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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, we cross-posted. Sounds like your slip on your trip was far less than in the past and I call that a win on this trip. Ellis bouncing to see you come home made my heart happy.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    It's Thursday and I'm so glad... lol I stayed up late last night watching a Freddie Mercury bio pic. So sad when the AIDS epidemic hit in the mid 80's so many lives were lost. So today I'm tired.
    Janet- so good to see you but sorry about the TV- if you get a pic of your xray you should save it- so when you're off and zipping around you can be proud of how far you came with this surgery.
    Diane- loved your doing laps around the house to get in your 10k- my fitbit died and i need to replace it. I haven't worn one since before Thanksgiving.
    Patti- thanks for the medical advice :)
    Karla- missing you
    Suzi- keeping away from sweets is a victory.
    MaryLynn- we try to be a good support system for our extended family here and we're glad you joined us.
    Bert- How's Mike?

    Going to be a hectic day so waving to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is eaten and tracked. Greek yogurt, protein powder, strawberries, and peaches. I'm counting it as a protein in my 21 Day Fix program, but definitely know it's dairy as well. Today is National Spouse Day (I discovered it from my cousin's daughter's post).

    Diane: I heard that Blue Apron is expensive. Lindsey used it once and said that it was pretty good, though.

    Cindy: I also have a torn meniscus that I will probably need to have taken care of after Mike recuperates from the same thing. I also have arthritis in the knee as well. It just doesn't want to bend much. I have found that riding the stationary bike flares it up.

    Janet: I think contacting the cable company/Direct TV, etc. is a real trip. Our Direct TV installer said we needed internet to watch things, but my friend's installer said no, it's satellite. (which I think he thought I was stupid for "not knowing" it was satellite......DUH, why would I think the satellite receiver in my yard has nothing to do with it?) I found out from calling the help number that you do need internet to download shows on your DVR.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Janet, you are sounding a bit more like yourself. Hope there is good news and good pictures at the Dr tomorrow. Sorry about your connection woes but I know you will be persuasive and get things fixed before Saturday.

    Suzi, Ellis sure knows how to welcome you home. Loved his guilty face! You rocked your plan and stayed true to your tracking. Sounds like your accountability with your friend is the ticket.

    Diane, you are putting me to shame with what you are getting done on organizing your room. Hope you enjoy the meals you select from Blue Apron. It was a godsend to my GF as she went thru chemo. It was a very thoughtful gift from a friend who could not be here to support her during that time.

    Bert, love the pic of you and Mike. You are on a roll with your tracking and back to eating healthy.

    I am having some back problems. Not sure the cause, just started yesterday when I was standing completely still. Feels like spasms in low back with resulting pain down the sciatic nerve. I battled with myself about going to class this morning but my practical side won out over my lazy side and I did the class. I had to modify some moves because they were really making it hurt. Proud to say I did the whole class, feel none the worse but unfortunately none the better for having gone. Will do TRX tonight but I think that may be where the rubber meets the road. Being super careful with bending and squatting. I did not sleep well because of the spasms but I know this will pass as long as I don't give in and just lay around. Hot shower coming up and then will get out the heating pad for a bit.
    Got all my supplies ready and packed for my Saturday stamp group. Trying to think of a healthy snack to take but not sure I will have time to fix anything. Gym tomorrow morning, work tomorrow night so will have to try to find something that can be made with stuff already in the house.

    Hugs and love to you all
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Well i have resigned with WW for 3 months- I'm not going to do the meetings as having the woman sigh well weighing me still rings in my head. But I have re-downloaded the app and the fitbreak app for work- so we shall see. I think maybe going to back to where i started might help.
    But wanted to share with you... Suzi I know you're attending meetings and I think you said you're doing SF?
    Also it was only $39 for online for the 3 months- so i'll grab the incentive.
    Need to run- and yes I'm hungry- lol
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, friends.

