OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Ah Janet, my friend! SO GOOD that you got home okay. Chill well!
    Hugs back at you...
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks, MaryLynn. Did not get a nap but am unwinding. Have had many calls from friends and now I am just wiped out but ever so happy. Need a muscle relaxer for spasms and that should help me get to sleep. There will be real coffee tomorrow!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi from the road. On plan for today and all tracked. Nighty night.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    MaryLynn- thank you for the article- I copied it and emailed it to myself.
    Janet- WELCOME HOME>>>> !!!!!!!!!!! **************
    Patti- sorry about the car- love the comment about it having Alzheimer's
    Suzi- Glad your on plan
    I actually wrote down everything I plan to eat today. I'm not worried about staying exactly within my allotted calories but this is a new day and a step in accountability to me. I think I had too much sugar and odd eating over the weekend, yesterday I was dizzy a couple of times. Also I was tired, from all the driving everywhere. But feeling better today.
    So today's goal- eat on plan. If still feeling good at the end of the day- 15 mins of exercise.
    Hey, its a good start. I'll let you know how it goes.
    Need to start the day job but happy we're all focused on good health.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, so glad you are finally home and praying you can actually get some rest. We're the kitties overjoyed to see you? Do take care and don't overdo.

    Cindy, amazing how one weekend of indulgence can affect how we feel for a few days. Great plan for today and 15 minutes is where you start.

    Suzi, hope checking in keeps you on plan for this trip. You are one for one so far.

    Mary Lynn, thank you for the article. I am going to copy it and read when I have a bit more time

    Got called in to work 5-10pm. Slowest day I have ever worked. Was surprised they didn't send one of us home. We did get a lot of straightening done. Best the fabrics have looked since I started, it won't last, lol. I was able to give some very good personal service to the few customers who where there. Helping pick out fabric, patterns and all the notions. Seems the few that ventured in did not know how to sew or needed help matching colors. It was fun having time to be truly helpful.

    Off to pick up Mom.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. It has been a busy couple of days. Eating and tracking is improving. I just hope I see it on the scale this week! I know I should get wrapped up in numbers but I do.

    Yesterday I finally tackled cleaning out my craft/sewing room. It has been hanging over my head for two weeks now as the first thing I wanted to do. I got the closet, one of the cabinets and my small notions organizer done - threw away a bunch of stuff and organized the rest. Now the desk and file cabinet today. I bought a serger about 20 years ago - used it some but never as much as expected. It broke and I never replaced it. I have a whole DRAWER full of cone thread. Anybody need it?

    Patti, I finally found a good class for me! Body Works plus abs - all strengthening and toning rather than cardio. It runs T/TH, so that will be my go to for those days. Monday I did aqua aerobics and it was a fun workout, and will also be a good one. It was more challenging than I had expected.

    Carrie is doing some better - got out of her room Sunday for guests and yesterday to come downstairs for a while then dinner. We've also started reducing the pain meds. Janet, there was a scary article in the Washington Post today about pain meds after surgery. Here's the link:

    PT comes today for the first real session. Of course that messed up her plan to have dad take her to the Apple store for genius help with her computer. Maybe do that late this afternoon if she feels up to it.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, yay for being home! Hope you got a real night's rest, and real coffee this morning! Just be careful. Don't let the kitties jump on your leg while you are resting. Elevate, elevate, elevate!

    Patti, it is great that you finally had a work day that wasn't so stressful. I love it when someone takes the time to help me when I am struggling to figure out what I need.

    MaryLynn, great article! I'm struggling just to track my intake, so not sure I would do the moods etc. I know what I am eating that is incorrect, just need to willpower to stop! When I met with the trainer at the gym for my free assessment, I said the saying " Lose weight in the kitchen, get fit in the gym. " He had never heard that! I do think it is very true.

    Cindy, pre-tracking/planning really do help me. It makes me aware of how much I have available for snacks if necessary, and sometimes makes me re-evaluate my planned menu if something is too high.

    Suzi, drive safely, and eat mindfully!

    Bert, so sorry you are struggling with the college. I HATE having things unorganized. How sad that your students are not getting the official feedback they need. I'm sure you are giving them your unofficial feedback, but that official stuff matters.

    Karla, hope things are settling down for you.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. Today I made my first visit of the semester. I rented a car as it is now the campus policy for over 25 miles; however, they did say we could use our judgement. I think, in the long run, it will cost the campus more in rental cars than paying us mileage. We shall see.

    I will be picking Jillian up from school the next three days as Greg has away games. I'm happy to help them out and look forward to my alone time with her.

    Have a great rest of the day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, can you come help me with my craft room? I never seem to get things organized just right. Always searching for that "one" thing. Sounds like a good group of classes for you at the gym.

    Bert, enjoy your time with Jillian.

