

  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Nice to meet all of the new racers and reconnect with returning Team 3's! This week is 5000 miles, so we should be able to meet easily with 20 team members. 250 minutes/person for the week. We got this, team3!!!

    I did videos 1,2,& 3 yesterday and whoa - my arms felt it! Did not expect that!
    That was all I had time to do yesterday - one of those days where you work all day and out with kids activities in the evening. Will definitely add more minutes tonight!
    @PompPanda - LOL! glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way about the second video!

    @dawnBe1-would love to hear more about your running adventure in Chille/Patagonia!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • PompPanda
    PompPanda Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome Dawn! I agree with @enuf200, do tell us more about this running adventure you are planning!!! And what does the training for that look like?

    All I had time for yesterday was the deathly arm exercises as well (plus a short walk). I had class until 10 pm, productivity happened after that. Today I'm going rock climbing at the gym after work, so I'll definitely log more minutes.

    Question for those that have done this challenge before, is it okay that I only log the exercise I do in the spreadsheet, or do I have to log it into MFP as well? I don't usually log my exercise because then it messes up my calories remaining part.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited January 2017
    @PompPanda I only log on the spreadsheet also, so I can confirm that's ok.

    It's been a very busy day which means lots of extra minutes yay, I'm hoping to do a walk after putting the children to bed later today. I'm so glad I have a day off tomorrow, need to catch up with housework and washing.

    Would love to hear from the rest of the team, in this challenge communication is key x
  • Run4theluvofit
    Run4theluvofit Posts: 42 Member
    edited January 2017
    Another snow day for us here in Southern Idaho. Perk of being a teacher is that I get these days off with my daughter :) This makes our 7th one this year. Record breaking snow fall + wind, and definitely record breaking days off. I'll be running on the treadmill today for sure, I'm not keen on being swallowed by a snow drift ;) I hope it's sunny and warm in your neck of the woods, I sure do miss it!!!!!!

    @PompPanda We are practically neighbors. We were just in SLC this last weekend for our daughter's gymnastics meet, such a beautiful city.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Mondays are usually my rest day, so I just got a 15 minutes walk. I will start with the videos shortly, planning to do at least two today.

    I'm healing from a surgery I had in January, so haven't been able to do any strength training. My hand was in a cast but it came off last week, just my finger is in a splint and bandaged now. I have been working around this, so my minutes will definitely be lesser than last season. But still, I will definitely do my best.

    On the plus side, I stopped at the local supermarket to buy a bag of clementines for the food challenge.
  • PompPanda
    PompPanda Posts: 32 Member
    @Run4theluvofit Hey neighbor! Haha. I hope the snow drove away the awful smog while you were here. The air gets so's a major problem, and definitely keeps me from running outside during the winter. But it is a wonderful city! I live in the heart of it, and it's great, especially while looking up at our beautiful mountains. I don't think I've ever been to Idaho before, though!

    @samra338 Eek, sorry to hear that you're still in the process of recovery. I hope it's going well, though. Kudos to you for wanting to commit to exercise while still dealing with that!
  • DawnBe1
    DawnBe1 Posts: 81 Member
    @PompPanda and @enuf200 it's called Race 2 Adventure. We basically do a trail run in different locations as we travel around the country from 5K up to 12K and then have the rest of the time to do site seeing and other adventures. I went away with the group a few years back to Peru and it was an amazing experience. There's usually around 100 of us both runners and walkers alike! My training right now is just getting back up to the 12K distance. It's been a bit slow going until recently but my pace and distance has been improving bit by bit. Tonight I did my first 11K run in a long while and it felt pretty good.
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    1. My name is Stephanie. I am 29 years old and single.

    2. FAVORITE WAY TO EXERCISE: Just depends what I'm in the mood for. I think cardio exercise videos are my favorite. The exercise I do the most would be walking on the treadmill. I have also recently started adding strength training to my workouts!