    Patti, I've felt you pain. Might your work shoes need replacing? You've beej putting miles on them. Hope it's a transient spasm but listen to your nursely instincts. Your craft/gab session sounds like great medicine!

    Cindy, good price for WW. Whatever helps is a good idea. I remember your former meeting experiences... and how your triumphed over meanness.

    Bert, your breakfast sounds SO yummy! What kind of protein powder did you get? I've thought about getting some too.

    Suzi, is Ellis still jumping with joy around you?

    Feeling better each day. Surgeon says everything is right where it should be - x-rays from surgery were pretty amazing (the hardware in my foot & heel is anything but dainty - built to last). I have a royal purple cast (my very first) and I see him in two weeks. Am to rest it elevated as much as possible. Was in a lot of pain when I got home but oh well. And I can get a handicap placard for when I start driving again.

    I honestly haven't been terribly hungry since I came home and am riding with that as long as it lasts. We all know THAT will be a short-lived phenomenon!

    Called cable this morning and a really sweet rep and her supervisor got in touch with dispatch and a tech will be here tomorrow around noon. had very little sleep last night (awake until after 5:30, got up at 8:15) and hoping for better tonight.

    Hugs to everyone and eary wishes for a lovely weekend.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, hope WW is just what you need. We all have to find the path that works best for us.

    Janet, hope you get some sleep tonigh. Sounds like a great report and I know you are rocking the purple cast. Good luck with your cable guy tomorrow.

    TRX was cancelled tonight, trainer had to take his wife (who is our real trainer) to get a pin taken out of her foot. She had some major reconstruction done on her foot before Christmas, nothing as involved as Janet's, and her husband has been teaching the class since then. I think it was good for me that it was cancelled, my back has been feeling great since I took a nice hot and long shower this afternoon. So I will be ready for class in the morning and work tomorrow night. My shoes are only 2 months old so I don't think that is it. I think maybe it was something I did in TRX on Tuesday but haven't pinned it down yet.

    Karla,,hope you come back to us soon. We are here to support you.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Feeling positive and full of energy. I'm doing good health things first thing today and then its LR time. First day on WW wasn't bad considering I decided at 930 to join and food was NOT planned. But I have plenty of good choices in my fridge at work I was a point over my daily limit but I have dipped into weeklies. Depending on the knee I might go for a short walk later this morning before I start writing.
    Janet- rock that purple cast girl friend! Glad the doctor is pleased. PLEASE behave yourself. Don't get anxious and give your body the time it needs. This was you can travel and do all the things that pain has limited you.
    Patti- maybe the tweak at TRX caused the pain and work just aggravated it. See I'm jumping in as nurse Cindy now. Need to finish my coffee and head out to the hospital for my annual booby squeeze. :) No concerns just routine.
    Until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having lunch and shopping with my best friend today. It will be a fun day even though it's cloudy and cold. Breakfast (GNC shake) is completed and tracked.

    Patti: Hope your back is better. I know all about back problems!

    Janet: Yesterday's protein powder was MLO I got from Krogers. It was pretty disgusting when I mixed it with the yogurt.....very grainy. I liked the GNC shake much better this morning. I bought the mixer bottle that has a wire ball (a whisk perhaps) and there wasn't any gritty taste.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning before I head to the gym for Zumba and Pilates. Back is almost completely pain free but I am being very mindful of my body mechanics. Nursing 101 still serving me well. It was not a fluke that I never injured my back during my career, I have always paid attention to how I move, lift, carry, etc. the most important thing is to NEVER lift and twist. Most back injuries are caused by that one action.

    Cindy, great first WW day, now go forth and LR it up.

    Bert, have fun with your bestie. Nothing in this world compares with GF time.

    It is snowing so will need to clean off the car and give myself extra time this morning, so happy I live a scant 4 miles from the gym. Hope this stops before I go to work, which is 20 miles across town from me, yuck!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A late stop by for me.
    I finished cleaning out my craft room! It is all organized and I have room to put things in there as I find them scattered around the house. Next stop - bathroom cabinets. Then I will face my linen closet before tackling my dresser and closet.

