No F-Ups February 2017 Week 2 (2/8-2/14)

baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
Obligatory repeat o' challenge blurb :wink:-
baconslave wrote: »
Ok Folks. Since we already have a bunch of goals posted on this thread, I'm just going to edit the title and make it the Week 1 Thread. :smile:

Here's our challenge:
We're in the short month. 28 days. Perfect for what I call a "sprint." Go ALL OUT on your goals, hardcore, for 28 days. No screw-ups!

You could make sure your electrolyte levels are better.
Or commit to more exercise.
Or decide to forgo a bad habit you KNOW is hampering your health from being what it could.
Or start a good habit you've been putting off.
Or simply continue to focus on whatever health-conscious New Year's Resolution you made for last month.
Or make sure your logging is locked in more tightly.

Do whatever you have to do. And don't F-up!

But if you do? Hey, we're here for you. To tell you to get back on dat wagon, yo! :wink:



  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,594 Member
    For 2/7/17
    Coffee with HWC-my hubby used the ninja blender and didn't clean it grrrr
    No choc chips, really happy that I'm not eating them. I think I was using them as a crutch.

    Turkey burger with bleu cheese, caramelized onions on soul bread roll for dinner last night and lunch today

    1st coat of paint on the outside of the cabinet doors last night.

    @baconslave good luck with your appt :)
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    I still dont have a set workout time daily which, is what I really need. However, I squeeked out 4 days last week and now haven't had a good run since Saturday. BUT, I'll go to the gym this afternoon snd should be able to go again tomorrow and Friday. So I'm looking at this as a 3 day "recovery" and hopefully the snow and ice is gone soon and I can work on that 10 min mile outdoors........
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Fingers crossed @baconslave

    Yesterday was good. Decent food choices (though I did still fall back on salami...oh salami, I love you)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Well they sucked out all my blood...and now I get to wait 2 more weeks to talk to the dr about the results when they get back. ARGHHHHH!
    Ok...maybe just lowercase argh because it's not unexpected.

    Did Hero 90 plus a 45 in walk yesterday. But I'm going to have to switch around days today. The last time I did a bodyweight arm workout after a bunch of bloodwork, I almost passed out. And my arm swelled up near the needle site, so I'm not doing that again. So it will just be some kind cardio somehow. I haven't had time to look at the weather. I can guarantee it will be some variation of unseasonably warm and rainy or frickin cold. So maybe a lotta tabata?

    Hurry up and wait...
    Off to do tha thing.

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @baconslave I hope they get some answers and an effective treatment plan for you!
  • stutovic
    stutovic Posts: 17 Member
    Week #1 went well, I met three out of four of my goals :smile:

    * exercising at least 4 days each week Check
    * weighing all food when at homenot too much but was mindful of portions
    * eating one salad everyday check
    * stay on track during the weekends check

    My goals for this week:

    work out for 5 days
    eat one piece of fruit everyday

    Hope everyone has a successful week #2!

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Goal: Walk 80 miles in February, 3.5 mph or greater.

    Week 1= 24.1 miles. Speed AOK

    Today 2/8: 4.4 miles, 3.55 mph. Typical walk to the grocery store. Asparagus, radishes, ribeyes.
  • CarrieMoritz
    CarrieMoritz Posts: 34 Member
    Looks like I'll be taking a few days off (see my other post in the discussion area). Sigh.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Good day!
    Cals well under. Carbs within range.
    Did both C25K and strength!
    Scale dropped back down the 2 lbs that it had randomly bounced up. Unusual pattern lately.
    Still need to work on the sleep part.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    2/8: Carbs and weight are in range. Collagen taken in my morning coffee. Took a run after work. Great weather today...tomorrow snow is forecast. My only household chore was doing dishes. I still have an earache and just don't feel like doing anything else.

    Planning to go to bed early and maybe get up early and do my workout. We'll see how I feel.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Day 8
    Carbs-under 50
    Steps- 17k
    Exercise-140/300 weekly minutes
    Scale-still my enemy

    I was supposed to go to a baby shower today but the mom to be went into labor last night! So that's kind of exciting. Nothing better than a baby.
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    I F'd up.
    It was a super stressful day but that shouldn't be an excuse.
    Water was way down, I ate crumpets (2!) and a chocolate biscuit which totally annihilated my carb goal. However, stress meant that that was pretty much all I ate.
    Today I will look after myself better...
  • gracestevens1994
    gracestevens1994 Posts: 15 Member
    Morning Metafit class done and I'm doing a Muay Thai class after work :) also 2lbs water weight from last week has now gone, plus an extra pound! Feeling positive B)

    Tomorrow marks 40 days on keto!
  • tierrafuego
    tierrafuego Posts: 34 Member
    I'm down four pounds since the start of Februrary (several of it water weight from bad choices in January). Was working out like a beast last week, dialed it back this week with pilates, yoga and hiking when my knees started groaning. Feeling great--no f'up February rocks!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    So tired today. Bleh...
    Oh well.
    Did 40 min of HIIT yesterday. Carbs and calories good.
    Today I should be able to finish the last workout I need to to be on the "right" workout in Hero 90 again.
    I may weigh and check measurements soon since the evil TOM is leaving. Perhaps tomorrow.

    Thunderstorms last night. Snow early in the am and through the morning...this weather is screwy as all get out.

    Off to guzzle more coffee. At least it's Thursday.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Exercise today was shoveling my driveway, more to do after work.
    Made a nice BLT salad for dinner last night and starving today, very unusual.
    More coffee here too!
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    I didn't do that badly during my time away in terms of carbs, just a few transgressions:). Calories are another story, paid absolutely no attention. But don't feel at all like I fell off the wagon like I did everytime I traveled before. This week I start motivated, and this week needs to be a good week. Had my period early this month, and wondering what the weight will be in a few days, hope I see some loss or at least no gain.