    3. WHERE YOU ARE FROM (TOWN/STATE/PROVINCE): I live in a small town in North Carolina near the mountains.

    4. A BRIEF (OR LONG) DESCRIPTION OF WHERE YOU LIVE: I live in an area where there are many rivers and mountains. Some of our most famous mountains that are close by are Table Rock and Grandfather Mountain. The food that is most popular around here is barbeque! Also, a food you can get in my region but rarely anywhere else is livermush (don't ask me what's in it LOL). We are just a place with a lot of southern hospitality and a lot of sweet tea! ;)

    I have been in this challenge before and looking forward to be a part of it again :)
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello everyone! It's great to meet all of you.
    1. NAME: Shauna.
    I'm a 41 year old mother of 5 (four are teenagers and luckily I have a wonderful husband who helps me stay sane when I start to loose it.) I've done all but the first Amazing Race and am so grateful to our incredible organizers.
    My mom, @bloveless has been with me on the last few races and I'm happy that she is with us again this time!

    I LOVE distance running but have had to find new ways to exercise for the last 9 months. I've got a torn meniscus and a cyst behind my kneecap. I kept running on my injury and ended up with a stress fracture at the top of my tibia. So, I'm having surgery this Friday to get things cleaned up and will hopefully be back to running in a month! If not, I think I'll have to buy a nice bike and convince my running friends to start cycling with me. To me, exercise is all about socializing and I've been blessed with many wonderful exercise friends.
    @DawnBe1 If my surgery works, I'll have to look into your Race 2 Adventure. That sounds like a dream come true; exercise, travel, socializing...... I'd be in heaven!

    Utah ( @PompPanda I think you and I are blessed with the same beautiful mountain view :smile: ) I also have a love for rock climbing but have only done it in a climbing gym.

    We have beautiful mountains that are currently covered in snow, perfect for skiing and snowshoeing.
    I agree, the inversion (that's the fancy word we use when the mountains trap the pollution in the valley) is awful but luckily it only lasts for a while in the winter.
    We hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics and have some of the fastest ice on earth, something to do with our elevation.
    We also have the Great Salt Lake which is good for variety in a desert but not pleasant to visit.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited January 2017

    Morning Team 3!! Halfway through the week already!! Hope that you all have a fab day, let's get those miles/minutes in. Also to give you the heads up @shauna30 Sundays are my rest days and every other weekend due to family commitments and church X
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning everyone!
    I finished Challenge #2 yesterday. I even did a bit of the optional Happy Dance (I think it was called). I repeated the 2nd video - an attempt to redeem myself in trying to follow along - didn't really help! LOL!
    @DawnBe1 - I checked out the RaceAdventure...sounds like a lot of fun! I am starting to run again (very slowly) - so maybe one day... :)
    @shauna30 - hope the surgery goes well, and quick healing!
    @sglibbs - livermush? I'm going to look it up out of sheer curiosity only! LOL!
    @samra338 - here's to a quick recovery!

    Have a good one!

  • PompPanda
    PompPanda Posts: 32 Member
    All this talk about RaceAdventure and running makes me miss my track days. I used to run all the time, but stopped for some reason...I've been getting into weight lifting to help my climbing, but I think I want to start incorporating more running so I can get back into that. I always felt so amazing after a good run!

    @shauna30 Woo gorgeous snow covered mountains! And extra woo for rock climbing, ha. I've only been outside myself once, down in southern Utah, and it was awesome, but I still wasn't over my fear of heights enough to totally enjoy it. Once it's warm again, I definitely plan to get outside more to climb.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey guys! Woah life is crazy right now, and those of you who've raced with me before know that this whole school year has been pretty crazy.

    I'm Brynn. I live in Philadelphia, PA, the City of Brotherly Love. I love everything about the city - the tall buildings, the industrial look, the bridges over the river to Jersey, the trail along the river, the Amish bakeries and chocolates, fresh produce and meat/fish at the market, even down to the graffiti and street art. It's just an awesome place to be. I've only lived here since June, so I'm still exploring and constantly finding new places to go. It's been a blast.

    I'm starting the videos tonight. I also realized it's Wednesday so if I'm going to get 4 days of orange fruit I need to start today. I'm stopping to pick some up on my way home tonight.

