was so sore from Saturday (darn that Rockettes challenge)!

    Yeah, I noticed the increase in minutes as well. Sometimes I think it would have been good to have a separate Fab Five group for strategizing... I feel like we are "watched" on here and when we say we are going to do this or that to try to overtake them, then they do something to counter it.

    Having done a lot of challenges on MFP, I don't think it's a bad idea to have a private group for "strategizing" if you're in a team challenge. Since our teams are not private, we can pretty much guarantee that people from other teams are reading our thread. (Team 1 - you KNOW you are!) LOL

    Something to consider for next time!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    I've made a little headway on the step challenge, but have been having some knee pain today. Lots of squats and lunges the past few days, along with a pretty intense cardio workout yesterday.

    I've gotten only about 200 steps so far, but I'm afraid to push it any further today. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Hoping I can knock out a couple of the dance videos.

    Under calories so far for 2 days.

    Minutes so far this week:
    Monday - 105
    Tuesday - 115
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    @b3achy -- you are so correct, this has been a great experience and we've done remarkably well throughout and I am very proud of our team! I'm just uber competitive and not willing to throw in the towel... maybe I'm hoping for some last quarter heroics like my Chiefs have done so many times this year, lol. At any rate, my minutes are already down from normal the past 2 days, but I will try to pick up the pace the rest of the week.