Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I slept in my own bed last night and it felt good. Max and his mommy and daddy will be coming home today and will now be a family of four. Max is perfect and with all the prayers we hope he will have a normal and healthy life. Robby is a little in awe of him and not completely understanding where the baby is that was in mommy's tummy. lol One more picture to share with you because it melts my heart.

    Friday before Max was born, I picked up my new glasses from Walmart. They are distance glasses but help with the glare of the lights, however there is a mistake with the new lenses.
    I have more halo's and blurriness but made the mistake of just having new lenses put in my old frames and told her she could throw the old lenses away. I am going back to the eye doctor today to see if prescription is wrong or if Walmart made a mistake.

    Buzz, I too, am glad your son and his wife are safe and probably in Germany by now. So glad you are taking care of yourself and watching your food. ( ok maybe not the chocolate cake lol)

    Shirley, I think the boys are adorable, not so sure about me. lol Robby also does that when on a video call, he wants to touch me. Must be a two year old thing, when they want to be part of conversation so they make up their own words and babble. lol Prayers being said for your MIL that all goes well with her checkup.

    Lin, I absolutely love your cards, you are very creative. I am sure anyone who receives one will be so appreciative for all your hard work.

    Jackie, omg, could those two little critters get any cuter? They look like trouble to me and best friends!!! And yes Jackie, I think it was just a little gas or funny face.

    Marcella, six degrees of separation is very common isn't it? Such sad news lately, wouldn't it be wonderful if they told us something fun that made us all smile? I should be doing laundry today but so far just being lazy.

    Jeri, I do hope your doctor can help with that acid reflux, otherwise try a new doctor. I hope Ed also gets better soon, it seems like you two have had these things too long. Babies are special, they do melt our heart strings.

    Have a great day! Enjoy it!!
    One Day at a Time

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - You just absolutely inspire me! Love the card. <3

    Yesterday, I did cooking and laundry. But never made it to the office work. So, today---the office work. :(
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had aqua fit this morning and a different instructor a young girl, I really like her she gets us going. Some of the group just chat and some don't do anything but float around. I had a good workout and was tired when I got home. I went to pick up Kathy's picture for her birthday and it looks great! I picked up her birthday card, she will be 34 on Jan. 15th. So now we can make our trip to see Isaac.. Kathy is getting over a cold so I want to wait until she feels better before we come. We are thinking Monday and Tuesday.

    We are in for some warmer temperatures this week which will be nice for a change.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello, I have been tooling around trying to accomplish most of the errands on today's list!! Yippee, I am finished until tomorrow. And I have tried to address several issues where I have not been issued credit for online order problems.

    Tonight is a card-making class at a local church. The focus is card-making for ministry. I think that fits into what I am doing. I am a bit frightened to go on my own but that is normal for me.

    Finally tomorrow it is Mah Jongg once again. I have missed it the last several weeks and then it is coloring in the afternoon at my library. Should be a nice day with only an added trip to Walgreens added in.

    Sandy, darling little ones and I am always struck by the beautiful color of Robby's hair. Wow!! I am sorry your glasses are not what you need.

    Buzz, thinking of you and that chocolate cake. I hope you are able to get around again today on your walker and that you are feeling okay. <3

    Shirley, sounds like you are ready to go but it is probably wise to wait a bit until Kathy feels better. Your morning class sounds great!

    Marcella, I am still avoiding the office. I am so goooood at that. But of course I am guilt consumed.

    There was a funeral this morning for another member of our congregation and although I did not attend I heard that the minister who had agreed to do the fu real was very sick and they had to find a substitute. I guess it really is the time of year for illness.

    Better keep moving as I will leave a bit later for that class. Need to gather up the trash, are an early dinner, etc.

    Wishing everyone the best. Hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    After my volunteer work, I attended a fitness/brain class and enjoyed every moment. Will try to get as many varied classes as possible! Between the bank errors and several other business goofs, I have been busy again straightening out mistaken fees and you name it! But I think I'm winning! MAX and Robby are both priceless, SANDY, and I'm late for dinner, so will be back later! PS, down 4 pounds this morning, but it's water, I'm sure!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello, well, that did not work out for me. I got checked in for the class. Went to the room and two ladies were talking. They did not welcome me and barely responded when I made an inquiry. So this went on for about 20 minutes. I found them very unfriendly but when another woman showed up and they immediately included her in their conversation and still would not speak to me I started to chafe. Now it is well after the starting time and their little club clearly has me frozen out. Since I was almost in tears I packed up and said this wasn't going to work for me and then I left. They could have cared less.

    I am so disappointed as I really was eager to learn. And now I have vented on you about my very hurt feelings.

    Off to read my book club book and watch a movie I got from the library--Ghostbusters.

    See ya.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Jackie your photos are FANTASTIC. Makes me want to go out walking with you.

