

  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    Jumping is not going to work for me! I can and have completed the step challenge of climb the Inca trail. That was much less jarring and doesn't seem to have strained my back further. I still need to finish the arms workouts for finding Nemo and then I will have that completed. I did 2 of the standing abs routines on Tuesday but need to break those up as they did seem to really bother me. I will get them done, I just have to do them in smaller pieces.

    I hope you all are well. The chatter seems a bit slow. We are expecting severe winter weather here today. Stay warm!
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    My lifestyle choices:
    1. Continue to log daily! It keeps me accountable for my food/ portions
    2. Try to get as much consecutive sleep as possible (that means giving up an episode or two at night)
    3. WATER- drinking pain ol water instead of coffee (or wine)
    4. Running, its both a physical and mental choice for me
    5. Meal prep/planning- Always have a food plan (don't "hope" for one because it's usually a poor one)
    6. Laughter and thinking positive (not letting others stress impact my life)
    7. Continue to give thanks for the things I have! (not just at thanksgiving)
    8. Low impact stretching/ yoga-ish things (taking care of my joints and body)
    9. Trying new vegetable/ healthy meals weekly! I always go back to the easy- mundane meals so i need to spice it up a bit!
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    Challenge 2: Drum to a viking beat is my pick! I somehow tweaked my knee so this challenge is super fun, my 7 month old enjoys watching me do it, and I could complete it without further irritating it! I also completed a turkey trot earlier this week but ill stick to the Iceland as my official challenge!
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    I finished the arms workouts for finding Nemo and as I stated early I also finished the step challenge for climb the Inca trail last night. My back is complaining a bit tonight but I did quite a bit of stretched this morning and I will do more tonight.
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    edited December 2016
    CHALLENGE #2 Squats
    I picked this one because I figured it was one I could get done.-I had time for.
    I figured it is better to do something that I figure is easy but give it my all. Squeeze those cheeks

    I did also like the standing ab. Done
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,258 Member
    8 Lifestyle Choices
    1. Log my food every day and work at staying under 1400 calories
    2. Exercise at least 5 of 7 days of the week
    3. Join MFP Challenges that make keeping healthy fun
    4. Increase the amount of time that I sleep; when I’m tired I eat
    5. Continue to add weight training
    6. Stay around positive people
    7. Plan a fun activity every week.
    8. Water! Continue to drink it.
    9. Something new: I would like to start taking an exercise class such as Spin or HITT
  • ldrichmond476
    ldrichmond476 Posts: 157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi! Thanks for adding me to the team so late in the challenge. I have been visiting in Seattle this week and am posting for my 2nd challenge of the week-I chose Hiking the Na Pali Coast from the Hawaii leg. Have logged more than 4 miles of outdoor walking in the 2 days I've been here. Will get that added to the spreadsheet as soon as I can.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Hey team! Just a quick check in, Costa Rica is just beautiful!! I wish I had time to read through all of your posts, but I'm limited on my wifi! :( You are all awesome! Did a waterfall hike yesterday, it was amazing. Blew through my 4 miles throughout the day yesterday!
  • livvie25
    livvie25 Posts: 62 Member
    1. Log food
    2. 8 hrs sleep
    3. Less hot cocoa
    4. My Exercise videos at home
    5. Meal prep instead of do it yourself cause u dont have the time
    6. Dont let other people s negativity affect us
    7. Having positive attitude
    8. Continue walking with puppy Brody

    9. Trying to keep chocolate away
  • livvie25
    livvie25 Posts: 62 Member
    Snow shoveling done next snow blower later though :)
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    @livvie25 You don't have to live without chocolate...Lily's creamy milk chocolate bar Stevia sweetened!
  • carinamenina
    carinamenina Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone. It has been a difficult week, as I've not been able to keep up with my normal level of exercise and work has been crazy busy before everyone leaves for the holidays (I work at a university and most students are from out of state). But I promised myself and you all that I would stick it out so here I am! :)

    Okay, for challenge #2: I chose to do the Turkey Trot Time, and I did a 5K. It was a test run/walk to see how my knee would hold up, and I'm happy to say it did. I took the next day off to let it rest, and then I ran another 4 miles this morning, again nice and slow--don't want to re-injure myself! I just miss being able to run like I usually do. I hope to get back to it soon.