    Today did not go exactly as planned. Mom's BP is still higher than they want it so a new med was added. I will pick it up tomorrow and stay with her after she takes her first dose. She has had too many allergic reactions in the past so not taking any chances. We had planned lunch at our favorite local Mexican place only to get there and they were closed for renovations. Back up plan was Taco Bell! Nit nearly the same but we both love it. TRX tonight, leftover ribs for dinner. Someone asked what a wester rib was and I forgot to answer. It is basically a pork shoulder, bone in, cut longwise through the bone. Very meaty but fatty, which I cut off all I can before cooking.

    Until later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, that sounds yummy! Hope your mom tolerates the new med well - so happy to know Nurse Patti will stay with her fo make sure she's OK. Hooray for quiet days at the store - no rudeness and a chance to learn the store even better while tidying.

    Cindy - back on plan after a well-earned few splurges over the weekend. Bet your mom is still grinning. I had a weekend wth my parents at which we hit three sports events; he talked about it ever after and made me feel it was the best gift I ever gave him. (Mom was not in her happy place, but Dad ad I were).

    Bert, sorry the college is being so frustrating. I'd think they'd save money by paying mileage and that you would be safter driving distances in your own car. Glad you get three days with Jillian!

    Diane, glad Carrie is venturing about the house more. Congrats on finding classes that will work for you - great way to put your wishes too.

    Suzi, looks like you're turning last week's pitfalls into this week's path to success. Brava!

    Karla, hope you are having a calmer day. How is Glenn's healing going?

    MaryLynn and Myra, hope all is sunny in your worlds today too.

    Being home is SUCH a blessing. Bella & Theo are very attentive and good, black coffee and better pain control, coupled with peace & quiet all make me feel much more human. My cat sitter is helping with dumb little stuff, like taking full trash bag to the garage and bringing mail in. My cleaner will be here tomorrow and she is always cheerful fun for the day. Hoping sleep will improve over the next few days, but that's small potatoes. Mostly I am just grateful for modern medicine, friends & family.

    OK - feeling tired and need to kick back and keep catching up with stuff on DVR. Appetite is minimal so rolling with that.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....Nothing is on my agenda today with the exception of picking up Jillian from school. So, it's a Bert day! I'm so excited to have a day for myself and do the things I want to do, even if it is cleaning!

    This morning's breakfast will be a protein shake made with yogurt, protein powder, strawberries, blueberries, and banana. I've returned to my 21 Day Fix containers, but am not sure how to count the yogurt.....I guess as a protein. I went to GNC and talked with the manager about what type of protein powder to purchase. I'm also going to get fish oil tablets (I already have some at home, but will stock up) to help with lowering cholesterol. I know that it's about consistency in taking the supplements, and I'm not good with that. This will be my mini goal for the week.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I am pleasantly sore from my class yesterday, so I know I am doing some good. I'm taking today off from the gym and will go back to that same class tomorrow. Today to finish organizing my craft room - just the "office stuff" side of the desk and the file cabinet left to do. Then on to the bathroom cabinets.

    Has anyone tried the "Blue Apron" meal delivery service? The instructor at my class yesterday could give away one free set of meals to as many people as wanted to try it, so I signed up. I have cancelled the second week because I want a week to try them before I commit to any more. (You have to let them know by the day after your weekly delivery if you want to take the next week of meals.) They are a bit pricy and are for either 2 or 4 people, so not well suited to our current situation of 3 people, but I thought I'd give it a free try anyway.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Argh! Had a long post with personals ready to go, but I lost it. Not going to recreate now or I will lose all my impetus to go organize. Janet, so glad you are home with Bella and Theo where you belong!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is a rainy and dreary day here but having lunch with my favorite ladies will make it seem like the sun is shining! I lost another pound this week, so another reason to feel sunny. Have a few errands for Mom after lunch and then I am hitting my craft room to prepare for Saturday. We are planning to make 20-40 cards, they will be fairly basic but beautiful. All of us seem to have depleted our stash.

    Diane, my GF was gifted Blue Apron for about 3 months while she was going through chemo for her breast cancer. She raved about them and so did her husband who is a super picky eater. She said they were totally delicious, portions were generous, prep was super easy and absolutely everything was included. You won't need to open your fridge or pantry for anything. I will ask her today if the 2 portions would feed 3. She said it was a true lifesaver for those days when she was not at her strongest.

    Janet, are you getting any rest? So glad you are home and so wish I were there for you.

    Karla, please stop by and let us know how you are doing. I worry when you are silent for so long. We are here to support you and shore you up.

    Bert, enjoy your day. I think yogurt is a dairy but not sure on the 21 day fix. How much fish oil are you taking? My mom noticed on 2gms per day, taken in 2 doses, that her joints felt so much better.

    Suzi, are you s I'll doing well on your travel plan?

    Cindy, bet you are still smiling from your weekend.

