OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - sounds like we all have much to do. Am still recovering from this dang cold but each day is a notch better. Watching "Mascots" on Netflix and will likely then watch the Henry VIII's wives after I clean up and change clothes. Hoping to do laundry today. It's grey, windy & rainy and for me just a perfect day to stay in and chill.

    I see doc Thursday. Stitches will be pulled and no idea what will happen after that or when/what PT will be appropriate. We learn as we go! Next week I hope to start driving a bit - need to order groceries for pickup and also need to hit the ATM for cash. Party on - but hey, it'll be two weeks Thursday sine I've left the house.

    Need to eat a bit better than I have the last couple of days but not too worried.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Unlike for many of you, the weather here is GORGEOUS! Maryland Februarys tend to be our coldest, snowiest and gloomiest months. Yesterday it got up to 60 under sunny skies and I was outside weeding. Today it is grey and has sprinkled a bit, but is up to 68 already at noon. The rest of the week is supposed to be sunny and warm. I'm seeing afternoon walks in my future.

    John is out today signing in for his part time retirement job as a consultant to his old office. There are a couple of major submarine improvement projects he was chief engineer on, and they want him to continue to consult, and he wants to see the projects through to completion (2-3 years). He is planning on 30-40 hours a MONTH doing this, and they will pay his travel from wherever we are to attend important meetings. It should work out with minimal impact on our retirement. Karla, if Glenn can get something like that it would probably be very good for him and for them.

    Thanks all for asking about Carrie. She has good days and bad days, as to be expected when she has lost all independence and doesn't get out much. She has worked the past year or so as the musical director for a Children's theater workshop (a show in the fall and a show in the spring), and they want her again. So I took her to the planning meeting last night. I think she was glad to see some friends, and they were glad to see her. She worked there at the dance studio as part time office manager for a year - hated the job but liked most of the people. The office manager has asked her to sub tonight so she can go to her son't basketball game. Carrie told her she could basically just sit in the office, not get up to resolve any problems, but that is okay by them. So I am taking her back there tonight. The only real problem is getting in and out - their parking lot is EXTREMELY sloped and their sidewalk is too. PT is coming today too. She needs to be up and moving around more, as well as working on her arm and core strength. It may be time to look at getting a knee walker.

    I just finished a yummy turkey and avocado sandwich for lunch, and have beef stew in my slow cooker for tonight. Need to check the points, but I think it should be fine, and will have steamed broccoli with it.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, I feel so bad that you don't have anyone to get you out of the house! Wish I were there - the two of you could go have motorized cart races at the grocery store! Hope the cold continues to recede. Congrats on your Patriots win - I didn't really care, but felt so bad for the Falcons - I think they were just exhausted by the fourth quarter.

    Patti, I HATE it when I can't sleep. I can nap, but that just perpetuates the cycle of poor sleep. I have been enjoying sleeping later in retirement - one of the real boons so far. Have a good afternoon with mom. I bet she will be so excited with her new cooker, especially since she tried not having one and missed it so much. But you do sound tired - are you sure going to 5 days of work is what you want?

    Suzi, good luck with the carpet cleaning. That's one thing I hire out! I'm guessing when Dave goes back to install the toilet that you will go along this time, and get to do the fun cleaning after the damage is repaired. Ugh. We think our tub is leaking too - we have a wet spot in the ceiling directly underneath it. One of these days John will cut it open to see if he can figure where the leak is coming from. It may be the caulk on the tub - it is the one Carrie uses, and I'm sure more water is getting directed at the walls since she is sitting and using a hand shower.

    Cindy, depression is horrible. I hope Rick can get past this, and move forward with you being the woman you are and not trying to remake yourself for him. But in the end, he has to want to overcome it, and you can't do it for him. Stay strong.

    Karla, how scary about the serial killer! I remember when the Beltway snipers were here in the DC area. The young boy who was shot but survived was shot at a school less than 5 miles from our house. It was a terrifying few weeks until they were captured. I hope they find this guy soon! Patti, can't believe your grandson went through something like that too.

    Bert, sounds like you had just a wonderful time with your grandchildren. Do you get to see them often? My dad was a big lego fan, and played with them with his grandchildren all the time. We inherited his collection. Sorry for your weather, but can you please keep it there and not send it here? Or send it to Suzi, thanks.

