Super Shape-Up March 2017: Week 1 (3/1-3/7)



  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited March 2017
    Workouts a 33 minute Walk Away the pounds tape (115 Calories burned according to Garmin )

    I'm a big fan of Walk Away the Pounds for a couple of reasons:
    1) very easy to adapt to any level. Power up. Power down.
    2) great for walkers on rainy days or when too cold outside. No excuse!
    3) uses many more muscles than straight line walking
    4) walking on carpet is way easier on the knees than pounding the pavement.

    Thanks for mentioning it. I'm going to add it to my list. I became acquainted with WATP when I had a bum knee. Though I couldn't do them initially, they eventually were a great alternative to a stationary recumbent. I kept doing them after my knee/s healed and was then able to turn them into a "gentle" Jog Away the Pounds or low impact aerobics. She's real easy to follow with her 4 basic steps.

    I do turn the volume off though cuz incessant chatter. :#

    ETA: youtube has MANY Walk Away the Pounds Videos (Leslie Sansone).

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Workouts a 33 minute Walk Away the pounds tape (115 Calories burned according to Garmin )

    I'm a big fan of Walk Away the Pounds for a couple of reasons:
    1) very easy to adapt to any level. Power up. Power down.
    2) great for walkers on rainy days or when too cold outside. No excuse!
    3) uses many more muscles than straight line walking
    4) walking on carpet is way easier on the knees than pounding the pavement.

    Thanks for mentioning it. I'm going to add it to my list. I became acquainted with WATP when I had a bum knee. Though I couldn't do them initially, they eventually were a great alternative to a stationary recumbent. I kept doing them after my knee/s healed and was then able to turn them into a "gentle" Jog Away the Pounds or low impact aerobics. She's real easy to follow with her 4 basic steps.

    I do turn the volume off though cuz incessant chatter. :#

    ETA: youtube has MANY Walk Away the Pounds Videos (Leslie Sansone).

    Leslie is how I started my fitness journey almost 3 years ago. So adaptable. No weights, a little weights, extra weights, extra arm movements, moving walk, jog, high knees to a skip... I still use them sometimes.

    But yeah, the chatter can be a bit annoying. So podcast/mp3 time. :smile:
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Cheers!! Another good day for me!!! Taking this one moment at a time is working pretty well. I did get a battery for the lying *kitten* dick *kitten* scale, it's probably going to be unpleasant. There may be a scale harmed in the making of tomorrow's weigh in. :D

    Thank you all, your so inspiring.
  • jessicamaehunter
    jessicamaehunter Posts: 7 Member
    Today has been a great day food wise-but NOT so great with that pesky water!!!!! I'm going to have to drown myself tomorrow!!!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    Sorry I'm late to the party....I didn't wanted to be tempted by appatizers.

    1) rein in the wheat sugar issue I currently have going more!
    2) 300 intensity minutes min a week.
    3) the return of the killer hike Friday' is irrelevant
    4)take my work day walks back to off trail hikes. Walk all breaks
    5) more variety in foods to not get bored
  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    I made it! I got all 3 of my March goals.

    I got my 64 oz of water in. I'm going to try and drink more before bed.

    I got my work out in. Cardio and weights.

    I'm under 100 carbs.

    I must say that I like this challenge. It's forcing me to just focus on my goals. I am making more of a conscious effort to stay on track.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2017
    Day 4- I got up and I did my weightlifting workout then took my dog on a 2 mile walk. I feel really wiped out last couple of days. My macros are spot on and I am under 25 g of carbs. Just got finished watching Grandson play basketball.

    Hope everyone is having a great start to their weekend!
  • jayerde
    jayerde Posts: 35 Member
    edited March 2017
    March 5 (I'm in New Zealand):

    Last three days have been so bad! 76g, 113g, and 82g of net carbs respectively. (Aiming for less than 30g)

    Apparently I have a complete lack of self control when coworkers bring in baking to work (chocolate cake, biscotti, and apple and kale cake)

    So that was Thursday and Friday gone to hell. Plus a 3am meal of baked beans after a party means I was way over calories and carbs on Saturday...

