


  • hexadecimal525
    hexadecimal525 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm really hoping you guys are still active... at least a little.
    I have been going to a Pole Fitness studio on and off for about a year and a half, but I am just now realizing that I can do this. I can be the thing I see in my head when I close my eyes. I'm working on dance in general, but I'm doing pole, aerial silks, aerial lyra... and really anything else where I can get my sexy groove on.
    I also have Multiple Sclerosis, and very little muscle mass, sooooo this is a really big step for me. I'm loving my journey
  • telepneff
    telepneff Posts: 71 Member
    I'm new to pole. I haven't started yet, I start in a couple of weeks. I can't wait! I've wanted to do it for years
  • dvpascoe
    dvpascoe Posts: 1
    Hi all,

    New to MFP but not to pole! I've been learning pole dancing for nearly 18 months and I'm still loving it as much as when I started. I'm amazed at how quickly I've managed to progress just by putting in some hard work once a week and not letting fear get the better of me. My most recent pole achievement was nailing my handspring! For those who don't know the move this is it: - that's not me, nor is my handspring that pretty, but I can get from standing to upside down and that's all that matters to me :)

    As for fitness stuff, I did weight watchers last year and lost almost 25kg (~50lb) then stopped because I was happy with my weight and not losing any more. In the past six months I've put on about 7/8kg so I want to lose that again and maybe see if I can get right down to my original WW goal weight (which I never quite managed). So, here I am at MFP!

    :heart: Dani
  • laur7311
    laur7311 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Ladies (and Gents?!)

    I haven't scoped enough yet to see who all is on here but I am trying to immerse myself more into MFP and find people who enjoy poling like I do. I started pole seriously in January 2014 (so 6 months now). I go to a studio with a 5 level advancement system and I am starting into level 3 (start climbing and advanced combos). I am loving it and noticing more and more the benefits that pole is having on my body, arms especially!
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    Hi, I'm Emma and started pole in March. My cousin has always been the same shape/size as me, then suddenly she went really slim and was posting amazing photos of her hanging off of poles. She teaches it now too. I thought well if she can do it, then so can I!

    I've never been fit, never really enjoyed exercising, but in March I bit the bullet and tried a new class. On the second lesson I did a head stand for the first time in my life. By the fourth I could touch my toes with my legs straight. Now I'm totally addicted :love:

    I've just started inverting and am getting closer every day to doing the splits. My scales have only tipped two or three lbs but I noticed at the weekend while filming, suddenly I have one less roll of back fat :laugh: . My calf muscles are awesome and I'm getting some nice tone to my arms. Now to tackle the dreaded spare tyre!!

    I've never met nicer or more supportive people than the pole community!
  • kristinka3
    kristinka3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Kristin. I am a Pole Fitness instructor. I have danced other forms of dance my whole life, but I started pole dancing almost 3 years ago. I tried it once and after my first class I vowed to myself that I would one day become an instructor. Pole dancing completely changed my body. I was never particularly muscular before I started this. Pole has toned me up and gave me strength that I previously would have never thought I would have. To all of the newbies, keep at it. Pole dance is great exercise and it really helps to build your self esteem and self confidence. I know that it did for me! Good luck. I'm happy to help if anyone has questions! :)
  • HoneyFrogger
    HoneyFrogger Posts: 59 Member
    Hey I'm Wilma :) 23 from Ireland. I'm interested in starting so any advise would be welcome :)
  • cinderkitten
    cinderkitten Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I've taken pole classes on and off for 2 years; more off than on, but it's like riding a bike I find with some moves. Unfortunately, the reason I would always leave is because I have difficulty inverting from a standing position, and progressing into more advanced moves is difficult when you can't do that. My arm strength has always been crap, and I'm recently back at the pole studio seriously focusing on that. Looking at purchasing a pole in the near future for at-home workouts.
  • Aproxima
    Aproxima Posts: 17 Member

    My name is Li-Ying and I started pole dancing 2 years ago. At first I started with a groupon, but found out I like it a lot. In my first half year I did a Shownight with another girl. Then within one year; 1 competition on beginner and 2 on intermediate. I won the second time on intermediate. This year I'll participate in a acrobatics show with my poledance school, participate in a show competition, then another competition on professional this time, 'pole evolution' show and by the end of the year an international pole arts competitition. Looking forward to it :)

    It really changed my life. I'm still not confident and shy, but it's less than before. I used to teach aerobics class and such, but I stopped doing that to focus on pole dancing. I do eat a lot more than before and since I've hurt my back I gained some weight, so need to get back on that ;)
  • Pole_Kat
    Pole_Kat Posts: 104 Member
    Hello everyone - I'm Kat and I've been doing pole for the past four months - I've done some basic invert moves and I'm now moving on to my first intermediate level. I'm absolutely addicted - I recently bought my own pole so I can train at home and I go to classes once a week.

    Feel free to add me - it would be lovely to have new pole buddies :)
  • thekamu69
    thekamu69 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hey, anyone still alive here?