    I might be back later - I want to go do something outside!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, don't worry about me. I'm a good homebody and will soon begin doing a little driving (and get handicap placard - I have the form). Using the knee walker will be super awkward so won't go places that mean getting out of the car often - sure won't be going around any stores, which is also fine. Am on severely austere budget anyway (paying cat sitter and whatever medical bills end up being will be enough). I really hope to string enough quiet time to binge-watch some things and maybe do small stuff here, within limits.

    Am having a grazing day here but watching what I have and going for several small meals. Had popcorn this afternoon and still have some of my Super Bowl shrimp to munch on later. Will bring some stuff in from freezer to thaw for next few days.

    In other words, it's all good. I can use a quiet year. Tomorrow will mark three years since my dad passed and I miss him every day. He would've loved this Super Bowl (as a big Michigan fan, we knew Tom Brady from way back).

    Big hugs to everyone. If you're getting snow, enjoy for me. If you're getting sun, enjoy for me. I like all kinds of weather - as long as it's not hot & humid!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey out there, I am super exhausted and decided to skip TRX, doubt I could hold onto the handles. Mom loved the cooker and as I expected she gave me her crockpot. She also gave me a cuisinart immersion blender, with a mini food chopper attachment because she never uses it anymore. I gave it to her about 10 years ago. We never get rid of anything in this family,,it just gets moved on to whomever needs it next. I will take it to the cabin, along with the crockpot.

    Diane, that is good that Carrie is getting involved with things that she truly loves. I don't want to go to 5 days a week. I normally work 3 or 4 shifts a week but they scheduled a few extra next week to get me trained on the register. Once summer gets here I will be cutting back to 1-2 shifts and no weekends. If they are not ok with that I will have to quit and rehire for the holidays. I am currently a permanent part timer.

    Before I babble anymore and stop making sense I am signing off.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Loving this weather! Today was the second day in a row I made my 10k steps. Tomorrow is supposed to get to mid sixties before plunging to snow overnight. Weird!

    Hope everyone had a good day.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    I was supposed to fly to Tampa tomorrow for a quick meeting on Friday but we've cancelled due to the mega storm preparing to hit us. Which is OK I'm coming down with a cold too-
    It also means i get my flex Friday. So LR here I come.
    Meg finally went to urgent care last night - she's pretty sick and got a double antibiotic. I'm relieved she finally went. She has been getting sick consistently since before Thanksgiving. I still am concerned about pneumonia but the doctor didn't listen to her lungs - I'm going to order something off Amazon to send to her- just cuz I can. :)
    Janet- I'll enjoy the cold snow for you :)
    Diane- Snow is headed our way- the east coast. what are they predicting for amounts in your area. I was supposed to fly thru Dulles tomorrow but we didn't think we'd get out of Hartford.
    Patti- They should be thrilled to have you for a couple of shifts- quality help is rare.
    Karla- I see they caught the couple you mentioned- you must be relieved.
    Suzi- feeling any better?
    Need to run but overall doing good here.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quick morning stop in. John and I walked the neighborhood this morning - we left the house once and got most of the way down the street (about 1/3 mile) and realized that Cleo was trailing us. So we went back, put her in the house and went back out again. Good way to extend the walk by a bit! Our neighborhood if we do all the side streets is about 2.5 miles, so a little over three I'm guessing with our detour.

    Cindy, we are supposed to hit 65-68 here again today (it is already 62 at 9:45), then drop tonight and get wet slushy snow. Baltimore and south shouldn't get more than white on the grassy areas, is what I am hearing. Philly and north will get 6+ inches. John is headed to Hartford later today for an overnight trip, coming home tomorrow afternoon. Hope he doesn't get stuck there!

    Today is mom's 84th birthday. I will call later but can't go visit with John out of town.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Lunch with the girls today. I have to be so careful not to mention the surprise BD party. Work 6-11pm. Tomorrow starts the "almost everything on sale" sale. So lots of work to get ready. Friday I am finally getting together with my daughter. Our schedules really don't mesh. I am going to her house so we can just hang out and gab. This way her husband is part of the visit too. He never attends any social functions, family or otherwise. I could tell his son's wedding put a real strain on him but at least he did attend that. We are expecting snow later today. Right now it should be hitting as I am driving to work or just before, so basically during rush hour. So not looking forward to that. I may go early and shop. There are several stores in the strip mall with Jo Ann's. One is a locally owned boutique type store called Remington and Rose (named after the owner's 2 daughters). The Christmas Tree store is right next door to jo Ann's and I can always spend time in there. Then will pray the roads are clear for my drive home. I did finally get a new brain for my car and it is hopefully being installed as we speak. Praying it can be turned on without costin me a small fortune. I really miss my car.