    Here is my list of lifestyle choices for challenge #3:
    1. Drink at least 80 oz of water
    2. Exercise minimum 4 days a week
    3. Stay under calorie goal at least 5 days a week
    4. Always take the stairs (once my knee allows it)
    5. Prep for all my 2017 races--so basically just keep running :)
    6. Prioritize protein in my diet
    7. Encourage my children to join in on my exercises
    8. Focus on family, not gifts, especially at this time of year

    And my new one I would like to add: Try to get 7 hours of sleep every night. I'm averaging barely over 6 hours a night and I'm sure that's why I'm having such a hard time lately. I need more sleep, for my own physical, mental, and emotional help.

    This has been such a fun and exciting challenge. I hope I can do it again next time, assuming there is a next one!
  • livvie25
    livvie25 Posts: 62 Member
    @tarpguys thank you I will need to try that!:)
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Almost down to 4th place team, let's get some numbers in!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Hiked hanging bridges in the rainforest today :D86pwi8f5pqd1.jpg
  • Fitbug92
    Fitbug92 Posts: 53 Member

    #2. Hopping/Finding Nemo - I chose this because I figured I could do the jumping rope and hopscotching with the schedule I had for the week, and I wanted to focus on my food. It's easy when I have big projects to skip eating right. I'm still working on the hopscotching and jumping rope. Will complete by Sunday. I did 10 minutes today.

    Monday -

    Green-White- Broccoli
    Green-White - Brussell Sprouts
    Yellow - Orange - Orange
    Brown -Edamame

    Yellow - Orange - Orange
    Green - Green Beans
    Green-White - Cabbage
    Green White - Broccoli
    Brown - Edamame

    Orange - Carrots
    Red Purple - Grapes
    Yellow-Orange - Orange
    Green - Green Beans
    Green-White - Broccoli
    Brown - Edamame

    Red-purple - Strawberry, Blackberry
    Green - Lettuce
    Red -Tomato

    Green - Spinach
    Green-White - Broccoli
    Brown -Edamame

  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 294 Member
    9 lifestyle choices
    1. Drink atleast 96 oz of water. It's a little under half my weight, but it's what I can do for now.
    2. Get at least 7-8 hrs sleep every night. Bed by 11.
    3. Eat breakfast everyday. I'm going to have to make some quick muffins or something, because I need grab and go.
    4. More exercise. I know I could do more, but just get lazy.
    5. I really need to keep doing some sort of strength training, not just the cardio.
    6. Bring my own lunch to work. I eat out every day I work. It's not good for my health or wallet.
    7. Less sitting on the computer. I watch tv on it, and do games on it. Just isn't good for my well-being.
    8. Keep going after a mishap. I tend to give up on the week a lot with my eating if I have bad days. I'll start back right again Monday. No more of that.
    9. Not stress about the little things. Some things are just out of my control and I need to be ok with that.

    Challenge I have chosen. Climb to meet the count. I did this one because it tones my legs and I just have so many stairs at work, that I climb everyday, this is a challenge I can complete easily. lol
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    Sorry I've been absent this week. It's been a tough one. We put one of our dogs to sleep on Wednesday. :( She was 12 years old and had cancer. It's been a sad household. It doesn't help that a winter storm went through that same day. I have no motivation to walk in the snow and blowing wind. I have done some things around the house and I'm working on the ab videos. I keep thinking about my list for challenge 3. I'll try and get that typed in tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • livvie25
    livvie25 Posts: 62 Member
    Steps done fore the week Transvania Romania. Done with exercise for the week I will be digging myself out we're supposed to get up to 8 inches more than what we have now so I'll save my energy for tomorrow LOL :-)