    Currently up 0.4kg for the month of March (here's hoping it's all water weight)

    Started using the Freeletics Body Weight app and haven't haven't missed a scheduled work out (in fact I've done extras)

    Doing way more walking so far this month than I did in Feb (10000 step goal)

  • lorna012345
    lorna012345 Posts: 5 Member
    Checking in - still kicking my own *kitten* and staying in control, logging daily and largely hitting my macros. 7 days since i started and my first weigh in gave me 9lb loss!
    Very happy bunny indeed. Plently of non scale victories too - getting in clothes i haven't worn since last June. Sneaking into next size down. I spy a teeny bit of collarbone - they have been elusive for some time. Feel happy, energised, confident in my choices and my ability to keep this WAO up. Not really bothered what the scales say, i am realistic in what to expect - this just feels right.
    Downside - i absolutely utterly stink!! I am one of the unfortunate who has revolting breath when in ketosis. Oh well....
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Had another bad *kitten* day! Worked out, binged on Netflix, had a flax muffin. All in all a victory!!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,596 Member
    For 3/3
    Coconut oil yes
    Vitamins yes
    30 min walk yes
    2 short planks yes
    Strength training planned for Sunday
  • lorna012345
    lorna012345 Posts: 5 Member
    Kittens???!!! :D:D Thats made me chuckle so much. First time I've ever come across that. Gonna have to get inventive with descriptors eh!?
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    * Run 3x/wk (training for race on 4/8)--DONE this week!
    * Strength 2x/wk--DONE this week!
    * Get weight back to 130-131 (to give me a little buffer to stay in goal range) and maintain.--Still trying to work on this. Scale not cooperating. Frustrated but trying to make sure my mental game is on point. The other day I was like "Screw this, I'm being so careful and the scale's not budging anyway; I'm just going to eat some mini pretzels with nutella ..."
    * Go to bed by 10:30 at least 5 nights a week. I sucked at that this week. On track to meet my goal tonight though!
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    Am going to really try to commit to drinking more water, plain water ---most days only getting 4 to 6 cups and really believe this impacts and downgrades overall health.
    Thanks for posting this challenge and March will be the "more water" month for me.
    Good Luck everyone :);):)
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    My week starts / ends with Sunday, so it's the end of the first week of March for me.

    My plan was to add strength training at least 3x per week this month, and I've done that. This past week it was Wednesday / Thursday / Saturday. Going forward, I'll aim for Mon/Wed/Fri as a routine.

    I'm happy with everything else - net carbs were under 20g every day. I do cardio every day, ~ 60 minutes per day. My calories crept up (well jumped up) a few days this week and I felt it afterwards so I'll be more careful of that this week.

    Finally, I'm down another 1 lb on the scales this week. I wanted more (always want more lol) but I'll chalk it up to the added strength training, water retention, and maybe those few days' of excess calories.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'll do an 800 minute Shape Up, Mix-It Up March:

    Yoga: Today 40 minutes Yoga with Adriene-Beginner-The Basics (youtube)
    Stationary Recumbent: 20 min previously, Today 20 minutes more

    Walking: 19 minutes,
    Physical Therapy Resistance Bands: 30 minutes.
    Pilates: 30 minutes
    Zumba: 16 min.
    Low Impact Aerobics: 25min.
    Basic Body Flex Stretches: 15, 10 min.
    Body Resistance Exercises (which I hate)
    Kettlebells- maybe. Depends on the arm
    7 Minute Workout App (android)
    Walk Away the Pounds

    If # of subscribers means "good", Yoga with Adriene must be good having over 2 million subscribers. She has several videos at all levels. This basic/beginners video was good for me. Transitions are slow with plenty of instruction/prompts/reminders provided. Felt a "twinge" in my rotator cuff (bummer) but it seemed pretty minor. Overall I was amazed at the improved range of motion in my left arm.