    Cindy, so happy you don't have to fly in this weather, kudos to some smart thinking somewhere in your company. And now the biggest bonus is you get to be LR.

    Diane, we had your same weather for a couple of days but had some nasty rain and winds thrown in.

    Karla, was so relieved to see they caught those killers. Were you all in the path of those storms yesterday that hit NOLA?

    Janet, staying in and saving money is not all bad, just sorry of the circumstances. I would imagine that the pain from healing is different than the pain you have been living with for so long. Hopefully the difference will be that this pain will pass. Praying for strength and healing for you every day.

    Suzi, hope all your plumbing woes will soon be a thing of the past. Then you can just enjoy your time at the lake.

    Bert, how are your joints after going to the gym?

    Time to get my pretty on so I can leave the house without scaring little children
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! We just got home from yoga. We have a different instructor on Wednesday than on Monday and Friday. Some say her routine, which is always different, isn't really yoga, but I still enjoy it and always feel better for having gone to the class. I picked up copies of the new class schedule and I intend to try an aqua boot camp class while Dave does spin on Monday. That's the only day it fits into our schedule. I'm also going to try PI-Yo, which is combined Pilates and yoga on Tuesdays. The new chlorine resistant swimsuit I ordered came yesterday and it's too big! By at least one and maybe two sizes! So, back it goes and I've ordered both of the next 2 smaller sizes to try.

    Weather is cool and really windy today. That blustering north wind makes it feel really cold compared to the past couple days. More February-like temps for a couple days then 70's on Friday and 80's on Saturday. I'm hoping to get Dave to help me with an outdoor yard project while the weather is good. We have 2 much too big for the spot they were planted holly bushes along the front walk. They were in place when Dave bought the house 14 years ago and have to be butcher-pruned for the sidewalk to be navigable. As a result they're misshapen and quite ugly. They need to go! Besides, that's the only southern exposure spot around the house that's not completely tree-shaded. Roses, I need roses!! And I shall have them once I get rid of those dang butt-ugly hollies!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - another grey, rainy day and we may see flakes tonight. Had a bit of a rough night with foot and nightmares but that happens. Stomach on the fritz too so taking it very easy. Tomorrow my cleaner will be here and doc late afternoon. Sorry no personals but good luck to all who are about to get dumped on.

    Watched the three-episode show on Henry VIII's wives - nothing really new but I love the Tudor period and the costumes. Trying to decide whether to start "The Crown" or "Victoria" next.

    Truth be told, I am reasonably content right now, though the inconvenience can be annoying. I am warm and dry and maybe, just maybe there will be a SHOWER for me tomorrow night, in which case I am going to break out another pair of brand-new pjs after!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello ladies- I tell you, coming here and reading about your lives, us all asking about each other and the evidence of our caring, all brings such joy to my heart . It is also taking me away from my troubled world. For this, I thank you immensely.

    Diane- So nice having John there, taking walks, and sharing the care of Carrie. We have had some very warm weather, then the bad storms with rain too. I have been wearing sandals most of the winter. I need to get out to my flower pots and beds too. Happy Birthday to your Mom!

    Patti- I am so glad you are getting together with your daughter. Is this the first time you will have spent time in her home for a length of time? I am still in awe that you have developed this beautiful relationship with the baby you so kindly gave up so many years ago. So sweet of a story. I prayed this would happen for you when you first told me about it. Sounds like some really neat stores in that shopping center. I didn't realize your car was still in the shop. Good luck on that Bill. I need two new tires on my car. Yes, I was relieved the serial killer horrible situation was resolved with the standoff, the woman is back from Georgia. I was afraid to stay at my house alone!

    Janet - Surprisedly there were a couple tidbits of info on the latter wives of King Henry they expanded upon that I learned of. Specifically, Anne of Cleves, I did not know she was only 41 when she died and had been one of the riches women in England. I hope you are released to have a shower. Hooray for new pj's!

    Suzi- You post such great old pictures on Facebook! Totally cute. I concur with you on overgrown Holly bushes. I had one get out of control too. Your classes sound very interesting. I need to get back into a routine. I finally have tomorrow around the house, so I have some "me" time.

    Cindy- Yes for LR time!! You know we all love your alter ego. Lol. I need to submerge myself in reading, family, projects and fun things. I'm glad you have stayed strong, although I also know it can't have been easy my dear friend.