    Carrie fell today and is in a lot of pain. She was getting back in bed and unbalanced and fell. I know being mostly in bed for the last four weeks has weakened her overall. We called the doctor and they said to take extra pain meds, and if it was still really hurting tomorrow to go to the ER :(. Her 2 week post surgery check isn't until next Tuesday. We had actually left her alone at home for about two hours, and this happened while we were out.

    Janet, can you show us a picture (xray) of the hardware in your foot? I posted a picture of Carrie's on my FB page. Good you are in a cast. Hope your TV problems are resolved tomorrow so you can spend this resting time productively! Catching up on your shows.

    Patti, be careful in the snow - last thing your back needs is a slip and fall!

    Cindy, I have considered going back to WW also - but I think I'll stick with MFP tracking for now. It's just the mechanics of doing the tracking that I get tired of - doesn't matter if it is WW points or MFP calories.

    Bert, hope your day went well with your friend.

    Suzi, what an exhausting sounding trip! I hope you get some quiet relaxing in this weekend. Do you have more traveling next week?

    Back later maybe - I have choir practice tonight. We ate lunch out (and it was NOT diet friendly) but I am still full so not having anything for dinner but maybe an apple. My only success at lunch was not eating one of the hot rolls they brought while we were waiting - I had a big juicy mushroom swiss burger and fries! I tracked as best I could and am still under for calories for the day if I keep to the apple for dinner.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm here. Doing good. Just had 2nd long post poof. AAAUUUGGGHHHHH!!!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Tired woman here.

    Diane, I don't have a copy of x-ray pic but hope to get one at some point. Let's just say there are three long screws, each about 1/4" diameter! Sorry about Carrie's fall. Trying to move around several times each day has helped me. Please tell her I feel her pain (today especially). Congrats on orgsaniing success - I'm off those projects for a bit but hoping motivsation will return with a vengeance when I'm able again.

    Cindy, how was the weather in Loudon today?

    Bert, thanks - will check on the GNC powder. Those wire-ball mixer bottles really work - I have a couple of them.

    Patti, how is your sciatica today? Hope your TRX instructor's wife is doing really well.

    Suzi, hope Ellis finds less destructive ways to teethe! I think my mom poured broth on a section of carpet she always felt was a mistake when our lab was in her chewing phase. No proof, but she had to get new carpet. Kinda like the leg lamp's fate in "A Christmas Story" - only one person knew the truth.

    Karla, hope you are able to unwind this weekend. Myra and MaryLynn, waving

    Cable is fixed - tech was a really professional and sweet young guy, here for over two hours. The problem was outside the house and we had pleasant conversations while waiting for box to reboot several times.Have had a high-pain day - just part of the ebb & flow of healing. I remain infinitely grateful for access to health care and modern medicine - not sure what my out-of-pocket costs will be but will deal with it when the time comes. Hey, yearly deductible, except for Rx, will be met early. Still working on sleep patterns but not worried at all, because I'm here and can sleep at weird hours if necessary.

    All of that is small potatoes. Sunny side up! Have a lovely weekend and if you're outside, please take a deep breath of clean air for me!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast (GNC shake, Greek Yogurt, Strawberries, Walnuts) are tracked on both MFP and 21 Day Fix Tracker. I made bacon and eggs for Mike, but didn't partake......I'm proud of myself for that as I LOVE bacon! Although the scales aren't showing any loss, I feel better. That's what's important for me right now.

    I'm in a MFP challenge with Dan, and discovered this morning that he burned 1,760 by doing cardio and biking! He must be training for another Triathlon. Ah, to be young!

    Mike and I are going to the ISU basketball game today with friends and then will go out to dinner. I'm hoping to make healthy choices for dinner.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick hello, getting ready to head out the door for card making and GF time. My back pain has not recurred so guess it was just a spasm from TRX. MFP won't load on my iPad, will work on it later

    Diane, poor Carrie, hope she is feeling better today and that you are not feeling guilty.