    Hello - I'm Kamila - I'm 19 and I started pole dancing about 2 years ago. I've had a half year break from pole or any activity but back in the game since September 2015 :)
    For first year I had to travel once a week to different town, about and hour away from my town, because there were no pole studios in my town. It's not the smallest, but I wouldn't say it's big. It wasn't so popular back then, because I don't live in US or anything, but Poland.
    Because the traveling was so time consuming I had to give it up. After I came back from holidays this year, I found out they finally opened a pole studio in my town so I could come back on it again!
    Bought my first pair of stilettos and I am so happy with them :)
    Now I'm pole dancing once a week, going to twerk classes once a week and 2 more days I spend on a gym. I've never been any healthier nor happier :blush:



  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    @thekamu69 I'm glad you were able to get back to it. It's so addicting. I'm fortunate that my pole studio is right across the street from my apartment. Plus, I installed one in my apartment, so I'm able to pole 3-4 times a week, and do yoga in-between pole days.
  • pbbananacoffeechocolate
    pbbananacoffeechocolate Posts: 44 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi, I've been poling for 5 years and am an instructor at my home studio. I am happy with my muscle but feel like my body fat is holding me back a little bit, so here I am! I am easing into weight loss as I absolutely do not want to lose my hard earned muscle!

    BTW, I'm currently about 10 lbs up from my weight in my profile photo. Took some time off from Pole due to an injury and gained some weight over this last year.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Hey all! I've been into pole dancing about 2 years. I started in a studio until she raised her prices so high I couldn't afford it. Now I buy the studioveena lessons. I can do simple inverted moves like Scorpio, Gemini along with a few other moves like star, sad girl, etc. I would really like to work on shoulder mount and knee holds.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    SToast wrote: »
    Hey all! I've been into pole dancing about 2 years. I started in a studio until she raised her prices so high I couldn't afford it. Now I buy the studioveena lessons. I can do simple inverted moves like Scorpio, Gemini along with a few other moves like star, sad girl, etc. I would really like to work on shoulder mount and knee holds.

    I love Studio Veena. Her lessons are so thorough. It sucks that your old studio became too expensive.
  • Rockchick09
    Rockchick09 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi guys :D I've been pole dancing for a few months now and I'm hooked. I'm thrilled there's a group for us :D
  • Amethystpink
    Amethystpink Posts: 7 Member
    I have just started pole dancing 10 weeks ago. I do 2 twerking classes, spin, pole class and a silks class. I love the music and getting fit at the same time. I have just got this app and I am enjoying the support
  • Hi everyone! So thrilled to be part of this group.
    I've been into different fields of fitness for about 10 years now (from running half marathons, to instructing Zumba, then strict lifting, etc) but nothing has ever challenged me the way that Pole has. I've wanted to try it for years, but was always too scared. (Very conservative upbringing, religious past, I believed the stigma, and also, I was afraid to show off my sexuality in public, TBH)

    I finally bit the bullet a few weeks ago and started up at a local studio and IMMEDIATELY fell in love. It was a hugely humbling experience because I'm not strong enough or flexible enough (by far) to do some of the incredible sequences some of my classmates can, but I am so damn determined to get there. My goal is to lose ~10-13 kg and build my arms and back immensely and lean out. The bruises and indian burns have been so worth it to me.

    Really excited to get to know you all! And please feel free to add me as a friend. I want to stay in touch and be able to keep accountable in both my poling and my weight loss.
  • PinnerMom
    PinnerMom Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ya'll!

    I'm Nicole and I'm in love with pole fitness! I have ZERO friends on MFP and I would love to meet some other people who are into pole and who want to keep up with me on my fitness journey.

    I started pole fitness with a Groupon three years ago, then I stopped during my third pregnancy. Bought a pole after that baby was born and became totally addicted for about 6 months. But then we moved and there was no place to set it up in my new house. Now, 6 months later, I finally have a spot for it and I will be setting it up in two days! New extension is coming in the mail! I'll be upgrading from 7'9" with a ceiling fan and 2 couches in the way to a full 5' on every side and a 10' ceiling! Yahoo! Using a 45 Chrome Xpert. Home/YouTube taught after my Groupon ran out.

    As far as fitness, it's not about weight and more about just looking and feeling my best, whatever that number turns out to be. Right now, I'm just wanting to tone up in my core and my thighs and I CANNOT WAIT for my pole to get set up since I know those target areas are going to get SO WORKED! ha!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm kind of zombifying the group, hopefully!

    I'm Christina, and I took a pole-curious class at my local a couple weeks ago. I knew immediately that I was hooked, and I'm going today to set up a membership at the gym. It was fun, and muscles I didn't know I had were sore afterward.

    I have been trying to get into weight lifting unsuccessfully for years, but as soon as I did a firefighter and gi jane spin pretty successfully the first class, that was it. This is a form of exercise I look forward to, can't wait to progress in.

    I hope people return to this group, I'm so excited to share my progress!