    Bert- What plans do you have for this year? I hate I was unable to meet you last year. Will you have a vacation this year? How is your brother doing?

    Glenn and I met out for dinner this evening as we both worked. I am just at the age that I cannot work 6-7 hours and come home and stand in the kitchen another hour and cook. It just wipes me out! So Glenn and I have a deal, one of us picks something up or we meet out. We had a great talk and his retirement looks prominent for April, latest, July. Another guy approached him today about an outside position.

    I'm soooooo looking forward to tomorrow at home. I do have to get Brutus to the groomers and some projects to attend to. But no clients to rush to. Yes!

    I must focus on Karla, I have not been sleeping well.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. A busy day is in store. Today is Mike's retirement lunch. Many employees, company managers, and customers are meeting at a local restaurant from 11-1. I'm picking up Mike and then will head to the lunch. My cleaning lady is coming this morning, and then I need to get Power Point done for church. I have a visit tomorrow, so I need to arrange for a car rental (college policy). I think, in the long run, they will figure out that having supervisors rent cars will not be cost effective. They say it will be easier to manage and will save them money rather than paying us mileage. I can't wait to see the report after the semester ends.

    Patti: My joints are doing pretty well considering all the weather changes we have. The leg machines seem to help. I made an appointment with a trainer for Tuesday to get some exercise ideas to help strengthen my back and help my knee.

    Diane: I have told Dan and Annie to defintely keep all the Legos. I wish I had kept toys the boys had. Dylan would have enjoyed the Star Wars toys and action figures. You just don't think about things like that when you're young, at least I didn't. At that time, our house was so small, and I didn't have much space to store things. I wasn't a tote person back then like I am now!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Got our snow in one fell swoop last night while I was at work. But the temps were too warm for any of it to stick to the roads or to form ice. Got off work at 10:30 but we really hustled all night. Now I don't work again until Saturday, after cards with my group and hoping for time for a quick lunch since I am working 2-7pm. My feet and ankles were really hurting all night and this morning so I skipp d the gym but have made a promise to myself to go to TRX tonight and class tomorrow. So looking forward to seeing my daughter tomorrow night.

    Hope everyone is safe, warm and happy

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls- working from home today due to the storm and I have a cold. Nothing serious and I'm doing Zicam to hopefully lessen the length of time it hangs around. The good news is not much of an appetite.
    Diane- I hope John got in and out of Hartford ok- Its lots of snow up here falling at a rate of 2-3 inches per hour. We went from green to very deep white in just few hours
    Janet- who would have thought a shower could be a treat :) Hope the doctor appt goes great and you're released to indulge in hot water and lots of it.
    Bert- we've been told to rent cars as much as possible the tough thing- the car rental is 45 minutes away so very inconvenient.
    Patti- Enjoy time with Suzi
    Karla- I'm so happy your back with us- I missed your southern presence
    Suzi- wow you guys are doing great with exercise- congrats on the suit being too large.
    Going to get something hot to drink-
    See you all later.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Project de-holly is a success, finally! They kicked our butts and won the fight yesterday, but Dave had an overnight revelation that panned out and he was able to get them both out this morning. I still have clean-up - a bunch of suckers to remove and am also taking out or relocating some mondo grass from that bed as well. The bed runs the entire width of the garage between the garage wall and sidewalk to the front door. We left 3 small English boxwoods. My plan is a rose bush at the corner, where it receives the most sun and flowers along the front. I may move the mondo grass to the back along the garage wall. I LOVE doing new flower beds!!!

    First order of business this afternoon, though, is getting the farm books ready for the CPA. I finally have all 1099's for the farm stuff, so time to get 'er done!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi! Sounds like everyone is having a produictive week with fun stuff sprinkled in.

    Bert, I bet Mike got lovely tributes at his luncheon.

    Suzi, holly is so beautiful but spiky & stubborn. Had to look up mondo grass - ever knew what that stuff was called but have always liked its look.

    Karla, glad you have some Karla time.

    Patti, glad you have Susie time - it's been too long because you've been so busy. Hope the pain goes away quickly.

    Cindy, glad you are safely home. A friend in Providence says she has about 14" and she's cooking like mad in case they lose power.

    Diane, how's Acrrie doing today?

    My cleaner is here and we'll leave for the doc in about 15 minutes - will get home around dinnertime. Fingers crossed for the joy of a shower ... have clean sheets and will put on brand new pjs if I get to shower tonight! I am normally a two-shower-a-day girl but last had one January 17, so I dream of letting the hot water run out!