    My favorite exercise is running, but I don't know why. I really enjoy all outdoor activities, be it in a park, on a field/court, or in the water. I'm trying to do some yoga here and there, but I don't think I have the patience for it. That's exactly the reason I know I need to keep trying it!
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    I am looking forward to trying new activities such as rock climbing as I get into shape and lose weight.

    What is an activity you have never done before but would love to try?
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    1. NAME: Cheriels

    2. FAVORITE WAY TO EXERCISE: at home-> weights and HIIT training, then anything that my kids or this challenge sends my way!

    3. WHERE YOU ARE FROM: South Shore of Montreal, Quebec, Canada,

    4. A BRIEF (OR LONG) DESCRIPTION OF WHERE YOU LIVE , on a farm, with my two kids and husband ;) close to the boarder to New York State, so we have (usually , this year has been a bit warmer and odd) cold/snowy winters and hot humid summers.

    So far have done two days, Monday and today with clementines, have enough stashed out of the grasps of the kids to finish off the challenge :wink:

    Will hit the weights tomorrow am, and do some videos tomorrow afternoon.
    Thanks for the amazing race, you guys have outdone yourselves once again!

    Lets go team 3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    1. NAME: Hi guys! I'm Karen, a returning member to Team 3. I'm 47, married, and have one fur-kid, my 11 y/o Boxer/Shepherd named Gunner.

    2. FAVORITE WAY TO EXERCISE: I sort of have exercise ADD--love to mix up my cardio shifting between the various machines at the gym. However, my one constant is running--both outside and on the treadmill. I also enjoy lifting weights though I admit to being less consistent with that aspect of my exercise.

    3. WHERE YOU ARE FROM (TOWN/STATE/PROVINCE): I was raised in Chicago, IL but currently live and work in the northwest suburbs from the city about an hour from downtown.

    4. ONE OR TWO SENTENCES DESCRIBING WHERE YOU LIVE (PICTURES ARE FUN, BUT NOT A REQUIREMENT): Chicago is, IMHO, the greatest city in the world--but I may be a little biased. LOL! There's so much to do in the city--great restaurants and bars, museums, theaters, and shopping. But the best part of the city is Lake Michigan. Miles and miles of beautiful beaches and a bicycle/running path. Whenever I stay downtown, I love to go for a run along the lake. I wish I could afford to live near it--I would probably be in stellar physical shape! My suburb is nice, if a bit on the boring side as are most suburbs, but we like it most days. My neighborhood is safe for walking the dog and running, and it's convenient to both mine and my husband's jobs.

    I've been sick all week and injured (more on that later), and completely forgot that this had started. Glad I remembered in time to complete this week's challenges.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member

    Morning Team 3, it's really nice getting to know you all, also knowing a little more about the different countries/ districts we all come from. Wishing a speedy recovery to all those that are injured and has been unwell.
    @bloveless 24 grand children and still looking young :) .@EternalTruth I would love to try rock/mountain climbing, zip wiring and other extreme sports hopefully once I get into shape.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day! Remember to add in your miles/minutes still quite a few empty spaces.

  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Wow crazy week for me so far...I have been out town for work for 3 days. Not much time for myself....will get better today.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I didn't get to the videos yesterday - I was so stressed from work that by the time I got home I really just needed to decompress and do nothing. So instead I got up and did 2 this morning! I've really been sleeping in lately and rushing to work, so maybe this challenge will help me get my mornings back on track! I loved the morning stretching routine - reminded me of the radio taiso we did last race and I have to admit, I still do the radio taiso every now and then when I need a good morning stretch!

    I found a bag of oranges at the store yesterday for just $1! I couldn't believe it was that cheap. So I'm one orange in, and one in my lunch today. I've got some minutes I'll post later this week, but first I have a question. I've been lifting at the gym, which means going to different machines or stopping to change the weight or reposition the pullies...for those of you who lift, how do you keep track of your time? My gym is pretty full and it's not gym etiquette to be on your phone, so I can't use a timer or anything. Any ideas?