    Lin - what rude people. That is awful. I'm sorry. Loved your card. You are very good.

    BUzz - you are making great progress. Good for you.

    Thanks for your kind thoughts. I now seem to have caught Ed's cold. My doctor called and asked me to come in about my acid reflux. I guess he got the results of my test. I am seeing him today. Fingers crossed.

    Yesterday we were at Mel's helping out. MAggie is in the hospital again and we came over to help out. We were supposed to do it again but I can't as I am sick (Ed isn't 100% either) and the roads are awful so we are staying home. Mel and Sean say the kids are okay, stay home. Elizabeth is 16 and Zach is 13 so they'll be okay. We had fun with the kids playing games and reading books. But I started to poop out at the end. Darn. Tomorrow hopefully Sean's parents will come over but they are just getting over colds too. Wrong time of year.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Awe the two brothers Cute picture
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Feel better soon Jeri. You and Ed are having a bout of problems which I do not like at all. :'( also sorry Maggie is back in the hospital. Poor little dear.

    We had rain this morning and I went to play Mah Jongg. My neighbor called and said we had no power. Oh my. While we were playing the temperature dropped and we got s bit of ice and snow. The parking lot was pretty slick when I went to my car. I was happy to stay upright!!

    The power is on again, I am having a bit of lunch and then off for coloring. The roads aren't too bad.

    Later. Hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Busy day, started with visiting with Max this morning, then stopping at Lisa's mom to drop something off. It is so windy and rainy but warm, still a good day to stay indoors. I have been searching airline prices to go to Florida and D. C. and trying to co ordinate with my cousin. We will either go to Florida in March or April and I go to D. C. in May.
    Bryanna now has her license and her car, she is one happy camper and so am I.

    It is nearly dinner time and time has gotten away from me so I will be back in the morning.
    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Fantastic show tonight after our "birthday night dinner". First, I want to share that since the New Year, I have brought down my own spice mix and olive oil, asking for lemon wedges to add to a nightly chopped salad, on which I add either grilled chicken breast or sliced tenderloin grilled medium rare. No more soups most nights, no rolls (tonight I forewent croissants), iced black coffee instead of other drinks,no more of the delicious ice creams, eating mostly sugar free jello UNLESS dessert is chocolate! I know I will fail unless I have SOMETHING th look forward to! I try to make certain I have enough protein at each meal, and I no longer skip lunch. As of this morning, down 6 pounds. It's not easy, without my own food preparation, but I want to start breathing without effort following a bit of exertion!
    The show tonight was a very tall, slender lithe young man who is unbelievably agile, though I noticed this year he no longer jumped up to and off th high stage, as he has in the past.Along with his graceful and awesome dancing he sings and can imitate famous singers like Nat King Cole, Elvis, Tom Jones, Perry Como, and he did an encore of New York New York that brought down the house. Although I was not a fan of Michael Jackson, I almost broke my hand applauding his version of MJ and the dancing including the moon walk was incredible. I went up to him after his performance to share that tonight was the first night since my husband's death in October that I actually enjoyed myself! And I truly did. His name is Ashley Cooper, and he only is an entertainer a few months a year. His calling is actually being a missionary in an isolated area in Peru, where he said the biggest excitement is the brand new Walmart, for which the people he works with dress up, as if for an evening out!
    LIN, dear, you are a treasure, and I hope you realize that though most people are kind and considerate, there are are few out there from whom we must steer clear, as they spread their inadequacies and toxicity to people they know in their hearts are nicer than they! I wonder if you could borrow a book on making cards, or perhaps Google the type of cards in which you are interested and use your own ingenuity. Yes, you can! Or find another place for lessons!
    JERI, I surely hope you and ED feel better quickly. And I doubt you want to spread your germs, so your family will learn to function on their own! Unfortunate, but I'll bet they do just fine! Hope MAGGIE will be better.
    SANDY, you are one busy lady! Filled with great things to do and adorables to visit! We were windy today, also. I'm glad for Bryanna, which should also be easier for you, as well!
    JACKIE, your photos are just wonderful. I almost imagine myself in some British novel written about your "moors"! And the doggies personalities simply shine through!
    Well, after midnight, and I am determined to get more sleep, so I will cut short, I am remembering you all, though...please forgive my "neglect"!
    <3 Buzz
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited January 2017
    Buzz - I looked him up and can see why you enjoyed him so much. I watched some of his youtube videos and found this short, quick video that seemed to sum up his performance. I'm guessing this is the right person because it says he's from Florida and is a performer and missionary.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Finally a day to myself! Caught up on sleep, almost caught up on computer and just chilling. I do have to pay some bills and maybe run to the grocery store but it can always wait until tomorrow. Decided to go to Florida in April, too much going on in March including my big birthday! (75) Please forgive me for sharing one more picture, but this one melted my heart again.