    Take care - back later, perhaps. Much love to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - Wow, lady, you are on the go non-stop. I admire your devotion to get to the gym with your work schedule and aching feet and hands. Enjoy your time with your precious daughter. Have you thought of one of those foot massage machines with the heat? I got one for Christmas from one of Glenn's kids, feels great.

    Cindy- Thank you for welcoming me back and missing me. I'm really trying to get back to some normalcy. I am making a pan of baked spaghetti using light ingredients. I will have to practice portion control. I am also accompanying it with a nice salad. I picked up my favorite dressing from Target. The Panera Bread Poppy Seed dressing. I'm glad you are home taking care of yourself. I think of you often as I keep my night night meds in my antique book case in my bedroom. Your gift wrapped collection is in there. Every evening I get my meds out, there is your beautifully ribbon wrapped books!! My friend, the famous author!!

    Suzi - You have reminded me that one of my task for the next two days is to review my tax folder to meet with my tax man next week. I finally got all my 1099's in also. I need to print out our interest statement on our mortgage, my pre-paid federal taxes and my business expenses and I am good to go, I think. Can you come do my flower beds? You saw how long my flower beds are along the front of my garage in the front, sounds like we have a similar setup. It is beautiful here this weekend and we will be going downtown for some Mardi Gras parades with the grandkids. The Condi Cavaliers parade tomorrow night, which start out our season for 14 days leading up to Fat Tuesday.

    Janet - Please let us know what the doctor has thought of your progress. I bet it felt good in some respects, to get out.

    Diane - Is John safely back home, or where he got to be?

    So far it has been a good day. I slept in until past 7a. Took Brutus to the groomers by 9a and hit Target for some groceries. I will pick Izzy up at 5:30 and we are going to a school function for Benny before coming home.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Quick stop in as it has been a busy day. Gym this morning, then a few errands, then I've been polishing silver all afternoon. This is some I inherited from my MIL and have decided to consign. I will never use it. It is a silver coffee and tea service on a tray, plus two covered bowls, a covered butter dish, and three other trays. Then made a fresh mango/avocado salsa for our contribution tonight. I am taking Carrie to my sister's and then a friend's for what they call "Art Feast" which is an art class/ buffet of snacks. Carrie got into this with my sister and her friends when she was taking care of my sister after her stroke. I plan to just chat and observe - I am NOT an artist! This will be Carrie's longest car ride other than for her doctor appointments, so hoping she does okay with it.

    John got TO Connecticut Wednesday afternoon but his flight for tomorrow morning home has already been cancelled. They are looking at options including the train tomorrow or a flight Saturday am. He called around 2 and they had 10 inches and expecting 10 more.

    Got to run, get pretty and pack all Carrie's hardware (wheelchair, walker and crutches - don't know what she will need!)

    Dinner at Art Feast will be a crap shoot, but I have eaten lightly all day, and will have a banana before we depart.

    Personals tomorrow - Janet I have my fingers crossed for that shower!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon, friends!
    Just a quick stop to wave HI to you all.
    The power here has been on and off periodically, so I need to just keep up to date with happenings in your lives.
    We have been shoveling our little hearts out to keep up with snow accumulation here. There is almost no room left to put it, so we will have to get inventive. This is NOT normal for the island apparently, which is nice to know. Great exercise for us both, but now we are ready to park ourselves and read while there is still light outside.
    Some chicken is ready for the grill later, but we've eaten some lunch and enjoyed a latte as well.

    Please find a way to stay safe for those in a winter storm path. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God provide and protect you and your loved ones as the weather rages outside.

    Continued prayers for healing for you Janet. Take it easy, my friend. Enjoy yourself with some indulgence too.

    Cindy, my heart aches for your trials and temptations... you are strengthened through your deep faith and I thank God that you have Him at your side when we cannot be there.

    Karla, keep the faith there, my friend. We are here for you and miss you when you cannot put it into words.

    Diane, so great to see you embracing your retirement! It is a wonderful life and made even more so when you can share it with the ones you love so dearly.

    Bert, you always amaze me with your dedication to continued assistance to other teachers in training. Kudos!

    Patti, you just simply ROCK! I can almost see your smiling face from way up north here.

    Suzi, your positive outlook and enthusiasm is so contagious and I'm grateful that you are along with me on this wonderful journey to wholeness, fitness and joy!

    Myra, I'm thinking about you too and hope that you can take strength from us as needed.

    You are all such a blessing to one another and to me. Thank YOU.

    Hugs to all,