    Big waves to Myra and Mary Lynn.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    We have freezing rain and ice since Monday and the roads have been horrid. But I'm at work safe and sound each day. I did well yesterday on plan- we just a minor off plan but feeling better today mentally.
    I think i have a torn meniscus. I rode the exercise bike for 17 minutes last night and it wasn't happy. Today its stiff and swollen feeling on the inside. I have a physical scheduled for Friday so add that to my list. I may need to do PT. Guess falling at Best Buy didn't give me the bargain I had thought. The knee is clicking... and popping and stiff. Oh well I'm getting older and don't bounce like I used to.
    Janet- so happy you're home with the babies. Don't forget to eat a little something with your meds otherwise your tummy will rebel.
    Patti- How did Mom do with the new meds- hope it was okay.
    Diane- a little sore is good from the workout. I've never used Blue Apron but would love to- Rick is WAY to picky.
    Karla- missing you... hugs
    Myra and MaryLynn- hope all is well.
    Suzi- are you working your plan?
    Bert enjoy your BE day :) it's always nice to just enjoy the day. I think greek yogurt is considered a protein. Maybe your containers state how many grams protein needs to be to be considered protein.
    Well need to run- but see you all later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, checked with my GF and she said the 2 serving Blue Apron was enough for two but not 3.

    Cindy, ice and heat and NSAIDS until you see the Dr.

    Mom did just fine with the new medication. Her arm was super sore from the pneumovax shot yesterday but otherwise she is doing great, seeing better all the time and ready for some nicer weather to get out of the house more. Off to my craft room!

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!
    So pleased to catch up yet again with you all today. Thank you for the "waves" and here I am waving right back at you. When we find time to chat here, it always has a positive impact on each of us, it seems. With all the tools at my fingertips, including this powerful place to meet, one would think that I would have this all figured out by now. Alas, I too struggle at times to consistently make the adjustments I need. Yesterday, our energy was pretty low, so no exercise and today has been pretty busy until now. That said, I will be brief and get off my little butt and get moving with some weights.

    Just got back from a great ladies Bible study group with many of the same ladies (who are fast becoming close friends) who were at the recent retreat that I participated in. Finding female friends has often been challenging for me, as I have long been out of the workforce (retired) and we have moved on average every 3 years! God willing, this will be our final long distance move, as we both feel so refreshed and welcomed here.

    Keep it moving, however you can!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A somewhat productive day here. I finished organizing the desk but didn’t get to the file cabinet. Will tackle that tomorrow. Also had a medical appointment and searched Target and Michaels for desk drawer organizers, without success. I guess I'll search Amazon.

    MaryLynn, I am a little worried about finding social connections now that I have retired. There are ladies at my church, but they are mostly older than me, and the ones my age are mostly still working. I’ve always worked in a male dominated environment, so many of my friends have tended to be male.

    Patti, good that Mom is doing well. Sorry about your taco night. My favorite place to get seafood is closed on Tuesdays of all days, which I always forget. Too bad about the Blue Apron – this may be my one and only foray into that type of meals for the foreseeable future.

    Cindy, stay safe in that frozen wonderland! My FB news feed popped up to remind me yesterday was the one year anniversary of last year’s huge snowstorm that had the place paralyzed for a week. Today was 60 and sunny here. Go figure.

    Bert, hope you had a terrific “Bert” day. My DIL has the 21 Day Fix containers and she swears by them as a good jump start.

    Janet, I agree with Cindy – put something in your tummy before you take those pain meds! Carrie found that out the hard way with almost two days of upset stomach from not eating with it. Hope you got some real sleep today.

    Suzi, how is our road warrior?

    Karla, hope all is going okay. I know you are suffering.

    All for now. I need to go circle around the house to get the last 1500 steps to make my 10K for the day.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! 13 hours after I started today's work day, I finally got home. Made good choices until the drive home when I resorted to snacking to keep myself awake. That's the only bad news. The good news is that it's all tracked, and tracked honestly, no fooling myself! My WW meeting buddy and I are sticking with our agreement to share trackers for accountability. Best news - no sugar snacks!

    I'm wiped out. Nighty night...
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi at end of long day.

    Patti, good news on your mom& the scale.

    Bert, enjoy your Jillian days.

    Diane, I tried a Blue Apron once - looke feast but calories were too high for me, though they kughtveitk for you. But would definitely not work for three.

    MaryLynn, tgatvretreat us a gift that keeps on giving!

    Finding new friends is tough. We just have to remain open. Because I am single it is even more complicated but I have made friends in all of you but have no idea how to do so locally. May try A MeetUp group or trek when more mobile.

    Seeing surgeon late tomorrow and eager to see my keg again and hear what he has to say, & to see my "after" X-rays (assuming they roll take some.

    House got cleaned and my cleaner will take me to doc tomorrow in my car (other ride fell through). Cable was being weird in my bedroom tonight (couldn't watch recorded shows) so I called and now their remote "fix" completely disabled my ability to watch anything in bedroom! And first available appointment is Saturday evening. I will be calling them back in the morning. And often after that. Grrrr.

    Big hugs to all. G'night!