    Marcella, thanks for sharing the youtube video, now we all know why Buzz liked him so much.

    Buzz, sometimes there is too much to do, I really like staying home except for traveling. You are doing a great job on taking care of yourself, I am very proud of you.

    Lin, it broke my heart to read those ladies were so rude to you, especially being from church. It is best to just detach from people like that, you deserve so much more. I am so sorry. I am also glad you stayed upright in the parking lot. I hope coloring was fun and the people were kind.

    Marie, I think the two brothers are cute also, but of course I am their grandma!!

    Jeri, I am so sorry about Maggie, why is she in the hospital? It does sound like your daughter has some built in sitters to help in a pinch. Better you stay away if not feeling well for all of you.

    Shirley, I bet you can't wait to see Isaac and of course your daughter. She will love her birthday present, you did good.

    I better start doing something constructive before this whole day gets away on me.

    Have a great one!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Sandy - I tried one of those boards you mentioned (that twists) at the store today. Good grief!!! On that flooring it was like greased lightning. And nope, did not buy one. :D

    Coloring yesterday was very nice, Today Tai Chi followed by the usual Wednesday coloring was wonderful. Just a small group of us and we laughed so hard there was snorting and belly laughs. I finished a few errands, got home to an issue concerning my farm. Got those calls made and now I am having a huge bowl of veggie soup and watching a DVD.

    Buzz, the entertainment sounds tremendous. Thanks for the additional info Marcella, I will check that out. You are making some very good decisions regarding your eating Buzz. Very good strategies.

    And yes, I realize not every person will be a jewel but I have had nothing but positive experiences at that church so had my expectations set quite high. I am over it now and will keep plugging along with what I am doing and will continue to watch some YouTube videos. I am looking forward to the morning with my friend, a very proficient card maker and a class in February at another metro area library.

    Onward. And Sandy, another beautiful picture. <3


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy- Love the picture and so adorable with the two boys. Yes I am excited to see Isaac and celebrate Kathy's birthday.

    Lin- So sorry to hear of the treatment you received from the "church ladies". I agree with Buzz, some people you just stay away from. Our choir had an experience from a church member where we practiced before our performance. She had flowers for the Sunday service to bring up to the alter and she walked right in the middle
    of all of us standing in our order. So rude, we just laughed at her, she also had a scowl on her face.
    Forget them, you are more pleasant and kind to people they don't know what they are missing by having you in their group. :)

    Jeri- Sorry to hear about little Maggie back in the hospital again. o:) I hope all goes well.

    Buzz- You are doing all the right things with your life and eating well. You are doing better than me with your weight. Great job!

    I had yoga this morning, still taking it easy and finding I am stiffer again due to not going as much as I used to.
    I will try more providing the knee does okay. My chiropractor is massaging the meniscus area now and it is
    painful, but it was painful when she massaged the back of a my knee and now it is doing much better.

    Have a good evening.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARCELLA, what fun seeing him (younger on YouTube than last night), and when I tried to comment, Google wouldn't recognize me, so I couldn't say anything about him. Thank you for the link!
    SANDY, what a beautiful photo of your dear son, who closely resembles you, and the 2 gorgeous grandkids! Can't believe you will be 75 soon. You look about 20 years younger! I guess it has a lot to do with your outlook!
    SHIRLEY, I hope that meniscus mends quickly. Such a painful area.
    LIN, of course you bounded back beautifully, because that's what you do! Keep your chin high whenever you have to deal with rudeness, and just know it's their loss!
    My leg wraps came last night and I was
    anxious to try them today. I must say they are far more comfortable than compression stockings, since they can be adjusted to fit areas that are difficult, like the knee area (actually just beneath the knee), which can swell painfully on me.
    I'm so please that the cellulitis look alike has subsided and my legs' skin is looking much better. Another day using walker instead of wheelchair; yippee!
    I just found I had saved a picture the waitress took of my son, his wife (next to me), her friend and me at the Seawatch restaurant in Pompano when they were visiting. That was lobster night and I did not suffer gout afterwards!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Good morning Sneakers, I'm just letting you know that I will be dropping out of the Sneakers and myfitnesspal for the time being. It's been a super tool to use and I've learnt a good deal. Thank you all for your support. I'm not off the Internet of course and still emailing etc.
    Bye for the time being, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No Anne we refuse to let you go. Gosh we have all enjoy your time with us . This is so sudden hard to is so sudden. I know you have your reason. But do not give up the ship yet..i love you being here among with us older folks .let this time being be very short

    . <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am so sorry that Anne has left. What did we do? :(:s:'(
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne - I will genuinely miss you here. But best wishes with where ever your journey takes you. It is always about what is best for each of us at different times. So, for now, I simply send you off with lots of hugs and hope you journey back this way in the future. <3