

  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you all had a nice Christmas! Missed this thread and all of you! Let's try and keep it going. I have done 0 exercise since the race ended. Must get back on track! You guys help! Today I will be shovelling the front porch, and trust me, it will be a workout! We had lots of snow fall lately!
    Have a great day!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello @enuf200!

    I completely slacked off the week of Christmas as was busy with cleaning the house and cooking, but got back with the workouts on Monday. The eating has been terrible...still have lots of baked goodies leftover.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @enuf200 --I have continued to do that 6-minute ab video almost everyday since the race ended. I figure committing to 6 minutes of exercise a day is the least I can do. LOL! I also have been to the gym once, but due to some achy feet (my plantar fasciitis is acting up), I only ran a mile and a half before switching to the elliptical to finish the rest of my cardio. I did about 20 minutes of lifting as well,and man did I feel it the next day! Yesterday I went to the Asics outlet and brought 2 brand new pair of runners, so no excuses not to get back on that treadmill.

    @samra338 --My eating hasn't been the best. I'm not eating too much, but a lot of social activities involving food and drink have made it difficult to stay on track calorie-wise.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,680 Member
    I have been checking this thread during the holiday, and team 3 was the only one not posting. I am so happy to see you all posting again. How is everyone doing? Did you have a good Christmas?

    My working out has been great but eating has been terrible. Ughhhh.....

    @enuf200 - The snow sounds beautiful and that is DEFINITELY a workout doing all that shoveling. Hopefully it hasn't been too much snow where you can't leave the house.

    @samra338 - I am in the same boat with goodies still around. Glad you got back to working out.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - That's a great idea to do the 6 minute ab video - it was a good one. Hopefully your plantar fasciitis stops flaring. I had that years ago, and it sucks.

    Glad to see folks posting again......I am trying to stay motivated with not eating right now so I am perusing MFP.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    We are leaving for a vacay south soon. I tried on my "summer" clothes, including bathing suits. Man, I have put on some weight. I feel like the two weeks off of exercise and logging has put 10 lbs on my body. (I'm not weighing myself, that would probably put me over the edge). I did shovel yesterday and I got on the treadmill for 40 min. Will workout today and have plans to play tennis and walk while away. Then full speed ahead when I get back!

    Let's keep going - with this thread and with getting back on track. We got this!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,680 Member
    Hi all - I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve tomorrow. Here's to a new year.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    I gained about 1.5 pounds last week, today's weigh-in shows I have already lost half of it! No more leftovers but lots of chocolates received as gifts left over...helping myself to small portions.

    Happy New Year's Eve and New Year to all of you!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey guys! I logged here and there over break and always checked in, but I really took the holiday to not worry about feeling obligated. Because of that I gained almost 4 pounds, and then I've lost about half of it again so really just a 2 lb net gain. I'm okay with that - I always fluctuate so much so quickly.

    Now I'm here and back on track! My Harry Potter group has started today and I'm excited for that. This week I want to focus on logging food and water!

    What are you doing to be on track this first week of the new year?
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,680 Member
    @BJerzy - which house are you in? I forgot that you were in it, too. It is a fun challenge. Great job only having a 2 lb net gain. A few weeks back, you weren't feeling motivated with this at all. How are you now that holidays are over?

    I am trying to eat more protein to stay more full. I am always hungry and this seems to be helping. Is there anything new you all are trying this year to help with your health goals?
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    @smile_laughter thanks for remembering that! I think the week+ off really did some good and now I'm ready to try again. I just get so frustrated because I have the body type where any day I go off track I gain immediately, and although it usually falls back off it doesn't seem fair that I can't enjoy myself. Especially when I see other people having immediate success with pills and stuff, but in the back of my mind I know that's not real. I just try to breathe and not think about the number, more of just how I feel. I started lifting a couple weeks ago. After my earlier post I checked the mirror and, although my number is up, I feel like I look better. The measurement numbers are the ones I really want to focus on.