    Janet, we should all face life's travails with your grace. Glad to hear TV is fixed.

    Bert, enjoy the game and dinner.

    Karla, we miss you and hope your life settles enough or you are able to handle whatever you are dealing with so you can return.

    Times up, gotta run but I shall return

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I did a fast one mile with Leslie this morning. I had to dig through my stack to find a beginner one- yes I'm starting at the beginning. Earned 2 points - lol. I was pretty hungry mid afternoon so chomped on celery and a hard boiled egg- several cups of coffee to have some taste other than water and used a few weeklies but that is what I have them for.
    Tracking is much easier in WW for me- as most of my old favorites transferred to this new system.
    I tried to charge my old fitbit- yes I haven't been using that either. Lost the cable so I splurged and bought a Flex 2- I even bought the pendant accessory so I can have zero excuses to not wear it. I'm all about taking away my reasons for not doing this.
    My physical went well- no concerns other than she'd like to see some pounds shed. I told her I was refocused on my health. She knows what is going on at home and reminded me I must take care of me.
    Diane- we all find the path we need. Stick with tracking where is works best. Do not feel guilty about Carrie's fall. She might have fallen if you were in the kitchen.
    Suzi- sorry you lost your posts. Technology.
    Janet- glad you have cable back. Sorry about the high paid day but you're realistic with ebb and flows of healing. Big hugs dear friend.
    Bert- have a great time at the game and dinner- big salad, veggie soup and some seafood maybe?
    Tonight we're meeting Megan for dinner- they leave for Ohio in the morning. We chatted yesterday and both agreed tears will flow. I hope she finds what she's looking for and things turn out better than I believe they will.
    well need to eat breakfast- I've finished coffee and ready to have something. I slept in today- until 830. It was nice and Rick is working till 5 so I have more LR time.
    Until later- enjoy your day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, please remind Meg I am but an hour away and know the area well. She can call, text, email,FB me. You have all my info feel free to share with her.

    Had a glorious time with the girls and then lunch....could have made better choice of salad toppings but at least I didn't go for a burger or sandwich and fries, which were my first choices. I also passed on the pizza or Flatbread, second choices. With that in mind fried shrimp instead of grilled chicken on my salad doesn't sound so bad does it? It's all about perspective!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Good news! The tracking plan paid off at the scale this morning - down 2.2#'s!!! Oddly, though, my meeting buddy had a .4 gain even though we were both over in our weeklies almost the exact same amount.

    Dave and I had planned to go to the lake tomorrow, but have decided to put it off for a few days as I've come down with one heck of a head cold.

    More personals another time when I'm feeling more chatty, but I want to give Cindy a shout out to at least try going to meetings for the first few weeks to get the new materials. Online only members don't get them.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - and congrats, Suzi. Proud of you, especially given your travel. I feel for your friend because I empathize. Take care if the Coke - have one herr too.

    Patti, far from the worst choice, & you enjoyed it. Rear view mirror.

    Pain more moderate today. Have been quiet on purpose. Got better sleep last night too. Forward! Trying to make sure I get plenty of protein every day and have stayed within calorie limits. Tomorrow I will try washing my hair in the kitchen sink. When I finally get to take a shower I am staying in until the hot water runs out!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ha - Wishing everyone a restorative & meaningful day of rest, family & reflection.

    Suzi, of course I was urging you to take care of the cold. Autocorrect and tired writer don't mix!

    Watching men's finals of Australian Open tennis - such incredible athletes and most of them seem like terrific people. Being housebound, I'm glad to be a sports fan - expands my options. Watched the Golden State Warriors' game (sorry, Suzi, but glad we got KD) while texting with a friend. My Saturday night "out."

    Appetite is coming back - hoping not to go crazy though. Hugs to all - may check in later.