

  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 695 Member
    Yea! For me! I did the total body workout video. I was able to do all the moves :smiley: I used my cane as a gentle support and stabilizer for any moves with all the weight on my right side. I'm going to get that walk in yet_ even if it means taking a scissors to the upper part of my old walking shoes.
  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 695 Member
    No hard candies for me all week. Came close once- had it in my hand. But I did have more sugar this week in other forms. Next week no ice cream or frozen yogurt all week!
  • Annampea
    Annampea Posts: 65 Member
    I completed the total body work out for challenge two. It was a bit slower that I would have liked. I am hoping to get the opportunity to try the other video tomorrow and see if I like it better. I also got all the bonus minutes for the other videos. I really enjoyed learning about the sled dogs! Come on team two, we can finish strong!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Cindyk4919 wrote: »
    @jenilla1 - Have you tried flavoring your water with more natural herbal/fruit type products? I put lemon and ground ginger in mine and I drink so much more water so eagerly when I'm doing this.

    I brew green or herbal tea, and that helps. Otherwise, I just drink it plain. I have a tree full of lemons in my backyard right now. I guess I should make use of them... B)
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    The Ceremonial Start of the Iditarod has begun in Anchorage!
    Just follow this link:

  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 695 Member
    Annampea wrote: »
    I completed the total body work out for challenge two. It was a bit slower that I would have liked. I am hoping to get the opportunity to try the other video tomorrow and see if I like it better. I also got all the bonus minutes for the other videos. I really enjoyed learning about the sled dogs! Come on team two, we can finish strong!!

    I agree about that video. I'm injured and HAVE to move slow, otherwise I would have found it agonizingly tediously slow. Maybe it needs some background music. Anyway even though it was extremely boring it was a good workout for my status this week.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member

    I left behind sugar free gum for 5 days.
    This was just practice for my self-control since it's not really a vice, just something I have everyday out of habit. I think I will continue to do without it.
  • annenonomus
    annenonomus Posts: 12 Member
    Challenge #1 Week Six

    I chose the Iditarod 10.4 miles (which equals just under 17 Km).

    I did 10.4 KM walking outside, and since our weather dropped back down to -17 celsius, making the snow not so sticky and in the spirit of the race...., I used my Norwegian Kick Sled for the remaining 8 KM. See pic below of my ride. You stand behind the "chair" on the runners and kick like a skateboard. Good workout, like doing one legged squats....for a really long time. Thighs and hips get a pretty good burn. It was awesome! 5k13bdg3tplq.jpg
  • annenonomus
    annenonomus Posts: 12 Member
    Challenge # 3 Week 6.

    I chose to give up wine for 5 days,....and sweets in case the wine thing didn't work out.

    Yeah, so I found that not eating sweeets.....

    was way better than not drinking wine.....

    Good to know...just sayin
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member

    I left alcohol and bread behind for 5 days.
    Alcohol I've been avoiding for a few weeks now. That was pretty easy. I have found that I just feel much better when I don't drink as much... go figure ;) Bread was a little more difficult but I managed to get by with just one dinner roll all week long. With these changes in my diet I'm seeing positive things on the scale and in the way my clothes are fitting!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Challenge # 3
    I left behind my caffeinated coffee successfully for 5 days. This was very difficult as I'm already crazy exhausted and need to be fully functioning at work. However, I did stick with it. I had pretty bad headaches the first 2 days. I thought about grabbing an energy drink for last night in case my husband was wanting to stay up but decided that defeats the purpose. Tonight I was more nervous about that and bought one but didn't drink it. I am super excited to be able to drink my full caffeine stuff tomorrow though. Although I would like to try harder at weaning down to less caffeine overall and this proves I can do it.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Challenge 1
    I completed the 2.5k Frostbite Footrace.
    I completed this by walking outside since it was so nice outside today.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Challenge 3
    I was successfully able to give up drinking soda this week. I think it was the only reason i didn't gain weight seeing as I didn't get as much exercise and my diet was a little worse than usual.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    Challenge #3
    I gave up soda for the past 5 days.
    After the intial headache I now have more energy and have been drinking more water.
  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 695 Member
    @cjborkowski - Check the spreadsheet, I think I accidentally entered my points on your space.
    @MissionEnforcer - I did complete challenge #2 by leaving behind all the hard candy for 6 days.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    @cjborkowski FYI you need to write challenge 3 like I did above your post per rules to get points
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Everybody make sure you go back and check the spreadsheet! If you have any red numbers, it means your challenge has been rejected (probably because they want you to re-format it to match the examples) and you have to resubmit it on this thread to get credit! Check out the example for Challenge#3 from @energyseeker a few posts above this. :)
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    Challenge #3
    I gave up creamer in my morning coffee.
    It was nice to save the 70-ish calories every day. It also felt good to go back to the way I first statted drinking my coffees: all black! I will still indulge myself every once in a while with a little coffee in my creamer but I enjoy having those extra calories for the important things, like dessert!
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    edited March 2017
    Challenge #1
    I chose the 10.49 IDITAROD.
    While I was planning doing it all at once, my week ended up being crazy so I spaced it out over the week. Today, it was cold and windy but my boys and I got outside and put in the final 2.9 miles of the 10.49!

    @MissionEnforcer I added my points to the spreadsheet before I posted here. Sorry about the mix up.
  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 695 Member
    I'm going to try to do this again.
    Challenge #3. I left behind hard candies.
    I had just recently started to eat 6-10 hard candies every evening with my tea. I needed to nip this new habit and I have successfully made 6 days without hard candies.
    @MissionEnforcer - can I please have my 5 points now?