    I'm a Hufflepuff! I love me some black and yellow ;)

    I've also bought some more high protein snacks to keep with me - cottage doubles, Greek yogurt and mixed nuts. I'm going to try and shop snacks more so I can have a plan l instead of just grabbing whatever is around. I even bought some 100 calorie popcorn bags for night snacking and some nature valley bars for grab and go. I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything, I'm ready for every situation and these are just enough calories to not mess up my game plan.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! Happy new year!!

    @smile_laughter --I don't really have anything new that I'm trying, but right now my goal is exercise as I finish my last few days of Winter Break. Social activities make it hard to stay on track with food, but the extra time allows me to work it off at the gym, so that's my strategy until I go back to work on Wed. As much as I'm not excited about that, I am looking forward to more structured eating. I agree that high protein always helps me keep my calories in check, so I'm going to shoot for 100 g of protein/day. And water--lots and lots of water. :)

    @BJerzy --that's great that you've already lost half of your holiday gain! I didn't have any net gain, but I'm currently fighting a 10 pound gain I put on over the past year, and I made zero progress losing any of that over the holidays. :( At least I didn't gain any more, so I guess that's a win, so to speak.

    @Samra825 --kudos to you as well for getting that small gain off so quickly! I bought myself a bag of dark chocolate squares to try to combat the sweets cravings. Now that all of the other goodies have been out of the house for about a week, it seems to be out of my system.

    @enuf200 --Have fun on your vacation!

    AFM-- I have been really sporadic with logging my food, so my first order of business is to get back to doing it every day, be it good or bad. I also need to hold myself more accountable for the splurges. I used to be really diligent about getting in some extra workouts and "banking" some calories for special events, but I've been lax about that as well. This weekend I have an all day outing in the city with friends who are moving across country soon. We will be bar hopping so there will be a lot of calories in the form of food and drinks. My immediate goal is to save up some extra calories over the next few days, so Saturday's social event doesn't "undo" all the work I put in throughout the week.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    @BJerzy I was/ am the same. I don't deny myself anything just limit the portions. And you are right! It's the measurements that make a difference as long as we are in the healthy BMI.

    @skinnyjeanzbound Solid plan and as long as you meet the weekly numbers, you should lose those 10 lbs in no time. Enjoy your day out with your friends.

    @smile_laughter I continue to do what has worked for me...basic CICO and exercise.

    I was a bit relaxed over the last few weeks but have my workout plan for January and started it yesterday. I'm doing a circuit program incorporating strength and HIIT and will add a bit of yoga at least once a week. I got a new protein shake, which is absolutely yummy but I have had it just once so far. My macros have been terrible this week...too much of carbs, I need to work on my protein as well.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @samra338 -- My plan is excellent, but apparently my execution is leaving something to be desired. For some reason I have been really hungry this week, and I'm not doing a very good job at upping my protein. Nothing to do but keep at it.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    OMG!!! I'm so happy!!! Thank you, @hawkins410!!!!!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Can't wait! Thanks @hawkins410
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    @hawkins410 thats just the news i needed this morning. I have been so off my journey and need to be back on track. The timing is perfect too as i will be done with at least 3 of my 4 trips for college visits/soccer tourneys/camps since Christmas. Nothing like being gone every weekend .. flying or driving for 5+ hours each eay for weekend adventures. Kind of takes me out of my mindset. At least summer adventures were week long times and nice outdoor weather!

    I'm so off my game I'm still looking at my unfluffed undecorated Christmas tree taking up a huge corner of my living room.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member



  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    edited January 2017
    I have joined the group but am having some trying issues getting the spreadsheets accessed.
    I've got a message to google.
    I even got a new phone! Thought that would solve my prior issue.
    Fingers crossed!

    ETA - Definitely would like to remain on Team 3!

    Disregard above. Cut to
    New Phone- Check
    Spreadsheets Accessed- Check
    Stupefied- Check

    Ready to re up!